THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1937 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Society Clubs PHONE 137 Personals MRS. T. L. GWYN. Editor HAYWOOD CHAPTER U. D. C ml Milav rv,intliliT TYlimtincr flip Haywood Chapter of the United ii t?ii1nit oftomrmn -witli tVla president, Mrs. W. L. McCracken. Yu'etide decorations gave a decora tive note to the living rooms. A large number of members were present. The usual ritualistic service open ing the meeting were followed by a business session. Plans were dis cussed for the observance of Lee- r-v ii i rw i. Jackson uay, on uie iu, wan ay : u- u ,.i i prop iato pYrrices at the hie'h sehool lUfp.J" ...... . - "-ci-- w W T. fpp.rn.'kpn nnrl thp his torian, Mi's. Frank Ferguson, will be in charge of arrangements. Mre. C. F. Kirkpatrick stated that the cross' for Mr. Fred Howell had arrived and the one for Mr. Tom Lee, Jr., would be here in time for the program of the 19th, when they are to be presented. It was decided to mark the graves of all the veterans of the War Be tween the States in Green Hill ceme tery. Mrs. Kirkpatrick reported that $14.00 had been realized by the an nual sale of Confederate flaps. Mrs. John M. Queen, chairman, re ported that luncheon was served the ...,,irt house, in December- when thpv made their semi-annual pilgrimage for their checks, ana mat each one was given or sent a Lnnstmas pack .,ro fivim the phantpr. 1 ' 1 It was reported that the Christmas checks to the uid isoidiers Home in Raleigh and the Old Ladieg Home in Fa vetteville. had heen sent . It was decided to meet all the obligations of the chapter and state, according to the' calendar issued by the state pres ident. Mrs. James Harden Howell, regis tra, reported that the papers of Mis. Amelia Hoke had been pent off, and that Mrs. J. W. Seaver had been elect ed to membership, Mrs. John M. Queen had the paper of the afternoon, her subject being, "Maryland's Position and Status During the War Between the States," Mrs. James R. Boyd, Jr., reviewed the IT. D. C. publication, "The Southern Magazine." Mrs. F. A. Anderson, of Johneon City, Tenn,, the former Miss Annie Shelton, of Waynesville, who is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. E. Ray, was a visitor. . The hostess was as sisted in serving by her daughters, Mrs. Thomas Murray, Miss Elizabeth McCracken 'and Mis MiWroH !Mp- Craeken. PHONE 137 THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF JUNE MARRIAGE MADE Keen interest is attached to the announcement of the marriage of Miss Mary Maxwell Snyder, of Salisbury ,o Mr. Arnold Albert Markley, Jr., of Staunton, Va. The wedding t,ok place on Thursday the twenty-fifth, of last June, in Spartanburg. S. C The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i Temple A. Snyder, of Sal isbury, and since she wa a small child has been spending much time here with her grandparents, Mr. C. A. Black and the late Mrs. Black. She has made many friends among the younger set. She received her edu tion in the schools of Salisbury, and at the Mary Baldwin echovol, of Staunton. Va., where she met Mr. Markley. The Broom is a rhpmist anrl nrvn- nected with a manufacturing plant in Staunton, where the now at home to their friends. . WOMEN OF METHODIST CHURCH UlVli UlAAtK 1 AKil The adult classes of thp Rnnrlnv school of the First Methodist . hnn-h have staged- a membership drive con test during the past few weeks. The class gaining the largest number of new member,? was. to be entertained by the losing group. As a result of the efforts of the two classes, the men came out as winners anil the women of the church entertained with a dinner on Thurs day night, in the banquet hall of the church. A general drawing had pre viously been made of the names of the men by the women, with each woman escorting the man whose name she had drawn, which eeneral mix nn started the evening off in a gay manner. J. Dale Stcntz was mister of eero. monies, with Mrs. Stentz ic ompaiiist ior tne assembly singing. i he chief talk of the ivev'nn- woe made bv the Rev. M. O. TnttV ,,f Sylva. Others making brief talks, most of which were in a humoious vein, were: Dr. R. S. Tiuesdaio. the Rev. W. A. Rollins, Mr. Hugh .