THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER WANTED Ckan White Rags, Five Cents a Pound Apply to This Paper. In the District Court of tie United States of America for the Western District of North Carolina, Ashevilie Division, at law No. 379, United States of America v. 1,394.50 acres of land in Haywood County, North Carolina, E. B Rickman, et al. Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. To: Mr. and Mre. Ernest Hutton; E. R. Mur ray Ed Wells; J. F. Strader; husband f Jane Holland; J. M. Mi-hael; G. Murray and wife; Mrs. Beryle H, Strader; and all persons whomsoever who have, or claim to own any estates or interests in the fee or otherwise in and to the premises described in the petition filed in this cause and de scribed in this notice, and any and all heirs and devisees 6f the several parties above named, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular their heirs, husbands, wives, devices, executes, administra tors, representatives, alinees, success ors and assigns, of each and every of them; and all unknown owners, lien ors, or claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, estate, equity, interest or lien; and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and claimants to any right or ease mnet of prescription in, over, acros, vr through said lands, or any part thereof; you will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, at Ashe vilie, N. C, that summons has duly been issued out of said Court, and pe tition filed therein asking for the con demnation of the lands described in the ?aid petition and hereinafter de scribed that you, and each of you are necessary and proper parties to the just and final disposition of this action; that said action been instituted by the United States Attorney for the Western Dis trict of North Carolina for the public use and benefit of the United States of America, of the lands de scribed substantially a follows: Tract low described, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Weeks Law, Act of Congress of March 1, 1911, Chap. 186 (36 Stat. 961) Title 16, Section f13, 521, 553, and 563 of U: S. C. A., and according to the method and pro cedure prescribed in the Act of Con gress of August 1, 1888 (25 Statutes 357(40 U. S. C. A.( Sections 257, 258 and 258-); that the lands proposed to be condemned and appropriated by the plaintiff United States are. described-substantially as follows: Thact No. 22, apparent and presumptive own er being E. B. Rickman, containing according to survey 1,394.50 acres, situated in Haywood County, south of Waynesville, lying on the watershed of Lenoir Henderson, Crawford, and Sarles Creeks, more particularly de scribed by metes and bounds in Ex hibit "A," and upon map or plat Ex hibit "B," attached to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Ashevilie, N. C.,: you and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the United Stateg District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, in the United State Courthouse Building at Ashevilie, Buncombe County, N. C, not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by publication for four (4) successive weeks, and answer or de mur to the petition or complaint filed herein by the above named petitioner in the office of the said Clerk, and you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time specified the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. Witness the Honor able E. Y. Webb, Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, this the 10th day of (-5 AS HE SEES THE. HUMAN SIDE O'LIFE KPITOU'S N'UTK I'ncle Abe is on a wu-ution this week, imd flatly re fused to write a column fur today's issue. He was overheard tfllini: some friends .f his. thai he is taking his vacation riylu at this time in order to prepare hls.j.jfjv Year's resolutions. i . ii i i i i . . ,. - i i i : $0 n GHjnrrlf unb ag j WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTERIAN WAYNESVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH PHiRrH ' . - - I Tl H. w. tsaucom, raster, All teachers and officers of the Sun day school will meet Thursday even ing at 6:30 for a supper meeting. Prof. J. C. Brown, the new superin tendent, will present some plans for 1937. Next Sunday will be the 4th Sun day of our "Loyalty Campaign." The morning subject will be "Why Church Members Are Lost." You are invited to our services. R. P. Walker, Minister. Sabbath school at 9:45. Sermon at 11. Christian Endeavor at 7. New Y'ear message by the pastor at the