nY JUNE 17, 1937 THE WAYNESVlLLtS MOUNTAINEER Page A Page Devoted to the Interest of Haywood County farmi nig i i imiim BHTJB . .' ' Farm Youth SoMs The Future : t. Nation largely . -he farm families A.,s -Truck at the .. . :Xv hi-id at State attended by 101 l hovs anil girls ... our.ty in the east )! lie N K: i ,.f A l.irt -I'.vnr -,C .Vest. an institution is the n. but in the big breaking down. Um-v, ot tne u. a. griculture, h rate is declining iv, it still exceed southern farms, anl said most of the ii will have descend- .;.e BIG YANK WEEK! BIG YANK. SHIRTS 59c to 97c f 1 i im. iri iiiira w - a ATENTED FEATURES bow Action sleeves heatproof pocket for latch or cigarettes een- at Duraglo buttons- ainproof voke. The shirt at millions prefer. FREE! ahiablt prizes for 1") Bijj Yank purchaser. Ask Mn' to get them. HASSLE'S prtment Store pod Place To Trade" COUNTYAGMtS tura! organizations in liiis country, Mich as the Fa: ni Bjtvau is net a jiuogian! T(, pal acios- any t'art'eteh- W. D.SMITH "SPEC I r Seme of our friends who wire mis informed have made certain state nients ab.ut the conservation program that are misleading. However, vve do not wish to have anybody believe any thing which is not correct. We have a complete list in our office of the costs of handling the li'liti Soil Con servation program for every county in the state. And also the payments that each has or will receive. We are giving below the mountain counties. Haywood county could have received la.st year several thousand dollars more had every body co-operated in ed from southern stock. Col. J. W. Harrelson, admini.-tra-tive dean of the college, also stated that economic changes are bringing agricultural districts to the front, while great cities built largely on wealth produced elsewhere have al ready seen their heyday. Dean I. O. Schaub, director of the State College extension service, point ed out that one of the major problems of agriculture is how young people who wish to .start farming can secure land of their own. Few have the cap ital required to buy and equip a farm of any size. The purpose of the conference, said L. R. Harrill. 4-H club leader at the college who had charge of the con ference, is "to give information, train ing, and inspiration which will help young men and women select intelli gently the vocations for which . they are best fitted." Besides the addresses and recrea tion, the boys and girls; were given advanced instruction in agriculture and rural homemaking. the program.- It is not necessary .to ask why some did not co-operate last year, but we find that nearly every farmer in Haywood county is this year in the program. Read the following When You Feel Sluggish (Constipated) Take a dose or two of Black Draught. Feel fresh for a good day's work. Work seems easier, life pleasanter, when you axe really well free from the bad feelings and dullness often attending constipation. For nearly a century. Black Draught has helped to bring prompt, refreshing relief from constipation. Thousands of men and women rely on BLACK-DRAUGHT A GOOD LAXATIVE ml Happy is the Father Who has provided for his family a Home Of Their Own V . Oil are not nnp nf lli fafhorc whn hiivs nrnviderl i-"r family a home, may we suggest that you consult r tO nl;mc- 1. l . . .. . . . . lumuer costs, contracting, etc. in tact, Pick The Plans - We'll Build The House unaluska SuddIv Co JERRY LINER, Owner : facts and think it over for yourself. :i or ;t:;7 the benefits coining to Hay wood county will depend in how near lou per cent co-operate in the pro igiaui. As far as we know there, is i not a county in North Carolina that : ha.- received every check f . r 1 '.'HO pay jnn'n!.s. Haywood county lias several I chocks to coiiie in vet. ! County j Alleirhanv . ,Ashe . j Avery . ! Buncombe ! Cherokee . I Clay . tiraham . . ; Haywood . j Henderson . I.huks.n Mai on .... M.ui:.- ii . . Transylvania Vatauja Yancev . Cos; per applicat ion .... $-'.T0 2.S4 4.;u ,".fi 4.10 . . ;?.::; . . . . a. 10 . . :;.is :.o:i I.. 120 Average . . . . . . Haywood . . . . . Highest in North IWYMKNTS Allcghaiiv Ashe . Avery ...... Buncombe . . Cherokee . . . . . Clay . . ........ (Jraham , .. Haywood Henderson . . Jackson . . . : . Macon . ; Madison . . . ...... Transylvania . . Watauga . . Yancey . ::.o0 . . . .'i.aii Carolina . . . S.04 TO COCMTF-S . . . . . .$il',:!;4.oo 12 i.s.'ii'i.oo . . !,SS.OO . . 4S.0oS.00 . .... 1M.747.00 ..... J,5Hi.OO . . H.OCc'.OO ....... :W.440.12'2 . . . . . . 14.TSK.00 : . . . . . it.:M5.oo . . . lL'.iilU.OO ....... c.(;.!ior).oo . . . .... '.I. L' 10.00 . ... . ... . 2o,o:m.oo 27,420.00 Our National 'farm program is built around the following practices: 1. Seedini of legumes and neren- nial grasses. 2. Growing of green ma nure and cover crops, .i. Mulching orchards. 4. Planting and thinning forest trees. 5. Improving land by use of ground limestone. (!. Using phosphates.. 7. Using . potash. 8. Controlling erosion by terracing. 9. Controlling erosion of crop land by subsoiling. Our leaders in Congress and in our state have said this is a safe and sound program to follow. The criunty agent and the community comittees with hundreds of farmers in HaywtHid county are trying to carry this pro gram out. Not every farmer is using everyone of the nine points, but each farmer can and should use some of them. The orchard men Will not be 100 pet cent in -using .mulching ma terial. Not .every farmer Will ter race or sub-soil, but it is not democ racy and fairness Tor us to condemn the program or any part of it, be cause we do not believe that it is needed on our farm. But this pro gram was set up so that every farmer could tit into it in some way. We are looking for co-operation to make the program for 1!KS7 bring $70,000. If you co-operate as you should we will get it done. We have just received a supplement which makes it nossible for a farm