THE WAVNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Tiii'pcniv 11-, .. M"J'i Jt-Ll 28,19, Waynesville Boys Win First Place In State Program Local Chapter Of Future Farm ers, Under J. C, Brown, Take Lead' In Work At the state convention of Future Farmers of America held in Raleigh Ihe Smoky Mountains National Park chapter of Waynesville was declar ed winner of first place. The award was made on the basis of a score card used by the State De partment of Education for rating all chapters in the state. The chapters are scored on forty-four items under the heads of: Supervised practices; co-operative activities; home work and community service; leadership ac tivities; earning and saving; conduct of meetings; recreation activities; publicity. This chapter scored slight ly less than 800 poins out of possi ble 845. Many local awards and several state recognitions have come to the individ ual members of the chapter in the past two years, however, in scoring the chapter work of individuals is not as important as team work. This chapter had the outstanding student in the state last year it was also winner of first place in the moun tain district of Sixty odd schools, and third place winner in the state. The ocal chapter has an active member ship of 50. There are three hun dred and fifty chapters in the state. For the past two years members of lhi r.Viontnr Vinve POnp on tour. Last year they went to Norris and Wilson dams and this year seventeen mem bers have just returned from a tour of the Eastern part of North Caro- Charlotte Bishop To Preach Sunday At Union Service Bishop Clare Purcell, of Charlotte, h EDiscooal area UIMHJf - - - , of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will be the guesi preacnei ... the union service at the Methodist church Sunday evening at eigm o'clock. Bishop Purcell was elected to tne the Methodist general conference held in Birming ham in May of this year, ne is native of Alabama in which state he has held pastorates during his entire ministerial career up to last May. He succeeded Bishop Paul B. Kern as superintendent of the Methodist con ference in the two Carolinas. Their Marital Life on Rocks -WK'Alfi'i'l wswsm A t Special Service Planned At Episcopal Church Here The Reverend W. C. Cravner, rec tor of All Souls' Biltmore, will be the special preacher in "Grace Church in ' . ..i 1 !.. Till IF the Mountains' next punuay, 31st at 11 a. m. All Sir Knights of the Order of the Temple and all Blue Lodge Ma sons are fraternally and courteously invited to attend. Rev. Albert New, rector, said Rev. Mr. Cravner is Grand Prelate of the Grand Com mandory of Knights Templer in North Carolina. A special musical program has been arranged for this occasion. lint. After having attended the state convention the group went to Caro lina Beach and White Lake for a few days, returning home Sunday night, July 17. You Can't Afford TO L-aA M -Li WHEN It's Cheaper To UILD Junaluska Supply Co. JERRY LINER, Owner Phone ,263-J Lake Juna,uska Hospital News vies Vellie Reeces, of Canton, Route 2, medical case, is better. (iwre Walls, of Hazelwood, med ical case, is improving. Fonnip Pavne. of Canton, Route 2. operative case, is resting fairly well. Route 1, operative cas e. is ir p!-0V:. Mrs. Ada Caimes, ,-,f ar ative case, is some bttt- Miss Billie Whiu-h n;. Route 1, operative i,,-, fairly well. Mrs. Ella Gaddy, , ; ... improving. Mrs. Kenneth Stahl, operative case, is improving. Mrs. George Ball, of Waynesville, Route 1, medical case, is some better. William Hoyle, of Waynesville, Route 2, medical case, is resting more comfortably. Miss Vicie Hall, of Canton, Route 1, operative case, is better. Miss Christine Medford, of Canton, Franchot Tone and Joan Crawford One of the most popular of movie couples, Franchot Tone and Joan Crawford, have separated, according to an announcement issued by both. The two were married three years ago. Miss Crawford was married previously to Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. . i i .i o liff nflF in actual nigni man n. -" the water. That is due to suction v,.to.l nn the floats or hull. Thi, United States, satisfied with f em-vev flirhts last summer, does not plan extensive experimental trips across the Atlantic Dei ore regu lar service is begun. In addition to its flying Doais, Britain has large, four-motored land planes which it may use between the old and new worlds when transatlant ic airline ticket counters are opened. That her powerful land transports could be used efficiently was demon strated by Dick Merrill's roundtrip to England last year and Howard Hughes transatlantic flight last week. Herman Dalton, of B;U(.;. , operative case, is r ;'.::' f. fortably. ; DISCHARGE) Among those discha: -! Haywood County Hospital .iu T past week were: Quint,. gC? Mrs. Claude Norman. Mi p,. , 1 .illlt' f--'ii:ii;r; y Jack Davis and balv, Mu," p ' uano, munias U te , G. T. Scott and baby. R.,v iuiss ineinia uucKttt. v . Whitesides, Mrs. Marvin Prt.L;rt' '; baby, Mrs. Catherine Nichul " v- j. n. jnurpny, master Spald"n l'r,V: wood, Mrs. u, . ltfiwdle. Vr r White, Mrs. Jesse Wills, Mrs, y " Hampton and baby, M:s y btandiridge, Miss .ma (;ant:;, Mrs. Russell Warren arl kbv ' BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. A. H. t',,!k, .f c. Lull, amiuuiitc iiiv un ui i . lt on July the 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Maum-v. Canton, announce the birth o.' daughter on July the 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Jack CYmard, of 0- Creek, announce the birth cf a dasjJ ter on July the 20th. Mr. and Mrs. S. -M. .Myers, of Cii ton, announce the birth of a daiid ter on July the 24th. Plane Trip From N. Y.