fHE WAYNESVILLE Mountaineer Wet7 In The County Seat of Haywood County At The I-astern Entrance oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park inH i EAR NO. 30 WAYNESVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY, .ILLY 2S IMS fj-1 ' v $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNT SLS3 mmn SEEM Annual Report Puts hdebtedness of Hay Ud At $1,695,284.08 Defaults In Pay- Ut of Principal or terest By County . i ii i j nn For All Years Remains On County's Hooks Heard At Bethel e semi-annual financial state nf Havwood county, released rdav bv T. J. Cathey, auditor, aii'd that the total indebtedness countv, as ol June M)tn, this was $1.)5,284.08. Of this t $2(1.(100 has been paid during f same statement, which is pub- in detail elsewhere in this r, showed that total uncollected Is fur nil vears to date, stand at .5ti5.:)fl. Of this amount, $86, 6 fur 1!U7-.i8 remain unpaid. he indebtedness of the county s Irom f (wti,84.ll8 lor schools, S1,()1!",000.00 for the county. ie outstanding sinking fund bonds listed' as bonier $113,500.00, with hit fund cash on hand at i.it.5l, together with sinkim? investments of $14,210.00. The now available for payment on principle or interest, is set at 100.000. . Cathey 's record showed that were no default in either interest inciple. 'X"fc '" Sl.;'i:5-5?:!j-: Rank First in Vocational Classes In State w sasss S 2 f MM 5 . asms, - " i r""" w jkj i) & v- V) If). -'iT S V- 4W W '' FT ?t MILLION FROM VALUATION IS FELT IN BUDGET About !?2;i().(IOO To He Vu'hS County's Indebtedness; In Coming Year On rhi' lhiywood board nf i-runri an liiissuinei s will have put l (.n Monday, m Im.liret for tl;. ,,imnir Jear, whii-li will require n t.-.v r-.ut oC between $1 .(',() and !fl.li.r). it was U.r.t- by I be M ourv- Tbe aynesville chapter of Future Farniers Una chapters at a recent state convention. Th of the boys were absent when the above picture Ted Chambers, Jack Kabb, Sam Arrinnton, Robert c.il Arnntrton, Wayne rijj-ht , avne llvatt, Speilnian Met'lun Hooper, Raymond ( oward, James Jle( lure, William MeCraekeii, Robert Williams, Haves. Smuletoii, Knos Hovd. Walt Norman, Troy Franklin, Marion Norman, David 1 ( arl Francis and Harlev Allen. of America, won first place ainoiijr nil North Caro- e inapti'i is under the supervision ol . . (' llniwii Noiiie was made, but those shown above are: Fdear Mohaffov Mehaflvy, D.ick Moody, Ralph Huyd, Ray Notand, t'e John ( arver, Freil (iallowav, Hubert e ( alhoun, Rav I'eitz, Sam Oueeu, i d from jrood authority tameer yesterday. In all probability, the rate will t sit at $l.(),r), ur exactly tbnty cy-ri biyher than the piesint rati- The budget is completed with t!w exception ol (ine item the poor fsaxl. .Hid that is bemp held m obeyatMv an ( titrineer's report n t;ari(inr J4 heiitmu plant for the county horn. I he last jrrand jury reeommeiiileil ihar the eominissioners install a heutitiR il.m(. Heatiiip engineers an- now making a survey and estimated ;t of installing a satisfactorv svkihii The I Ml r ! rankliii, Rojrer Davis at hcrw.ood, Harold Francii James braneis, Kdar liiliic Hoyd, Clyde I.yle, htediicss tor the eotnjni- yc.u will be some heavier than Inst year, approximately one million n j valuation has been taken frnn tb" I books, lln-oiifi'h errors, releases ri(F adjustments.. This one it.'ni v.ii.i rate aliorit ten eelils. tin HARRY A. CATON, of Coshocton, Ohio, for ten years secretary of the National Grange, addressed a group of citizens at Bethel last week. He is an authority on rural affairs, and at present is chairman of the board of trustees of Ohio State Universitv. be Coming Day Set for Iron Duff ".' mi.' ii wii and (jabtiee sections of the il! be held at the new Crab hool .buildme the third Sun. in August. Pinion will be preached by Kiikpatiick, pastor of the Cen ' Methodist, church, of Greens- fiiimer resident Fi-aTiV f "'(! Glenn Palmer are in charire P'l'PViim and general arrange . the observance of the day. '"irncr citizens of Iron nff free are nro-ni . '..x..j comins .day. All thnso km . . i""'"""'. i-"v ait rfifllliiutl to brmc a Campbell Reunion Neld Last Sundav At iome Of John Campbell . s'uu. annual rmm ' v. l..n , . - -vuiuuiii ui me h lamily was hoU .i lk. v. M.s. John B. Campbell at V last Sunday. W. jryis aabf talk, ,ft,.h was follow- a. devotional. r, j....- j n C ? -.1 " U .wauui'iea nr ... i , . bhpV i Be"y Leather-u'a,,I"&- A tribute to , fa"ua Frances Boyd Was PrcsentedJ. A Dro- .lumpers was pre !1 xf,nanH CamPell Jariv N.andv V 'erusn. Tom W f Mr- r """Ulee reported ... o,i,,jut.if lnc "-'Ilium , National Grange Official Heard By Bethel Group America At Cross Kouds As To The Economic Security Of Farmer, Said Cabinet Maker Whittles Out 22,435 Pieces Of 100 Woods For An Inlaid Library Table Three Schools Of County Will Begin Work August First feach ers And Principals Named For IJKW-.rj School Term In Haywood fbell of Mary '"miuernent wa hi ItL 1. auat,on of Ellen Pital, Raj '?e of of the. nurses school of eii'h of tVS- bus,ness session "' "-eetine was o-ivon le njy1 to serve the Jrronn . t!p""f Chapla,n William Lc,,i.V"f program - com-- Fd ' ?,pbell' chairman JbehY '""""'ee, Miss TJ.ll o...,lu.fiU, Mrs. .Tnhn; 'm d Ne CampbeU. r the rn, , 'as served Picnic i cm " u ot, the l-ome, with ' "unnred "The financially distressed can no longer cut their way into new land frontiers and escape their eco nomic troubles," Henry A. Caton, of Coshenton, Ohio, secretary of the National Grange, told members of the Pigeon Valley Grange Friday afternoon at Bethel. The members of the P.ethel Grange and their families gathered for a picnic dinner and program in the school auditorium. I. A. McLain, master of the local Grange, also spoke and introduced the speaker. Mr. Caldwell discussed the problems confronting: the rural people of North Carolina and asked that the Pigeon Valley Grange discuss these issues in the coming meetings and be ready to 'I he schools of the Fines Creek. Bethel and Crabtree districts will open on Monday morning, August th( people 1st, according to Jack Messer, conn ty superintendent of education. J hose elected to teach in the Fine Creek district are as follows: F. L Sairord, principal; B. G. O'Brien, ag riculture teacher; Mildred L. Rogers Kuby Violet Lane, kathenno Green W ilham G. Noland, Dorothy Nelle Jus tice, Stephen' Ferguson, Ruth Lavad; bodlord, Bonnie Favo Duekett, Pearl hlizabeth James, W. Frank Kirk Patrick, Mho Lee Green, Hilda Way r-ishor, K. b, Owen in the Redmond school, and Mrs. Steve Ferguson in the Hurricane school. Those elected to teach in the Bethe school ol the Bethel district are: Prin cipal, J. C. James agriculture teach er, I. A. McLain. Harriett. Rovd . T? Ceorne Miller, (iifted Whittler of This County, Worked On Table 18 Months South American Animal Captured At Hardin Home appropriations, on the county in the otlu'i; and pivator ( i casiirv has twenty rfnlsj iddition has the Balsam the four- three to in neip iormuiate tne state tii ange pro- cole Gannon, Amelia Bradley, ' Sara gram this fall. Kerr Cathey, J. T. Chap pel, Marv The national secretary spoke on Emma Ferguson Tj uli, Mary Lou "The Challenges Facing American." Morrow,, Anna Jane Brown Allr.n many of the j Mary Ruby Davis, Tyson Andrew people lounili Latney, Kuth Singleton, Belle Frank- in atfrnd- He stated that during so called "panics," the escape in the unsettled lands of the west, but that the only froniers re maining were those in the field of science and new ideas, i The speaker listed the following challenges which the people of Amer ica must attempt to solve.: Equalization of handicaps of the economic groups; discovery of new uses ol larm products; mare equal distribution of the national income; the purchase of American made goods by Americans; more economical production and mc- markets for farm products; a more adequate credit system; maintenance of organ ization among farmers, and a wider and more thorough youth program. Mr. Caton said America is at the cross roads as far as the economic security of the individual larmcr is concerned. He praised the worki being done by various farm groups, especially the local units of the grange in making communities "better places in which to Jive." He said that the grang'e, as a national organization, was one of the most influential groups in the