Page 2 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, Main Street Phone 137 The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Waynesville, North Carolina The County Seat Of Haywood County W. CURTIS RUSS Editor MRS. HILDA WAY GWYN Associate Editor W. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES line Year, In Haywood County $1.50 Six Months, In Haywood County 75c One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.00 All Subscriptions Payable in Advance Knteidl at (tie pout 1'e at Wjynesville, N. C, as Second Cliiw Mail Mailer, us pniviilel under the Act of Murcb S. Hlf). November to, 11114. Obituarv iiiln-H, resolutions of n-siiect, "f thank, and all tioliivM of entertainments for profit, will be charged f.r at the rale of one cent per word. r J .J .''North Carolina v ntss ASSOCIATION THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1938 BIBLE THOUGHT JOIN THE HARMONIOUS PRAISE: Sing unto the Lord, all the earth; shew forth from day to day his salvation; Declare his glory among the heathen; his marvelous works among all notions, For great is the Lord, and greatly, to be praised: he is also to he feared above all gods. 1 Chronicles l(i:2,'-25. A BRIGHT FUTURE Next Tuesday the new board of trustees will take over the direction of the Southern As sembly at Lake . Junaluska. . Needless to say, this new board is taking over the Assembly at a time when the future seems to offer more than at any other time in the past ten years. Relieved of the burden of debt, the new board can feel free to put into practice, and ap ply their best energies to building up t)he prop erty rather than struggling under the death crushing load of debt. The program already underway to pave some of the streets and roads on the grounds is one indication that no time will be lost in get ting the property prepared for bigger and bet ter.Htasons. This has been a satisfactory season at the Lake, and as the general program is enlarged, and the Lake becomes better known under the management of the directors named by tihe South-ern Conference, it stands to reason, using words of the moderns, "tihe Lake is ready to go places." The Assembly has a definite place in the life of the church and the community at large, and we believe its usefulness and growth will exceed our fondest expectations ere many years. QUICK RESPONSE Patrons served by rural mail carriers have responded with the request of the post office that old and obsolete mail boxes be repaired, and replaced. - The local post office, contacted rural pat rons, and pointed out the disadvantages of the unsightly, and unserviceable mail boxes in use in many stops along the highways. The use of old type boxes, it was shown, retarded the mail service, and often exposed mail to the weather. The post office further showed that a mail count made back in May, from the first to 15th, that the carriers traveled 1,365 miles, delivered 15,357 pieces of mail; collected 2,666 pieces for which $79.27 postage was paid. This service for the 15 days cost the government $250. It is encouraging to learn of the rapidity with which the rural patrons hastened to com ply with the post office request. MATTER UP TO COMMUNITY Highway Commissioner E. L McKee and district Engineer, Mr. Walker, have approved the widening of Highway No. 19 from the city limits -in East Waynesville to Ratcliff Cove road. Their approval has been forwarded to Raleigh, and by this time is perhaps in Washington. The ground work has been laid for this project, but it must be remembered, that there are scores of ouher projects, which to the res pective communities are just as important to them as this one is to Waynesville. The matter of form in approving the pro ject, is not assurance of getting work under- , way. It depends now, on how badly this Com munity proves it really wants the highway wid ened in East Waynesville, as to whether the work will be done or not. That is a congested area, and the widen ing of the highway would relieve the situation, and no doubt save some lives -as two have hid their legs "broken within 18 months in that area because of heavy traffic. TAXES DROP WHEN GOVERNMENT COSTS LESS The Associated Industries of Nebraska, have started a national advertising campaign, using the theme "No Sales Tax In Nebraska." Well illustrated, the' advertisments carry the following message. "Before 1929 only one American state levied a sales tax. Now 24 states have a gene ral sales tax, which cost the people last year $357,150.00. Nebraska levies no sales tax. Most states adopted the sales tax on the plea of 'emergency need' for more revenue. Nebraska met the emergency by reducing its cost ;f gov ernment. "Nebraska regards the sales tax as an un just burden upon the farmer, labor and indus try. It adds to the cost of living, weighs more heavily upon the bread-winner, and is a nu siance to business. "Nebraska's policy is 'no new forms of tax ation'." Such a message as the above will have a strong appeal to the average person who