Wavnesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a cap buster, a box of bomb shells, a ball, some ba nanas and a box of firecracker for Christmas. With love, Roy Shelton. i LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS ril XT I . . . Waynesville, N. C, Dear Santa: Please bring me a wagon, a car, a ball, a cap buster, and some fire crackers. With love, Everett Sutton, VVaynesville, N. C. , Dear Santa: Please bring me a box of firecrack ers, a wagon, a knife, a pair of gloves, oranges and some bananas. This Is the ending of my letter. With love, William. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a Shirley Temple doll, a tea set, a pair of overshoes, a bag of candy, a living room suite, a pair of gloves, a doll carnage, and some oranges and bananas. Your friend, Lavada Moody. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a wagon, a cap buster, and some taps, too. With love, Dennis Meadows. beads, for Dear Santa Christmas, and candy, Carril Messer. Waynesville, N. C Dear Santa: of skates, a bag of candy, a ball, an orange, a bag of marbles, a capbuster, a car anu knife. , Your friend, Robert Long. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Santa bring me a wagon please. I want a French harp. Now dear Santa, bring me an airplane. With love, Edwin Randall. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a bicycle, a wagon, a banana, and French harp. With love, Oscar Messer. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a tea set, a book bag, a doll carriage, a Shirley Temple doll, a dress, oranges, a pair of over shoes, and bananas. With love, Frances Yarborpugh, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: , For Christmas I want you to bring me a Shirley Temple doll, a tea set, a little broom, some candy, and lots of oranges, and I want you to take the poor little boys and girls a whole lot of things. , Your little friend, Jean Childers. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: hox of firecrack its, a doll, a Shirley 'lempie rwu, a pair of gloves, and a bag of candy. Witn love, Elizabeth Jean Davis. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a wagon, a banana, orange, a drum, a knife, and a bag of marbles. Brown Rhodarmer, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a tea set, a broom, a pair of skates, and some candy and bananas. Love, Margaret Nelson, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a ball, a bag of candy, a tea set, and a Shirley Temple doll. With love, Blanche Chambers. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa : Please brin? me a tea set, a doll. bananas, an orange and bag of candy. With love, Annie Phillips. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a ball, a French harp, a truck, and wagon. With love, Robert Duckett. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a doll, an orange, a banana, a tangerine, a Shirley Temple doll, a bag of candy, and a tea set. With love. Madge Cook. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: I want a drum, a bomb, shells, bag of marbles, a pair of gloves, a wagon, a ball, a banana, a bicycle and an orange. From your friend. J. L. Meadows Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a capbuster, some firecrackers, a bicyde, and some oranges. With love, Jack Howell, gon, a box of firecrackers, a rubber ball, a bicycle, a pair 01 gioves, a knife, a bag of marbles, and some candy. With love, Johnnie Darrs. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me .firecrackers, cap buster, bomb shells, overshoes, or anges, bananas, and candy. With love, Roy Roes. I want you to bring me a great big doll with real hair, one that can sleep and jay mama. I want a little lamp and just anything you can bring me. Please don't forget the other little boys and girls. Bring all of us plenty of candy and oranges. Your little friend, Joretta Holder. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 7 years old. I go to school every day. I have tried to be a good nice girl, so please bring me a doll, some story books, and a writing desk and, please, dear Santa, don't for. get the other little girls and boj-3. Love. Dot Miller. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a toy airplane, a wagon, a Christmas bell, a doll bed, and tea set. I want you to bring me a Shirley Temple doll, a bag of candy, a doll carriage, and some benanas, too. With love, Hilda Mae Smith. