YURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1940 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pare ir i pyiountaineer Want Ad Will Tell It - Sell It - Try It riountaineer iWant Ad Rates Cent a word (this type) each insertion. fc- 23e Minimum Charge Wo Oenta a word each in i sertion this size type. All keyed ads are confidential, fo information about them will given. The only way to reach lese is by letter, addressed as er instructions in ad. . We reserve the right to revise jr reject any copy. i All copy for ads should be in nr office not later than two dock Tuesday. Cards of thanks, and tributes f respect are accepted at one ent a word. "? Hie Mountaineer " n.cr.j 137 . )R SALE House and lot on Ha zel Street, now occupied by Har ry M. Hall- Address Mrs. E. C. Lawrence', Lumberton, N, C March 7-14-21-28. IIN PAPERS FOR copy work, and second sheets will be found in several' grades at economical prices at The Mountaineer. )R SALE Bridle, back bands, hame strings, and belly bands. Slip harness. Priced reasonably. Rock Apple Filling Station, Bar srt Orchard. Mar. 7-14-21-28. VE COLORS of Carter's show eard ink, Just the thing for pos ters, and signs, for sale at The Mountaineer. 3R SALE About 240 acres farming and grazing lands. Ex cellent dwelling and good barns. Place well watered and on public road. Cash or terms. Write Medford Messer, ' Franklin, N. C, or see W. T. Crawford. March 14-21. )OD IMPRESSIONS are made with neatly typed letters. Worn typewriter ribbons won't do this. Get a new one for any machine at The Mountaineer. SWARD for return of white, black and tan female hound, "Susie," lost in Iron Duff , sec tion, March 6. Barton Ray, Can ton, N. C. i Mar 21 rNERS OF LAND who do not want hunting on their property can get no trespassing signs at The Mountaineer. ELD SEEDS Best quality les pedcza, oaits, cloversy, orchard grass, blue grass, red top, tim othy, pasture mixtures. Free planting information. Farmers Federation, Waynesville. Mar 21 1LUABLE ARTICLES that are useless to you might be worth good cash to someone else. Ad vertise them in the want ad column of The Mountaineer, only 25 cents for 25 words. ANTED TO BUY Knee hole desk and chair. Do not want roller top. Phone 424-J. Mar 21 SN AND PIGS are easily sold with a want ad In The Moun taineer. Only 25 cents for 25 words. . ': )R SALE Six different colors of eardboards, in thick or medium weights. Also two grades two Bides finished, or one side fin ished. - At The Mountaineer. 70 THOUSAND homes can have your want ad message for just 25 cents. Try , them in The Mountaineer. COLDS r quick relief from misery of colds. Cwim DlMomfort 666 ce 668 IUID . TABLETS SALVE NOSE DROPS From Other Editors OH, YEAH (Tri-County News) Many exaggerated statements about this section of the country have appeared in newspapers of the North from time to time, but an ac count in the Barlboro (New Hamp shire) Sentinel tops all of them in leaving the impression that the rare conditions are the rule. This newspaper account allegedly re ported a talk made before the wo man's society of the first Congre gational church of that city by Miss Marguerite Hammond, who lived in Spruce Pine for three years with her parents when her father, W. D. Hammond, was chemist for the Southern Feldspar company at Toecane. The article follows in part: "Miss Marguerite Hammond, of Marlboro, formerly of Keene, gave an interesting account of three years work among mountaineers in Spruce Pine, North Carolina, at the program meeting of the Woman's society of the First Congregational church, Wednesday afternoon, in the parish house. More than 75 women attended, Mrs. Willis E. Smith led the devotions. Flute solos were played by Miss Arlene Ames, of Keen High school, ac companied on the piano by her mother, Mrs. Robie Ames. "Miss Hammond described a typ ical North Carolina home of from one to three rooms, unpainted, built of logs, with no cellar, no doors inside, one small window and usu ally with only one floor. The walls are covered with newspapers. The stove is made of a tar barrel. There is an outdoor fireplace used to make molasses, she said. The washing is done out of doors and hung to dry on nearby bushes. All adults chew tobacco. The boys help out the family fuel supply by throwing tomatoes and rotten ap ples at the coal trains as they pass through. Coal is in turn thrown at them and the boys gather it af terward to take home. "The settlement of personal quarrels on the street is of common occurrence and offenders are treat ed lightly in spite of the some times serious consequences of the fray... "The speaker stated that high way construction is done entirely by convict labor, the men being paid a small wage, part of which is sent to their families and part saved to give them a start when their term of imprisonment is ended. "Miss' Hammond said there are many churches, mostly of the Bap tist and ' Presbyterian denomina tions, and she described the rein gious fervor which prevailed in their meetings which are of long duration. "Mrs. Conrad A. Adams presided at a