THURSDAY, AUGUST l THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEEIl Page 1 m HIGHWAY FU1 i Asking McKee To Widen Highway In East Waynesville Survey Completed; $200,001) Is Allocated for Improvement of 10!h District Roads Musical Group Coming Here For Sunday Evening Concert tin Waynesville business men their eifurls Wednesday Ki'Uiiii; IliuliAay !'. from limits in Kust. Waynesville Junaluska widened to at leas renewed niht in the city to Lak; t 24 feet. Their hopes of (jeltinjf the project through, rame on the heels of an an lionneenient by iv I.. McKee, highway commissioner of this district, that he had $20l),()Dl) not ear-marked to be spent on !ii hv..y improvement ill this district. The fact that the field work on this stretch of road has been completed, and possibly the office work, tfuve local citizens hope that the project could be included in the work which Mr. McKee says will start at an early date. The widening of this stretch of load would make it comparable to that part of the same highway between Waynesville and Hazelwood. A committee of the ('number of Commerce headed by I,. N. Davis has been at work on the matter for some time. A discussion was niaU' f the matter, along with others, by (has. K. Hay, Jr., at a meeting of merchants here .Monday night. The town board of aldermen have also had under consideration, plans for widening the street from the corn er of the W. T. Denton home to th" City limits at Abel's (iarage. A total of $100,000 has been allo cated this district, with $200,000 al ready "ear-mai ked"--one project in Ihmeombe and another in Swain. 9 "9 ,JW' Yf.W.'.&'M Si--... K " J SST- a , Ml .dtrVS . . v 'i. -t 'Y' . . B 41 -MS H T Hfe-m r. i M t , w? U V Wwm, J . . an accessible posi tion for working- in comfort . . , an ehctric washing machine . . . an ironer . . . an iron . . every thing arranged for the operator one could not pass without -peaking of the spotless house . . . . the inviting porch .... he well kept lawn . . going back to the kitchen . . . .Mrs. N'oland gives most of the credit of the plans to Reeves. . . . i News Of Crabtree For The Past Week Among those ioochee reunion were: Mr Miss Mary C. Palmer, mer, Miss and Mi. Davis. Mr. Joe, (i. (' Kmilv Pah Then on to the Leatherwood place for a demonstration of erosion con trol . . . from the road . . . far up on a turn on a hillside ... it looked pretty far down a rocky path . . . and then up another red clay hill . . ruin ation to white shoes . and it was get ting on . and the day had been more than warm, but Grace Plott and I got there somehow . . and it was well worth the effort ..... to hear R. W. (iracber . . . of the state de partment . . positively preach the Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. T Charlotte, and Mr. a:, : man Davis and family ;,: Davis. Mrs. T. W. Nolar.,!. Tenn., was the guet of J. H, Kirkpatrick Satur their camp on the Ciabti Miss Ethel Caldwell s week with Mr. and ', Palmer at their home ;., U of Southern music, and as vet comparatively new in the Apollo Boys' Choir, of Birmingham. This musical gv .up will give a. concert here Sunday evening at the First Methodist church. The program will consist of religious numbers, and will be under the direction of Coleman t ...... TU.. 1 1, Lute iiroWk Uli l)tll l ft..,- Mr Coleman had heard some 10.000 voices. The press of the na- Uiopei. u.... . - .. i . . v ! IU lomdoska. been warm in their praise ot the periormances oi me cnoir. i ne uhj.i a.e it would have been almost impossible to have brought the group to Waynesville. miles from town . . . tne colors gospel tion . . to care foi the earth , you know mere wort of soil control and conserva he made it a sacred duty Tom Kirkpatrick and Patrick entertained wi supper at tnerr summer the land . . and if you love I evening honoring Mi . . and it is part of you . . . what I mean . . otherwise s would fail to explain. . . ! beth Jordan, of Norfolk, I Kirkpatrick, of Raefonl. Emily Siler and Miss Ha.