from The Waynesville OUNTAINEER M Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park FIFTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 51 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1936 $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY News Events of World-Wide Interest Briefly Told Babson's 1937 Busi ness Forcast Will Appear Net Week The Mount aineer ill Carry For Cast Of Noted Statistician, In Next Issue FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT JR., IMPROVING AFTER ILLNESS Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., was re ported last week as almost well enough to travel from a Boston hospital to the White House, where the Presi dent is planning to give a party on December the 20th, for him and his fiancee, Ethel du Pont. The young Roosevelt has been critically ill of a throat infection, which followed sinus trouble. A new drug prontylin, which combats streptococcus infection in the blood stream, was used with great success, reports his doctor. BUYS SEAT ON STOCK EX CHANGE In 1927 James A. MeAlvanah, of Plainfield, N. J., started life as a page boy in the New York Stock Exchange. iwo yeare later he became a broker's telephone clerk. Last week at 25, he bought his own seat 0n the exchange. BRITAIN GETTING BACK TO NOR MAL After the "constitutional crisis," which ended in Edward's abdication, Britian settled down to a week of "building" of the personality of the less colorful new king; of the dissen sion over the moral issue raised by Edward's love affair with Mrs. Simp son, of intimations that there was more than met the eye in the Simpson affair to explain the former king's hastily arranged abdication. George the VI put in a busy week on his new job. Mid-Night Mass Will Be Held At St. John's Church Plans are ready for the annual Christmas midnight mass at St. John's Catholic church. The mass will begin at 12:01 A. M., Christmas morn ing, December 25. The newly decor ated church will be trimmed in special made wreathes and holly, and hem lock, and will be entirely lighted with candles. The altar will be decorated with pure white linen, valuable gold laces, pure bees-vvx candles, and pomsettag and red carnations' will furnish the floral decoration. Altar boys with red cassocks and lace sur plices will serve the mass. A new crib of large statues is being erected and decorated with special star lights. The grounds and trees of the church property will be lighted with pretty lights. A Special milsLn I nwiirram ivwlf.. the direction of Mr. Evander Preston and members of the local Choral Club win sing the traditional Christmas carols. , ! Draw Nigh Emmanuel XII Cent. raozaraoic Breviary, Choral Club. 2. Adeste Fidelee -Traditional-Choral Club. 3. Gloria in Excelsis XII Mass by Mozart, Evander Preston. 4; Offertory: O Little Town of Bethlehem Solo. 1 5. Hark the Herald Angels Sing Choral Club. Worth: St. Basil's Hymnal Solo, Evander Preston. . 7. Recessional; O Come All Ye Faithful Choral Club and congrega Official National Vote Count Given In case you are interested, the offi cial vote of the presidential election has at last been announced, with the following results: Roosevelt ...",' . . . ... .. . . . . 27,752,309 i-andon . 16.fiK2.524 Others . . ..... .....1,379,565 Roosevelt's plurality .11,069,785 Will Washington Step on the Gas or J a m on the Brakes? What's ahead for Stocke? Bonds? How About Unem ployment. War or Peace ? Roger W. Babson will answer these and ,r)0 other lead inir nni'st inns in The Mountaineer Thursday, Decem ber 31. Roger W. Babson will answer these and fiftv ntllpr lrn. liner .iii..timij in The Mountaineer Thursday, Domebor .SI. American business has no more in spiring personality than Roger W. Babson, internationally-known busi ness analyst and successful investment advisor. An outstanding feature of his philosophy has been his life-long insistance on the importance of spir itual assests. As tribute to hi great contribution to the "religion in busi ness" he is today Moderator of the Congregational Churches of America. Reared in an old-fashioned atmos phere 0f hard work and hustle on a farm in Gloucester, Roger W. Babson went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Upon graduating in 1898, he turned instinctively to busi ness and the protection of invest ments, health, and property. His exertions, however, brought upon him one of the worst of mala dies, tuberculosis. On the advice of his doctors, he and his young wife started for the West. "As eood as dead sail hi fripnHs jinH thm. nm'nr expected to nee him againbut he i- .i i.i' came uai-K.: It was while he was rnnv:liri?irr in New England that be worked out some oi the possibilities and problems of business statistics. It, u-n'c flnrimr this period that the Babson Statj.sti.