short business meeting. Re freshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs, B. Norton Foster, Mrs. Lowell J. Aran, Mis. Earle C. Quinby and Mrs. Charles F. Fletch er." The editor of The Tri-County News has lived about half of the time during the last thirty years in this section, and the rest of that time in Chicago, Cleveland, Washington, and New York. At present he spends one week at his home in Spruce Pine and the al ternate weeks in business in New York. Based on this experience, it seems entirely safe to say there is at least as much poverty, suffering and squalor in these cities as there is in the poorest communities of this section, In fact, the housing of the majority of the people in these ; and other great centers, is far worse than all except the most ex treme local cases. There are many inadequate homes in all of the North Carolina mountains, just as there are every where. But a log cabin is as rare here as it is in New Hampshire, probably more so, since many sum- ; mer homes there are of logs. The item about the boys throw ing ancient fruit and vegetables at the coal trains to draw a return fire of fuel , probably did happen once or twice when Miss Hammond saw it. But whoever saw a Clinch field brakeman riding a loaded coal car, let alone throwing coal from It? When it comes to work on the highways, the convicts are used only for maintenance. All con THE OLD HOME TOWN - By STANLEY THE LIME -THOSE SU-tMXA ffiy ? POUCB CANT CCJXCt7 VYjrt J? t "Y Vj THAT 50 CENT Wtf'M ISS 7 U Packing for Utopia 7 5s"eSti Mrs. A. L. Lornsten, of Pasadena, Calif., and her daughter, Margaret, do their packing as they prepare to set out for the uninhabitated Ba hama island of East Caicos. Part of a group 'which hopes to found a modern Utopia, they are pictured at the Cutler, Fla, tourist camp, when the colonists are staying while ar ranging for transportation. NOTICE OF SALE TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (As Recorded to Monday Noon Of This Week) Crabtree Township L. O. Ferguson, et ux, to Harry Lee Ferguson. Harry Lee Ferguson, et ux, to C. F. Ferguson. East Fork Township M, L. Burress, et ux, to Nina Clark. M. L. Burress, et ux, to Vefnie Burress. Bryan Heatherly, et ux, to Ver nie Heatherly, et ux. Ivy Hill Township T. A. Garre.it, et ux. to Fred Tucker, et a1 Way ncsulle Township A. T. Ward, Tr., Charlie I'atton Estate, to He'try Francis. R. D, Robinson, et ux, to Frank Byrd, et ux. J. R. Morgan, et ux, to A'cey Gates, et ux. struction is done by contract with hired labor. : Talks such as these, even though the reporter picks up some stray ideas from them to publish, do the speaker no good. They certainly leave the listeners in areas where conditions are in many ways worse than they are in these mountains an entirely false idea. When one knows first hand the tragic conditions in New England, due to the migration of industry from that section to this part of the country, it seems well to dis miss such speeches as one attrib uted to Miss Hammond with, OH, YEAH. -. A thousand friends are few; one foe, many. qIJ Coughs May Scon Be Quarantined To Stop Spread There Is growing sentiment that ad colds and coughs should be uarantined. They spread so rapid f they cause more loss of time rom illness than all other diseases ombined. To stop a cold cough immedi tely get Mentho-Mulsion. Mentho lulsion is the formula of the dean f pharmacy of a large mid-west-m university and contains nine old cough combating elements, in haling vitamins A and D to build P cold resistance. Mentho-Mulsion tops coughing and relieves that stuffed-up feeling Immediately. It acts quickly to soothe and heal the feverish, irritated membranes and is guaranteed to rid you of your cold oough entirely within the shortest possible time or every Cent of the small cost will be promptly refunded. Mentho-Mulsion is safe to use and should be kept on hand for immediate use on the first ap pearance of a cold or cough. Mentho-Mulsion is endorsed by your neighbors and guaranteed by leading druggists everywherel-adv. PASSAGE "TrT And Other Functional Symptoms of KIDNEY WEAKNESSES Tak KIDANS now and relieve mfferfng and discomlorti of Backache and Lea Pains Frequent, Scanty atid BiA-nincr Passage Unnatural Odor Lose oi Energy Head ache, Dizziness, Nervousness caused by functional Kidney and Bladder Disorders. Those symptoms are quickly snd pleas antly relieved by taking famous KIDAN3 the kidney remedy which harmlessly and efficiently aids in flushing acids and poisons from the kidneys. KIDANS is a soothine diuretic. It increases the flow of bland urine. It helps carry away excess wastes responsible for discomforts and distress due to functional kidney disorders. Your money back if KIDANS fails. Try KIDANS today. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Dcpoait SI .00 with yonr dniBirit for two boxn of KIDANS. Use one box. If no' entirely uttefird with RESULTS, return other box to the ume drumzist and your money will b refunded. Start K '!.? Kidney Relief today KIDANS is ol SMITH'S DRUG STORE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Haywood County, VS. Sydenham Ray, and Town of Waynesville. Pursuant to a judgment render ed in the above entitled action for taxes due the plaintiff, Haywood County, and the defendant, Town of Waynesville, by the defendant, Sydenham Ray, on the property hereinafter described, the under signed having been duly appointed by the Court, and being authorized by the Court to sell a one-half un divided interest in the property ai hereinafter described, or enough of said property, to satisfy said judgment, we will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Waynesville, North Carolina, on Monday, April 8th, 1940, at 11 o'clock A. M. a one-half interest in the following described land, to- wit: Lying and being in Hay wood County, North Carolina, and in the Town of Waynesville and bounded as follows: Beginning on a stake in the Northerly Margin of Pigeon Street, said stake being on the center of Bonnie Castle (Now Hospital) Driveway, and the Southeastern corner of Mrs. T. W. Howell's (Now W. R. Smith's Lot), and runs Easterly with the center of said driveway 75 feet to a stake, corner of Smith's lot; thence North 33 East with Smith's line 128 feet to a stake, his corner; thence North 39 West 68 feet to a stake, Smith's Corner; thence North 33 East 18 feet to a stake; thence South 67-30 East 309 feet to a stake; thence with the Westerly margin of said street, South 28 West 90 feet to a stake in the margin of said street; thence North 52 West 56 feet to a stake; thence South 40 West 82 feet to Thomasine Howell's corner; thence with her line South 40 West 150 feet to the edge of Pigeon Street; thence with the Northerly margin of Pigeon Street 241 feet to the beginning. Containing One and One-half acres, more or less. Be ing the third tract described in a deed from Joseph E. Johnson, Trustee, to Sydenham Ray as re corded in Book 94, page 260, re cord of deeds for Haywood County. This the 6th day of March, 1940. GROVER C. DAVIS, J. R. MORGAN, Commissioners of the Court No. 953 Mar 14-21-April 4. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified B3 Executor: of the estate of J. D. Hyatt, deceased late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against "the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Way nesville, North Carolina on or be fore the 22nd day of February, 1941 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 22nd day of February, 1940. PAUL HYATT, Executor of the Estate of J, D. Hyatt, deceased. No. 950 Feb. 22-29-Mar. 7-14- 21-28. V a!e Lazy Insides All-Vegetable Way Thousands turn to this way to get relief when they're lazy intestinally and it has them, headachy, bilious, irritable, listless: A quarter to a half-teaspoonful of spicy, aromatic, oil-vegetable BLACK DRAUGHT on your tongue tonight, a drink of water, and there you are! Thus, it usually allows time for a night's rest; acta gently, thoroughly next morning, so relieving constipation's headaches, biliousness, bad breath. BLACK - DRAUGHT'S main In gredient is an "intestinal tonic-lax ative, wnicn Helps impart tone to lazy bowel muscles. The millions of packages used prove its merit. Economical, too: 25 to 40 doses, 25c NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. The undersigned having qual ified as Administrator of the estate of R. A. Teague, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned before the 17th day of March, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the right to recover. All per sons indebted to said estate are notified to settle with me at once. This the 16th day of March, 1940. EROC COWARD, Administrator of R. A. Teague, Cowarts, N.C. No. 955 Mar 21-28-Apr 4-11-18-25. Build Pride Into Your Home! You can't work up much pride and enthusiasm over the erection of something that you know is only temporary; therefore build your home with ETOWAH BRICK. Fo) 12) ETOWAH R I G UI BUILDS BETTER HOMES Moland-Drysdale Corp. Etowah, N. C. Telephone 3 Truck Deliveries to All Parts of Western Carolina MEETING OF Board of Equalization and Review The Haywood County Board Of Commissioners WILL SIT AS A Board of Equalization And Review The Haywood County Board of Commission ers will sit as a Board of Equalization and Re view beginning Monday, March 18th, at the com missioner's office in the Court House in the town of Waynesville, for the purpose of examining and reviewing the tax list of each township for the current year and shall hear any and all taxpayers who own or control taxable property assessed for taxation in the county, in respect to the valu ation of all property in the county and correct any errors appearing on the abstracts, and for the transaction of any other business which may come before the boand in compliance with the Machinery Act of 1937. Complaints from the various townships will be heard as follows: Thursday, March 21 Clyde, Crabtree, Iron Duff, and Fines Creek Townships. 1 Friday, March 22 Pigeon, East Fork and Cecil Townships. Geo A. B rown. Chairman Board of Commissioners. Jr

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