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a capbuster.a wa- Waynesville, N. C Dear Santa Claus: Are vou and Mrs. Santa Claus tak ing cold up there in the cold, cold north? I heard you over the radio four times. I am a little girl ten years old and I know you will get the things I want at C. E. Ray's, 6o I have picked out one of those Dionne Quints aluminum tea sets. My sister who is seven . . ii OL 1 years old wanig a smaii onirjey Temple doll. My brother who is four year6 old wants a fire truck and my little sister wants a rattler and a rub ber doll. We all want some candys, nuts and fruits in our stockings. With love, Mary Helen Bailey, (Ed. Note. The above letter won first prize in C. E. Ray's Sons Santa Claus Letter writing contest.) Clyde, N. C. Dear Santa: I'm a little brown eyed girl, eight years old. I've tried so hard to be good. I would like for you to bring me a tea set, rocking chair, table, gloves, golashes and socks, don't for get the other little boys and girls. Love, Myrtle Chambers. Cove Creek, N. C ripjir Rnnta r.laus: I am a little girl five years old. We offer you this wish : Good luck, good health and good fortune be yours from Christmas on. WAYNESVILLE COAL CO. "The Home of Great Heart Coal." PHONE 272 Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: For Christmas bring me a doll, a pair of beads, a pair of gloves, an orange, a box of candy, and a tea set. r rom your iriena, Pauline Messer. Dear Santa: I am a girl in the fourth grade. I am nine year6 old. Please bring me for Christmas a Shirley lempie story book, a pen and a coloring book. Bring me some candy and oranges. My little brother who is three years old wants for Christmas a wagon, a truck and a teddy bear. Bring him some oandy and oranges. Your friend, Margaret Jane Palmer, ' Catalooche, N. C. Waynesville, N. C, R. 2. Dear Santa: I am a little girl 5 years old. Please bring me a baby doll, doll carriage, and bed, a tea set, bed room slippers, candy, oranges and nuts. Your little friend, Guyline Caldwell. . Waynesville, N. C, R. 2. Dear Santa: I am a little boy seven years old, in the second grode, Please bring me a banjo like Uncle Dave Macon's, a big wagon, set of carpenter tools, some candy, oranges and nuts, be good to all little children. With love. H. R. Caldwell, Jr. Dear Santa: I am six years old. I went to Behool ix weeks. I got my leg broke. I want a tricycle for Christmas. With love, Bobbie Eavenes, Maggie, N. C Waynesville, N. C. Dea- Santa: Please bring me a bag of candy, a doll, a pair of overshoes, a pair of gloves, a pair of beads, a broom, a banana, oranges, a tea set, and a Shirley Temple doll. With love, Fannie Putnam. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a ball, broom, a pair of gloves, ah orange, a pair of (am Liquid, Tablets, Try checks Colds AND Fever first dr Headache, SO mln. Salve. Nose Drop Beat "Rnb-My-Tism" World's liniment Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get re lief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you can not aflord to take a chance with any thing less than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble A nahire to soothe and heal the Inflamed membranes as the germ-laden phlegm Is loosened and expelled. . Even If other remedies have failed, dont be discouraged, your druggist is nv,nri7ri trv eniarantee Creomulsion iwA f rof nnrt vonr monev if you are not satisfied with results from the very first hntt.iP.np.tCreomulsionrightnow.tAav.) Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a wagon, a knife, a skyrocket, oranges, a bicycle, and fire crackers. With love, Marion Burgess. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a can buster, a box 0f firecrackers for Christmas, a box of candy, a bicycle, a banana, and a pair of gloves. With love, Hubert Lee Hoglen. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Bring me a wagon, a skyrocket, a pair of gloves, a bicycle, a box of candy, a bag of marbles, a box of shells, a knife, some oranges and bananas. Milford Caldwell. . Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: Please bring me a doll for Christ mas, a bag of candy, some overshoes, a tea set, a carriage, a Shirley Temple doll, a banana, oranges, a pair of gloves, and a tangerine. With love, . Beulah Woody. Waynesville, N. C. Dear Santa: : Please bring me a wagon, a bicycle, a gun, a banana, and oranges. With love, . Charlie Sutton. Season 's Greetings Our Hearty Good Wishes for A Very Merry Christmas and a New Year of Contin ued Peace and Happiness. The Champion Paper and Fibre Co. Waynesville, 6. Dear Santa: Please bring me a knife, 100 cap buster shells, a wagon, a bag of candy, and drum. Your friend, Lawrence Carver. Canton, N. C. i