,- JUNE 17, 1937 rsday TIIE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAIN EER Page 11 Uabouts Of m r 1932 Champions Libby Holman to Marry Boxer? By Hendricks who flowed the cham "ni o' !!'"'- have probably '"": ha happened to it's P:ay am. iv.g in the field i,- playing1 with led thi rs. but d team, piling- for season is now the was catching for arolina League at liv ing in Hazel- pitching for this !i!g somewhere in is now mayor of playing shortstop crs, this year. ; is managing the is season. is p.aving lor tseacon . baiiov for the '32 ir i-enterfield for this a?, manager, and Jim an- living in Hazel ttavnesville, respecfully ittie, me other batboy, died u about a year ago. Hyatt i Maimiav am this f - apt'. ure, tan gospel has something ;n employer and employe It. h.igar I). Jones, of IMM I! nut s NOTICE qualified as Administrator ui A. T; Mccracken de u Haywood County -i: tms is to notify all ; claims against the es- t'rf.iscil to exhibit them at Waynesville i. en nr hefore the 5th l!3s or this notice will In i- o t their recovery ucli'hted to said estate make immediate payment. 5th day of June, 1937. '.U'.l 1' MiCUACKEN. Ailmansirator of the Estate AT. Mil rack en, deceased Hums. 10-17-24 July 1-8-15 m & a bi mr """Wi 'WNT;ECtCIDE3WS J ST!LL ! litis0 .H y J - ns M . V -v- h ' - -JPk$ f t ' Ubby Holman Reynolds -yS $ rJ h" ' 'jj Jack Doyle - , , r" ' QLANTQ UPORTU GORDON HENDRICKS Even if it had stopped raining in lime for the game over at Brevard last Saturday, it would have been im possible to have piav it . . . the curb on the streets wore voung river Game Saturday At Brevard Rained Out Manufacturers To Play Sayles Saturday. First Half Of Season Ends July 2nd Contributions of North Carolina employers amount on June 10 to 5ii.016.iU4.48, of which $2,984,740.9 was for iu:;f, and $2,032,173.52 was for four months of 1937. This is the amount of the state unemployment compensation found, less small refunds Now that -space, here Hazel w ood's team. we nave a little extra are a few fact about newly organized second "Hug' Kuykendall, a former mem ber of the HazelwoiHl Industrial League team, and one 01 the umpires this year, has been rhoson to munaire the team, and is arranging a schedule which will not conflict with that of the tirst team. The team is composed of former Members of the lust team and of form, er members of the Hazelwood juniors To date, the lost two. They school, and to team has won one and split with t anion High Cherokee. This Saturday the Cheoikec dians will come to Hazelwood to the second team, while I lie tit -t is playing Sayles. Iru play team Switching back to the '.first team again; alter Saturday s g:ime at Sayhvs, the team will open a three weeks stand at home, meeting Knka, Canton (doubleheader) and Savles. The game between the Hazelwood Manufacturers and the Brevard Tan- "e was rained oUt last Saturday, and .ii oe piayecl off at a later date .Dlthiiv U.. J . - "" nan a cnance to even ko on ttie tii' i . ms tii.. ..a befoie game time, and downpour by playing IU STEE S NOTICE OF SALE about an hour was a steady time Next Saturday the .Manufacturers go to Sayles Hleacherv for the la-t game from home in fust ha'f of the .season. Two weeks from Satur day the league leading Knka club will come here. This game will end the initial half of the split season i ne second half will be a double-header here on against Canton opened bv July 3rd, with M0, are the only other members of the team batting over ,'i()0 Tim yon. the team whirl, 11' II C l.Hl.lin.a the league two weeks ago, lost two names to i.roen Kiver In.st Saturday .ii (imjeu ootn games under nroteo stating as their reason that : n fiiver was using illegal players NOTICE Tequent appearances together In London and their recent return w "t itiu board the same liner have lent credence to rumors that LIbb? Holman Reynolds, former Broadway torch singer and widow of the-tobacco heir, was romanUcally Inclined toward Jack iJoyle. BriUsh fighter and ex-husband pf Judith Allen, screen star. TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (As Recorded to Monday Non of this Week), Beaverdani Township Putnam, ef- ux, et al, to IX II R. II. Parker. Estella