-London For $450 Is In Making I piie" flving boats ought to be ready I for scheduled flights in the fall, and I hints have been dropped by Pan Amer I ican Airways, the Urited States com pany, that .regular transatlantic ser vice awaited only the completion of the bigger equipment. Commercial airplanes will resume "survey" Mights across the North Atlantic next week, and prospects are i good that the common citizen with nough cash for a ticket can reach Eurone bv air this autumn. Th,. ti iti from New York to London 1 1 nen will require about 24 hours, the tare probably will be $450. A first class ticket in the liner Queen Mary costs $;il. tins extra. t European rearmament and highly involved political considerations have delaved the establishment of regular Fifty "survey" flights will be made by the- British, 'Germans and French this summer and fall. When the Germans land a catapulted seaplane at Port Washington, Long Island, next Friday, it will, mark the start of third season of operations b tween New York and the Azores. Britain's "conmosite" aircraft, a! piggy-back affair in which a large flying boat and a pontoon seaplane fly aloft as one machine and separate in and iirliner service between Europe America for at least four years. To land at a foreign port, an air plane requires a permit. Nations not yet ready for competition on the At lantic air lanes have been loath to grant such permits except for "sur vey" flights. "Let everybody start even," they argue. Now, however, the United States is practically ready to begin shuttling between the two continents with passengers, mail and express. It Hctiiallv could have started in 1934, with equipment then available. The new 8:!,0()0-pound flying boats being completed in Seattle are rated considerably in advance of anything which Europe has to offer. The British probably are closer to to transatlantic service than any other foreign power. Their improved "Em- mid-air, will take off from the River Shannon at Floynes, Ireland, next Wednesday night for Montreal and New York. The seaplane does the long-distance wolk. France's veteran flying boat "Lieu tenant de Vaisseau Paris, which flew the South Atlantic in 1934 and came to grief in a Florida storm while riding at anchor, arrived at Foynes last night. When this craft, one of the world's biggest, will start across the Atlantic remains for de termination. Both Britain's piggy-back craft, which is not intended for regular transatlantic operation, and Germa ny's catapult seaplanes, which are shot into the air from the deck of surface ships, attempted to solve the problem of getting great loads into the air. A pontoon seaplane or flying boat Can carry more cargo - and . passengers. Il I I Satisfaction And III n e i xnnu ui ii fi fui i 1 uy v irvi, I Are j STRESSED ON EVERY ITEM WE HANDLE Waynesville Laundry, Inc. I J. W. KILLIAN BOYD AUMt Phone 205 r -- . - ... . : . - - . . : ' '- ''"- '- ; '.. ODAY IS THE DAY OF THE IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE -of- 4 LAND Cash Prizes Aim- ":':'ri pr ite. M ' 4. is ":" Jiiffe- Sale Conducted by PENNY BROTHERS The World's Original Twin Auctioneers, Agents, Charlotte, N. C. If you care to buy or sell land, write PENNY- BROS. Charlotte, N. C, J. C. Penny, Gen. Mgr. NUMBER OF BUSINESS AND RESIDENTIAL LOTS Located In ELLE MEADE Adjoining Waynesville Country CM TERMS 20rr CASH, BALANCE 6, 12, IS. nd -1 (2 Discount for Cash). Music by Live Wire Band MONT Statement By The Owners: The owners of Belle Meade know that the time is not ideal to realize the full value for the lots and land offered, but have no ale5al"f',n"d0lth sell some lots. The only choice and the one exception is to sell to people who we believe will help us make BELLE MEADE SLBim iiv best residential sections in ncsmn w.t.. v . . , , . The residential lots are located in Block K on Fairview Drive, overlooking the Golf Course and are some very desirable lots may be sold in blocks to speculative invests Some of the :. .:.J.' Desoiam uwua.iuBHv"""'"" : . . .. . . .. . ... , . wprvt the And while we are selling some lots at the buyer s price, we ai me same ume expect 10 conunue lo now lo a high stanaara. u e i to confirm or reject and therefore protect the buyers. We expect to further improve the development from the proceeds of the sale. , i . u uj iw a flwn navment as 20. the remaining amounts to be paid over a neriod of tim of 3. fi. 9. 12 months , , t ,Pnt ironnt will be made on all cash payments. Aour presence will be appreciated. BELLE MEADb y' V JKAIB, . x n