is fed up on taxes, taxes and more taxes. We feel that the keynote of the Nebraska situation, is that they reduced the cost of gov ernment. No doubt, if a close and rigid investiga tion was made, there would be found that in many instances the cost of government of towns, counties and states could stand drastic reductions. THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY BE UNABLE T&SIVE YOU S I A BK-J V PAY - rfVV PICNIC HE'D -z? Indians Tn n.i ,1 mm. iimversarv u "ninv, THEfW WAS LOT Of CHCCRM OH VMC 5Tf?CT "TOPAY VMEM THE MUSIC TBACHER MADE AH MRreTANT AMNOUNCBMCXT cn,,.i SrSV, V,; LOVERS OF MUSIC Further evidence that this is a music lov ing community, was shown Sunday evening, when the First Methodist church was packed to over-flowing, to hear the Birmingham Apollo Boys' Choir. Mountaineers have a love, and appreciation of music some prefer string music, some the classics, and some both, but after all, it is an appreciative community when it comes to music. Random S I D E GLANCES By W. Curtis Russ RUDE PUBLIC SERVANTS It is unfortunate, when a public servant takes the attitude that tihey own the job they hold, and lose sight of the fact that they are supposed to serve the public. One incident recently, but not in Haywood, cost one such person his job, when he failed to realize that courtesy is necessary, even when holding a public job. This man, employed by the highway de partment, took the liberty of being absolutely rude while directing traffic over a temporary detour. His use of profanity was uncalled forand his attitude, and method of giving information should not have been tolerated. The motorist in question, did not open his mouth at the rude ness of this uncouth roadman. The matter was taken up with proper au thorities, w!ho promised to see that he was re placed immediately. It was learned later that the man had been on the job so long that he had lost sight of his responsibilities and duties. Perhaps he will now have time to think over his mistakes and change his ways before he finds employment elsewhere. TO A ROASTING EAR Here's to the king-pin of summer, the good old American "roasting ear." It is one of the reasons we can stand the heat and the sun tine fact that summer-time means "roasting ear" time. In the old days they used to roast the corn on the cob, but that was when the hunter could not be bothered with toting a pot in which to boil the corn, as we do today, but preferred to toss the ear into the ashes and embers of a camp-fire. Ask any man which way he would rather take his corn. There is a different taste to it when it is baked and when it is boiled in water. This is an ode to corn on the cob, how ever, it is prepared the golden grain of the jgKxls, which finds its proper place on the tables of both the rich and tihe poor. Plentiful in number, all manner of men find it within his means. There may be prop er ways to hold it, for we have noticed the new fangled corn-forks that stick in each end of the cob, (to keep your fingers clean.) It mat ters hot how you bite it, nor how thickly you butter it, whether you spread it from ear to ear or nibble daintily, it still remains the most satisfying vegetable that pops from the ground. There are no holds barred in corn-eating. The fellow who comes out the same after eating as he was when he began, does not know the joy there, is in getting butter on your nose. The sorriest sight is the fellow who can no longer dig down to the cob with his moutJh spread wide, but is forced to' cut the grains off the cob in order to eat it at all. That is when you really realize that years are many. So let's boil 'era and butter 'em, salt 'em and pepper 'em, hold them in each hand and start to work our way across each row with as much grace as you can manage. Disregard ap pearances, the effects will wash off and the roast ing ear is too short anyhow to waste time fig uring how to handle Wiem without getting an earfull. Exchange. A FEW OI'EN LKT'lEKS Coach C. E. Weatherby, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Coach Weatherby: Since I have been married ten year.?, I feel, the urge as well as believing that I am eligible, of offering you as a husband of only a week some prac tical advice. Vet, on second thought, free advice that is practical and useable cannot be had at any price, so there you are. No doubt you have had lots of advice already offered you and the same for your wife and those giv ing it meant well, its just one of those things young married couples have to contend with. Yours for happiness, always. WCR Mr. Bobby Sloan, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Hobby: Words could not possibly fuliy de scribe your hair-raising experience of driving to Greeneville, Tenn., un der the point of a pistol some ten days ago. You are to be commended for us ing your wits, instead of resorting to force, in making your escape. Keep ing a cool head, and out-witting your abductors made a happy ending to your experience. Your conduct under such conditions