THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNT AIMSER THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1937 In the District Court of the United States of America for the Western District of North Carolina, Asheville Division, at law No. 379, United States of America v. 1,394.50 acres of land in Haywood County, North Carolina, E. B. Rickman. et al. Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. To: Mr. and Mre. Ernest Hutton; E. R. Mur ray; Ed Wells; J. F. Strader; husband of Jane Holland; J. M. Mi.hael; G. Murray and wife; Mrs. Beryle H. .Strader; and all persons whomsoever -who have, or claim to own any estates o interests in the fee or otherwise in and to the premises described in the petition filed in this cause and de scribed Ln this notice, and any and all heirs and devisees of the several parties above named, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular their heirs, husbands, -wives, devices, executors, administra tors, representatives, alinees, success ors and assigns, of each and every of them; and all unknown owners, lien ors, or claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, estate, equity, interest or lien; and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and claimants to any right or ease mnct 0f prescription in, over, acrosa, or through aid lands, or any part thereof; you will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, at Ashe ville, N. C, that summons has duly been issued out of said Court, and pe tition filed therein asking for the con demnation of the lands described in the said petition and hereinafter de scribed that you, and each of you are nei essary and piper parties to the just and final disposition of this ant ion; that, ,aid action h ts bri n instituted by . tit- United Sii At tollli y t - " tic Wrs'vrn 1m-,- trict of public tist States ,,t scribed mi low de l i t!io pnivi "( Cull -jr. ISo .(::; Noil li ( arolina i 'Mr and benefit of the United America, of the larch de-i-t Hit ia!iy fi';.-tv -: Tn.i-t i.-. I, und'-r and by viri'ie of -His ,f t!.e Wei-I-.s I. aV. Act f Much 1. It'i !. fhp. it lull I Title Iti. ".I::, ..r:i. and afroi Im ,nd .a;:; .;' r t o the me' H .' -. '. A., i! :i pro- :' '.'ini s'lu'es .'"'7, 2o8 ! eihised j a'ed by ! are de- c da tri'et-: pv1" llurd ill t! A-t of August l, I i : .ioTi ID .U. S, :. A.( Sections and 2."iS-V; the lands ; to be-condemned and appropi-: the plaintiff United States scribed substantially as follows : Thae No. 22, apparent, and presumptive own er heimr K. B. Rickman. containinff according to survey l.H'.il.oO acres, situated in Haywood County,' south of Waynetiville, lying on 'the watershed of Lenoir Henderson, Crawford, and Sarles Creeks, more particularly de scribed by metes and bounds in Ex hibit "A," and upon map or plat Ex hibit "B," attached to the petition in this proceeding filed with the Clerk of the United States District Court at Asheville, N. C.,: you and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Caiolina, in the "United States Courthouse Building at Asheville, Buncombe County, N. C, not later than ten (10) days from and after the completion of service of this summons by publication for four (4) successive weeks, and answer or de mur to the petition or complaint filed herein by the above named petitioner in the office of the said Clerk, and you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to the said petition or complaint within the time Bpecified the petitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. Witness the Honor able E. Y, Webb, Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, this the 10th day of December, 1936, and the year of our Independence the 161st. J.Y.Jordan, Clerk, By: 0. L. McLurd, Chief Dep uty Clerk. No. 523 Dec. 2 1-31 -Jan. Ml. Read The Ads NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. DOROTHY CLOUSE VS. AVERY OLOUSK. The defendant, Avery- Slouse. ; will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com men . ed in the Su perior Court of Haywood County, for "the-purpose-of. obtaining an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the grounds of two years separa tion. The defendant will further take notice that he is tequired to appear at Court -of HavWonrl rViiinK-' 'nrHi Par- ' olina. on the 20th day of January, 1937, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff pr the -relief demanded therein will be granted. This the 10th day of December, 19"6. W. G. BYERS, Clerk Superior Court. No. b,4 De. 31-Jan 