The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Main Street P',one 137 Waynesville. North Carolina Tin- County Seat Of Haywood County V CURTIS KL'SS Editor W Curtis Kusa and Marion T Bridges. Publishers IHMtMSHED EVEKY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RAT'.S One Ye;ir. In Haywood County $1.09 H: Mwiitlis. In Haywood County 59 One V-ii' outside Haywood County tl.50 All Subscription Payable in Advance t ,,r,.i e I t tlie ,t office at Waym-swlle. S. C, as Scoi..l Cl.i Mill M.itter. -a prutidrd un.ler the Act of March i, 1879, NuviMlllwr 20, 1914. Obituary iioti. f, resolutions of reip t, carda of thaiilu, and all notice of entertainment for profit, ill b charged for at the of one cent per word. I jrm. I " North Carolina v-K PttSS ASSOCIATION) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1936 REVISING THE FIREWORKS LAWS The news that a state senator plans to in troduce a bill in the North Carolina legislature which meets early in January, that will place a ban on fireworks being sold in this state .should receive the support "of the legislature, and the moral support of every citizen of the state. A majority of the towns in the state have an ordinance which prohibits the sale of fire works within their city limits. But since few counties have such a law, those wanting to sell them can get just a few feet outside the city limits and by paying a county license, open for business. Many towns like Way.nesville, found that just as many fireworks were being shot in town, although none were being sold within the city limits. A heavy license fee was placed on the sale of fireworks, and the town got that, Where as, it would have been that much less 'in the town treasury. If a ban was placed on the sale of fire works in the state, a .similar law should be pass ed and enforced against shooting them within the state Such a law would eliminate the ship ping of fireworks" irtto the state to individuals, or the bootlegging of them across the state lines. If such a law was passed now, before stocks are replenished for the Fourth of July and next Christmas, we can not see where any one would have grounds for complaining. Cer tainly there is no argument but what fireworks are dangerous, and they never will be anything else. ' v PROGRESS Last week before teachers in Raleigh there was a discussion of the question : Has North Carolina made progress in education in the last century ? That is an interesting question but one not half so important as the query : Is there any room for improvement in education in North Carolina today ? This last question has the. virtue of being far more easily answered. Considerthe jf acts : A NEW DAY FOR THE FARMERS One of the best pieces of news to greet the farmers of Haywood County in many years, is the fact that the Creamery here will take all the milk that can be produced. This news is encouraging, in that it means a weekly payroll for ithe progressive farmer for 52 weeks in the year. It means that he can expand, and enlarge his herds and not worry about a market for his milk. The fact that The Pet Dairy Products Com pany will make this plant hereltheir chief source for ice cream mix, as well as butter, means that the market through their channels is unlimited. During the past two and a half years that the Creamery has been in operation, it has av eraged better than $7,000 a. month to Haywood farmers for milk and cream. Now the program will be expanded, and no limit is made n the quantity of milk that the creamery can handle each day. This, it seems to us, affords a real oppor tunity for the dairy-farmer to get in on a cash market. A market that is well established we might add, very well established, since the PtJt Company is the second largest dairying company in the world. One interesting feature about the new pro gram, is that the local unit will be managed and operated to fit the local requirements. The mar ket is established. That is no worry of the manager, Mr. Woodall, who has been manager of the creamery since it was established. He will remain manager, and will put into practice some of the things that he has been working on for several years. The Creamery, although owned by The Pet Company, will not be a condensery. The prin cipal products, will be ice cream mix, butter and raw milk for local consumption. There is no question in our minds but what Haywood County farmers have become dairy minded during the past few years. They have taken advantage of every opportunity for bet tering their herds and physical equipment. They have co-operated with the public health service in every way, and now there are seme of the best dairies in the state in Haywood County. If the farmers of this county will 'take full advantage of the opportunity that is being offered them by the Creamery, we feel that the total cash for next year, and the years to come will not stop at $90,000 and $100,000 a year, but go up into figures that would now sound