-al A '..I.' . t t I urgauizauoii, wim twelve clients, was born and carried on in a little cottage in Wellesley Hills. That, was noarlir I hirt v-fU-n wurs ago. Today hi. weekly .statistical and financial reports are read hv thous ands of business men every Monday morning and his research work is car ried on by a staff of hundreds of workers. His outstanding achieve. mcnt in the 'forecasting -field was his uncanny calling of the turn in 1929. As an outlet for his restless energy, Mi- Rnlunn hn fnnnili.H Poltcnn in stitute in Babson Park and Webster College in Boston and Babson Park, Florida now nationally-known insti tutions. Here serious-minded young men and women niav snerinlim mnro on the fundamentals and less on the trills of business. To millions of newspaper readers, Mr. Babson is best known by his fa miliar weeklv stories on business. A prolific writer, he is the author of his own "Five Foot Shelf." Of un bounded energy, Roger W. Babson hag probably done more than any other living man to make statistics a live issue in business, to instill in business men a broader vision, and to publicize the causes and effects of the business cycle. A Search for Holly inat Alight llav hnded In A mud IW HILDA WAY GWYN The holly trees on either side of my front walk have never been so bril liant with berries. One rarely ee holly so laden with fruit. They have, for some days, reminded me of an in cident connected with a search for Christmas holly that ended on the Balsam Road. Back in the days before one. stepped on the gas as a mean of travel, when the faithful horse was hitched up and by various methods was urged along until one's destination was finally reached, two liftln niiU 1 ii !,i i.-, ., - - into the wxiods and get some holly. It was just four days until Christmas. The girls were cousins, one eight a"d one seven, the last one visiting in the homo of the eight -year-old. They wore so wrapt in the excite ment . of coining events that perhaps they were more adventurous than usual. They were granted permission to have on.- ..f the horses hitched to the bungy and drive to grandmother's, two miles 'in the country. The mother of the 'eight year old did not expect 1 Ih-iii to go beyond grandmother's; After "making-the rounds of the tenant houses en grandmother's place, asking for directions as to where they could find holly, they were much dis appoint! to find none grew there. However they were undaunted and tin' eight year old, said, "Hilly, let's get some holly if we have to drive all the way to Balsam." And thev did. The highway was not the gradually ascending concrete surface of today, but a more or less tortuous road, that went up and down hills, many places where the- sun reached ,ni - i t - .. .-lllll 1. time each day, that never thawed out uuung me winter months. To drive to Balsam in th. ilnm) nf ,,.;i,- .. tedious task. The girls stopped at each house vis ible from the road ntin.r u could find holly. At the fi,,s, ,,.., they were told that thev mi-irht fin, I some on "thai ,u '. i , back 'of the old Brendle place " At '''' th R.-..n.ll.. ..i i. .. ' . - rtl. co ,V , ,'" i;1-" 1 '-ney were -informed They had been so determined to reiuh his very spot, that the half circle of dolly trees laden with the brilliant berries, seemed to them like a page out of a fairy story. Their eyes shone with delight and they sat for ft few minutes in the buggy just drinking in tin sight. Then with a start they tumbled out and began to try to break the branch es. Very shortly it dawned upon them that it was impossible for them to get any but the tiniest twigs. So they look ed about and discovered a large log cabin nestled in a clump of pines near by. They decide d to ask for help. One held the horse, while the other went to the cabin. In a short while the youngest, who hail goin- for aid, returned accompa nied by two men, one of whom carried an axe. They insisted that, both little girls go to the log cabin and sit by the lire, and get warm, while they chopped the holly branches and tied them in tile back of the buggy. Upon arriving at the cabin, the chil dren were -.quite thrilled over their fe ci ption. The men made room for them by the fire and asked their names. It seemed wonderful, txv be so far away from home, and have peo ple know nil about you, know your mothers, fathers, and even you grand father. The inside furnishings of the log house, were very fascinating to the niinren, r.verytnnig seemed touched Commissioners Recommend Road Improvements Wyche (Jivn Job Of Auditing; Tax Collector's Office. Noland Made Deputy Carolina Hill Billies To Ex pand Their Plant Increase In Orders For Inlaid. Wood Products Necessitates General Expansion The .t'Onntv board nf .