United States for carrying out programs which aid American fanners. LOSES DRIVERS LICENSE William Boyd Bennett, of this town, has had his drivers license revoked, Jin Ratcliflf, Mary Pauline Sentello Mable Claik, Bessie McClure Evan Gussie Martin, Robert James, and Mrs. J. T. Chappel. In the Cruso schoil, Paul Gro gan will serve as principal with the following teachers: Hugh Rogers, Ei-ma Patterson, Essie Sellars, Mrs. Edna McCracken Ensley, Mrs. Lela K. Messer, and Gladys Henson. Thomas Erwin has been elected as principal of the Cecil school and the following teachers: Pauline Frazier, Dorothy W'alker, Alma G. Chambers, and Pearl Justice Yates; Gay Cham bers, principal and Evelyn Chambers will teach in the Spring Hill school. Teaching in the Crabtree district will be: S. E. Connatser, principal; Sam W. McCracken, Mary Joe Hamp ton, Bernice McElhannon, J. Harley Francis, Emily Palmer, Edith Long, Mary Elizabeth Davis, Cleo Caldwell Rogers, Christine Hogan Harrell, Louisa Boyd, Faye G. Messer, and t rench Lorena .Rogers LOCAL HOY ON RADIO TODAY AT TVO O'CLOCK Ray Deitz, winner of the district speaker's contest in Raleigh, will speak over WWNC today at two according to the state highway depart- , o clock. i oung Deitz, a junior in the ment. He was charged with driving . local high school, will speak on soil while drunk. erosion. W hen George Miller was years old, he eric! so for a knife whittle with, that, his mother gave to his wants, and he has been whit ling ever since, and ust finished his biggest job when he turned out a library table containing 22, -VM pieces! of whittled wood. ! The table contains 100 .'different j kinds of woods, and all were grown: in Haywood count v. The novel inlaid table is on display at the Wavnes-1 ville. Book Store, and is offered for! sale by Mr. Miller, lie .started work, on the table in' January, 19.'!7.. Kighleen months j later be put on the linishiiig touches .11 ' i . -. . . ... . . aim urougni ii lo town Jrom his home near Bethel. The table was built in an old house, and as Mr. Miller says, "away from bothering folks." "With 22,4.!.r) pieces of wood lo whittle out, and glue together, I figured-1 could nut afford to be both ered." Jle averaged working on the table about .' hours a day, lor the 18 months. Mr. Miller is a cabinet maker bv trade, and in making the- table, which weighs 175 pounds, used only four tools a pocket knife, a saw, .plane and wood file. He admits that the knife hows signs of wear, and blushes when asked if he cut his finger --dur-mg the process of cutting out the 22,4.'I5 pieces. He admitted, how ever, that he did cut. a. . finvcr whon : small block split unexpectedly. I The top of the table is made of 500 stars, the scheme being worked, out with different colored woods. The helf under, the table has 300 stars All the pieces were glued together. arid fine wire used to strene-then the piece of furniture, It is Mr. Miller's belief that the table will last for 200 years. It is of his own design, and he sough no advice, and did not have any help. l m giited at whittling, and mak ing things from wood, and I got a lot of pleasure out of the job. It took a lot of patience, but when you like to do a thing, the patience is forgotten." Most of the wood used in the table was cut in the forests and brought in by Mr. Miller. He dried it in his homemade kiln, and sawed it out with handsaw. It was a problem to get 100 different kinds of woods that grow in Haywood county, but he refused to jse any other. , 1 Several years ago Mr. Miller owned a repair shop in town here, but, he explained that people rushed him with work, and broke his health, and he moved to the country, to regain his health, and there it was that he conceived the idea of the table. Although 54 years old, he says he can see through a plan or idea much better now than when he was young Continued on Page 12) A new and interesting been made to the zoo at Fish Hatcher, through tesy of W.L. Hardin, Jr. Several weeks ago Jake Davis dis covered a strange looking animal eating from an old can on the prop erty of Mr. and Mrs. Hardin in Belle Meade. The animal was caue-ht in a brush pile by Davis anil