-loan, Mrs. j. Ai. Kel.lett.-and Mrs. Stentz.' Fraternity Picks "Dream Girl" ll mufti f m Marsha Hunt ' In a nation-wide poll of 76 chapters of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, stunning Marsha Hunt, Hollywood starlet, was chosen by the colleg ians to symbolize the "dream girl" celebrated in their fraternity song. Permanents Mode Paree ?5.00 Value . $3.50 We Wish All Our Patrons A Happy and Prosperous New Year. The Personality Beauty Shop Rut h Craig, Mgr. Phone 306 MISS LOIS HAYNES OF CLYDE BRIDE OF. SHERLEY MOONEY Announcement hamrboen made of thP marriage of Miss I.ois Hvnn" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f. II. Haynes, of Clyde and Canton, to Mr Sherlev Moonev. also nf CvAe ; m Canton, which took place on' Christ mas morning. Rev. R. G. Mace pro nounced the vows, before an improi Vised altar of evergreens and calla lilies. Only the members of the two .families and a few close friends wit nessed the ceremony. Mrs. Walter Cathey, sister of the groom, rendered the nuptial music. The only attendant was the . sister of the bride. Miss Linda Ha maid of honor. The groom had as his best man, Mr. Howard Shook. The bride is a member of the young er set of CIvde. Rho ? ef at the .Hyde High School and Mars Hill College. Since her graduation she has held a position as bookkeeper at the Haywood County bank of Can ton. Mr, Moonev is the n nf u- Mrs. C. A. Moonev. of Clvde. He attended the Clyde High School and Brevard College. He holds a posi tion with the Champion Paper and Fibre Company. The counlp left immpcKnteli. f;,n. ing the ceremony for a 'wedding trip i to norma. J hev returned this . l- and will be at home to their friends in the Robinson apartments in Canton ifr. Wallace Marley left on Sunday for Davidson, whivi I Davukon College. MISS MARY WILLIE KO'I'HA (JIVES WATCH PARTY THURSDAY . One. .of the atlairs honoring tile : 'college group Wfore their return to shoo), was the dance ..and watch party given on Thursday even ing' by. Miss Mary Willie Rotlia, stu dent of the Noith Carolina Univer sity for Women, at the home -of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Rotlu,. I-Miss Ro.ha was assisted in cceiving the guests by her sister, Mr Virginia Rotha Kimberly. For the ckcasion the house was festive with its Yuletide Jecoration, with -a gaily lighted tree in the living room. Dancing featured the evening. The guest list included, Miss Kmily Silei', Miss Haseltine Swift. Miss Martha Way. Miss Nan Hardin. Miss Jane White, Miss Thomasine String field, Miss Drama I.ampkin. Miss Coriine Wagenfeld, Miss Nina James, of Greenville. .DV Mary Morrow Beatty, Mr. Ernest Withers, Jr., Mr. Mack Davis, Mr. Wallace Marley, Mr. Otis Massie, Mr. Snip Hensoii. of" j Canton, Mr. Frank .Massie. Mr. Hem v Tut tie. ' ' Mr. David Stentz. Mr, Gerald K ith- 1 btne, Mr. Frederick ' M-arsh. Mr. .Inhn ' Collins, of Ashevilic, Mr. Fred Davis, Mr. 