-onim wmn-c J - " . w met in regular session on Monday. The condition 0f several ol the county roads wa reported and recommenda tions were made to the State Highway Commission. Troy Wyche was appointed to make me semi-annual ; of the county tax supervisor, and the Workmen will begin Thursday morning enlarging the plant and in stalling new and additional equip ment at the Carolina Hill Billies, at Lake Junaluska, it was learned yesterday. The plant will be re-wired through- audit, of the books out, a new planner and two sanding ot tile county tax supervisor, and i he j machines ami several other machines county auditor, which will according to installed. Besides the mechanical thi. I'm, in. .In,., Iiii.fc ii,liiu inl mnviiitinl ; a mitu mttit un in thn . . . ... . g,,,,..,,,,, vvi v.-v. building, ,r0 by '.VS feet is being built, and will be used for storage and a fin ishing room, according to Harry Liner, manager. the law include two audits. Ollice space was granted to Mi. James R. Hoyd, Jr., who is in charge of the National Youth Administration project for Haywood county. It was ordered that I). .1. Noland, The plant is being enlarired to take . I. . i .. ; . i. if i e oi wie general hi,' reuse in OUSI- c ,iw.,.;4.,..l,, f .1... - I I iiii. iiiii iii in i iie cuumy IHilue, tie i " iji uuni- sworn is as a deputy sheriff, and that n,'ss that the firm has contracted. The i. ' i i . i ii . . , ii:m :!!:.... .....i r i.. : i -.j no aim nis agenis ne allowed to use 111,1 imie, iii.iim.-is oi nwvcicy jiuaiu disciplinary measures as may In; deeni- 1 woods have on hand orders sufTicient ed nev. essary, in their management of 1,1 run the plant for three months, the inmates of the county home. according to Mr. Liner. If .,Il... .1. ...:.!...! ll,'..i - Ui.i' I !i liiir vjln f 1 U,'i - r, i-r,: ni.-"i m-v iiu-ii 1. 1 i.i i no jiei son .x - h, .-in., wi nnn jin- allowed to stay at the county home "ucis went to l-ondon, and several board of siiipmcnts nave neon made to lvng- aiiij through a johtier in California In unless committed bv the commissioners, clerk of the court, or other persons, allowed, by law to make sucn commitments. . The following recommendations were made to the State Highway Com mission: I hat t he Panther Creek 1 wo loblx-rs represent the firm in Canada. "Business is the best in the history of the inlaid wood buninoss, Mr. Liner said. "The prospects for 191)7 are even much better than 19;i(i. Oiirinir l.,.wl i.: ri......i. i . . i.'kivi, on iiiirn fl-l'K, oe TCSUl Veyed , ' " ' ' "l ' . tttif iuiiur and improved immediately; that the tnt Pt year we made over (i.'l.OOO rnml nn inniilliiin r1......!. I... I i boxes for n stfltinnprv ilrrm TVlia " "''ii'i v i.-in ih- 0l-lieu HL , j ...... nnep for tio nun nf II. .K rv.1.1 ii i , oer will likelv he lnrreftspd In 1837." 1IU1I VC1IIIVT.-II 411111 - Jim ifTngleton; and that the road in Approximately fifty men are cm Waynesville township from the place Plovt;(l by the Carolina Ilill Uillies; if Ruh Williiiu in iu u)..i:ir ' I i ' ' 300 Attend First Community Sing by a spirit of romance -and mlvom nrn At one end' was a hue-h stovn rivitimr 1 . on a boarded up elevation, which was ' The board wil filled with dirt, and seemef tn K (.,.'; nk.;. ik. ojiv. . . - -w v nun nit- 1U. spitting ground of the men gathered , shout. There were several large bar- I V) i i er 4 1 rels and in the back wa a most pecu- ; I UOIIC. U IlCerS AllO liar looking obiect. Kverv tnnn on., f- - . f Hob Williams in thp lintrliir rum o J. P. Und-rwood home lie improved meet again on Do- Bank To Observe Approximately . 'tOO people gathered , at the Park Theatre latit Sunday even- ing for the first community sing. With mure favorable weather, it Is .believed by those in charge, that at w . ... hi I JaVS I Or XmaS h'i,st r,0 ,I0 would have attended The Christmas sonir were led bv J . . ' . Talc Stent2 and Mrs. Ktentz was'ac- A greater Olll-I. (if I lliu i.nmilimlr mmiuhU Little Miss Kloise Martin rendered a the children would t umim.' f .ict about it, one of the men would some how divert her attention. However, they both cast manv dances in U ection. Finally the eiirht v.