I The Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smokv Mountains National Park FIFTY-SECONI) YEAR NO. 52 WAYNFSVU.1 K. . . THI'RSIUV IFX,K3Ii!EH ;. $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY 1 it .sr. PE COMPANY RY Mil Babson Says 1937WH1 Be I First Year Of Real i Prosperity Since '29i Mr. Babson Says Business For New Year Will Show An Eight Per Cent Cain Sees Pro sperity For New Year Li Celebrate Golden Anniversary Hj ko;kk v. hahson I predict that lti:(T will he our first ynxr of reU prosperity simv l2!' It will be a year of nuu.e lius. ness expansion, considi -rable reel '! it activity, constant labor troubles, siiortaes of skilled workers, ris.n prices ami living costs and brisk re tail trade. Nearly every line will enjoy cuml gams in lnnh volume ami protils with the heavy industries showing the greatest iK'nt'iuae improvement. Tut'k (his foreast away for a elict k ii I next IXitiiiIkt mill I priilicl ihal you will find general business amiintt H .t cent hIkivo today's limn-t- and not far from I lie I (till) peaks! HI SINKSS AT MUtMAI, A year ago at this time my foiccriM was: "!! .next.' ?hr.istn-ias-general busi . ness. as meastired by the Hab-som hiii t. should be hugging the 'X'-V .Normal Line and heading into another period of prosperity." Stat istieaily, that is exactly where business is today. We lire right square, on normal! For the lir-t line in fourteen year-. HP-arc crossiiii; llic "X-V Normal Lino on i lie way into a now prosKTii j era. A moment's retrespeet shows the tremendous distance that we have covered since we touched, biftoni in March. 1 !3 3. The total wain in lti si nless has been 7 per cent! .Nearly a third of this rise has come during 1 fiSti alone. --r i : hi:m i:k mii.i: vi:.i: 1 he year just closed has Leon a remarkable one in many ways. W hile it is generally believed that elections do not change the basic course! of business, ni est analysts concede that they are temporarily upsetting. T fi e tide of recovery was running .so strong in .l!3fi, however, that it swept over every '' obstacle-arid washed out. the did year in a burst of glory. There nre scarcely any figures on record that can match .1m'3i"s steady gains in jobs, payrolls, industrial nr ; Hvity. profits, and dividends. Topping off the year was a. real post-election boom. Wave nfter wave of wage boosts and bonuses and dividend increases and extras lifted Christmas trade back to old-time levels. LIGHT l'KIt CKXT CiAIN Foil 1937 The momentum picked up by this surge of buying- will carry into the New 1 ear.. Business -in 1936 was good. Business in 11137 will be better. My estimate is for a 10 per cent gain in the first six month over the initial half of 1936. It is harder to make a defi nite prediction for the second half, but I think a 5 per cent gain over the closing months of the old year is within reason. LABOIt HOLDS WHIP-HAND It ia seldom that there is ho "tin- Outlook For 1937 Summer School At Lake J. Is Bright 19 !( Session Wa.s Rest In His tory Of School. Dr. (iarber Is Director inil it I .1 i i -t Id.. wlio have h I I i . I t Work To Besin Mon-' Mr. ami Mrs. (ieo, day On Hi ghwaj 28 1 ' i )hb Veh l;,tc " (ilolden Anni ei sarv nil Work Mill boy in Mond.li paving tin- (ic mile sireii h of rHl from tho I la v ood-1 1 a n--ylvania i-iniiiii line m the I nnki, ing (-l;! Oirk Mi tiiin. mi High way No. 2SI. ilwa.. Iearni-l vi". terilav af H-riioon from I lie I urn in l!iciii(l '. A. liauland ( oii-iriii tioii Company has the com rai l, anil havt' lieen allouoil 2.XI working day- to complete h(. full. .. I'age is Hie Male engineer in cha rge. The Kag la nd 'oin pa ii V will also grade anil surfaee live additional miles In 1 1 ill I iiliincdlatc wcillilv in this coin nut. W cii Known Married ears Wav.nesville. ( ouple In I his ( II v dO 1.1,.. i f'' It) h.dr : h 1 1 t Mi 11,1s pa less." 1S3B w'3 pnl -. eriftrfJor James Mull, 49, In stantly Killed When Struck By A Truck Former Citizen of Haywood, Killed On Highway t Haz el wood Last Wednesday Ml C li.i v I I... flif lit lb. .pen h . -. ' ..