THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (A$ Recorded to Monday Noon .. , Of This Week) Beaverdam Townshio B. D. Wilson, et nx, to M. V. Bramlett. et Hz. Clark D. Banks, et ux, to Os- car w. Banks, et ox. Mrs. Minnie Smatbers to Wayne Bmatners, et ux. Harry Spain, et nx, to C. B. ssmatners, et nx. . Julia Scott to Finley Scott. Burl Mease, et ox, to Boye Miller. W. L. Stone, et nx, to Canton uuudmg and Loan Association. J. C. Stone, et ux, to J. P. Ben field, et ux. Estella Stamey to C. R. Banks, et nx. E. Guy Hipps, et ux, to C. E. Clark, et nx. E. D. Pressley, et ox, to Jay Lowery, et ux. L. B. Warren, et ox, to W. W. Uoluns, et ox. W. Sam Robinson, et ux, to J. B. Banks, et ux. Chas. C. Smathers, et ux, to Bedford Stamford, et ux. . M. E. Sharp, et ux, to Altha anuer. W. T. Conley, et ox, to Mattie west. Clyde Townshin H. C. Medford to Bill Hannah. East Fork Townshin George R. Sharp to J. C Sharp. Ijouib uogourn, et ox, to Chester A. uogbora. Fines Creek Township Etta Green to V. B. Green. Itt Hill Townshin Joe Evans, et ux, et al, to C. R. fevans, et al. C. R. Evans, et ux, et al, to L. C CaJdweU Jonathan Creek Townshin M. G. Stamey, et ox, to Charlie Jenkins. Pis-eon Townshin Winford Hughes, et ox. to L. L. Chambers, et ux. Wavnesville Townshin T. B. Medford, et ox, to Leo jones jumg. S. H. Keller, et ux, to Francis Marion Leflar. et nx. Pink Swanger Est. by heirs, to Houston Swanger. Federal Land Bank to W. A Bradley. Jesse R. Burress, et ux, to C. H Burre88. et ox. R. C. Hensley, et ux, to Gilmer juagsey. Leacy Leopard, Guard., to J. A. .Whitaker. H. B. Atkins, et ux, to Boone jueaiord. j; J. R. Morgan, et ux, to H. Paul TJgg. . .. , . .. Carolina Power and Light Com panv to J. J. Fermson. et n-r. Maude S. Perry to Maode S. an Joseph B. Gilmer. Emma Hyatt, et al, to Bonnie "er. H. Paul Prigg, et ux, to Brad ford Mehaffev. . W. A. Bradley, et ux, to Ernest w. ureen, et ox. Tom Grey, et ux, to Alice-R. Bunck. . Frank H. Leatherwood, et ox, to unrgin Bros. Louie Siler, et ux, et al, to Emms siyan. DONALD DUCK pfflTl i'1 ' a" r .'S ' I J . . M'.'.,v,. ... f I 4 Vll CLose my ever an' open MY MOUTH YOU GIVE etZl CMC A BITE, c J . r , fir tffllSl Cnpr fPtrcy C Crorfr. WurM rifhtt mcrwd. 10 (Kinj Fciiurn Sndicic Inc. POLLY AND HER PALS WMT HERE, I'M 60INO IN AND HAVE THIS RlNQ HAROLD IAPPRAI5ED it til . W f T CB I mi r i i DONALD DUCK I so mad at soitTT7 r? f HAROLD, V WLfS WS A r Viz I i couLD'y Ifis r3AK fmJi, NO ,, ABSOLUTE IV I W-SW FOR U ,Vv GENUINE-. AND THE CLERK KEPT JT OVfeR-OUt PAVMENTS WorU nghtsresinvd HHEY, V HE FOLLOWED LOOK., ft US HOME.' DONA.LOjJjT 1 V. V 7 FOLLOWED Y'j HUH tLL BET Y' DRAGGED HIMJ V WE.XDONALPf DIDN'T, HONESTf J will V Give ME YOUR WORD OF HONOR? . M SURE! i CROSS hearts! f THEN KEEP !V, HIM - Mountain Joe v . . I have lived through lS reei- wuui ewcuons. i don't remem ber all of them, bat in all (hat tune, rery presidential qanKd&t u aomed the attitude that if he were sot elected the country would go o the dogs. The 1940 campaign Xmm Stir x wu iiv uuiennu IN ever once haa the prediction come true.; It takes lots more than one man to eend a nation like America to the dogs, and so I've learned during my 60 odd years, to brush aside the Mgsr coating of political campaign speeches and promise and get Arwn to the Inside. '- -These Burria Boys ere not bo1-I ncians iney nave no sugar coat- , . they're plain spoken and give yon every advantage. I sug- -esi you see ineir winter stock. ;BUnGIN cnoxnERs WE DELIVER IVE GoY AH OFFICE DoWt4ToWN NOW. l2 5l ) 1940 IKint Fetun tyixlicatt, Im. iUL JHOW VA. T 7 POLLY AND HER PALS (hovVDO VA Hovvb JA DO, MKS. HENPEO lVt Jt ICT RtCU T A LECTURE "WHERE J tAsa. . . t S MUjtSANO SHOULD SHARE HWE HOUSE' sat sKi a . 1 YVUKK WIT VAL.WOT DVau TWINK ABOUTTt? xm going "rarmv rroUT. rMeOIN6 O TELL HtNRY 3HT. NOW DLfeEXACTLV IT... 212 Boiling Point I 143H Pasteorization -140 Tobereolosis Eflled -137 Typhoid Killed 183 Septic Sore Throat ( SHOW MB HOW J j T y!? PONE j j j FOR A DELICIOUS AND NOURISHING FOOD, SERVE THURSDAY, QCTQRPT) B7 Walt MX By Walt Dt By Perry L Crosf -S rr r RP ALL RlfiMY UNTIL THE GET THE SEWfcK At Your Dealer Or From Your Route Man Pet Dairv PrnHnpfc f!n 130 Diphtheria Killed flione 334 At The Depot