TBI RSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1938 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Par (.9 AS HE SEES THE HUMAN SIDE 0' LIFE . v w to hold up the Rev. 'E'Ui'iences on The Cow ...i ',!t,x wk. an' sandwitch -cazc this won t wate. I've bin on 2 farm K an- 1 home comin' VVU. why I jist had -i ' tVi Vm on f;'iiT water shed tour; but 1 all Vent y " .To A s . rani: it se- - . .v,. mm- wav an' gives him t.,, stid ' spring water. Big tV Mcdf-rd sez that it Joe A. mere o tnat creeic wwi ,.;' to niase a rauMi uui -iS S- I r ;ht talk by jur. vnc " iim Bradshaw's dancin', well t uii to par, considerin' that he , .. , , ,-' ,.n a full stumick. i u.i. cnmn in The freli "wn u"" 7 Fiank Uavis, """""i Then what do ye think? Why, to cap the stack "A-yuh hew-haw hew-haw,1. Went Palmer's ol' jack. John Rogers's mule colt seemed to be the prize tighter, well as the prize looKer. Jimmy Explains His Income At lunch wuz when the jack looked in at the winder an' laffed the loudest, seein' all us kuntry men with them little sinthetick plates, an' tiyin' to hannel sinthe tick cups, forks an" spoons, Now, as to hoo rung that bell. Unkle Abe an' Frank Davis will tell Mr. Smithwick pervided he'll prom ise us he'll be more kerful how he picks hiz substi-(toots) next time. BETHEL MaiiK iwn', ..v,...., ... . . .. ... .-..uu "W,W the av they feed ever day nick at Bethel Uncle Abe spent 1-r R,-p..rhun he meens, o kource. , . t injovabtl, tinu.s uv hi. o' the moast injoyable times uv hiz life yes sir-ee! I want to tell you that President McClure an' hiz boys do things up brown. They had 5 or G feasts over thai : Furst, they fed us on the best uv string muzick in the nioinin'; then :l, r 'RABTKEE ,ui:ty wide farm tour took in Tr-t Kmon-strashun larms heded up at the new Crab- - leieu uy a nuiiioious an witty wto by Dr. Daniel that took us up to the noon 'our. Fruni about 1'2:!i0 to 12:30 they fed us on water niillyuns an' lemonade all we cood eat an' drink, husban' callin' kontests, jumpiir, foot, latin' & so fourth. Dr Daniel told so meiiny good jokes that a feller didn't get throo latlin' at one 'fore he told another!! "See that man over thar what hold- mtwd ft 1 f fte "4 ' Walter Davenport and Jimmy Roosevelt Replying to a recent article In a national magazine which state.) that James Roosevelt, eldest son of the president, had built up large tortune in insurance business since his father took oilicc, Jimmy confers with Walter Davenport, left, editor of another na tional magazine on a forthcoming article telling his side of the story mouth oap'm an ivddy all the time. li.itT -;kool house. Unkle , .jit to see all the pro- 111 ht the Editur tell 'bout lid want to say sump'm 'bout .1 1 U,,,,,. Vi,f t at Hie sioui in'no.-, uv... i fu f"ai th. I vn't no thai' wuz so meiiny mule ,;;: tinwhii' in hu kuntry, not eab'm r Mis-uury; an' they wuz good mi, irize mules Fit what tickled an' intrusted the i hiz mouth oap'm all the time, Unkl.' ..iiitni moast wuz when them thar I Abe? axt Mr. O bnan; "whii duz he got to fightin' an' the ol' j do that fur?" arcs ivm.iiienci ' tiiekerin' while the' "Why, he kaint keep up with hiz idges wuz tiyiti' to judge 'em- laftin'," sez 1, "onless he holds hiz WANTED f )IAPLE LOGS, Hard and Soft. Also Birch, Bass, Ash, Cherry, Walnut, Butternut and Bellwood. DELIVERED TO OUR MILL AT LAKE JUNALl'SKA For Price and Specifications Call Carolina B-Qili-Billies IL L. Liner ('ATTAI.CH)-('H EE C'i'.ttaloochee brawt baik id' mc v. -rys . . uv the time when me a:i' S'i.c;. tor John Queen yooce to tticn tin Li,t ,,v, i th:,r f i):tvs; mil uv the wttK. hold lam ly piairs, -make tlu begin-1 Numerous Demonstrations Visit Iron