-."Ob hav. r1 lll.M ions of (own iliiriiig loht.ition of a n n 5 vci sa ry i, ,t " ,,l,sci- t d I Mis n, ,1 M i ,f this a .! 111 ,o,l -vill .me ,,f ' he brid lohn c n r 'hui oh perf i H i- h.-i W'iiynevville Church a nd 11 r. n nd .M i s. ( mere was no "but" to my bullishness. TVxIay, howxcr, Uwrc is one major question in my mind the- labor prob lem. If this issue is not handled prop erly, business could receive a very rude setback. Workers are in the most strategic position today they have ever held. Labor leaders can tie prosperity in a knot if they call a general walk-out or they, can give prosperity a boost if they keep their heads. Do not mis understand me. I am not predicting grave national labor tie-ups, even though some, current situations do (Continued on Back Page) James Mull, 4'J, landscape gardener, native of Haywood county, who had been living for the past few years n West Asheville, was fatally injured when struck by a truck, on Wednes day, December the 23rd, as he crossed Highway Number 10, in Hazelwood, to board a bus for Asheville. ny,l'ylmV''wall!l,;n,'u idle I .M V'a tho H.-v. di.M C The K to the cha rge the lir: The before Flo rim Mis I child, she her ;.fainily father, wh. textile moved n I a l ions. ,,ble. w . I. ri'ii, h. i pasro 1 'tiled' ll jns1 I'r. I'aul . Curlier was re c!ertt'.l ! (Mci'tor of the Lake Junaiuska Sum mer school, at a meeting held here recently, of the trustees of the school All the members from Haywood coun ty as I'nilows were present: Hugh ,1. Sloan. .lames Atkins, Jr., J. K. Hoyil, Mis. ,la nit M. Long-, (J. C. l'lott, and Jack Messer, ex-ollu io sei ietaiy. Tile meeting- was fo:- the purpose of outlining- the plaiis for the 1 :". ses sion, am) the giving of the report of last yntr by the director. A substan tial gain, both in number cf students in auciiuance and in uic tinaiues was made in l'J'M oyer tin1 ..preceding- year, as revealed in 1V-. C, rbei 's report, with a still brighter iml look for the lii.'iT .session. According to Dr. Carber two new aihlitioiinl instructors .ami possibly a third :ue assured for next hi miner, one in sociology and one in history and possibly ano.her in education. There will also be from six to eight mvio courses offered in the school next summer, which is expected lo inctcas. t he enrollment. .The nunibo:- of etudents attending the '1 session tattiled lifll, -thirty CHKAMEKV MANACiEK U'e Dairy Firm Buys Creamery. Much Milk Needed I'nlimited Markets Of New Firm Will Require Iaro;e Volume Of Milk more than for Se-eiity-l'our ti county -ittt.endwt were m. t, there $7,W.?0 ;eft a lii.'ir.. 1 he ('(d'owing exci was cle ted to serve. Ii'.. .1. k. Hovd. anil The next meeting wil Feb run ry. teller . A was a tgailist ireceding ycat . . fiom Haywood t er all expenses balance. . of. i Xa'A I w. it wiioii,i, lm()f Court To Convene Here Monday A.M. .small Docket Listed 1 or lerm, Itefore ,huljt Donald rhiltips lanuai v V. lit i e committee James A t k in... r. I'a'ul (Jarhci-. ! be held lu.-re in pa f. 