not to be penalized for failure to meet the minimum soil-conserving acreage provided there is m idle land on the farm and the increase in soil-deplet-ine ciOds were grown to renlace a shortage of feed crops on the farm caused by flood, drought or otner unfavorable weather conditions in 1936 or 1937. This provision does not make it possible for a' producer to he naid on a creater number of diverted acres than he has soil-con serving acres on the farm. It only provides for an exception of the $3.00 penalty on each acre by which the farm fails to meet the minimum soil conserving acreage. . The state and federal governments are ready to give us the services of a licensed veterinary in testing all cattle including milk and beef cattle for Bangs and T. B. . This can be done and the Work can start in the near future. If the county is ready to co-operate. If you believe this step should be made then you should speak to you county commissioners. WHAT ARE YOU LEAVING YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS? No one but a blind man or an ex tremely stupid me would deny that the farming business is undergoing considerable changes. - It is equally true that these changes are not the result of the plans of any one individual or group of individuals, but rather the result of the devel opment of civilization. The present program of the agricul- eil ule.i o! o.ita.n for tanners, lc.;t :'. i to adjust the ha-;.'.e; so as to tibtain tin from eondr. ;, r..- ;n exist. Wheie do yo'.i. a farmer, stan.; in :h you t r ing to adja and your, way !' :! a'bout this new ordei f the farnu i s w ho i un me advantages s a sincere etl'ort of agriculture nio-: advantages general as they is an .mi. vidua! I'- ma; ti i '2 An1 -t (HH business hiiiking to bring . oi are you one loesn't believe in o) co-operat ion and who has no plan program except as an individual? That kind of thinking n the part of farm people brought agriculture' business very near to disaster, and reasonable men can easily believe that, if such ell'orts as those of the Farm Bureau fail, the most chaotic conditions would result. Are you willing to leave that kind of a heritage to the boy s and girls who will follow: It is estimated that next few years one mt'.li will gvi out of business. g'o out of businc do not hae the ability capital, or because they contrary to adjust the.r the genet a I plan. They are the men who are think ing only of theiiisch os who do not care w hat may happen later on. They would have lo their boys and girls the hoai t-breaking task of building order upon the wreckage they arc creating. But Tor those who do iO-operato and wvrk together, there is a future with the. highest standard of living and the most satisfactory country life that the farmers have ever enjoyed. Future generations will thank these men and women. What do you think i( this from the Farm , Bureau? Co-operate and put over our Haywood program. within the n farmers Tliev will ither because they , credit, or are just too business to Uncle Jiiit Satjs fats, make pound and others by. points out. To bail together one Contour lurrows viu sToping pasture land will help you avoid washes and gullies, the forerunners of discarded fields, sedge grass, and scrub thickets. Ant Control Needs More Than 1 Poison Ir. Metcalt a sweet bait, of sugar, one j of water, and 12. giains of arse nate of soda until the mixture is thor oughly dissolved. Then add o::e table spoon of honey . 1 To make a bait for those ants wh.icl mix together oni- one ounce I bait out irresnonsi- prefer, tatty fo pound of bacon frying- am tartar emetic, reach of chih poisons, r. Me'.calf whip. keep a rcn and BIG YANK PANTS With all their famous pat ented and exclusive features Kighl graphotype machines are run ning 24 hours a day. with three shifts of operators, making metal plates carrying, the names and Social Secu rity account numbers of all workers in North Carolina for slate ' unem ployment compensation records. Ants become a constant annovance 1 at this season of the year because of the damage, they do to lawns arid Mower bods and because of their pres. once in the kitchen and pantry. Because there are about 9a kinds of ants known in North Carolina, their control is a dillicult problem. What is etVectivo against one kind of ant is not always effective against another. Mr. ."'. Mocalf, head of the de part mont of zoMlogy and entomology at. Stati' ('allege, recommends that the insects be destroyed in their nests. If they occur in lawns or. in rotten logs, the ants may bo eradicated by using calcium i yanide or carbon d isul phide. Calcium cyanide is a deadly poison, but may he handled out -uf-doors by ,'iny responsible person. It should be scattered over' the nests at the rate of about two ounces per square foot and then worked into the .-oil with a t iMwel. Carbon disulphido, being 'more ex plosive' than gasoline, should also he handled carefully. To use this com pound, make small holes with a point ed stick to a depth of half a foMt or more and pour in about a toaspootiful of the liquid in each hole. The holes should not be over a half a foot apart. Some ants are attracted by sweets BIG YANK WEEK! V;;1 iN.r.trd No-lair pen '.- siv;.',l "time till M.-at nui 1 ui!t fviuM ami lung wi-aiin. lUIT' :du.ihU p i I t Hip Yk 'un l-.inn. . bi m how to &t t 'u i.'i .. MASSIE'S Department Store "A (Jood IMace To Trade" Ma GOQ24 SUMMER JFLI ES Are Part of A Picnic BUT NOT IN YOUR HOME i IN" STOCK Screen Doors Window Screens Roll Screens Window and Door Accessories Flies are dangerous to the health of your family. Be sure you are protected from these germ-carrying pests. It will cost but little to screen your place and protect your family. Screen Windows Screen Doors Screen Panels Made to Order In Our Shop Bring Us Your Screening Problems Hlyatt and Company PHONES 43 and 157 AT THE DEPOT WAYNESVILLE, N. C.