Duff Water shed Farm Tour Held Last Week growth and better stand where lime was applied. Twin Maple Farm owned by Gay Chambers was the next stop, where :i demonstration in growth of grasses and legumes following the applica tion of lime was seen. The check plot showed very little ltgume growth where the lime acta showed an ex cellent growth of red clover and les pedeza. After this demonstration was seen Mr. Chambers spread some lime with a Littc Giant Spreader showing how it should be done. At the farm of L. H. Brown a good demonstration in the use of lime was seen showing results similar to those observed at Mrs. Davis' and Guy Chambers' farms. At this stop Ernest Nutting, Junior TV A Forester, from AsheviUe, joined the group and made an interesting discussion of forestry plantings. This talk was made at ; locust planting demonstration put on by Mr. Brown last spring. The motorcade wen; to l"ie school whore a picnic lunch was spread. Suing music and clog dancing was enjoyed during the i t creation period. Over SO persons were at the school building for the program which was in charge of Jarvis Chambers who is the area demonstration chairman. Several out of the township visit ors were recognized. Some contrib uted to the program with short talks. .1. F. Criswell, extension farm inan agimer.t specialist from State College, made the principal talk, and discussed , "'Seeing Ourselves as Farmer as Others See Us." The fact t&aX cash crop fanning tends to deereaii- witM est in soil conservation ami faxrail farm up-kei p was brought ou.4 fanci fully. The tour continued to ('. I. (' ford's where an excellent at atari f crimson clover resulted troni u:r wst of lime applitd this sprit-:. The crimson clover is m corn pLuricd ui tht limed area. At F. D. Hradshaw's the tiw !( ped to observe a bai n staining tkfiwfi stration. Burned motor oil arxf - ' tar coloring were mixed anil sprnj'wl 'on the bain. Mr. Bradshaw's liousie is stained w ith a similar solut K. fjjrli was applied with n brush. ! The next stop was at the farm ef Mrs. Z. 0. Davis. A good iTeAJ f ' alfalfa was inspected. Two cult.oijrK of hay have already been made nrxi a I third is well on its wav The last stop was at tfV ttRi of" Mrs. K. W. W hite. This stop HnvwI the use of ornamental shrobn, H''rr;, ami a lawn to aid the home btaucitr- ' cation. After a discussion of ftonw beautilication by Miss Jla,y I?. Smith, home agei:t, the fjioui,! persed. While North Carolina lm xn.y f. 000 acres of buckwheat, th fe.te ranks Htli in the production ff tkis crop, reports the N. C tfart-Tnewt of agriculture. mil (an the eiiuin ) at the taolt, ackt as shapa-roons, to tlitn kalky lashuns in "i ethnn ticK, tot cli a clas in S. S., help salt the cattle an' oti.ti. things- all ter il2.r. UU. a month. , They cckpected a teller to be rehgus bacK in them days it' lie tawt skool if he wuzn't ho hatl to preten' to be," As 1 iliiv 'round thelii turns yister- day lhar's 10,000 by ackshal count, J I told niy.fo.kes 1 woddn't travel thai road aig-in twice a month l'er !fl2;).00, inutch less do all tlie aboe. eu iy i aruu'is And Farm Womt'n In Iron Duff Last Wednesday the lion lHiti' aron demonstration farm tour began a! the Iron DutT school building. Tht first stop was a patch of tobacco tli- But I want to tell you they hatl a nice, sober time over thar at Home Comin '--an' goutiness what a feed! But everybotliiy no.e that Cattalloo chee fokes air fayniuse l'er their hoss pitality, er sump'm. Another nice thing 'bout the ocka sion wuz that they didn't have enirv long, drawn out speeches or sermints; the talks averaged about 0 minets eachr Jonathan Woody saw to it that they didn't cckscod li or 1(1 minets. 