fHE Wayne sville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrcrue oj The Great Smokv Mountains National Park kfY.FOl-RTHYEAR NO. 37 WAYNESVILLE, X. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 13S $1.30 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY iFSorrells Nets 235 From A femau Acreage Oi JSeans hrf Farmer Finds That Crop k Jeans un i-i . c.. (,ood Dividends , i-usiest money I'vt ' .1 vhat I- F- Sorrells ol asked about thi h- ha just finished mark- Their Ages Range From 63 to 87 Orel's has just completed maskcting 276 bushels ol j . i i j- ..ill one anu oue-nuu He received an aver-pi-r bushel and a total :r.i: i brans s t.f law f Hi- made a net profit ol 25;i:i,la hib.-r income of $303.20, , 1 mirr-hased from r,e 0' i s1 1 " " 1 ' ' 1 cuU,;-y cannery and planted July 7hc vanity was Tender Green jo pounds were seeded. Mr. used 600 pounds of a 4-10-4 Zl1 and side-dressed . with .300 ;js of nitrate of soda. He spray fkn tn keep the bugs down. The sfvnm of the project were only Tht'i'i1 are -5 bushels of beans br picked for home use and to sell ttilthbors this week. r. Sorii'ls is one oi the most pro sivc farmers of Pigeon and is fcian WHO IHUIS pieiuy oi wuiR vi n the farm and doesn't mind it, i j . . ... r 4... Ite D") s 1 1 om uus lanu aip mu- Vncatinnal agriculture at Bethel. I -i u ykf or k',,.,..;.SgjC..A.fc... .ft " - i H TrnTarililiiii i"r-fT The combined ages of these Walker brothers and sisters totals .i'.tl years, for an average ot 4 years each. 1 hese folks recently gathered here to sign a lease on a mining reservation, and at the request of The Mountaineer, posed for this picture, which was made by Homer Davis. The front row, kneeling, left to right, A. C. Walker, 73, Crahtree; J. Lawrence Walker, 71, Lake .Juna luska; back row, left to right: E. H. Walker, 87, Fines (.'reek; Nathan I. Walker, 81, Crabtiee; W. Jl. Walker, 78, Laurens. S. ('.; Dr. R. L. Walker. 4. Crabtiee; Mrs. Eva Jones, (S3, Crabtiee; and Mrs. Lilly Hill. 64. daughter of Mrs. Fannie Walker McCracken. Road Crew Working On 3-3IiIe Stretch To Alexander Ranch 1000 Aires I'urihasid Hy Alex anders At l ie Toy 1 or Kanih, Work Is 1'nderwav Waynesville To Vote On Bond Issues Friday; Hazelwood Votes Tues. Mountain, the posed ranch. Br-r-r-r- All Signs Point To A Long Cold Winter ax Books Ready For Collectors; Release Is Near tax books for the year 1938, di nit' bring prepared in the office he register of deeds, C .C. Francis, be turned over to the tax collec Weuver H. McCracken, and his frctor. this week, he county tax rate for the year was $1.113,. while this year the was raised to ?1.64. This in- ase of 31 cents has been attributed oond maturities, and increased ial Security obligations. The re- wments of this year's budget Hunt to $488,779.69, based on iwrty valuation of $23,000,000.00. tie reKister of deeds is furnished A Certain data then the names are insferred to the tax collector's book the retainer's list, the latter is !t at all times for reference in the e of the tax collector, rem this material each person's "iuai tax bills are figured, ae- to (he current year's rate. N care must be taken in making "'ete lists, with ted nn 'and chcrkin.r i,n f'!)reCf'ipts for the taxPayers are & up in triplicate, one for thp ". one tor the county auditor, and w the ta cniit.. I Ue many persons in the county fe token advantage of the discount Beginning the first of June, ;Bave paid their taxes, the onl ine f the tax books is set for "w the liist. . Dress "Melts" As Hot Iron Is Applied Some of the newer fabrics now being used in dresses is giving dry cleaners more headaches than profit, it was learned here this week. One local woman, a victim of fashion, tried to press a dress of the new fabric, and she melted the collar of the garment. No other explanation could be given except that the collar just went up in thin air when the hot iron was put on it. A local dry cleaning establish ment was consulted and the garment was pressed "cold" by them. So, now, the cleaners and pressers have to take careful pains to find out what each gar ment is made of before pressing, or they might find the dress made a quick disappearance while in the press. What kind of weather do you think we will have this winter? The question seems to be under dis cussion. Weather prophets' in this vicinity are making predictions that in these .delightful September days, with just enough erlspness m the morning and evening to make life perfect make cold shivers run down your back. 