'ids. f the M the r-ei -m.,i been assign his lii hie s .1 it b. t ( ... vi 1 1 f . he ma rrieil. bride of fifty years , her marriage. Miss ilges, daughter of Mridgos. Vhcn line In Way nesvi I LT l!ri V Minnie Mr, anil a small lie with f rom I ;a rl v. S er had been engaged in the business in South Carolina to this section to be associated New Equipment Is Added To Laundry Additional improvements were made at the Waynesville Laundry during the past week, when a return feed water system from the pressure machines to the large boiler was installed. The laundry is now equipped with nine garment presses and two new shirt units. . During the past few months several other improvements were made to the equipment of the plant. Today's Market driven by James Garrett, Jr., of Allen's Creek, wno stated that the ac cident wag unavoidable. Garret sur rendered t0 the deputies shortly after the accident and was released on $2,000 bond pending the hearing of the case, which has been set for next Monday. Funeral services were held at the home of his sister, Mrs. P. V Gaday, in Hazelwood at 2 o'clock on Christ mas afternoon. The Rev. O. C. I.an drum, pastor of the Hazelwood Pres byterian church and the Rev. H. W. Baucom, pastor of the First Baptist church, of Waynesville, officiated. Burial was in Green Hill cemetery. Pallbearers were: R. A. Gaddis, Gorge Walls, Jr., Roy Ruff, Lester Hendrix, Charlie Curtis, and Lmgle Case. ' - Surviving are his mother. Mrs. Wil liam Mull, of 'HaiKiwjod, ;our broth ers, Dewey, Marshall, ana Grar.ville, of Hazelwood, -.tnd John of Natural Bridge, Va., and three sisters Mrs. R. xt f ' -- -J -i - - n , tt : .. . . .. .1 N. uauuy, i.lia. Iiariiaoii v-iooina, nu Mrs. Charlie Curtis, all 0 Hazelwood. as a pardner with the late I) l Kil lian. in the nia ntifaid ure f woolen cloth. The mill, which , was after wards burned, ..stolid near the site of living a employees the Wavne: v i 1 Lf Ice and Cold. Storage Mrs.. Coble has been a member of ihe .Methodist -Church for lifty vears and has been active during that long period, in the various department "f the work. She has endeared herself to a large rude of friends and neigh bors. Mr. ( iible is the son of (he late Manly and .Helen Coble, of Asheboro where ho was horn, and lived to earl v manhood. Me first came to this sec tion in 1 )i 8 1 . and was nssooia t ed wit h the late 1). M. Killiiin. in huslness In C lyde. After moving ' to WavnesviHe in he was connected with Srnath- ers. Killian and Company, merchant mills. loiter he was associated with the late ( has B-. Ray. merchant, which (Continued on page two.) Christmas Tree And Gifts Given Workers -Of England-Walton 7M) Hajfs of I ruits, Candv And .Nuts (,iven Children Of 'IJie Kmplo ees On Wednesilav. evening before ( h i.-tnias h.ve, the Kngl;in. Walton t ompany, of Hazelwood. observed then- annual custom of h ( hnstmas tree for their and their children. This year the tree which was placed in the center of the grounds of the plant was a magnificent hemlock tow- ik:.: ti. . .... -i .og tun i..v-iivc ieei nigh. It was lighted with J 50 40 watt colored lights, with several hundred yards of tinsel arnl other glittering decorations it:- Lo the jirisenUu-,ioTT (TT the gifts a brief devotional -service was held with the Rev. J. M. Woodard, pastor of the Baptist church of Ha zelwood. in charge This was followed by the distri bution, by L. M. Richeson, of 700 bags containing candy, nuts, and oranges. Those receiving the bags included not only the employees of the company, but many of the peot.lo in the com- niunicy. i nn men oi tne n ant. were allowed full pay for Christmas Day. which amount to something over $700.00. : More than 800 persons were pres ent for this annual, Christmas cd bration of the England-Walton Company. The .laiuia iy ti'rm of civil court will convene here ta V, Monday, wi; h .Unit'. F. Donald I Mi il tips presiding. Tin docket fo:- thi' term is ttte smallest it has been m several years. The jury as named for the fust week is as follows: . Fred Nichols. W-uviic.