ftte 14 THE WAYNESVILLB MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, DECEmU I-' ' 5'; 'ii! .i Annual FFA Window Exhibits A Success The annual F. P. A. Fair was held over the week-end with win dow displays in stores in every sec tion of town. The displays were above that of previous years, and much interest was shown in the work of the boys of the high school to each variety) O. Howell, 1.00 merchandise, Otis Burgin Store. Best 3 bales grass hay, 0 Howell, $1.00 sack flour, Food Store. Best 3 bales legume hay, Hugh Wan:a v oe Jl v - l . mar . ' department, under their director, Electric Co., In New Air Post J. C. Brown The many awards were as fol lows: CLASS A Best hand of tobacco, Hugh Francis, 12.00 merchandise, Mas aie Furniture Co. Second place, Mark Palmer, JJ1.00, pair gloves. Toggery. Best stalk of tobacco, Hugh Francis, $1.00 pocket knife, Wey- nesvu.e Hardware Co. Second best, Keith Ketner, can of Guif Spray, Gulf Service Station, r. U. Uowell. Best 5 ears corn (sinele ear vari ety), C. Hollingsworth, 200 pounds nitrate soda, Chilean Nitrate, Ed Bureau." Second place, Francis Boyd, $1.00 pocket knife, Smith Drug Co. Best 5 ears corn, prolific, J. T Smith, $4.00 200 pounds nitrate oda. Barrett and Com nan v Secocd best 5 ears corn (prolific) Francis Boyd, $1.00 printed sta tionery, Haywood Print Shop. Best 5 ears corn, (yellow) Mark Palmer, $2.00 merchandise, C. - E. Kay's Sons. Second best 5 ears corn (yellow) Hugh Frau-cis, 75 cents dinner, Green Tree Inn, Best one ear corn (single eared variety) Francis Boyd, 35 cent hair cut, Parkway Barber Shop. Best sirgle ear, prolific, F. Boyd, $1.00 merchandise, American Fruit Stand. Best single ear, yellow, Hugh Francis, $1.00 claw hammer, Mas sie Hardware Co. Largest pumpkin, Hugh Francis, $1.75 merchandise, Alexander's Drug Store. . Largest candy roaster, Oscar Howell, $1.25 shoe repair, Cham pion Shoe Shop. Best quart wheat, Mark Palmer, $1.00 tie clasp, Aiken Gift Shop. Second place, Hugh Francis, 75 cents suit cleaned and pressed, Cen tral Cleaners. Best quart rye, Ralph Hendrbc, $1.00 two dinners, Park Lunch Room. ' Second place, Joe Underwood, 35 cents hair cut, Sutton's Barber Shop. Best exhibit of grain, variety and quality, 1 quart each, Keith Ketner, $1.60 subscription to Waynesville Mountaineer. Best three bundles Oats, Oscar Howell, $1.00 Brown ard Noland. Best 10 ears pop corn, R. Frank lin, $2.00 merchandise, Garrett Furniture Co. Second place, Ralph Hendrix, 40 cent hair cut, Depot Barber Shop. Best one ear pop corn. Saint i uendrix, 91.00 box candy, Waynes, ville Candy Co. Tallest stalk of corn (single ear) . Oscar Howell, $1.50 suits cleaned, pressed, Service Cleaners. Tallest stalk corn, (prolific) O, Howell $1.50 cake, Gordon Hotel. Best exhibit om soybean stalks, Everett Frady, $1.00 merchandise, Massie's Department Store. Best exhibit of dried beams (one quart to each variety) O. Howell, 11.00 merchandise, C. N. Allen Gen eral Store. Best exhibit of peas (one quart Best 10 red sweet potatoes. II. Francis, $1.50 wash and grease job. Shell Service Station. Second place, C. Hollingsworth, $1.00 anti Freeze, Watkins Chev rolet Best 10 white sweet potatoesjoe T T 1 A. ,. ...... I unaerwooa, i.uu i dinners, ww- NC Cafe. Second place, 40 cent rubbei heels, Hazelwood Shoe Shop. CLASS a Best 12 Irish potatoes, (Green Mountain) James Mints. $1.00 tie rack. Tray and Wood Art Co. Secocd place, C. Hollingsworth, 50 cents album, Sherrill's Studio. Best 12 Irish potatoes, anv va riety, Luther Buff, $1X5 6 quarts motor oil, Western Auto Supply Co.;;-;.' . Second place, Robt, Hosaflook. 