'They claim: -That we are heading into om of the longest and (oldest we hav teen The Siaie Highway and l'liblic Works Commission started work on Monday morning on the three mile stretch from Suco (Jap road to Fie Ton location of the pro-j altitude 5,000 feet! which will be opened next May by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Alexander, former operators id' Calaloochec ranch, in ihe (Jnat Smoky Mountains National Park area. Mr. Alexander recently purchased a 1.000 acre tract of land adjoining the park on the northwestern side of the Cataloochee divide. 13 miles (J'rom Waynesville, from Verlin A. Campbell, including what is known as Fie Top, so called from .John Fie, who owned the property for nearly a half century. Three hundred and fifty acres of the land is cleared, and said to be of unusual fertility, while the remain der is in umber. The new owners plan to leave the great part in forest and part of the cleared boundary will he used as a range for cattle and sheep. The stone bell will he ranch house eight baths. he built nearby, making luodation for at least '; riCERS OF AMERICAN EGION AND AUXILIARY TO BE INSTALLED American : T.fo-; j 4.l , H hod th '...!- , Sn "Ku"r montniy O H lltr I 11n.J.... il T " "onie on Dennf fain? , WIln we fn n tav,i, , naiisaccea in tT?ecUve meeting place. tion of St Wl11 be the in- "n of officers nf tha Jackie Bear Ha A Hit see what is up to now. en are eagerly await- weeks issue of The MCkie Bear ort V3S heseed by his JdnV ' "chared tney uuui inursday. in on , . : 'pt today, the feature found on page two. County Teachers To Hold First Meeting Saturday Morning The first meeting of the teachers of the schools of the county of the cur rent school year will be held at 10:00 o'clock on Saturday morning, in the auditorium of the Central Elementary school, according to an announcement by Jack Messer, county superintend ent of education. The theme of the program will cen ter around educational guidance. A devotional" period ...conducted by the Rev. J. S. Hopkins, pastor of the First Baptist church, will open the meeting, with special music by Miss Mildred Medford. Announcements by Mr. Messer, will precede a brief bus iness session. Thomas Erwin will talk on "Aims of tiroeram of the year." Mrs. Paul ine Goodson will discuss "Guidance in Technique of Reading." Mrs. Hilda Haliburton will speak of "Guidance in Thoroughness in School Work." Miss Mildred Crawford will talk on "Guid ance in Selecting Reading Material.' Miss Mary Davis will discuss "Guid ance in Forming General School Habits." M. H. Bowles, superintendent of the Waynesville district schools, will talk on "Guidance in Selecting Courses in High School." Miss Mildred Rogers will discuss "Guidance in Selecting Extra School Activities." in many a day, and the signs: That 'he hulls on the ws lnut have not '.een as thick in years. That the squirrels and woodchucks have made an early sturt getting n their supply of nuts. That the buttoi ill 's left us much I too soon, j That the early movements of the l migratory fowls going South are a I sure indication. I That the muskrats already have a coat of fur that usually around December. That the wooly worms are all sporting fur coats that might be the envy of any woman. That the yellow jackets are building their nests in the ground. That the cattle have not had such heavy fur coats in years. That the bees are making early preparations for winter. They arc raising their winter brood, the earliest one bee keeper in the community has ever seen. Thev are storing pollen in thrifty quantities. j That we'll have a snow for every i fog in August and there were seven, i -That the shucks on the coin are , many and thick. 1 And that you better search the1 attic for red flannels and "long one" if you have them. Personally, this reporter don't i believe in the signs. Do you? ' barn built by Mr. Camp converted into the main with sixteen rooms ami Three guest cabins will l total accom 5 guests, At a later dale there will be additions which will take rare of fifteen more guests. A cottage' of six rooms and I two baths is also being biiill for the I helpers at the ranch. Stables to house J 2h or more horses w ill be built before spring. A water system is now under con struction with a .1,000 gallon reser voir on top of . one of the high peaks, which will be piped down to the de velopment. A Delco system will furnish lights for the buildings. Logs and rocks will be used in all the construction of buildings, keeping everything about the place as rustic as the surroundings. The furnishings of the interiors will be simple, but every convenience w ill be provided for the guests, with special attention i i I....J i e i , i iivii i.w j;mmi ut-un nun juiiu. 