Haynes to John P. Jones et ux. James Swanger, et ux, to Chestei Ingle, et ux. Walter Winfield to Z. V Ferguson O. M. Hampton, et ux, to C. O. Cook t ux. J. L. Reed, et ux. to Madge Cook. '1 HI ST EE'S Sl.n WHEREAS.. E. H. Ensley a.ii, wife, J. W. Carson, et ux, to Paul Carbon. W. H. Smith, et ux, to T. B. Smith. John H. Rhodarmer, et ux, et al, to James Allen, et ux. Annie L. Kezziah to Lois Kezziah. Ci. H. Smathers, et ux, to Frank A. Hall et ux. W. L. Parker t0 1). VV. King, et ux. Mrs. James Stamev to M. C. Stamey D. S. Green, et al, to A. B. Moore, et ux, Crabtree Township . A. Noland, tr., to J. K. Bovd. l ines I. leek Townshin S. II. Noland, Tr., to J. It. Boyd. Iron DulT lownship ! erguson, et ux, to C- Kwing, lanky tirst baseman, has moved upward in the league's batting average. He is now in second place with an average of .500. . . . Glen Wyatt and Roger Monteath, with av erages of ..!d.l each, and Andy Wyatt, NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE arks Maggk Fannie Camp Jonathan I- red A ., isoii. 2 GU5SC0S 10c in r nee t,-im: isoitles hMcCVacken Manager ' Hazel 'Ens-ley. liia le and executed a Aliistm, certain deer) of trust t " The -C amine. ) cial Natii.mil- Bank of ''' '. 1'oiy.i. ' North Carolina. Tnitiee, which sai'i j'1 " !""". deed' of truf bf-.-i o ;:;' tlio 1 st day) Xna.y i of -May, 1 '..'!. and i's it oi .iod 'in Bool; j l:;iif,eh;jj-t 21 at p-agv '.".'.':; i" t c . .-line of the Reg- ..- R-; I i'ster (.:' 1 ci- f.'.'r Hayw-r d Coumy, j M.-iford. North ("ari linti. i,, .-e.-'-ire c-riain in- . dcbtediies.-; and i . -' ' (' 1 av!ii:i:kas , , ...,';, 'of-'v i-V- 'i 'nx. hility of thesa'd !',, , , ; alN,i i.oia: j ' A Bank II i-i; r .rii-, ( ',,. ,d;,ia. ! ''!. Trustee, to :t-t. tLe v.:: ; .-tnod, .pur. j , .''';. ' i suant to and in coop i:n with ,-iw, j '' .", ' has beetr iinno'K'i'd Huni'-( s--r Trus'-j-, '' '? ' '. i , - i ., , , , , - I .ro in ii o t . tee under said ni-ed o-: trust, ov an . ;n- i , , , , . ' . . I !o 1 On Monday, June 21, 1 0.17, at elev en o'clock A. M., at the court house door in the town of Waynesville, Hay. wood County,- North Carolina, the un dersigned will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and premises, lying and being in Waynesvill Township, Haywood County, N. C.: BEGINNING at a stake in the cen ter of the public road in the division line between the lands of R. A. L. Hyatt and the lands of the heirs of ".- Ii. Hyatt, and runs thence with said line, S. 4 W. 7 chains, 40 links to a -take in the Frank t ompton line; '.hence with the Frank Compton line !'. 80 E. 4 chains, 2f links to a like; thence N. 4" K. IU idiams, '10 i nks to a stake in the center of the ililic road; thence with the venter 'of Bertha les, and NORTH CAROLINA HAVWOOD1) COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK J. B. Towles, Adniini.strator of Jennie Towles, Deceased, and J. B. Towles, Minnie Campbell Towles Frank Towles. Mary TWies Queen and G. C. Queen VS. Bertha Towles Townsend F M Townsend, J. W. Towles, 'ciinton lowles; Samuel Towl lowies, 1 homas L. Towl Mf TU n. m o. j iioiiius ij, j owies. The defendants. Clinton Towles, Samuel Towles Thom.is l t i., and Mrs. Thomas L Towle. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court befmc the CUm k of Haywood County t0 sell land for the purpose of making assets to pay the debts of the estate of Jennie Towles, deceased, and to divide the remainder of the es tate among the aid heirs, and the said defendants will further take no tice that they arC required to appeal' hefo,e the t le.k of the Supe.o, ( ou.t and answer ,r demur to the said pe tition herein (il,.,l on or before the oth d.n x,f July, iy7, oi the petition ers will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said petition. . 