absolutely unreasonable. It looks to us like a new day for progres sive farmers of Haywood County. THE OLD HOME TOWN by STANLEY Onlv South Carolina exceeds this State in the percentage of its population enrolled in the public schools. The percentages are: in the nation, 23 per cent; in South Carolina, 31 per cent; in North Carolina, 30 per cent. North Carolina's' teaching load is 33.7 pupils per teacher, the highest in the United States. The national average is 26.9. North Carolina's average teacher's salary is $576 (white, $604.50) as compared with a national average of $1,227. North Carolina's per capita school cost is r $28.56, as compared with a national average of $78.58. North Carolina's percentage of white illit eracy is the highest in the United States, except for Kentucky. North Carolina's length of .term in days is 160 as compared with a national average of 171.6. . . .: Is there room for progress in education in North Carolina ? There is only one answer to that question unless the people of North Caro lina are not only incapable of progress but even incapable of understanding its needs. News and Observer. Temporary insanity is an over-used phrase, and excuse in our courts today. But the more we think about it, the more we are becoming convinced that probably a great many reckless drivers are thus afflicted. DON'T TROUBLE TROUBLE! During the "depression years" it seems that everyone lost faith in themselves and in every one else. The chief topic of the day seemed to be, "My troubles and your troubles." "lnshort7we seemed to live on trouble. We seemed to enjoy looking for new troubles. How different 1937 looks to the world. Business is unquestionably better. All indi cations are that the new year will be one of prosperity. We recently heard this poem read, and im mediately got a copy for the sake of our readers. Don't trouble trouble 'Till trouble troubles you ; Don't look for trouble, Let trouble look for you. Don't' you hurry worry By worrying lest it come. To flurry is to worry ': 'Twill miss you if you are mum. If minding will not mend it, Then better not to mind. The best thing is to end it Just leave it behind. Then don't you trouble trouble, 'Till trouble troubles you ; You'll only double trouble And trouble others too. " tZ7? &TrW3$ f "rX A ' -,W fj t THAT NEW YEARS C V WtU 7 VJOULO. CCMB IH r-l - r ON IT 3 USUAL RWn f 19 Years Ago in Haywood W OLD MUSKET THAT POP F,W,J " eV orr EVERY NEW YEARS EVE LET 60 EKSKT HOURS AHEAD , rB TIME , Random SIDE GLANCES By W. CURTIS RUSS Here it ia the 31st 0f December, and it's time to make out a brand new set of New Year's resolutions. Sure, I know it is a waste of time, but it's lots of fun. Well, to start with, I guess about the best would be: Resolved: 'Not to lose my temper. . Resolved: ..T0 'be. patient, "and not net upset even when a shirt button comes off while hurriedly dressing. Resolved: To not eat too fast, too often, or too much. (The last two are easy.) . , Large Dairy Firm Buys Creamery. Much Milk Needed (Continued f rom page one) J. E. Ferguson, Glenn Palmer, A. J. McCracken, Jarvis Allison, C. A, Campbell, S. J. Moody, W. D. Kemer, and W. F. Swift. These are operat ing under the supervision of the pub lic" health eervfce. The dairies are Checked once each week, and the milk given two tests weekly Mr. Woodall said that C. D. Ketner, who has been with the creamery since it opened, would be field man in charge of activities among the producers in this area. The Pet Milk Company has es tablished plants in all sections of Ten nessee and North Carolina. At pres ent they are building a $100,000 plant at Charlotte. Mr. Woodall said that a greater part of the ice cream mix made in the Waynesville plant would be sent to the Charlotte plant. Fourteen people are now employed at the creamery. Others will be added atei ' (From the files of Jan. 3, 1918.) Frank Moody was here this week from Macon county. Hugh Abel, Tom Lee, Jr., and Frank Compton returned today to Camp Sevier. McKinley Green visited his family during the holidays and has returned to his command at Camp Sevier. Many people eat up all night Satur day night keeping fires going in the stoves to prevent freezing of water pipes. Swift and Co. and other packing houses have bought a half interest in the Junaluska Leather Company of Hazelwood, and an inventory is being taken at the store and at the plant. May 1918 bring success to our ar mies and plenty of desirable business to us all. President Wilson took charge of railroads and the steamships last week and all will be operated under government supervision, with Secre tary McAdoo at the head. WV L. Brogden, of Raleigh, state chairman has appointed Boiling Hall of this county to assist in rais ing funds to send 100 carloads of ap ples to our soldiers in France. North Carolina has been asked to contribute $1,000 to this fund. "We are glad to report 1,343 new members of the Red Cross, as a result of the Christmas drive and I