-ar nM mill stand it no lonu-er and Ju- .,, a i that a "fire in il,.. . , , . what, was in the barrels that ma,ln. wil hi-irin . lit.-,... .. i,.,ir .1.... u..i: . . . 1 1 ir nail nmrhT .1. . .. 1. 1 " m"t u.iii 11. iv iniii- , nigh burned ever' livin' thine- nffVn tW . SM,ll.r i.'""g, One of the men : day 1 huisday at noon. ! solo durimr thP ,,. nf fh., ..v.min.r ridge .Hut they were ,ol,i that they ''u u, u ; "the qn ckly spoke up, j I he oflo, ,n .the court house, ex- A collection was taken for the com might find some at the "Meadows," a L, ' h'"V- tht 'bars' vinegar, an,,: vept the sh.-r,frs ollice, will be closed munity Christmas tree, and exactly farm a mile beyond. ' I w' had a ftueket or airy bottle,' we'd ;.fim I mlrsday n,m until Monday $Lr. was contributed t While they were talking a( the i out 1 .JJV?! '""t ")"'k ' Tentative plans have been made for iM. -nine s an ojn man caim arnrmd , , , i iunn iwo ciock from the hack of the house and asked I ' a'"'ut' "'at' time one of thorn 1 bursday until Monday morning. Who. was with the children' ,( ,u '2 h:"' ,i,'"11 (,'.V decided to take her cour- The post office will observe ' Christ. - . ... .k.iiw .iiiu aM imiui 11 1 l inonv 1 wun nun urine- our nio nivnu 1 11,... ' :.. - 'ililm ..lli,. I...I .l..i:l ... .1 ' ' similar communitv sine in the near future. he found they were alone he said, "Wal hoi! !,V ,Ct' ,whar thil''s some hollie that ad make vo'uns the pret tiest flower pot. yo' uns ever seed hut you younguns couldn't go there 'this tune 0 day by yerselves. Hits offin the road at Granny M-Cluro's old place nl MP ?n'hrke up, "You mean that old lady who makes willow baskets and has those tall trees in her yard? r,r , , . -'"s inner ya e know ii'hvrii th.i .-. ,i,. " we went inrir once on a picnic. thing in the back, the men came in and announceil that the holly was all cut, and tied in, and that "since it were a get tin on toards the shank of the even in' the little gals had better be a gettin' on." One of the men drove with them to the road and started them safely home. The sun was now a ball of fire- jufit peeping over the mountains. Both Christmas Play To Be Given At Clyde J. C. Messer, 80, Passes At Home On Cove Creek 1 r VJ f' " 0In? s far but each J. C. Messer, 80, of Cove Creek, wa cherished the hope. The winter n lt TIiiimJ... 0ff.nnnn .Hl.l W! fast i.(iulin. il.. nr . " Today's Market t The following cash prices were be "Jg paid Wednesday by the Farmers FedprntiMi Iiava. 1 Chickens, heavy weight hens . vnicKens, iryers .. - , - , - ' - I ""t buried last Thursday afternoon at the uavis cemetery at cove Creek. Funeral services were conducted bv the Rev. P. C. Hicks and Rev. L. F. Clark, of Canton. Mr. Messer passed away early Wed nesday morning from heart trouble. He was a farmer, and also a retired preacher, He was able to work up Until a few hours before his death. He is survived by his widow and eight children: Glenn and Woodrow, of Cove Creek, Johnson, of Greenville, S. C, Mrs. Wr. C. Sutton, '.'Mrs. Ran dolph Davis, of Cove Creek, and Mrs. Emma Wright and Mrs. Frankie Mc Intyre, of Waynesville, and Mrs. John Ellieon, of Pacolett, S. C. Eggs, dozen Corn, bushel . , Wheat, bushel . ........33c ..--....80c ...,...L00 Mr . Tamps Comnh n..irt ia .itn iV,a .10c State Highway Commission and is now 1 i i . tt - rt 1 -. . ..iuc locaieo; at msion-aiem, wiu join Mrs. Coman this week at the hme of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Coman, for a several days visit. finld U,:J'iv". rfh Granny's corn ...... boil no oad. But if ve ? ? P,ahm cleanpath atter yo-uns stnke the brush and jet keep a goin atch. Hits nigh on to four mile-. ,fnTh-hTthp ,d wan added, shak! ing his head. They thanked him, but drove on stonnne- nt fh a.i.. .. r on felW.thpr?: St"! on they drove, ,...,-... t cacn piace, and after each failurp thp Ihnn.U. . , A f . "i eacn would IVrX xTuh back of Gran"y Me Clure s. Neither mentmned the fact. , , - : aumuiea even to each othpr that u . . cinh " ' c' wou'i consider ',7. i"ejnope. i He winter sur was fast receding in the Western ho ' ft i:t Ta?,b,ttPr coW- The-wind vut bke a knife. The houses became ButronTe- eWPr pe0I,Ie were out on they drove. .After miles and miles, It seemed to two tall poplars, bare of leaves and withbranches so erect that theygave 1;" f be,'n? t!ed 0 the hi ,IZ hB treeS- In the!r hrts hL Cv J ??n ere not surprised, for they had been headed for Granny Mc- TtZZv eT Sl"Ce they Ie the old Brendle place. But they both ex claimed. "Oh, look, we've come to we had come so far?" TheV fn)nvcoA fVi r.u 1 . but made rather slow progress over the corn fied whVh frozpn r hard as a rorV n.if -u seemed pretty expert at picking bis m.ness patne. Before thev rea'ized it thpv mro 11 u.i the loveliest holly they had ever eeen. "P j children were rather overcome, now inai iney nan actually gone so far. "V,.n ii,,,) fL , . , , mat t ney nan at ua v gone o far the ollice. but. n ili.livciv ,.t n,.. dnw. . - I The manufacturing plants at Hazel- j wood will take from Thm-sdav mum I until Monday morning. , The,-,, will he a (1i.if.tma. pfav As ;f s could Ik; learned yester- given at the Clyde M. E. Church, lay, all stores of the comhiunit v will i North Thnrlav lw. .' .. 