It 4HU. AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1940 THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER Page 1 In 1922 This Was The Home of C. N. Allen Co. MILKING DUELS POPULAR BOISE, Ida. An epidemic of Idaho has started since Got. C. A. Bottlofsen outshone Mayor James Straight of Boise In a milking contest here. tetttf nit "milking: duels" between mayors of various communities throughout ongratulations 10 j PRINTING IS THE INSEPARABLE COMPANION OF ACHIEVEMENT .11" i ' VNS : r V " f . " &ffias&.i '.A -io- Q. N. Allen & Co. on their Mew Building and their 18th Anniversary Ve Count Them Among Our Most Valued Customers Southern Paper Products Co. LEE ALLEN, Salesman. This small wooden building was the home of Alkn-Sikr Company from 1922 to 1925. The build ing served as a warehouse from 1925 until last fall when it was torn down to make way for the new and modern store. The white spot on the wall Was the wall of the llazelwood post office for a number of years, Mr. Allen is shown standing in the doorway. The picture was made the day workmen start ed tearing down the building. Photo by Shrrrill's Studio. European War Proves Boomerang, Not Boom, For Scrap Metal Dealers, As Prices Drop By Reed Sarratt. Charlotte News Staff Writer. You've read a lot about Ameri can scrap iron being shipped to Japan to be made into bullets which are used to kill the Chinese. You probably sympathize with China, and you don't like the idea of America's being such an active although purely commercial, part ner to the Japanese aggression. Well, Japan and the United States aren't so friendly now as they once were, even commercially. The abrogation of the Trade Treaty of Two Major Events C. N. Allen's 18th Anniversary and The Formal v Opening of Their New Building '..;.. . ' Two Quality Products TEXACO KEROSENE TEXACO ROOFING Both Sold By . M. Allen & Company Congratulations from ' C. V. Bell Consignee of The Texas Company Steady Comfort - That Is What Q. N. Allen & Company Have In Their Store The Steam Heating Plant Was Installed By Us For Heating - Plumbing or Electrical Work, See HARRY HYATT PHONE 431-R 1911 has made things somewhat difficult between the two coun tries. And Japan is finding it hard to get American scrap. But still the scrap iron dealers are supplying the raw materials for bullets, you say. The European war has seen to that. American scrap iron is going to England, France, Germany, all the European countries which either are at war or are preparing themselves for the eventuality of their being drawn into It. Prices Too Low What you say has some truth in it. Bu it fen't the whole truth. American scrap iron dealers today have their yards piled high with scrap which they aren't selling because the price isn't high enough. Strange, but true. Beginning in mid-summer, the scrap market boomed. War looked certain. Domestic consumers who had been buying front hand to mouth suddenly began to accumu late inventories of scrap. They were buying against a prospective rise in price. Reserves were low, and in July domestic purchases of scrap set an all-time high for any one month. Then the domestic market settled down. But in September the war began in Europe. Prices skyrocketed. The price of No. 1 heavy melting steel for instance, was $14.75 per ton in June. On Oct. 7 it was quoted at $23.75 per ton. Then the price began to level-off and then to drop. Neutrality Act What had happened? In the first place the United States Congress passed a neutrality act which pro hibited American ships from going into war zones. Scrap iron is high ly contraband. It is used directly in manufacturing munitions. If foreign purchasers wanted scrap iron from this country, they would have to send for it with their own ships or with some ships not American. Take the case of England. Late in November England came into the market with an order for 600,- 000 tons of American scrap. In ad dition, 250,000 tons remained to be shipped to England on old orders. England had to provide the ships in which the scrap was to be shipped. Submarine Threat But there aren't enough ships. Naturally any ship loaded with scrap iron designated for England becomes a target for German sub marines and warshipa. The risk is great. The cargo cannot be in sured. The cost of shipping is more than the cost of the metal. Pew shippers are willing to take the rfck, although the reward for a successful trip is great. The result of this situation has been a backing-up of scrap iron. The ports are stacked with it, but there are no boats in which to ship it. So long ae present orders can't be shipped, it is useless to trans port any more scrap to ports" for shipment. Holding Stocks With so much more scrap avail able for shipment than can be shipped, the : price has dropped. Dealers have begun to hold their scrap, waiting for the rise in price which will come when adequate transportation is provided. So their scrap piles grow. American scrap iron has been used to make bullets and other arm and ammunition, but not to much of it is being used for that purpose now as would be the case if export conditions were normal. The dealers in war material have their troubles even in time of War. Fort Bragg, near Fayetleville, is the largest artillery reservation in the world. The Post Office Department an nounced that postal revenues in 1939 were the greatest on record. They totaled $753,367,444, a $25, 035,805 increase over 1938. Congratulations To C. N. Allen and Company On Their Expansion And 18th Anniversary For many years the firm has used printing that satisfied, because it was done by THE MOUNTAINEER BETTER I'RISTING" Phone 137 Main Street In Our New and Modern GRADE A MARKET We Feature PET PRODUCTS Sweet Milk Buttermilk Cream Buttermilk Cheese Spread Eggs Coffee Cream AVhipping Cream Butter Cottage Cheese Chocolate Milk C. N. Allen & Company llazelwood Two Outstanding Records 18 Years of Continuous Business and During That Time All Delivery Trucks Have Been FORDS (Two Now In Use) A Successful Business Requires That True Value Be Received For Every Dollar Spent For Transportation That Is Why FORDS Have Been Used Exclusively By C. N. Allen & Company Solve Your Trucking Problems With FORDS ABEL'S GARAGE Sales-Service PHONE 52 ASHEVTIXE ROAD