wish to thank those who contributed either by money or by work to make such a success of thie campaign" James W. Reed, membership chairman, Red Cross. The old Mull house on Main street in front of the court house is being torn down today by W. T. Smart who has bought the building and will con vert it into a barn. The old building was an eyesore and was sometimes called Waynesville's roof garden, be cause of the grass and field crops grown on the roof of the front porch. Dr. J. Howell Way owned the building and the town will thank him for get ting rid of an unsightly building. Resolved: T0 do my best to keep from double parking. Resolved: To keep an 'alert eye on reckless motorists, while I cross streets, trv not to think less of those who blow smoke in my fate. Rq.aIi- Tn maku sure I have the rieht 'phone number in mina oeiore placing calls. Resolved: To get home to meals on time. (If possible.) oMiiW. t nd hold my tongue when people meddle in my business. TIME TO GET EXCITED When two people were killed by an explos ion in Asheville Christmas eve, it did not take long for the news to become the chief topic of conversation. For several days it was dis cussed frequently, At the same time that two were killed by an undetermined explosion, sixteen were killed in this state by automobiles. It seems that death by automobiles is now taken as a matter of fact, and not seriously considered by the average person. ; It is just because of that indifferent atti tude that so many deaths continue on the high ways. It is high time that we were getting excited over the situation. feosnlirpH- TV hlame no one but myself for having a dull razor. Rxnlvix' Tn sav as many good things as possible about people. Resolved: Not to scream when hearing old jokes retold. Resolved: No to waste time listen ing to torch singers. Pacnli,oi Trt arirt aooner tn aro places, and drive slower. (35 is fast enough.) RinnlvpH : Tn keen mv troubles to myself, and complain as little as hu manly possible. Resolved: To replace frowns with smiles. Resolved: To brush my teeth twice a day and to see my dentist twice a year. (If reminded to do same.) Mr. and Mrs. Geo, W. Coble Celebrate Golden Anniversary (Continued from page One) connection l.-tated.. for many years. Al ways interested In civic affairs, Mr. Coble was twice elected to serve the town of Waynesville as a member of the board of aldermen. Mr. and Mrs. Coble during their long residence here have made many warm friends and have always been interested in the worth while acti vities of the community. They have been the recipients of many gifts, flowers, and messages on this happy occasion. On Wednesday evening, December the 23rd, the day of the anniversary, friends started calling, which has con tinued through the week. The house was arranged in yellow and orange calendulas, with other decorative fea tures carrying out ,the golden motif. On Wednesday evening they were as sisted in receiving by Mrs. Charles E. Ray, Mrs. Rufus Siler, and Mrs. G. C Plott. Mr. and Mrs. Coble have seven children, as follows: John Coble, of Waynesville; Walter Coble, of Winter- garden, Fla.; Will Coble, of Atlanta and Waynesville; Mrs. Robert Sullivan, of ' Olendale. Calif.: Scott COble, of Charlotte; Ray Coble, of Bennettsville, S, C, and Mrs. Hugh Kirkpatriek. of Tate Springs, Tenn. tin r - Read The Ads Resolved: To make more friends and less debts. Resolved: To try every' way pos sible to determine the difference be tween the emell of Uncle Abe's cigars and garbage burning. HUcovcr idnjautzelf NewWoAds of Comfort w GREAT HEARTcoal Less than a bushel of ashes to the ton ftatUfaotlon OuaraotM4 Wyjiesyille-C(ml-o- PHONE 272 Commerce Street Resolved: To keep this list for next year, because I know I'll need it MARRIAGES (As Recorded to Monday Noon of This Week) T. T. Matney, of Waynesville, to Lucy Tate, of Junaluska. Cecil Cogburn, of Clyde, to Mattie Hall, of Clyde. Robert Way James, of canton, to Elizabeth Moody, of Canton. Jame3 Haney, of Clyde, to Pearl Hill, of Clyde, Amos Theodore Smith, of Waynes ville, to Mae Sutton, of Waynesville. Joe Rathbone, of Clyde, Route 1, to Arbie Jenkins, of Clyde, Route 1. Glenn Harris, of Clyde, Route 1, to Ora Anderson, of Clyde, Route 1. Theodore A. Hargrove, Jr of can ton, to Lassena Jannet Clark, of Can ton. . ' Kaywood Messer, of Cove Creek, to Mary Jane Evans, of Waynesville, Route 2. Dillard Cook, of Dellwood, to Lucile Carpenter, of Dellwood. ON COMMON GROUND The doctor's time and skill are dedicated to the sick and suffering. With him, all is secondary. That, too, is our chief concern, and so Alexander's works with the physician on common ground, co-operating with him whole-heartedly through conscientious, ethical practice of the profession which is so closely allied to his own. A S K Y O U R D O C T O R DRUG STORE Phones 53 & 54 Opposite Post Office TWO REGISTERED PHARMACISTS FOR YOUR PROTECTION

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