7-14-21: Read the ads-It pays ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the R. M. Ferguson interest in the Jonathan Roller Mill, the deceased, late of Haywood County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said interest to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C, on of before the 31st day of December, 1937, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said inter est will please make immediate pay ment. This the 31st day of December, 1936. J. E. FERGUSON, Administrator Executor of the in terest of R. M. Ferguson in The Jon athan Roller Mill. No. 533 Dec. 31-Jan. 7-14-21-28-Feb. 4. i Spot Where Airliner Crashed f 4 i i i f - f i $ Searchers sight T'.'.o wi-i-1' search for a Northwestern airliner which disappeared I c 15 ended in discovery of the wreckage of the -ship aim bun- I m the snow drifts of Cemetery Ridge. Idaho, above, the .lot and co-pilot dead. i LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS PHONE 137 Mk. Fr i- Lena;!'. i H. when it ion. ted v Mario-, she h .Mrs. ith tie :.dt Sunuay accepted a .Marley hat- I "'en Sana-, onnec ilium: Wuyne-y Mis-. Mart r a Way,. who has -pent the pat. two weeks here, returned on Sun day to Greensboro, where she will i-e-sutm her work, at-the Greensboro Col lege for Women. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Robeson and daughter, Miss Frances Robeson, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Robeson at their home in New port News, Va., have returned home, ..' Miss Sarah Welch, who spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Welch, has returned to the Western Carolina Teachers College. Mrs. Jean T. Dillon, who spent the Christmas holidays with relatives in Canada, ha returned home. Mr. James Harden Howell, Jr., who is attending the law school of the University of North Carolina, return ed to Chapel Hil on Friday. Mr. Grady Hardin, who spent the holidays with his mother at her home at Lake Junaluska, has returned to Duke University. - Mrs. Elizabetr DeLay and sister. Miss Grace' Crocker, left on Tuesday for Sarasota, Fla., where they will, spend the winter. Mis,- May Crawford, director 0f physi. al education of the girls High School of Sumter, S. C, has returned to her work, after spending the hol idays here with her familv. She had I as her guest during the past week, Mr. Howard -Jennings, of Sumter. Miss Crawford ami Mr. Jennings were among those attending the New Year's ball: given at the George Vanderbilt Hotel. Mr. James Queen, who is attending the law school of the University of North Carolina, left Thursday" for Chapel Hill. ' ','': Mr. .-Ernest Withers, .jr., pent the holidays- with his who has parents, . 'has re-Univer- Mr and Mrs; K. I,. Wither livned to his work at Dul-e su- Mis.s Emily Slier, who is man at Peace Institute, left day for Raleigh. a . fresh on Mon- Mr. Howa-d Hyatt, State College, left on Raleigh, where he will studies. student Sunday resume at for his Miss Harte Oliver, who has been spending the Christmas vacations with .'Telatives- in Winston-Salem, re turned to town on Saturday. Miss Helen Sisk, who is attending Duke University, has returned after spending the Yuletide vacations with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Sisk, at their home in the Stringfield apart ments. . : ',' Mr. Bobbie Sloan, who is a soph omore at Duke University, lefjt on Sundav morning for Durham,- where he will resume his work. -. Mis3 Mary Willie Rotha, who is at tending the North Carolina Univer sity for Women, left on Monday for Greensboro, ' ' ' ' '."'. -"; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, of At lanta, were the guest over the week end of the former's parents, Mr. and s ) y V-i J? i wreckage n Mr: George Rotha, -who. hold a po sition with the Bell Telephone Com pany.', in Morganton, was the guest over the week-end of his parents, Mr. i . -d Mrs. Harry Rotha. '. Mr. Ray' Burgin, who has spent the holidays with his parents, returned on Sunday to Mar Hill College, to re sume his work there. . Mrs. J. P. Dicus and children, who spent the holidays with relatives in Wilmington, returned to town on Sun day. ..