'Charley Balient ine, ;jn( Mi! George Stentz. MRS. RUFUS L. ALLEN GIVES PARTY Mrs. Rufus I.. Allen was at honie to a large group .of friends on New Year's Kve. The residence was ar ranged in the cofoit'ul fhristnias dec orations. A delightful musical program was tendered, after which the guests en joyed several spirited progressions of contract. Among those present were: Dr. and Mrs. Robert II. Stretcher, Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Provost, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Davis, Dr. and Mi's. R. Stuart Roberson, Mrs. Lily Raymond, of New Y'ork, Miss Jewel Hipps and Mr. Paul Davis, Miss Patsy Hill., of New York and Waynesville. Miss Rulx'tia Miller, Mr. Hillie Prevost, Mrs.. U. M. Dicus, Mr. and Mrs. Whitener I're. vost, Mrs. J. Wilford Ray, and Mr. Roy Parkham. MR. AM) MRS. GALLOWAY AV NOUNCE MARRIAGE OF DAUGHTER THE BIGGEST LAUNDRY BOOSTERS IN TOWN You guessed it the doctors. They have the right idea. "Don't over-exert yourself, they urge women. "AND KEEY YOUR HEALTH." Which is just the same as saying, "DON'T DO THE FAMILY WASHING!" And that is why you should go straight to the "phone and call 205. P.S We not only help you keep your health, but we save you money, and protect your clothes. Waynesville Laundry, Inc. PHONE '203. '..vl PBE2B3E3n Mr, and Mrs; George Galloway, oj Waynosvi lie, announce t he man'ia of their iaughter. Miss Irene 'Gal loway,' to. Mr. Robert H. Hail, of Can ton, which took place; cm December the LTch, in (ireeriville, S. '(-. The bride ami ;(.. in were ateiiled by a fow. clrrse fiietids. who rii.otored with the in to .Greenville. For her marriage . Mrs. Ha.H worc a smart blue and gray with harmonizing accessories, and her bou quet was of yellow roses. " :.Tho bride has, been assistant tech nician in the Havwood (Vmntv It,.snL tal for the past two years. . She is a I graduate of the Waynesville Town- snip ..lligh : School, a member of the class of I'm. Following her gradua tion she went to Charlotte, where she received training for her work. Mr. Hall was born in DnHin i. land, and received hjs education in the Royal Academical Institution of that country. He came to the United States in 1929, and has held a position with the Champion Paper and Fibre Company for the pat few years. After a few weeks Mr. and Mrs. Hall will be at home to their friends in Canton. . ''. '.'' ' NOLAND-PLESS V Coming as a s Jrprise . to 'their friends in this section is the an nouncement of the marriage of Miss Bonnie Noland, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Noland, of Canton, to Mr, Herbert PI ess, Fon of Mr. and Mrs. D, H. Pless. of Cruso. The mar riage took place On Thursday morn ing December the 24th, in Greenville, S. c. -. ; For her wedding the Kridp v.-.- o a becoming ensemble of navy blue with , grey accessories. Mrs. Pies? grad uate from the Bethel High School with high honor., and has since been em ployed by the Enka Corpoi 'at ion for the past several months. . The groom is also a graduate of the Bethel Hi-h School and is r.ow employed by the Government. MR. W. Li H VRDIN LEAVES FOR WASHINGTON, I). C. Mr. W. L. Hardin left on Sunday for Washington. D. C., where he will resume nis duties as secretary to Congressman Zebulon Weaver. Mrs. Hardin will join Mr. Hardin in the near future. W ED DING TAKES PLACE IN CLAYTON. G A. Annoiinceiiieiit was made last week of 'he marriage of Mist?' Mariella Woody, daughter of M r. and Mrs. A. i N. Woody, of. Madison county, and , Mr. Paul Ferguson, son of Mr. and j Mrs. G rover Ferguson, of Clyde. . The j ceremony was solemnized last August j oth, in Clayton, Ga. The ' marriage was not (lis loseJ until now, liecause J tl-.e bride wished to.continUe her stud- j lev at Carson-Newman College at. , i'.Jefferson City. Tenn. Mr. I' rgiiM.n was educated at. Western Carolina Teachers College, at ( ullowhee. He is now asociateil with his father in business and the young couple will live with , the groom's, parents t innnrarily: .. Mr. , Paul. Davis., who spent, the. hoi idays with, his parents, M". and. .Mrs. I.. N, Davis, h.'u returned to Raleiirh. t0 resume his woik at State College;' Park Theatre P r off ram FOR COMING WEEK ; THURSDAY . ' . j Oliver llanly anl Sum l-iunl in j "OUR RELATIONS" j FRIDAY Maile in South .s.