Bobby I Hardin. In the course of t line, af ter being prominently 'display, .11 was de cided that the stranger was a anla dilla, a South American quadruped with a bony shell. General belief is that picked the animal up 111 poss.'l.ty Texas, and it wa; leased or escaped in this a tourist M ex ico, or cither re-1 localiiv. I .More demand: I 1 (suited 1 j increase. Ilie laidget last vciir was bas..,r four million valuation, while ill's budget is based on u val uation of twenty-three million. From T. J. Cathey, auditor, it learned that, a 5-year bond issur maturing . this year, and 'something like 5.2.10,000 will be lcipiired to im-v maturing bonds and interest durim the coming fiscal year. A. month or so ago it was thoucfu that a rate of $1.55 would U sum. cu nt for the county, during flic" put ten days, it was found that the mt. would have to be something Jik. ft to care for the needs. A complete itemized statement wi7I I"- published iiiinicdiati ly after adopt ion ol (he budget. Iron Duff. Boy Wins Scholarship New Development Of Belle Meade Placed On Market im Davis, -oral ional h school, l.'.-ileigh where state finals of in 'hig of lion Duff, a agriculture in tin has just returne be took part t he eleven! h 'Indent Clyde I fifiin in t he-annual 'I he owners of Belle Meade Mounccti uk! opening 01 a lurther do- ! vclopmcnt of the subdivision, which adjoins the Waynosvillo Country Club. I 'I he new section is known as block 1 "K" mi Fan-view drive, overlooking fairways Nos. 1(1 ..and 17 on the golf course. i The owners said that while these 1 lots were being sold at auction todav, ' that they will not impair nor Willi they conflict in anv wav with that 1 portion of Belle Meade which is own ed and approved by the Federal Hons-1 ing (commission. The statement was also ,111 le that while the lots in block "K" are equally attractive as manv in the other nart of the development, they do not have a restriction on this particular . part of the lands re(uning home builders to build homes of a minimum value of $:i,500. , eo-iiperativc essay contest. I lie represented the west J sion of the state and was I first prize which consisted I in cash and a one-year- (nil ion schol- arship lo State College, at Kaleig-h. I where he plans to enter school tins . fall. .Tl div-i-Mvvurded of $100. Farm Tour Set For August 12th FARM SUPERVISORS COMPLETING SURVEY The annual farm arid Ii ome flirt of Haywood county will be held Fri day, August 12. The route the tour will follow is being worked out by thi officers of the Haywood County Mu tual Soil Conservation and Land1 Usr Association and representatives 'at -County.-.. Council, of Home Demonstta tion clubs in Haywood county alonj with representatives of the extension service of this county. Different civic organizations and others are assisting in sponsoring the farm and home tour this year. De tails of the tour will be released at an early date. TwontvMwo supervisors at the present time -arc checking the com-1 pliance under the -1938 Agricultural 1 Conservation program in Haywood' county, Everv farm in the county 1 covered by a work sheet will be check-j ed. The supervisors were appointed by the townshin and county commit- teemen and approved bv the district supervision All the puper-visors had two days of instructions bv the dis trict supervisor before starting work. The following supervisors are work ing in the county: Burton Cathev, Clifford Brown. Jr., Carroll McCracken, Grady B. Noland, J. M. McEIrov. W, B. Poston, Chas. B. McCrarv, Glenn McCracken, Lyn wood McElroy, Hulan Gibson, Ribert M. Hovd, John Howell, John H. Ken nedy Howard Stamev, Stephen Cath ev, Grover M. Davis. Geo. E. Plott, P. D. Turner, James N. Palmer, Browdy Z, Green, Elmer Sahlman. 1Ue tOecMte Report If. M.' II ALL, Official Observer July Max Mm I'n-.:. 21 74 fi.'i O.iVi 22 73 f3 Of,? 21 7.1 03 iZ 24 07 01 Os: 25 " 74 02 2d SO : 50 27 82 55 Mean maximum . 747 Mean minimum , Mean for week 07 5 High for week . .( Low for week ...... . . r3 ' Below normal for week . . S..i Precipitation for week 2.6.4 Precipitation since July 1 .4.fsS Above July normal Precipitation for year 2fi22 Deficiency for year 2.4ft 1