NOVEMBER 14, 1940 rtiAYt THE WAYNES VTLLE MOUNTAINEER Jar Bird? And he 2;Vty W time -r-, I DONALD DUCK , ' " " """ "" - ivvsj I . . . -v ...... 0 1 J ! (I 3 1117 Cn v II r J AH. ..SHE'S. A 'BEAUTY TO v-- r i utVZ '-j&L. VWTIN' BY , THE BEAUTIFUL, ) v rJ, Ife ? blurry ,. . , ,. ... ,; By Ferry L. Crosby -s iM 2 Tmlke everything easy uM Bird to sit around K Mr. Man and hi. wife -o to town, and then rS1Bkckie about U' f., just what he did. Ibid jt finished his C ,nd was sitting on his Cin the sun and smoking Cries Jay Bird came over ifkim about the way things feft over at Mr. Man's CBIackie just leaned back L the door-post and lughed Ukcd and laughed. Wasn't f a TT L.J o f Kaan iak bear J n "" Juav i 1 .J a kriaf where ne wuum j -ILr tonight, and now here i just handed to him. Then he Jy Bird: "Go over and tell jM.Billie Possum and Who Qyj to come over here. It i like Mr. Man just wanta to 'a for laving him all that Lie was going to give for ?er donkey, and I reckon we jtuweU take the pay." frtint long before the whole j had gathered at Ulackie's ud he told them how thing) m left over at Mr. Man's fiexpected to sleep today, said ljon, bat with such a frolic as ji front of us, I guess we lnlain about beinar waked And to they started on their nHr. Man's house. Wi bo use telling you much ;ihat went on over there for u guess. Jay Bird says it is i that everybody took his time, ill is everything he wanted. Kind apples and turnips and m till they couldn't eat any And then filled their bags if things and started out for tie's house. Since they didn't the wagon, they didn't get a l or any heavy things, but they any home enough to keep from getting hungry for sev- ayt. ft they were having supper Okie's house. Dr. Coon said: ping. Uncle Joe has been ill UDSet, bponnsp via haA a IJ at his house that night; and mh ne Dears about Our little Mr at Mr. Man's, he will He he has comnanv. anrl f tart him a heap less." (io be Continued)' ' POLLY AND HER PALS TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate Htcorded to Monday Noon VI This Week) Vaynesville Townshin Nr Hvatt. o i, t. S- R. Hooper to Lawrence et ux. Rabhan, et ux. to Jumps P. et ux. 1,rethan half of this country's anal potato crop is moved Met in moM 4.1,. L - ba uvaa( . MOTHEKfe PRECIOUSY XVf MOTHER'S J 7. SHOULD B& , ' X"t 31 KEEP TAKING DOWN J darling o 0 0 crp-Trs: considerate v KdSj 'ozA. the stock until Y s Q DONALD DUC I SKIPPY By Perry L. Crosby mtain Joe... eek I ran across a group l"UQ DOys from Pnrf J-lr. ji , . , ' un atacn.- W COme ba borne for V ,.1nd Tney U looked ? ,nd said thv or. .s inth,rmy"' been, for this prepared- Sri iv m a the time, al W JvPe we don't have to do 4 "e than be prepared. Maybe of those European ktZ I we are abl.e to defend t, " that the -will j;i wy lear to BUy in their CS5ared' i.. time to take care or5 De1ds jl every de- H off " no need pui any longer. Jnst come Prit. i8ee for yonrself that on high wvuanaise are right. OTHERS V OELTVEK WO HURT Youp LEG? Copr (Percy L. CroA. WorW rightt Veiervtd, 1940 (Kinf Pctluraa SyndkaU, Int. TH6RE'5 a Bio Hole im LEFT SHOE 4C POLLY AND HER PALS :- , , , -r a 1 r " Z " 1 1 T7 7V7 I TH' FtLLAS TOIN' ) A ITS A X .O !aVoO ( NOPE .'7 ( CCB? T ( TO HELP SAM MAKE J HfeCK SI6W BUT ) rtVfV , ., - ' " ' ' ' : -M---'M,"M'MM,"M,l,M1M',lllllll,llll,1lg . II 212 Boiling Point 143 H Pasteurization 140 Tuberculosis Killed 137 Typhoid Killed 1S3 J?entic Sore Throat 1-130 Diphtheria Killed Pasteurized Jlilk Is ' v ; SAFE Trw Delicious SEa liner Today Vholesome and tasty Pet Ice Cream Put up the Novel Way - Only 5c at all dealers - Heal for Children - No Mess -Try one today - In Two Delicious Flavors, Strawberry Revel and Chocolate Marshmallow Pet Dairy Products Company Q V V