1 want to say in this koiinect ion, -Mi. Editur, that the Demyerat party , up here in theze mountains ' will 'hafT to behintl t he building own- produce sum better, BKIKFEK-speck ers oror. the kuniry's a-goin' rati-'jerop of bt'ans is being harvested'' I'm ed by Fred Feigustm. This tobacco hail -attained an unusually good growth, The next stop was at Joe A- Cham bers' who hatl -'installed a hydraulic ram. This ram was pumping spring water to the house and using the branch water for the pumping force. -From Mr. Chambers' demonstration the tour progressed to the farm of W. C. Welch, who hits recently construct ed a milking barn which passes grade "A'' inspection. A bain of this type is suitable for a small dairyman. The next stop was at the farm of Mrs, J. S. Davis. At this stop the group was show n an excellent pure bred Hereford bull calf owned by Frank M. Davis. Then a snap bean patch was observed from which a tine . in Scarlet Fever kal. Nex wk. 1' U take up Bro. Bumgaitl aig-iir rite whar we It ft uu last wk. oh the Cow I'achur Siikit. More than 10,000 crows were 'killed recently when the state fish anil game department boomed a roost i'l the northwestern jiart of Okfuskee county, Oklahoma. . 225 Waynesville Art Gallery $MB Merchandise From All Parts Of The World, For The Home Beautiful 10:20 A.M 7:30P.M LOCATED IN CITIZENS BANK BUILDING the local cannery. An outstoiiilin',' ilemonstration in the use of lime ml legumes was seen. The red clow r and lespi-ileza showed much mof- This ancient disease, while not i'onqnrrrd by tiny means. Is less a menace now mat "" health authorities understand how o IirIH II Sunli t ferer Is primarily a 'contact" disease, contracted from direct contact, or contaclinii . rr,,n. nt; thrnui nr fnTK of file nallent ftrtiiui ,., - , Contrary to common belief, the first days are the ntosl on- laglous in .vcorcTcr. One to ten years are the most susceptible, but adults arr not entirely 'Immune First symptoms are fever, severe Kin throat, often a chill followed by more definite symptoms. Remember: 1. Child with rnlnrftrd ot Inlecteil ttsil nd denltl i tnmt l ii contract Scatlft Kvr. 2. Kep your child out of school or any home where there to Scttrle lever. .V- Protect your child. If there are caket In choot. 4 Keep your child at home and cumuli physlrlun, if he hat wre lhro and lever. !l lly all nienn Merlliie everything the patient hu contorted ltei caw ol Starlet lever. r u MX PE1UG STORE Tins is ,V. :12 it St rits "Titliuii tin- Public Abuiil Ihr Diirlur I It 1 THIS TAVERN OBSKltVES THE LAWS "Sure we do... and it's better business, too" When you drink Beer in a tavern . choose your tavern WHEN YOU restrict your patronage to legal, respectable retail outlets, you not only en courage those better outlets but you've made a start toward driving out the bad spots in your community. And that is exactly the aim of the great '-, body of honest retailers of beer who, along with the brewers, recognize that Beer's only problem is to remove the anti-social conditions that sometimes surround its sale. Existing laws can curb these evils. Help us by demanding theif strict enforcement! Sales to minors, or after legal hours . . .or use of a beer license as a screen, for selling illicit liquor or for operating an illicit resort . . . all these are violations of the law and should be stopped. Public opinion, once aroused, can see that such practices are stopped ! UNITED BREWERS INDUSTRIAL FOUNDATION 21 East 40th Street New York, N. Y. Correspondence is invited from groups and in dividuals everywhere who are interested in the brewing industry and its social responsibilities. Look for this symbol in members' own advertising. 1J