-,, ; of Waynesville. Va.. J. H -Ms v.w:'- tion has otherwise Last to the Jonathan Creek . . there is a farm and Haywood county Ketner place on . . . I doubt if homestead in where every Irvine HERE anTHERE By W'uy (tyu Evans Reunion Will Ho Held In Canton On 28th .The- tenth annual reunion of the Evans family of this county and section will be held Sunday, August ; 2Kth, -it the home of Mrs. Delia I I ('oman, 111 Newfound street, Canton. I All relatives and friends are invited to attend, and bring baskets lor the picnic lunch. A program of inter est has been arranged. .Germany .shipped $711,000 worth of mouth organs, accordions and other musical instruments to the United .Slates last year. I want the readers of this column I lo join me this week in giving the farm women of Haywood county ... a glad hand and a rising vote . . . tliey deserve- it . . the writer was anion the five hundred going on the third annual farm tour Friday . . . and had a line opportunity to learn what part I he women are playing in the rural life of the country . . . and I want to tell you they are partners in every 'sense of the word ... I knew that j agriculture was 'making; great strides I in the country . . . but somehow before jthe tour I am afraid 1 was giving the men too much credit . but, Friday 1 learned . . . that these progressive farmers . . who are using the last woi 1 in the scientific methods . . . also have wives who are headed in the same direction and that when you nee a farm that is outstanding foi imorovement . . . you will see standards of living and home metit program being carried the wife. ... prominent citizens. n this county ... 1 also met many 1 knew . . . it was a real pleasure to see them all . . . and know what, thev are doing foi miiiiities ty of the I'cuvcrilam White Oak pressive. . their homes . . and the s loi p around and ciini--eliic bcau Pigeon to and down to the section is always im- CARDUI In this modern time something Wonderfully worth while can be done tor practically every woman who suffers from functional pains or menstruation. Certain cases can be relieved by taking Cardui. Others may need a physician's treatment. Cardui has two widely demon strated uses: (1) To ease the im mediate pain and nervousness or the monthly period; and (2) to aid In building up the whole system by helping women to get more strength, from their lood. its the better out by that more women tour this year than tours . they did the cars at the in I was to! went on the on orevious not sit at ease farms where the demonstrations dealing only with the actual farming methods were being made , . but they climbed hills to see pastures , . . and cattle . ... . and soil erosion preventative measures . . with the men . ... they were just as keen on what to do for the land as their hus bands .... I consider" it a priv lege to have gone on the trip . . . I met many women ... I should have known before ... they are tilized corn . of the remai its yield . . . being grown by Cathey ... to the last stop at the . . anil Frank. Davi kable bean crop . . From the first slop at the Weaver Cathey place . . . where the owner gave a demonstration of ridge cultiva tion of tobacco . . . and highly fer- tol.l and Mr. hos pitable home of the V. D. Ketners there was not a dull moment ... at tne Grover Abel place . . . where his young sons showed their 4-H club project in beef cattle . , . it was in teresting to see how everyone want ed to touch the calves . . . maybe they looked loo good to be real ... 1 at tempted to remember all my husoand has tried to tidl me in judging cattle . . . and if I recall correctly the points, he has stresed . they should all be prize winners . . both in Asheville and Raleigh . . . here also was a hy draulic ram demonstration . . . that interested the women as much as the quite easy to understand it . the demonstration turned men . would out to be a great surprise bred person on the trip . . she had thought it had lo sheep. ... to one city . who said reference Make This Your Year At tin w here a made . her husband place iiuy Chambers lime demonstration was . one wife stayed near md was heard to sav aimer Own your .home before the end of 1938. Kiht now is the time to start, we're ready to help you w ith plans, sugges tions which we have gathered over a period of many years of contracting and as lumber dealers. Junaluska Supply Co. JERRY LINER, Owner Phone 263-J Lake Junaluska . . . "Now this is what we have to do to our land to bring it back . . . you take it all in . . just how it is done . . . for we are going to rent that spreader" . . then to the Crabtree school building . . . for lunch . . . and even the good. women of the Waynesville Methodist and Baptist churches who have had such a large amount of experience in feeding the multi tudes . . . couldn't have served a better cold lunch . . ... which was certainly what you needed to go with the broiling noonday sun . . . a -program . . . with Albert McCraeken . . one of Haywood's leading agriculturists, presiding . . then followed the mare and colt show .. . with such a crowd of admiring little boys under foot that it was almost hard to tell about the colts. .... Then on to the D. Reeves N'oland place . . a farm electrical unit and a kitchen improvement electrical unit . . ... the high light of the day as far as the women were concerned . . . my party arrived early . . . and we had amply time to make a thorough inspection before the crowd came I took myself a seat where I could watch the visitors go bf.