-vilY: Hit Moody. W aviiesvile: V I U aynesville: llewey Norman, nesvi'le; Walker l!rown, Figcoti ton;) Y. (;. West. Ctititon: 1!. i mi 1 1 addis. U i (( it I .tin. rung. ( nntoii; It. A. Justice, l ine? f reek; .loo Russell. Ivy Hill: W R. I -oil fo-rd, I' i ties ( reek: W. II Snyder Waynesville: .Dewey Hotelier Canton (ii'orgo Ilivclv. Canton: (i W Pos ton, Mast Fork; .1. (J. Koliin. in, (M'y'.ic Walter Wright. White (Ink- C, C I'egutm, ( jinton ; A. V. IMiil.tps Wav nesviHe; J. Manson Morrow. Iron Duff: .). II. I.e. at h WW ood. .lona t ha n Fllis Smalt. (Valitree; Marion Hol j colli i'u', Jonathan; Hugh Smathers, Cantiin; (). (). Hurgin, VVaynesville. The following juror were drawn for the second week : W. C. Hemphill, Canton: .1 K. Fer- giison, Ivy Hill: I. . W. Roger- Civile R. ( . Sheflield. I'igeon: Roy Rainier I'lyde, 1). S f,;een. (anion: George V Fedford, I-ines Creek; W. M How ell. Jonathan; Glenn McCracken. Fines i ( reek. Frank Mchali-v. Ivv Hill- R M Holcomho. Canton: H .1 -Mm hon I'igeon; .( linton Howell. WavnesviHe Hied II. Saunders. Waynesville - S Galloway, Waynesville: I). J jlovd i'Ts fi' I- it r wrrr,, i "t H. J'iaier. Waynesville I Last Rites Held For Mrs. W. R. Ferguson Monday Afternoon The following cash prices were being- paid Wednesday by the Farmers Federation here: Chickens, heavy weight hens 10c Chickens, fryers .. ..... .'. . . . . , ...10c Eggs, dozen . .............. .......25c Corn, bushel . .................. .75j Wheat, bushel . . . .... . . . . . . . . . $1.10 New Tank Truck Is Added To Standard Oil Fleet In City The latest style tank trucks for de livering gasoline and oil were put into service in Waynesville Saturday by W. L. Hardin, Jr., commission agent for the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey.. .-; The tru:-k and tank are stream lined. The tank holds . 623 gallons, and the truck is a 1937 Ford V-8. This truck is being used in addi tion to the other trucks. I THTMR-N ML SKETCH OF ROGER W. lUBSON'S 1937 OUTLOOK Bl SIXESS Eight Per Cent Gain for lear CONGRP:SS-Wil Not Be Harmful To Business REAL ESTATE Sharp Improvement Rents Higher BUILDING Boom In New Homes Year's Feature STRIKES Possibility Of Grave Labor Troubles LABOR Higher Wages And More Jobs FARM PRICES Spotty Total Farm Income Higher LIVING COSTS Clothing To Lead Sharp Advance Retail Trade Big Year Best Since 1929 ADVERTISING Boost Quotas Ten To Twenty Per Cent STOCKS Higher But Good Selection Vital BONDS At Ceiling Watch Money Policy FOREIGN No European War In1 1937 SUMMARY First Year Of Prosperity Since 1929. Lrtt Mt.es were conducted on ATnn. day afternoon at -Parker's Chapel, at v.iau.iee. ior jwrs. cjarisy Davis Fer guson, K.J, widow of the late Dr W R rerguson, who died on Sunday even ing at 8:.i0 at the home of her son i. waiter rerguson. the Kev A F I'hibbs, pastor of the church, officiated and burial was in the cemetery nea by i-aiiDearers were the grandsons as follows: Noble Ferguson, Milas Fer guson, Ned Ferguson, Johnnie Fer guson, Mack Ferguson, and I Charles rerguson, of Washington. Mrs. Ferguson had been in ill health for the past two month an- hsid 1 een vMtically ill for the past ten davs She was the daughter of Thomas pi'd Nancy Davis, and wa.s the last surviv ing member of the family of thirteen I children. She was greatly beloved by I a mie circle ot iriends and .leJatives in her community at Crabtree. Surviving are the following thil dren: T. Walter and J. C. Ferjruson. of Wajmesville, and Z. V. Fergus in of Fines Creek ; twenty-two e-randchil- dren; twenty-five great grandchildren; ami more man a nundred nieces and nephews. " The Ret Daitv Riodu'cts Company have purchased the Western Carolina Ovaniery here, and will take active charge Friday morning, it was an nounced yesterday by W. R. Woodall, manager of the creamery,, who has been retained by the new owners as lo.al manager. Together with the announcement of the