morning service. Mid-week service Wednesday at 7 p. m. Y'ou are cordially invited to all services of this .church. "TV JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHI RCH Rev. Howard V. Lane, Pastor. The chuivh Sunday services: Morning mass at 9:30 and 11 o'clock. Congregational inginir with special music. Sermon by the pastor. Instructions for the children on Sat urday morning at 10:30. Morning mass at Franklin on New Year't, Day at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at Franklin at 5 o'clock. CHRISTMAS CRIB OPEN The Christmas crib is open every day until 9 p. m., and the community is invited to bring their children. "Grace Church in the Mountains" EPISCOPAL Rev: Albert New, Rector. Sunday, January 3rd, 1937. 10 A. M. Church school. 11 A. M. Choral Celebration of the Holy Eu.harist, and sermon by the Rector, on: "A New Year, a new page.'' Everybody, cordially invited. NOTICE The annual meeting of the share holders of the Haywood Home Build ing and Loan Association will be held in the offices of Morgan, St amey and Ward, on the evening of January 19, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock. All members are ti iged to be present. S. H. BUSHNELL, Secretary-Treasurer. No. 532 Dec. 31-Jan. 7. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION Club Schedules For January Are Given Jan 5 Beaverdam Home Demon stration Club will meet with Mrs. Harley Wright at 1 ;80 o'clock. Jan. 6 Allen's Creek Home Dem onstration Club will meet at 2:00 o'clock with Mrs. Henry Francis. Jan. 7 Dellwood Club will meet at 2:00 o'clock in the Dellwood school. Jan. 8 Jonathan Club will meet at 2:00 o'clock at the Rock Hill school. Jan 13 The Cecil Club will meet with Mrs. Fred Pruett at 2:00 o'clock. Jan 14 Fines Creek Home Dem onstration Club will meet with Mrs. G. C. Palmer at 12:00 o'clock. Jan. 19 Rock Spring Club will meet with Mrs. Wayne McElroy at 2:00 o'clock. Jan. 20 Bethel Club will meet with Mrs. R. E. Cathey at 2:00 o'clock. Jan. 21 Maggie Club will meet at 1 :00 o'clock with Mrs. C. I). Ketner. Jan. 22 Iron Duff Club will '.meet at 2:00 oMock with Mrs. Jarvis Chambers. MEANEST MAN OF 1936 Who was the meanest man of 1936? Read thi unusual story, relating many instances of cruelties and man's inkimnnitv ihr-iny the nast vear. December, 1936', and the year of our One of the many interesting features Independence the 161st. J. Y. Jordan, Clerk, By: O. L. McLurd, Chief Dep uty Clerk. No. 528 Dec. 24-31 Jan. 7-14. n the January 3rd issue of the Amer ican Weekly, the big magazine which comes everv Sunday with the BALTI MORE AMERICAN. Your new? deal er has your copy. READ- "Bob Burns Says Daily In The Charlotte News Lively Editorials - General Hugh Johnson - Heywood Broun Dorothy Thompson. ALL THE NEWS The Charlotte News By Carrier . By Mail . . . Sunday Only 1 Year $10.00 . 8.00 2.00 6 Months $5.00 4.00 1.00 3 Months 1 Month $2.50 $ .85 2.00 .75 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the R. M. Ferguson .interwt in the Jonathan Holler Mill, the deceased, late of Haywood County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons haw incr claims airainst said interest to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C, on or .before the 31st day of December, 1937, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said inter est will please make immeiliatc pay ment. This the .ilst day of Decern be r., lfHlO. J. E. FKKCUSON. Administrator Kxoeuluf of the in terest of R. M. Fortruson In The Jon athan Roller Mill. No. 533 Dec. 31-Jan. 7-14-21-28-Feb. 4. NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. J. W. NOLAND and wife, CELIA NOLAND V. S. J. RATHBONE. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Haywood County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday the 25th day of January, 1937, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the court house door ir. Waynesville, of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest of said S. J. Rathbone has in the following described real estate: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the West Bald line of Sugar Cove tract and runs S. 2 W. 41 poles to a stake; thence S. 82 E. 40 poles to a stake in the East Bald line; thence with same N. 2 E. 41 poles to a Make; thence N. 88' W. 40 poles to the BE GINNING. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING on a pine snag. Nich olas Green's corner and runs with said Green's line S. 118 poles to a stake; thence S. 20" E. 11 poles to a beech corner; thence East to a locust 75 poles in Rhodarmer's line; thence with said line the watershed of the ridge S. 30 W. 60 poles to a chestnut corner; thence S. 45 W. 18 poles; S. 54 W. 16 poles; S. 60 with Boyd's line 88'.i poles to a stooping water oak on ridge at Moody's Knob; thence N. 13" E. 11 poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge; thence with the watershed of said ridge N. 25 W. 4 poles; thence N. 11 E. 53 poles; N. 5 E. 20 poles; N. 16" E. 38 polos; N. 6 V. 74 polos to a small chestnut on Pinch Gut ridge in C. M. Moody's line, 38 miles below a itxlll,!,, r.),. ...l .,i,'.l -H.....1..' ........ ... ............ .. .,.,.,,, S ' corner, total to C. M. Moody's line of a 30 acre tract, 130 pedes; thence with his line of said tract S. 80 E. 65 poles to the BEGINNING, contain ing 101 3-8 acres more or less, except ing from the above tract that parcel of land conveyed to V. A. Campbell .containing about 2'v acnv more or less. This the 28th day of December, 136. R. V. WELCH, Sheriff of Haywood County. No. 531 Dec. 31-Jan. 7-14-21. NOTICE OF ELECTION OF .'BOND ISSUE OF HAZELWOOD AND OF NEW REGISTRATION. Notice is heFeby gtwn that an election has been called to vote on the question of whether or not the Town of Hazelwood shall issue its bonds in the sum of $10,000.00 for the pur pose of constructing and repairing the streets and bridges of the Town and levy a tax for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonls The election will be held 0n Saturday, January 19, 1037, between the hours of sunrise and sunset at the Town Hall in Hazelwood, N. C. J. 1'. Scales and J. V. Blalock have been .appointed judges to hold the election with Lon Hyatt, Registrar. A new registration has been called for said election and no one can vote who is not registered for this elec tion. The registration .books' will be open at the Town Hall of Hazelwood, N. C. from 9 A. M. tod P. M., ex cept Sundays and holidays, f rom Mon dayDecember 21., 11(3(1, to Saturday, January 9, 1937. This the 3rd day of December, 1936. R. Pi. WOODARD, Clerk Town of Hazelwood. N. 523Do. 3-10-17-2-i-."l. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. RUTH J'ENLA'N'D V. . WILLIAM PENLANI). The defendant above named will take notice that the plaintiff has com menced an action against him in the Superior Court of Hay wood County for the purpose of sec uring an abso lute divorce on the grounds of two years separation; the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court on the 2nd day of January, 1937 and answer er demu? to the plaintiff's complaint or the re lief therein sought will be granted. This 9, December, 1936. KATE WILLLIAM SON, Assistant C. S. C. No. 526 Dec. 10-17-24-31 NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. DOROTHY CLOUSE VS. ''',"'';:.'.' AVERY CLOUSE. ' The defendant, Avery Clou se; will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of two years separa tion. The defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Car olina, on the 20th day of January, 1937, and answer r demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the relief demanded therein will be granted. This the 10th day of December, 19?6. W. G. BYERS, Clerk Superior Court, No. 534 Dec. 31-Jan. 7-14-21. ; NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. H. P. Campbell and wife, Mattie Campbell, Vs. O. H. Shelton and wife, Alda Shelton, R. Cliff Moody and wife, Isobel Moody, Mrs. Frankie Janes and husband, David P. Janes, Leonard Shelton and wife, Callie Shelton, Frank Janes, Hugh L. Davis, Mary Ruby Davis, William G. Davis, Mrs. Elsie Davis League and husband, C. C. League, Mrs. Julia Rogers and husband, Nova Rogers. The defendants, Leonard Shelton and wife, Callie Shelton, and Hugh L. Davis will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the re covery of possession of a tract of land containing about 6 acres, situate in the Town of Dellwood, Ivy Hill Township, Haywood County, N. C, and- which tract of land is fully de scribed in a deed from C. A. Campbell, et ux, to H. P. Campbell and wife, Mattie Campbell, recorded in Deed Book 96, page 525, Record of Deeds of Haywood County, N. C, and that the defendants are proper parties to this a.'tion relating to the said real property and the said defendants claim an interest in said property and relief demanded consists wholly in excluding them from any actual or contingent lien or interest therein. And let the said defendants further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the Courthouse in Waynesville, N. C, on or before the 30th day of January, 1937, and answer or demur to the complaint in the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. W. G. 11YEKS, Clerk of Superior Court, Haywood County, North Carolina. Dated this 7th day of December, 1936. No. 524 Dec. 10-17-24-31. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to our many friends and neighbors our deep appre ciation and thanks for the many acts of kindness shown us during the death of our s'ster and aunt, Mrs. Eliza beth Caldwell. Mrs. Mary Reno, The Turner Family. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Monday, January 18, 1937, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at the court house door in the town of Waynes ville, in Haywood County, North Car olina, I wifl sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing lands and premises, lying and be ing in the town of Southern Assembly: BEGINNING on a stake in the cen ter of the branch which flows by the pumping station, said stake being also in the Southerly margin of Shore Drive where said drive crosses said branch, and runs with the margin of said drive. S. 88 45' E. 75 feet to a stake in the margin of said drive; thence due South 100 feet to a stake; thence S. 89 W. 65 feet to a stake in center of branch; thence up the branch as it meanders and with the center of the same (approximately N. 3 30' W.) 105 feet to the BEGIN NING, containing 18-100 of an acre more or less, including all the build ings and machinery thereon. Being the same land, described in a deed from Carl A. Miller and wife to Geo. C. McElroy and wife, dated July 16, 1928. Subject to all the stipula tions and easements contained in a deed from Southern Assembly, a Cor poration, to J. B. Ivey, as re orded in Rook of Deeds 60, page 50, Record of Deeds of Haywood County. This sale made pursuant to the pow er of sale contained in a deed of trust executed by Geo. C. McElroy and wife, Margaret McElroy, dated July 16, 1928. and recorded in Book 24, page 148. Record of Deeds of Trust of Hay wood County. This the 17th dav of December, 1936. JOHN M. QUEEN, Trustee. No. 529 Dec. 24-31-Jnn. 7-14. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. B. Howell, deceas ed, who died leaving real property in Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all person having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C, on 0r before the 24th day of December, 1937, or this notice will pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thi the 24th day of December, 1936. W. T. RAINER, Administrator of the estate of C. B. Howell. No. 530 Dec. 24-31-Jan. 7-14-21-38 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Miss Jannie B. Towles, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify al1 persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed at Enka, N. C, on or before 16th day of September, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate settlement. This the 16th day of September, 193G. .'-" , JAMES B. XDWLES, Administrator of the estate of Jannie B. Towles. No. 499 10-17-21-31-.7an. 7-14. I M PROVE I) S C II E I) I! L E S Commencing December 6 1936 SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM IleginninK December 6th new trains 131 and 138 will be inaugurated between Salisbury and Washington, handling, in addition to Asheville-Washington, Asheville New York, and Asheville-Ilakigh sleeping cars: THROUGH COACHES BETWEEN ASHEVILLE AND WASHINGTON: Schedule being as follows: 2 :.J0 pm Lv New York ....... ........ . Ar 11:45 am 4 :00 pm Lv Philadelphia . .... ..... . . . Ar 9.45 am 1 :45 pm Lv Washington . . ........... . . Ar 6 :50 am 9 .15 am Ar Ashevilie . . . . . . . . . . . Lv 5 :00 pm This improved service will enable passengers travel ing in coaches, to make the trip through to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, with only one change of cars Washington. Take advantage of our low fare coach tickets every where travel in safety and comfort. For further information, see your nearest agent or write : K. II. DeButts, Assistant General Passenger Agerr. ASHEVILLE, N. C. I 1 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 4th, 1937 Will Be As Follows: Swagger Suits, Evening Dresses, Coats with Fur Collars ..$1.00 Plain Dresses, Suits, and Overcoats ... .75 Suits and Dresses, Sponged and Pressed . .40 Hats, Cleaned and Blocked 75 Called for and Delivered Waynesville Laundry Abbott-E(nighi Central Cleaners

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