'J ins the 24th dav of May l!i'7 kaii: ilmVm-,ov, Asst. clerk of Superior Cour: - Hav, wood County. ' "' Ao. f)i -.May 27 -J NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained m a certain deed of trust executed bv Oliver P. Cole and wife, Dorothy H. Cole and Margaret Cole, as recorded m Bovk .'10, page 00, record of deeds ot trust, to the un dersigned trustee. I will on July 10th, l!Mi, at 10 o clock A. M. at the Court iiou.se door in the lown of Wavnra- vi de, sell to the highest bidder of cash the following described real es tate, to-wit: Lying and being in Hay wood County: Beginning on a stone in W. S. Terrell, Deceased, line, it being the North East corner of the old Bethel School and Church lot, and runs N. () W. ,0 poles to a stake in old Moore line; then West of said old More line (now J. H. Curln's lino 15 'i! poles to a stake, J. P. Kellev's line or Dover line; then South 2 West with said line ,10 poles to ston in the South edge of the Public road, J. P. Kelley s and VV m. LedU'ttor's corn er; then North M East with the North boundary line of said Church and School lot 18- poles to the be ginning. Containing 4 acres, more or less. Being the same land convey ed to J. H. Plott by Wm. Ledbetter ami wife in a deed dated the 2iHh day of Dec. 1014, and recorded in Book 44, page ii!), Haywood County, and being the same land that J. H. Plott and wite conveyed to John R. L- Cole as recorded in Book 78, page 400. Only a one-fourth interest will be sold n the tract of land described above. Reference is herby made to said deed of trust as aforesaid. Said sale being made on demand of the holder of said note as described in said deed of trust efault having been made in the pay ment of said note as described and set forth in said deed of trust, and said trustee having been requested to sell same under said deed of trust- Tins the 7th dav of June, 1937. GROVEK C. DAVIS, Trustee. No: 00 1 June 17-24-July 1-8 WE ItUY OLD GOLD Jewelry, Rings, Teeth. Crowns, etc. See CHANDLER & CO. Credit Jewelers First Class Watch And Jewelery Repairing Waynesville, N. C. I Vni. TT ' f 4unave vour w s Repaired at -..'".' '''- '' :-' ' ainPion Shoe Shop LT-DUCKETT j 'Western Union struntent in .'writing., i Book 1)7 on pa 'j'' 2 ";;.. in the ilvtiister of J'eed f( County, North Carolina; an WHEREAS, default ha-, made. in the payment of the ness secured by ', said deed r IL i nd mg ir .Of been and the holder of said notes evident ing said indebtedness having demanded that the undersigned exercise the pow er of sale contained in said instrument and sell the property thereby convey ed, as provided in said deed .of trust, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on the 21st day of June, 1937, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House door, in th. City of i Waynesville, County of Haywood, and State of North Carolina, the following described land and premises, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in the County of Haywood, City of Way nesville, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the N. W. side line on Smathers Street and is N. 65 45' E. 100 feet from the N. E. intersection of Government Street and Smathers Street, and ryns thence N. 65 45' E. 50 feet with the side line of said Smathers Street to a stake. corner of Lot number 5; thence N. 23 45' W. 150 feet with the side line of lot number 3 to a stake; thence S. 65 45' W. 50 feet to -the N. E. corner of lot number 5; thence S. 23 45' E. 150 feet with the lire of lot number i 5 to the beginning, being; lot number in Block 2 of the L. C. Harbeck property as shown on Map number 250, recorded in Map Book "B", Index H , in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, N. C. This being the same lot of land con veyed by J. M. Mock and wife to J. H. Purvis and wife. This the 19th day of May, 1937. ANTHQNY REDMOND, Successor Trustee. No. 593 May 27-June 3-10-17. of Hill T ' I IVY I 1 1 1 1 1()M 'Mil I ' I 'MO iiimon,,. 1 v ., .,: . ,, ,'.' : ' ks to a stake in (he center of the ; . . " siu" P('"t-"n. i ' M V . . . t 1 1 I I I ll' , I 1 I , , . , , .1 I lili till' 7.11 II rl ii it n I HI.. , ..... nalilic road: thence with he cen or of .,,v t 1Uay, r.i.y,, liei.1. I' .. "1 U- A TP lln t , r . . . , ... ,. aid road 4 'calls as foliows: N. ,'14'' , , "'vri. m,i,j...w.m.).,-' . . . ' .., io'W. 11 links: N. SC 10' W. 1 chain ' 1 " l k 01 l"'nor Cour:, ih!v. ' ( M , Til I 1 1 " I ' - , .0 linlis; S. 72 2d . - . 1 chain, HI I I 1 ' . t H' - J,'o .,.'11' 1 , . . . 