- Miss Louisa Thackston, who is now making her home in Charlotte, where she holds a position and resides with her aunts, was the guest over the week-end of Mrs. Harry Rotha and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Plott, of Maggie, had as their guests during Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Plott and daughter, of Meadow6 of Dan, Va. They were accompanied home by Miss Marjorie Plott. Miss Martha Moody, of Dellwood, has returned from a few days visit to Norfolk, Va. While there she was the guest of Mr. Paul Gossett and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moody had as their guests during the holiday season, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alexander, Mr. Archie Sayles and Miss Hilda Moody. Mr. Mack Davis, who spent the hol idays witk his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Davis, left on Saturday for Atlanta, where he will resume his studies at the Southern Dental Col lege.'... . - Mrs. 0. H. Shelton, Mrs. James R. Boyd, Jr., and Mrs. Frank Welch, were among those spending Tuesday in Asheville. - . Dr. and Mrs. N. F. Lancaster have returned to town after spending a week in Richmond, Va., as the guests of the latter's parents. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Kunze had as their guest during the holidays, the latter's sister, Miss Catherine Bar nette, who teaches in Pikeville, N, C, and Mr. Jack Hodges, of Greenville. Miss Anna Catherine Coin, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coin,; has returned to Berea College, Berea, Ky., to resume her work. .' Miss Mary Stringfield, who has spent the past week in New York as the guest of friends, returned home on Monday morning. . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Doar, Jr. and two children, who spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. J. Rufus McCrack en, returned on Monday to their home in Richmond, Va. Lady Took Cardui When Weak, Nervous "I can't say enough for Cardui If X talked all day," enthusiastically wntes Mrs. U H. Caldwell, of States vine, N. O. "I have used Cardui at Intervals for twenty-five years,' she adds. "My trouble ln the beginning was weakness and nervousness. I read of Cardui In a newspaper and decided right then to try It. It seemed before I had taken half a bottle Of Cardui I was stronger and was soon op and around.' Thoumadi of women testify Cardui bni Oted them. If it do not benaHI TOO onout phjilolaa. HERE and THERE In a recent book "Portraits and Self Portraits," by George Schreiber, which tells how forty famous authors look and write . . . there is a sketch of Asheville's famous Tom Wolfe . . . in which I am sure all Western Caro linians will be interested. . The book includes portraits by Schreiber, and short sketches of the authors by themselves. . . Mr. Wolfe's eketch is des ribed as one of the best in the book. . . Considering how very thor oughly Mr. Wolfe exposed the details of his life and that of hi-j family and friends in his novels . . one can not help but entertain a great curiosity as to how much he gives out in this interview with himself. . . We honor this week in this col umn , . . Captain Cecil Brown, of the Mountain Circle Corps of the Salvation Army . . who in a quiet way is reaching and helping many peisons, whose lives are not touched by ther groups in Hay w rod county. . . Born and reared in the Hun uie community ... after severa .ears of experience in the woik of the Salvation Army . . in ne of the more im portant field; i the state . . she has realized i : ambition to come back to he:- people , .. and in the name of the Salvation Army min ister to this . ection . . she has been here for mure than two years . . and her accomplishments have now won the support of the Sal vation Army of the South . . and she will soon have an assistant in her work . . as Captain Brown says . . "I do not interi'er with churches . . there is enough for us iili to d i." ... T i ...,. ' y mi who .may be .... a- . - u '. :n.k in t.h sunshine of ! i o i a: : yet are having : ro- c .ii ej-v . . here at home "even on (.;; 1" . . take heart . . from ie i'ol'ow'n g . . maybe your expe- ' let). iglii match the Woodward.-. . 