7Ue WeGtUel defiant II. M. HALL, Official Observer Matron Service For Schools Approved As A WPA Project The office of the county board of education has been notified that ma tron service for rest rooms in the public schools of the county, through WPA, has been approved. The project will operate throughout the county. There is no budgetary appropriation of this service and no regular employed personnel will be displaced. The county board of education is sponsoring the project and have bee" given the- legal authority to opera ic in the schools involved. located our ranch in Haywood I county for several reasons," said Mr. I Alexander, when asked why he chose Fie Top. I "First .we think we have the best j site in Western North Carolina for our ranch, and we like to live in Hay i wood near Waynesville. After five I years at Cataloochee we know what good markets you have for meats, fresh vegetables and fruits." The former owner, Mr. Campbell, has farmed the cleared land for years. The greater part has been planted in Irish potatoes,' which grow to an enormous size on Fie Top. turnips, corn and oats. This year his crops j have included 2,500 bushels of pota toes, 100 stacks of hay, 1,500 bushels of oats, and large quantities of turnips land rutabagas. A large portion of ; the farm will continue to be culti jvated, and Mr. Campbell has signed a contract as manager of the farm. ! Mr. and Mrs. Alexander started j Cataloochee Ranch in the park area in 1932 and for five years leased the j (Continued on back page) ! SENATOR Wm. .SMATHERs" Water Rates Reins Worked Out Ry An Expert, Report Soon Oliicials of Waynesville, Hazel wood and Lake Junaluska have held a series of meetings and con ferences this week with W. H. N'ewelle, water rate expert, who is here to make an analysis of the local water situation in regard to rates. The whole matter has been dis cussed with representatives of the three communities, but the formal report has not vet been filed. Mr. Newelle works under the jurisdiction of the North Caro lina League of Municipalities, and was brought here by Way ville. No date has been set as to when he will make his com plete and final report and recom mendations! Mrs. Alley (Jives . Original (iavei To Young Democrats Mrs. Doyle D. Alley, presented to the North Carolina Young Democratic Clubs, at their -meeting last week in Durham, the original gavel of the Young Democratic Clubs of America, for permanent possession. The gavel was used back in 1927 when the national organization came into being as a result of the efforts of Tyre Taylor, of Raleigh and Wash ington, who was the organizer of the clubs in North Carolina. Mrs. Alley is the widow of the late Doyle D. Alley, a former president of the state clubs, and has herself been an active member of the organization. Proposal Of I'YVA To' Ho Put To Voters Of Two Towns; Ofl'or (iiit Of iri()(,22;' Arthur Francis Is Ordained Minister In Raptist Church Arthur Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Francis, was ordained as a min ister at the Katclilf ("owe Itaptist church Sunday afternoon in an im pressive ceremony. Conducting the ceremony of ordi nation were the following niinislrs: the Rev. Frank Lealherwood, moder ator of the Haywood llaptist Asso ciation, who .spoke on the Christian ministery; the Rev. W. M. Gerald, I pastor of the Clyde Baptist, church,! who led the ordination prayer; the Key. Oder Harnett, pastor of the Rat- I eliir Cove Baptist church, who pre-i seiitod the Bible, and the Rev, .1. S. j Hopkins, pastor of the WaynKsville j Baptist church, 'who delivered the) charge. Mr. Francis graduated from thei Waynesville Township High school in 1931, and completed his four years' course this spring at Wake. Forest Between sunrise and sunset Fri day, the voters of Waynesville will de cide whither they are to authorize their officials to accept a direct gift .from the Public Works Adniinistra jtion for $100,27 which represents 11 per cent of the cost of constructing a sewer line from Hazelwood to a I point below Lake dunaluska. j To get the gift of $100,227. the town of Waynesville must issue bonds I amounting to $8(1,000, which can be i had at four per cent interest over a . period of thirty years. The voters on Friday will also de ;cide on a similar issue, of installing an adequate water system, w hich (calls for $03,41-1 in bonds, with an I other gift of $27,3,10 from PWA. j On Tuesday of nex( week, the voters of Hazelwood will go to the polls and I vole on the issuance of $:);, ,100 in I bonds for their part of the const rue itjon of the sewer line, which would j remove all sewage of the two com munities from Ruhland Creek and Lake .liuialiiska. The Waynesville voters will cast their voles at the court house, in the i main oilier of the health department. ! '1 he election oliicials are Frank Fer guson, registrar, and Henry Caddy and darvis Campbell judges. I Hazelwood will vole al the town hall. There are about 1,000 qualified voters in Waynesville, and yesterday a light vote was predicted, with an estimate of 3.10 being the general opinion of those who have followed local voting for many years. It will take about an hour to count the votes after the lolls close at sunset. The proposal made by PWA calls for the letting of the eon! i act for the work before November 4th, with jietual const rui't.ion underway be fore January first. The recent new law makes it inand atory for the voters to decide on tin issuance of bonds for this work, and also, i! was a part of the stipula tion made by PWA when the appli cation was made over three years ago, although just granted in August. Judge F.-.E. -Alley To Preside Over Sept. Term Court The September term of the Hay wood county superior court will con vene on. Monday the I!th, with Judge Felix K. Alley, presiding. According to W, (J. Byers, clerk of the superior court, a light docket is scheduled for this term, with only tweiiTy-nine cases to be tried. It has been announced that all un contested divorce eases will be heard nt the convenience of the court. fiillecro llo ,,,,(,,,. fU (' :,,,. ON VISIT TO PARENTS: s u, V-h..! .. . 7. n ' " - v., .... . ... , ..111,., villi. 1 l I I . Senator and and son, J. I!., lantic City for er's parents, Smathers. Mrs. William Smathers have arrived from At a visit with the form Dr. and Mrs. B. F KN ROUTE TO SEATTLE Harry Whisenhunt, of Hazelwood, left for Seattle, Wash., last week, where he will enter Seattle Univer ity again this year. His brother, Dick, Jr., entered at Brevard College this week. Sept. 8 9 10 . '-': 11 12 13 14 Mean Mean .Max' . .82 ' '. 85 81 ."'.."' .74 .:'.'' 7(5 :. '- 82 83 maximum .. minimum .. Min 58 58 57 57 ''56 57 57 Mean for week - High for week ....................... Low for week - - Above September normal ....... Precipitation for week - Prpcinitation since Sept. 1st Exact September normal - ...r0.00 Prec 0.02 Trace Trace 0.08 Trace 0.58 ......80.4 57.1 ......68.3 .......85.0 .....56.0 . 3.2 ......0.68 .....1.40 Voice PeofUe "Do you think Roosevelt should run, Dr.: E. W. Gudser "By all means for a third term as President?" - T. J. Cathe?:. County auditor "Regardless of my admiration for President Roosevelt, I do not approve his running for a third term." NO." Grover C. Davis, Attorney "Ap prove of Roosevelt's running for a third term., The world is turned up side down just now. And we need someone in this country to lead U3 who has the courage to do things." It. C. McBride, .Merchant "No not think it would be wise at time." I do this Frank M. Davis i-Y'es, I think so, and I believe he will and if he does I think he will be elected although he has made some mistakes, we should compare the good he has done with his mistakes and vote accordingly. J. C. GalusheDepends entirely on conditions at the time of election. District Meet Of Kaplist Unions On Next Sunday The Baptist Training Unions of thc Waynesville district will hold their quarterly, meeting at the Waynes ville Baptist church on next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. All the churches in the district are asked to send a good representation to the meeting along with their pastors. Plans are to have Miss Mabel Staines, of Asheville, to attend the meeting. Churches in the district include, Allen's Creek, Barbersville, Dellwood, Fairview, Hazelwood, Hemphill, Oli vet, Pleasant Balsam, Rate-lift" Cove, Waynesville, and Richland Chapel. The following program has been arranged for the afternoon: The theme will be "Witnessing for Christ." A levotional period with special music will open the meeting, followed by roll call of the churches. Talks on "A Church Witnessing" through preaching, through teaching, through training and through living, and "Every Christian a Witness for Christ," will be made. The afternoon will close with a playlet. Homecoming Will He Observed At liethel will be observed church, Sunday, Homecoming Day at Bethel. Methodist September IS. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Terrell, mission aries to Brazil, will be the guest speakers. Mr. Terrell was reared at Bethel and entered the ministry from the local Methodist church.. There will be all day sri vices with dinner on the grounds. P. V. Massey, of Robbinsvillr, who formerly resided here, is spending several days in the county visiting relatives. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dewey Mes ser announce the birth of a sKin, Rich ard Keith, on August the 30th, at their home here. Ruilding and Home News... is a , new feature which is being started in this week's i.-'sue. Pages eight and nine are devoted to news, illus trations and advertisements that will prove profitable to all home owners, and pros pective builders and re modelers, i VWVVVWSAAAA

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