purchase, came the statement that plans are being made for a general i pansion of the plant, that will de mand "all the milk that can be pro duced in this area," Mr. Wwdall said. The pet Dairy Company is the sec ond largest company of its type in the world, but the local plant will be op erated as the local manager seo tit, t was learned. The new company will not make a i-ondi-u-i ry out of the Waynesville plant,. Mr. Wocdall explained, that the Waynesville plant will make ice cream mix for other Ret plant in this state and Tennessee, and that manutiu'ture of butler will continue to bo a big ili m. At present, the creamery her; is one of the largest butter making plants in th,. stale. Hutter from-here is being -liipiied to four states. The liual retail l.adc will be cat- i elcd in us in the na-1. hv the new (i.-ni ! . change- are aiili :pated in tho per sonnel. The vale ,,f t he -plant Is ! he result J of about six' month's neg t iat ions be j tween Major L. Al, liallew, southern , .manager for the I'et Company, and Id. M. .Smith, of .-Viioville. W. K. ! Woodall, of this city, and b'. .O C. Fletcher, of Asheville. owners of the i Western ( arohna ( leamerv. 1 ho ! purchase price was not made public. : Ihe stue includes t in- plant, budding -.and property in Fast Way .iosville. "We will be unlim.led' .is to the amount of milk that we can receive, and tlie market for "the dairy products which we can nianul act in c is also un limited through - the hHnnel, of the. I et. ( omjianv. Mr. Woiwlall aid Linger eipiinment will he installed in i hi' neir future, it was said. I ho piesent eputpment is of the most mod ern type, and was recently installed, 1 although the plant has been in opera tion only two and a half years. Olllcials of Ihe I'et (ompany made a field- survey of this a-rea with Coun ty Agent W. I). Smith, and found that Haywood county wii the only county in Western North Carolina having suf ficient grass lands to support enough i-ows to furnish the amount ol milk that will be required by the plant Ihe Pet olhcials while here were impressed with the quality of the raw products, and the fast growth of the dairy business in the county Mr. Woodall pointed out that the same manner in which the fanners and dairymen had co-operated with the Fnited Stares Public Health Ser vice in maintaining a grade "A" standard made an outstanding impres sion on tne officials t 1 1 ,-rmrry tt-pi't nl "s "paying to the farmers of this area about 5.000 a month for dairy products io uie (-urnmei when tfiere mi K, this figure $10,000 a month When jumps is mure to about to how much new program, We will take produced, and the market price. questioned as would be paid under thi Mr. Woodall replied' all the milk that can be pay weekly, in cash il l., rtfir i ..s o tuvniiun oi now much we want, it is. a matte- of how much we can get the farmers' and dairymen to produce." Major Fallew spent a two-weeks va ation here last summer with his family, and was impressed with this area as a tourist center n w..ll . ideal dairvin? center Mr. Woodall exnecto t plans of assisting in building up pure bred herds in the county. Ist spring the creamery boup-ht C.uerney bull, which is one of the many things he is working on 'to-' wards buddint' nn tho iUir., u.i H ..... ......j iiciUS in a v wood When the Pffamcrv ft-cf . J there were only four regular milk pro ducers. Now 22 supply the creame-y rjK,n oi tnese are oucinp grade "A milk LEAVE FOR FLORIDA '- Mr. and Mrs. J. V, Killian left yes terday for a 10-day vacation in Flori da. They will spend most cf their time in and near Starke. They (Continued on page two.) pro-are: The Weather ! Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Max. 46 53 ,"59 SS 58 58 56 Min. 23 21) 21 ; 33 V 3d 4S :- 4tJ I