1 hanl'rv iHvieved my eyes . . when I .ittet Mr. Woodward on Main street late Jlonday afternoon , ,. fwr he and .Mrs. Woodward had told me goodbye before Christmas . . as they . Were leaving for an extended stay in Flor ida . . noting my surprise . . . Mr. Woodward offered this explanation . . "Well, it was a hot as July ... so we decided we might as well come on back home and enjoy a change of seasons . . before our summer be gins here. . . ." At the beginning of the new year when most of us take stock of the past twelve months . . and DON'T THE MOUNTAINEER By Hilda War Gwyo find ourselves as a result . . . making certain mental reserva tions . . whether definite new year's resolutions or not . . of the things we hope to improve upon during the next turn of the year . . I find in talking to others that everyone seems to be a bit more cheerful over the prospects - of 1937. . . As one woman expressed it . . "I think everybody I have seen, has had the best Christmas in years . . one reason is that most of us are more certain of where the next meal is coming from than we were three or four years ago. . . And as one man.sald ". . I hav en't got a bit more than I had two or three years ago . . but a lot of other folks have . . and I am not out of the "woods yet," . . but I can see glimpses of the sunshine . . and can get a glimmer of some way to work out of my problems." All of which takes . . maturally a a political turn . . so here's hoping that our great leader Franklin Delano Roosevelt, . . will succeed during the next four years to lead us all out of the "wilderness" . . for we face 11)37 with a more secure feeling ; . . that there is a better day ahead. . . MISS MARY MORROW BEATTY GIVES INFORMAL PARTY Miss Mary Morrow Beatty, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Beatty, en terained a gioup of her friends with contract at the home of her mother, on Thursday afternoon. The living room was -adorned with Christmas greens. Contract was enjoyed at two tables, whh the following playing: Miss Thomasii'e Stringfield, Miss Catherine .Martin, Mi-s liolle Marsh. Miss lleiie Miss Sara .lane Walker, Miss .lane White, and Miss .Margue rite Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. J. V, Patton had as their guests during Christmas their seven children, several of whom live in distant states. It was the first time the family had been together in twenty - years. . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Lee and daugh ter, Mrs. Bess Lee Page, have returned from Charleston, West Va., where they were the guests during the holi days of Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. George Amlerson have returned from Parkersburg, West Va., where they spent the. holidays with relatives. WAIT Until You Can See the Bottom of the Last Package! Why not check up right now while you thing of it? Remember, by plac ing your new order well in advance, you avoid all possibility of funning short on some very necessary items. Let us figure on your next job no matter how small or how big. " Envelopes Folders Programs Menus Letterheads Invoices WE DO PRINTING OF ALL KINDS QUALITY WORK AT REASONABLE PRICES. PHONE 137 TODAY Printers - - - Publishers MISS SARA ELIZABETH MOODY WEDS MR. ROBERT W JAMES The marriage of Miss Sara Eliza beth Moody, of Canton, to Mr. Rob ert W. James, of Clyde, which was solemnized on Christmas Day was an nounced this week by the bride'g par ents, Mr, and Mrs. C. W, Moody. The Rev. Thomas Irwin performed the ceremony. The bride is a graduate of the Bethel high school, and has recently been connected with Abbotts' Hotel Corporation in New York and Cam den, S. C. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. James, of Clyde, and was educated at Mar6 Hill and Carson Newman College. For the past four years he has been a member of the faculty of the Cecil school. The young couple will reside at Lake Logan. Miss Louise Rotha, who teaches in the high school of Salisbury, was the guest during the week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rotha, Miss Rotha was en route to Salisbury after spending the holidays in Florida. NOTICE fhe annual meeting of the share holders of the Haywood Home Build ing and Loan Association will be held in the offices of Morgan, Stamey and Ward, on the evening of January 19, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. S. H. BUSHNELL, Secretary-Treasurer." No. 532 Dee. 31-Jan. 7. PRICELESS INFORMATION for tho.iP sutiermt! trOm SlOMAf.H OR lUOIIINM I hill-. 1. 1 I .Tit HVI'KK- MHIH 1 I (: illi.t s I I ON ACII) PYM'l'.l'Si . -I n s!OM l ;ssi- :i.- tir. n i ii. n i-im ha I it,. ItAU lllil AIM M.m-I Hn.nNI-.SS OK ' III -i. HI S 111 I. iO FXCliSS ACID 3f -Kxpl nn iln1 incrvrt H ttlarii ircm- 4 fru-rlf winch is htrlijiillg cill.alllij re'e g S.j! ' t ,vT trial. ' S SMITH'S DIJKi NTOKE Waynesville, N. V. CLYDE PHARMACY Clyde, N. C. chei'ks Colds AND Fever first day Headache, 30 mtn. Salve, Nose Drops liiquld, Tablets, Try Rub-My-Tism" World'a Best Liniment m6 fa Statements Catalogues; Printed Forms jlr- Order Sheets -jlf- Checks r- Office Forms Mrs. W. T. Lee.

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