1 1 1'ioeon Town i. n '""7 "' MIMWWMmmFII II II 111 MM ' i Nvi'i'de i ard 1 lui-t sin i-ii the. BEGINNING. c-nlainin 'SEV- .. - , ('ay.k.'ei al. , ', ;?,,v i""1 ';f ne-t KduaVd- and biV ., ... -' ; ' I : : t- ;p -: m ffb ff3 101 M-Kbe-i rii a d.-,-d. l eVu.i d. d .in i:,i,.k 7.L 3 l"l M t'-SSflT' "mi 03 . 1o',!es.-e-C.-..;,me--, e: us. S'1-',1"'- f" 'i; '- ''o.'hl:, ri.M : XirXai-l, vo- 1 a',:,, Mi-Na!.b I:;ti'f" Ov'E.-.I'igi.rVirnd.VilV to I . thM : f 5 " lf-l ' , kOJ' : I I 'is Seizor and wilV. I ftCI W fW211 W ' ' power .,,! .(,.. ei n! a , ;,e I. . i ll i h.a I . -.- tmmnamr- . . mmrtu M ;.. . laj VM ;.,', I l- v,,.,,;,. Hiiulod (lf'liii,i i.v,io!:Vl! :k Kills, j; MM. '""' I t1i H fJ 11 I in 'ti-,e"Spe-ial- ' ' 'IruMee. 1 '.. . . : ,- B J.J'.ElWanN. X,- -May 27-Jvinp 1 0-1 7; -.. ' . i . ' ' - I :;;. v,v ""' I II uj I "l U"' N OUT II CAROLINA. I - , "Mi I lie. Ha v woo.J 1 1 vininn-.'oevte I I . Haying .qualified ias A d in ra tor 1 llMMBMMMMMIiiMMs a: bidder VV. E i; NOTI Under ni'di i; Of tile Haywoori County froeeeding entitled, "( et al. vs. Lil.ie hdwarcl-, on Monday the 12th day at lever, o'clock A. house door in Wavnesivi County, .North Carolina, public auction to the high for casli, tne following described real estate lying and being in the town of avnesvilie, to-wit: Being ;ots : Nos. 7 anil 8. of a plat and .survey made bv R. E. .Brown and H a Hayes, ir lt., BEGUN ING at the Southoa.-t corner of lot No. 0 and runs N. 0U E, wit,h the street 148 feet Vo the corner of lot No. 6 thence N. 24'i V. with the line of N. 6 295 feet to a stake near mill race, corner of lots Nos. 6 and thence up the mill race 14S feet to a stake in corner of lots Nos, 8 and 9; thence S. 24U E. 310 feet to the BE GINNING, estimated to contain about one (1) acre. This, 11th day of .June, 1937. A. T. WARD, Commissioner. No. 608 June 17-24-JuIy 1-8. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. This is to notify a. persons tnat the undersigned will apply to th Governor of North Carolina for a pa role or pardon, the undersigned hav ing been convicted under Section 4209 of C. S. All persons who are notified to enter protest if any they have why parole or pardon should not be granted. This the 10th day of June, 1937. ROY CARVER, No. 607 June 17-24. i trator of the estate of P. K: Hyatt, deceased, this is to notify all per'ons who have claims against said estate to present the same to the, undersigned on of be fore May 25th, . 1I8, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of right to iecover. AH persons: ndib'erl to said estate are notified to pa v-. same. This May 25th, 19:57. E. J. HYATT, Administrator of P. E. Hyatt, De ceased. No 597 May 27-Juio .1-10 17-24-July 1. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate ot A. E. Allison, De ceased, this is to notify all persons who are indebted to said estate to pay the same to the undersigned Administra tor immediately; and. to further notify all persons who claim debts due from said estate to present their claims for payment to the undersigned im mediately, at his home m Jonathan's Creek Township, Haywood County, on or before one year from the final pub lication of this notice, or the same will be pleaded m bar against all per sons failing to present their claims. This the 28th day of May, 1937. i FRED ALLISON, Administrator of the Estate of" A. E. Allison, Deceased. No. 593 June 3-10-17-24-JuIy 1-8. IMPROVED SCIIEDCr.F ltFTWFFV Asheville, N. C. and New York SOUTHERN RAIUVAY SYSTEM Reginning April 25th. train No. lfi, now leaving Ashe ville at 5:00 pm for the north, will be changed to operate on the following schedule: Northbound Southbound 5:15 Pm Lv Asheville Ar 9:15 Am 6:35 Am Ar Washington Lv 7:00 Pm 7:43 Am Ar Baltimore Lv 5:12 Pm 9:14 Am Ar Philadelphia Lv 4:05 Pm 10:55 Am Ar New York Lv 2:25 Pm With this change of time of departure from Asheville, passengers from this section will be able to leave Ashe ville at 5:15 pm and reach New York at 10:53 Am. Train No. lft from Florida will be changed to leave Asheville at 3:40 pm instead of 3:00 pm effective on above date. For detailed information and pullman reservation, see your nearest agent or address R. H. DeButts, Assistant General Passenger Agent ASHEVILLE, N. C. 4 n - . t .rah

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