-a Islands; "ISLE OF FURY" SATURDAY (TIm lien w--ieiiiMar) liolx'it .VlU-n in "THE UNKNOWN RANGER" Sunday ; . .:.: (Return l".ngattrniit ) Will Rocer in , "AMHASSADOR RILL" MONDAY and TUESDAY (Ji anif Musiial and I'ikiIIciII I'M tire "PIGSKIN PARADE" ;"'''.'' ; WEDNESDAY May lioliwin anil ISoliliy Kre-ii in 'RAINBOW ON THE RIVER' I ADMISSION 10c and 23c MRS. ED RHINEHART HONORED ViTH OFFICE IN ASHEVILI.E Mrs. Ed Rhinehart, the former Miss Daisy Shelton, of Waynesville, was recently installed as the new presi dent of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Thomas Patton Camp Number 5, United Spanish War Veterans, at a banquet held in Asheville on Friday night. Mrs. Rhinehart is the sister of Mrs. Charles E. Ray. Mrs. E. J. Hyatt and Mr. W. T. Shelton, and frequently visits her family here. D. A. R. TO HOI.a.NEXT MEETING 1IH MRS. J. W. SEAVER The reirular Janua the Doivas Bell Love Chapter, Daugh- ' ters of the American Revolution, will I of neia on the 13th, with Mrs. J. W. Seaver, a.s hevtss. Mrs F .1 Hvn i will have the naper of the afternoon, the subject being "Trails and Roads of the Early Days of North Carolina " Mrs. James R. Bovd. .Tr.. will roviuiv the magazine. MR KITTY SOl'TH RETl'RNS TO WAYNESVILLE Mns. Kittie South, of Johnston, S. ( . who spent sometime; here with her cousin. Mrs. J. M. Kellett, last dimmer, has returned to town and will be associated with Mrs. Hazel Fer guson Tugman, in the Modiste Shop Mns. South has had extensive expe rience in this line 0f work. ! MRS. KATHLEEN FRYBl'RGER MARRIES IN FLORIDA I Friends here will be interested in ; the announcement of the marriage of ' Mrs. Kathleen O'Brien Fryburger, to Mr. Albert Sumner Bacon, III, of j Savannah. Ga., which took place in Titusville; Fla., on December the 22nd. , Mrs. Fryburger, with her mother, Mrs. O'Brien, resided here for nearly i tw0 years and made many friends during her stay here. She was born and reared in Providence, Rhode Is land, and is a graduate of Smith Col lege. Mr. Bacon belongs to one of the iSouth's oldest and most distinguished families. He is at present field man ager of the Universal Credit Corpor ation, with headquarters in Orlando, Fla., where the couple will reside. MISS IKLLE MARSH HONORED WITH DANCE IN SYLVA Miss Dolle Marsh, daughter of Mr and Mrs. B. S. Marsh, was the honor guest of a dance given in Sylva on last Monday night, when Mrs. Jesse Dil lard and her daughter, Miss Maggie Dillard, entertained the younger set of Sylva at the Community Club house. Miss Marsh and her mother also attended the New Year's dance given in Sylva. Mrs. Caroline Hyatt and Miss Mar garet Ahton were among those who. spent Friday in Asheville. KEEP DRY KEEP WELL Don 7 Let Your Feet Get Wet Be Careful Especially with School Children Galoshes For WOMEN and Children 1 Vtov.,aiP 3 98c BALL-BAN! Galoshes, Overshoes, and Boots Are Your Protection Boots I' or Men Women and Children pffl km.. . 1 ... Laced Leather Boots For Women $2.95 and S4.50 m IT--' .' Men's' Work Shoes from $1.69 to 5.00 Peter's Work Shoes $1.95 up Heavy Qvershoes for Men $1.00 up D I iL We Carry Ball Band Footwear C. E. KAY'S SOKIS 4 6 si , SI : R ; 5 W WW 1 1 .,lr itfi

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