should be a lesson to all of us. Un der such a mental strain, many of us might have resorted to our strength to have gotten out and the story might have ended in a nice lengthy obituary. May your future traveling be more pleasant. WCR. Traffic Officer Norman Caldwell, Waynesville, N. C. Dear Mr. Caldwell: The other day we noted that vou had left your line of duty as traffic officer on Main street to take down posters from poles along Main street you showed a spirit of civic pride, and while such is not set out in your specific line of duty, you are to be congratulated for taking this on your self. There are a lot of signs in vacant buildings, and in some that are not vacant that should come down, and while you are in the mood, it would be worth a lot to the ap pearance of the town for you to con-1 suit the property owners and see that the windows are cleared of the out- of-date signs. Congratulations on your foresight. ana emcient work, in handling traffic and also on giving Main street a bet ter appearance. : WCR. County Agent Smithwick, and Associates. Gentlemen: You are instilling in the Public, an appreciation for agriculture in Hnv- wood county. You are going about it in an easy way, and getting your point across. The manner in ,. v,;.,i. you planned, and handled the group on tne recent iarnv tour speaks well for your organization, and the eration that is being given you. WCR. To The Walker Family, Dear Friends: It is interestine to note the !,.. of the different members of your family from 87 down to 63 a rea sonable record. This, it seems, nrovm what "w mon sense" living will do. atdays when the average person don't take time to live, I sometime wonder if they will ever reach fn score and ten, instead of the of tan mentioned three score and ten or as your brother fc.d has done four score Mother Of Mrs. KeUett Observes 80th Birthday Of interest to friends was the eigh tieth birthday anniversary of Mrs. J. P. Lynch, which she observed on the 10th of August. Mrs. Lynch was born in 1858 in Edgefield County, S. C. Her married life was spent in Texas, where her two children were born, the Rev. A. W. Lynch, pastor of the Methodist church of Wilkesboro and Mrs. J. M. Kellett, member of the faculty of the local high school, with whom she resides. Mrs. Lynch has been living in Way nesville since 1920. Her favorite pastimes are gardening and reading. She reads her Bible and the newspa pers daily, and has retained a keen interest in current events. Mrs, Lynch has vivid recollections of slavery and the Reconstruction days in South Carolina. No doubt her and seven. And an impressive thing to me, was that not one of you look near as old as your ages would indicate. Yours for many more happv vears, WCR. One hundre. take part in t mauga Celebrut on September will mark the founding of Ch; One of the 1h even built, will persons, and U half a million "Drums of Dix t 20th President f part in the cel,hn Kentucky Cow u, Skin Like HumJ "Wonder cow ,,f w , "cow with the human sk,n-Z mcn nave been applit,j , i, T , v "ahart of t wci laiiu, I V. Girlie was born April n Mount Airy, X. (', H,r m father were of pm, brvJ Guernsey stock. " The cow. valued i: n,m , pencil-like 'eyebrow ,.'ve 'hT little hair in 'Mh , "w ana a id u mii lie! Dill V un, V, - almost human in textun. The elfin ; ".. .. ... i .iui.m .USSUeS. cir,. ... .. , t".uKn me epniei mal lavers i velvetv to the t k ... ; , ami covers uuuy curves or an othiTUN, r cuvv. uirne recently return.,) . - vi uie ooutnwest, where .he dfv a ricn siintnn an.i .. .. . t -. w.nie nas Dattleil ,l,t,us and veterinarians, fr th(v skin does not have em.u-h' real' hide in it to halfsole owner has never had her lv,l veterinarians have aiivi interest in the' world abmit her. anu generosity, cnmbine.l uitfc vigorous Scotch ancestry have possible factors in lontre'vitv' U'L :l i u t . one me japs deny that thev conducting a war in China thev encountering plenty of the nm angredients ot nil wars-mud blood. THERE THEY GO ... . BACK TO SCHOOL All their lives you have struggled, planned and sav ed to give them the best of everything. Don't let the home you have built for them, or the car you have bought for them, be destroyed without an instance notice by fire, collision, or other calamaties and leave you financially unable to replace it. BE SURE INSURE L. N. DAVIS & CO. Insurance Real Estate Rentals Bonds PHONE 77 -:. MAIN STREET Phone 113 FOR PERFECT CLEANING A Telephone Call Puts Us On The Run In The Little Orange Car - CENTRAL CLEANERS MAIN STREET Phone 113 EMERSON SAID: "Skill to do comes of doing." Knowledge may b gained from books, but SKILL comes only from practice. Each pharmacist of our staff has compounded literally thousands of prescriptions, and this broad experience l another reason why your prescription is safe at Alexander's. A S K Y O U R DOCTOR ALEXANbER'S DRUGSTORE Phones 53 and 54 Opp. Pt offic " TWO REGISTERED PHARMACISTS FOR Y0tB PROTECnON

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