- . the ex pressions on the faces of the men made an interesting study . . . (inci tlently they all visited the plant before the house) , . . those with their wives were lead in . . . with the women wearing a look ... of "Now I want to really show you something" . . you know that wifely look of determ ination . . . and they certainly had an eye full . . heard one man sigh with relief and say "Thank goodness, my wife's not along ..... I'd be having to build cabinets and figure on electricity . . . before I went to bed to-night." . . One would not expect to see such a kitchen outside of city limits . much less tweny-five town . are soft cream and green .... which make a very lovely pic ture and take the eye before one realizes the completeness of the equipment . . there is everything known in the electrical line for a kitchen . . . stove . . . master mixer . . juicer . . . waffle iron . . . colander . . a wood stove . . with the wood box concealed un derneath a cabinet ... looking like a nice big drawer . . . cabi nets of every description . . all working units the correct height for the worker ... a breakfast alcove . . . with live windows . . with most intriguing green and white curtains ... I bet all the women wanted to ask Mrs. N'o land where she bought the ma terial . . . green furniture . . . cushions with touches of rose . . then into the room with frigi daire . . opening into laundry . . here every convenience .' ... . two large tubs . . . in the middle of dollar spent has shown greater return . . . Mrs. Ketner did the talking . . . and told of the pur chase of the farm . . . its indebt edness . . . how it had been met .... what had been spent on the place each year ... a barn demon stration . . . burned motor oil and mortar color . . . was given . . . the house is being enlarged . . . the porch has recently undergone extensive improvements . . . rock walls , . . and driveways under construction . . . a home beautiti cation program underway . . . all well thought out plans . . . that are being carried out as the own ers can a If o I'd it . . .the kitchen also in the course of renovation . it looked mighty inviting on Fri day afternoon with its large bowls of iced tea . , . and dozens of glasses topped with crisp mint. . . that were served until your thirst was satisfied. . .- You missed something by not tak- Mr. and Mrs. T. R. lotte, are spending a tv, ,; the hitter's mother, Mis. V mei'i at her home on tiu road. a: e, t'::;b:i ing the tour . . . for ; is taking place right h, . . . that is making over :! the rural, people . . . ami in when you think of the man' for these welcome changes must not forget to pay t those who have assisted in . . . the county farm' agent-; work started under V. I). S being continued by R. K. S . . . and among the women t tie .-trail-, and effective work of .Mar, .M;e;,iy Smith. ..... trie Un :hu-;( 666 Liquid, Tablets Salve Nose Drops MALARIA in 7 days ana fel-evM COLDS f.rst Headiiche, .'ID imiuiIm Try "MUB-MY-TISM - World i 3es: L-nimrl PRESENTING Our new Fall Jarman Shoes, in styles and leathers to match the newest fabrics of the season. The Jarman Friendly Shoe, the country's most popu lar $5 shoe . . . The Jarman Airflator, With a special inner sole in every pair . . . and the Jarman Custom Grade Shoe, a truly fine shoe in every detail from leather to laces. Come in and look them over we can fit you in new Fall styles that will appeal to your sense of good taste and value ... SHOES FOR MEN 5 MoilSlylM o 5750 1: Klv mathmna All Jarman Trrad-TtUed walking tests. Shoes are in actual A Jarman Friendly "Blimp" style, with, genuine crepe soles. Smart moccasin pattern in Jarman's new "Gun Stock Brown" Calf.... $500 A Jarman Custom "Musketeer" style, in the Norwegian pattern ... In Black 01 Brown Moor Calf ... $750 The Jarman Custom Grade "Balanced Swing" oxford allows easy room for the natural outflare of your toes ... In Black or Brown Calf ... A leading Jarman Friendly VBritish Broeuc" style in Black or Brown Calf . . . . $750 $500 .A popular Jarman Friendly French Toe style, available in your size In either Black or Brown Calf , . $500 A Jarman Airflator straight tip, with the special cushion inner sole. In Black or Brown Calf ... $550 rOjjp Massie s Dept Store "A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE"