Page 2 THE WAYNES VIJiLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JANUARY si The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Main Street . Phone 137 Waynesville, North Carolina The County Seat Of Haywood County W. CURTIS RUSS ........................... . Editor MRS. HILDA WAY GWYN ...... Associate Editor W. Curtis Russ and Marion T. Blidges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Haywood County . .......$1.50 Six Months, In Haywood County 75c One Year, Outside Haywood County ........ 2.00 All Subscriptions Payable in Advance Knted at the post office at Waynesville, N. 0.. is Second Class Sinl Matter, as provided under the Act of March 3, 1ST!, November 20, 1914. Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, cards of thanks, all notices of entertainments for profit, wiU be charged at tue rate of one cent per word. Nor in Carolina J THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1939 AS WE LOOK AHEAD Improvement In business is to keynote the new year. On that point the" Government's forecast ing economists agree unanimously. The recovery pattern, outlined in the White House is described as follows: During the first quarter, record breaking September to December production gains, will call for some adjustment. In the early spring, a gradual, not sensational, recovery will resume and carry through much of the year, so the au thorities agree. Home construction, automobile production and Government spending and lending are to support recovery. The testing period for new recovery has been set for 1940. Leading business men of Haywood County are optimistic, and feel that we face a good year locally. It should give us all a "lift," after all the pessimism of depression, and the dire predic tions of the future that regardless of party affiliations, the majority appear to feel that at last "we are on our way out." WHAT WILL BE THE RESULT? Will the shift T membership in the hew Congress affects laws and policies ? The Congress returning to Washington for its first session, reverses a trend that has been under way for ten years. Each new Congress from 1929 until the Congress that convened Tuesday has shown a larger number of Democratic members of the Senate and of the House and a smaller number of Republican members than the preceding ses sion showed. At this session there will be more Repub licans in the Senate and in the House and fewer Democrats than there were at the preceding session. When the Republican strength started down in 1929 there were 55 Republicans in the Senate and 39 Democrats. In the House there were 2G8 Republicans and 165 Democrats. By the time this trend from Republicans to Democrats had run its course the Senate con tained 15 Republicans and 77 Democrats. The House contained 90 Republicans and 327 Democrats;; Now the new Congress, reversing the trend, contains 23 Republicans and 69 Democrats in the senate. It also contains 169 Republicans and 261 Democrats in the House. A gain of eight seats in the Senate leaves the Republicans still 26 seats shy of a Senate majority. A gain of 79 seats in the House leaves the Republicans still 49 seats shy of a majority in the House. Certainly this change in the complexion of Congress from what has been described as New Deal to what now is described as conservative, : is getting most attention at the start of the new session. THE OLD HOME TOWN ASNOVM WE SPRAY OUR eOADS ANONrVAi-KS Wl n VM WW ' i w w-, - - . . WHY JUST l-A ' wri icrc wi -. . . . .. ,,-r- . v(, -ruer MCVT ShlOVSI FALL ONt mwi i ' " WONS QU NVAL.KS NO TSV3 ULCHN.-" VWI 'fc. - v I LI6HT DEW ON cn - By STANLEY : GEMS ; For Your Scrapbool The universe is Knt . bol of God. Carlyle. ' Joy's subtle elf; I think man', J Diest when ha f .,..,. ,. f Lyni Aourneur. urase; " v m juucn as you cvaiiuaiu vi jruur wants, for j, lies a great secret of manlines weanu, ana nappmess. W, J siune. CORNEBS MAS KEAL-LY SOT SOM ETMAi5 THERE w 1VKXAT1 - w6ki f Mfi t(UV 11299 DO WE KNOW WHAT WE WANT? The American citizen can offer himself at times a perfect picture of inconsistency. On all sides, even in the face of better times, is heard the warning of government expenditures, both state and Federal, must be curtailed. Yet right on the heals of this statement, when Congress convenes and the State Legis lative halls ring with the voices of our repre sentatives, every county in the state will be wanting some legislation for their own section, or will be sponsoring some appropriation that will increase the taxes. In other words we might as well face the issue, progress has cost this nation, and will continue to cost this nation money, that must be raised through taxation. We are not content to let our public buildings deterioate, our schools lower their standards, our various agencies, that have become a part of our American life be dis banded, so we might as well make up our minds that taxation will continue. And with bur in creased demands necessarily grow. - RECIPE FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Take twelve nr.e, full-grown months, see Nthat these are thoroughly free from all old Atmories of bitterness, rancor, hate, and jeal ousy ; rfviyse these completely from every cling, ing spite; -ff all specks of pettiness and bitterness ; in short, see that these" months are r freed from all the past have them as fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time. Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal pafis. This. batch will keep for just one year. Do not attempt to make the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the entire lot in this way), but prepare one day at a time, as follows: Into each day put twelve parts of faith, eleven cf patience, ten of courage, nine of work .ome people omit this ingredient and so spoil the plan of the rest), eight of hope, seven of fidelity, six of liberality, five of kindness, four of rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad don't do it), three of prayer, , two of meditation, and one well-selected reso lution. Jf you have no conscientious scruples, put in about a teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkle of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor. Pour into the whole love ad-libitum and mix with a vim. Cook thoroughly in a fervent heat, garnish with a few smiles and a sprig of joy; then serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness and a happy New Year is a cer tainty. Anon. - . . IEER FROM THE ECONOMIC ANGLE A recent economic study of the beer situa tion in this country has revealed some interest ing facts. The study was undertaken as a re sult of many requests for accurate information on the economic aspects of the brewing indus stry, in the United States. ' Coming at this time, when the question of aicononc beverages will be brought before leg islative bodies, the information is at least food lor thought. The survey states that beer has become a revenue producer of more than a million dol Urs a day for Federal, state, and local govern ments more than ?500 a minute to the U. S. treasury alone, according to official figures com piled. The economic benefits from beer in the past nve years, m the United States are as fniw Advertising, $1,000,000: Fuel and Power SI 10. 000,000; transportation, $200,000,000; building, uu,UOO,000; Brewery labor, $350,000,000; Agriculture, $500,000,000; Manufacturing, $d5U,uuu,000; Public revenues, $1,800,000,000; .Local business, $3,500,000,000. Before the war annual beer production was about 60,000,000 barrels. Now it is about 53. 000,000 barrels. But, in the interval of twenty years, population has increased about 30 per cent. Is the lower per capita consumption of beer at present caused by the higher retail prices necessitated by higher taxes and costs of labor and materials by substitution of other beverages, or is it a sign that on the whole there is less drinking, or it it a combination of reas ons? The public revenues however for the past five and one half years have exceeded the aggre gate for the 25 years prior to prohibition, when beer sales were even higher. This is explained by the fact that current taxes on beer are seven times as high as in the former days when the excise was $1 per barrel, in contrast to the cur rent $5 and there were no state taxes. "The influence of the total benefits accru ing to allied industries, labor, public revenues and local business men' through district sale of beer in the deepest depression that this nation has ever experienced was far greater than the size of the expenditure indicates" is one of the observations made by a student of the situation. When President Roosevelt, on March 22, 1933 signed the Cullen-Harrison bill legalizing 3.2 per cent beer and wine, he re-established an industry which has subsequently become one of the largest contributions to the government's revenue and has assumed an important rank in the value! of its products among the industries of this country. The brewery labor payroll for the full year 1933 will approximate $85,000,000, and more than $100,000,000 was paid for farm products in the year. In North Carolina 83,136 barrels of beer were manufactured in 1938, while the records for the year before show that the total revenue the year before in 1937 was $909,256. What does this all mean? Are the people drinking more? J .Are they substituting, a lighter drink and satisfying their thirst? What does it mean for the future? Has the beer consumption reached its height? The Mountaineer just wonders. BY D. SAM COX BILLIE POSSUM MOVES AGAIN Story 18 When Billie got to iroinir to Mrs. Moo Cow every day for milk, she didn't have so much for Mr, Man and his wife, and they wondered what was the matter. One Sunday when Blackie had comDmi? for dinner he wanted so much ice creaiii that he cot Billie to take two buckets to biiner milk in, and so Mrs. Moo Cow didn't have but just a little bit left for Mr. Man, and then Mr. Man knew some body was stealing Mrs. Moo Cow's milk. Next day Mr. Man came down to the pasture before it was light, and be- tore Mrs. Moo Cow was ud. and he climbed up in the persimmon tree and waited to see what was point? to nappen. Just as the sun was peep ing up out of the trees over towards Uncle Joe's house. Mrs. Mrin flow came up the path from her bed down by the spring, where she slept most of the time till the weather cot so cold or rainy that she had to go to her house, and she went rieht to the persimmon tree, and all the wav she seemed to be looking for somebody, , She kept right on till she got to the tree, and then when she didn't rpp ' anything of Billie she threw her head up and said "Moo-ah," three times which was the wav she called him Billie had been out late the mcht he foref and so had overslept himself, but when Mrs Moo Cow called him he woKe up ana erot nis muK DucKet and came gallopine towards the tree. When Mr. Man saw Billie rnminc with that bucket he knew what had been going with Mrs. Moo Cow's milk; so when Billie got most up to the tree Mr. Man broke a limb off and slinned down tO' the ground as he could, and Billie would tell you today that there was a miehtv Drettv loot race by Mr. Man and a seared possum across that field. But Billie could outrun Mr. Man, and he threw his bucket down and did a sure-enoiicVi skeedaddle to the tree where his house was, and so before Mr. Man got there Billie Was away up in his house, and out of reach of Mr. Man. And he kept as still as a mouse until Mr. Man stopped quarreling, and he heard him go away. Then h to his door and peeped out, and he saw Mr. Man running towards home. "Aha,'? Billie said to himself, "111 bet he is going for his axe so he can was a mighty pretty foot race cut down my tree and catch me, so I had better get mv thin away irom nere." So he rolled up is Kitcnen tnines and nil thnu SKins tiiaCKie had been hrinfrin. in sheep-skin, and climbed down 'h. tree and Started for Blackie's housp: Mr. Man came back in a hurry, with his axe and his gun, and began cut ting Billie's house down. He thought Billie was still 0p there, and was sure imims cannot be pen'J or frightened, but go on in fortP iaxui miie at tneir own private J like a clock during a thundersto Robert Loui3 Stevenson. 1 The old-fashioned farmet wail Farmer No, Hi have no sucl. traption in my house. Pianos mi things. Daughter (protesting) Oh, fj mis is an upright piano! Following was clitJDed Trn Leavenworth Times: "Women'ii are funny: but lauehinff a. themiJ men's thoughts off of their trJ n t 6uou purpose, an ueDiors i i i Jiverv man n, his job loyalty. i)fomDtnpSB ul - - - - . wo euuu naiure, a sense Of persowi sponsiDinty, and the best- o0m possible ... Those who civs tkt lull measure eontrihnto hnt I. betterment of themselvps ''-anA k welfare of others. The heroes of the past uJ n . season win go into retirement course, they will spend th eating a popular breakfast food, smoking the cirgaretts they si have got for their testimonials, he would have a nice milKf HI , - .... w j,.,.. ior nis supper. After a while he had cut and cut till ha 0 uc cuum naraiv rut gmt tree fell down, and he trvahbci gun and ran to the hole where M house was, and thought sure 3 wouiu jump out and start to w ,i ana then he could shoot him. tnere didn't anv nnssmn 'inn and hen he looked in Billie's M i.i.c wnsin any possum in it. I Mr. Man was disannointpd anJ but there wasn't anvthino- he do about it, so he went back picked up the bucket that Rilli.f dropped, and milked- Mrs. Moo Coil' it. Jay Bird wasn't over there! morning, so nobodv ever knew i . - i tort oi excuse he gave his wilt not bringing home a possum (To be continued.) What's the Answer? Br EDWARD FINCH 1 1 ' , : ! 1 i l ( MY WORK ! TAKES PLENTY V& 'UStU THAT OFTEN " M ; jmf , hUfiMlrtmiTiHiiiiinni Y'iiiII ri "iirV s . . . . , -.'..vy . . , r ill r 1 NAMES h ft IViHY DO YOU FEEL SO GOOD AFTER VOU STQETCH? THE veins and arteries in your body through which the heart is constantly pumping blood are round. When you stretch, you flatten those arteries and veins so that the blood cannot pass through them so easily w uvciuiiue uus uie heart seta to work to pump faster and faster to fores th hn v the flattened passages. So at the ena or a good hard stretch this fast er mtniDinr of blood nuts Into your veins and makes you con Kiuus oi a ieeung oi well-being. v " 'nam newspaper Union, This is the day of branded merchandise. The house wife calls for CAMPBELL'S Soup, LIBBVS Asparagus, MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee. More and more people are learning that prescription labels also mean something that ALEXANDER'S label for example, stands ALWAYS for highest quality, accuracy and dependability in phar maceutical work. ASK YOUR DOCT OR ALEXANDER'S DRUG STORE Phones 53 and 54 Opp. Post Office TWO REGISTERED PHARMACISTS FOR YOUR PROTECTION. if to .e an Is !3