1.' ,.n C... 1 :...... 1. - , . ai 1. ou 1 be open for usual. business -.Saturday; as New Law Firm Is Established Here A new law firm has been establish ed in Waynesville, and will be known as Johnson and Medford. The mem bers of the firm are Jo .-h v.. .lihnxnn and William Medford.: Mr. Johnson came to Waynesville in 1910, and Mr. Medford came here in 1933,-' The firm will engage in a generaT practice, it was said. Mr. Johnson was admitted to the bar in 1909, arid Mr. ; Medford was admitted in 1932. The firm occupies me rooms over the Chamber of Com merce offices. they reached home, driving oyer the roaa, wnicn was now completely froz en. They also realized how worried the folks at home would be about them. The eight year old, who was driving, was wearing a pair of kid gloves, that had hn ri,..;t.( present of the previu,,.- year. She nan worn tnem only to Sunday school and an occasional birtJiday party last year, but now that they were too small she was getting the good ouV of them. Even at the tender age of eight one has learned a prideful en durance. Her little fingers were so cramped, with the cold and the tight fit, that she could scarcely hold the reins. The exaltation of their great experience, however, aeemed to warm the children and protect them against the fright, they might have felt, even after the light fladed and they made their way in darkness until a winter "w" la"ie up to neip guide them home. About R o'clock. - ' naa- vuuaiu ereo awiully late, thev drove in the driveway at home, fhev found the family frantic. The stable boy been sent on horse back to grandmother' and the family had almost come to the .u,,,it 1.1101. Liir viinuren nao oeen f n.. r , . kidnaped. But all the thines thev 'The Masons choir will have barg might has Paid. to the children and the tV "Sf- li- - 1 things they had planned to say, seem- ,,e pu . !c 's cordially invited, ed . rather flat ;n 4fc .i .1 All visltih? Masors 'are porn1! M. There will be-no admission, but a 1 ree win ottering will be taken fo. missions. The play to be given is, "The Empty Room," by Dorothy Clarke Wilson. : The characters are: Homer, a young Bethlehemite, Tiny Henline. Joanna, his cousin, Anna Mae Hen line. Rebecca, mother of Homer, Carleen Rhinehart. The Prophet, Lloyd Justice. Mary of Nazareth, Elsie Henline. A noblem , - ..uu..t vc Khdarmer. A .servant, Zemrie Sizemore. Masons To Hold Ser vices A t Enisrnnnl Church Sunday Night AIT Masons will meet at the Masonic Temple Sunday night, Dec. 27th, 1936, at 7 and go in a body t0 the Grace Episcopal church where the services will be conducted by the Rev. R. P. T II waiKer. ed rather flat in tho f.n.- i- - - -..v. ao, ui biieil shiny contenances. They were so thrilled that they seemed apart from their usual environment. They lived their great adventure over and over again, with the telling. Scolding at such a time would cenamry fall on ucdi care All visitihir Masors arp pnrnSnllir invited and bring the ladies! C. B. HOSAFLOOK, . Secretary. MRS. FERGUSON IS CRITICAL Christmas Shopping t r..A' t 1 it - is iiuue urisK Here AH indications Tuesday were that the 1936 Christmas business in this county would exceed that of all years since 1929. - '. . Merchants reported heavy sales last Saturday, in spite of the four-inch snow. Monday was a good day, and yesterday crowds of innn,- ,..,. buying heavy. Several places had sold oiiii.iM. entirely out or toys, and gift ai tides. Others werp hnau vnctn,) after replenishing their stock for the rushing business looked for on Wed nesday and Thursday. The Weather Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday f xir T T7 . . ... 1 rm -i 4i , ,, . . ,. . e'BU"on is in a critical JSaturda Even while they were bathing the condition at the home of her son, Sunday (Continued nn linrli nonol V T ,,, , Max. 53 59 52 40 43 49 Min. 83 35 30 19 13 16 A I -- ift-z !., . "6uauu. .Monday

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