40 centg hair cut, Roy Coward Barber Shop. Best six onions, amy variety. Mark Palmer, $1.00 merchandise, Waynesville Pharmacy. Best exhibit of onions (6 to the variety) C. Hollingsworth, $1.00, merchandise, Eagle 5 and 10. CLASS C Best peck of apples, anv variety. Sam Arrfcgton, $2.00 Belk-Hudson. Second place, Joe Boone, $1.00, quarts motor oil. Belle Meade Service Station. Best peck Starks Delicious: Joe Boone, $1.00 cash, William Medford. nest peck Staymen Winesap, Bob Francis, $1.00 inlaid book, Erkraft. Best peck Rome Beauty. Bob Francis, $1.00 cash, Jack Messer. Best packed bushel of amiles. Rnh Francis, $5.00 safety razor, Tom Beawell, Realtor 1 Second place, Jim Boone. $1.00 suit cleaned and pressed, Waynes vile Laundry. Best exhibit of anoles. Bob Fran cis, $3.00 5 gallons motor oil, Sin clair Refkeryi Second place. Sam Arrinctnn. $1-50 table spread. Rovle anil Pillr. I ington. est head cabbage, Oscar Howell, $1X5 5 quarts motor oil, Watkins Service Station.' CLASS D Best white honey, 2 jars, L. Wil liamson, $1.50 subscription to mag azine, L. N. Davis. Second place. FrancU Rnvt Kh cents merchandise, G. C. Ferguson. uest exnioit beeswax, Louis Wil liamson, 60 cents shaving set. M. Kay Pharmacy. Best molasses, 2 pints, Bob Francis, Kust Cure Pure Oil Ser vice Station. 1 j 1 ' i 1 i hi - . pi 'I i n f ' ; , flow rnmnt Will Ra Vkihfo Ilnm On December 15th. Says J. E. Toy Commander of the British air force, in France until the French collapsej Air Marshal Sir Arthur S. Barrett? 49, was named head of Britain's msra Arm numntlmi Camnuiul Lf-L 111 I tl I -1 . J I i tiniM tm tk. im. i. tkJ ranged in United Kingdom and in effect givd vu army iu ewn air zoree. . j News From BALSAM By . Mrs. Oscar J. Beck . . . By J. E. Toy. Those of us who can look back to the year 1910 and remember the "flaming sword," known as Hal ley's Comet, hanging in the west ern sky are eoinz to have in just a few more days another opportunity to see another of these rare vis itors. It will be Cunningham's Comet named for the man who dis covered it. It will become visible to the nak ed eye about Dec. 15th and will become larger and brighter each night and by the end of this month will 'be a magnificent spectacle in the western sky right after the sun sets.-. -'. For the information of those lucky enough to own a telescope or a pair of field glasses and who want to look for it now I will say they can find it exactly below and just a very small distance away from the bottom star in the North ern cross. The Northern cross is composed of six bright stars ar- tha form of a perfect Maltese cross standing in an up right position in the western sky, with its foot almost on the horizon. It is a large tall cross, its verticle length being about one-seventh of ..... . . . , i it. the total east W we sity ieugriu. Look for a larsre cross. I had great difficulty many years ago in nndinc mis cross oecause i was lookinsr for something small. On Dec. 6th the new comet will be exactly beneath the bottom star of this cross and will then move to the left and slightly down wards toward the sun. It will De come visible to the naked eye by Dea. 19.h and will continue to grow larger ard will miss the sun on Jan. 14th by 35 million miles and will be about halfway between the earth and the sun on Jan. 19th. Halley's Comet in 1910 came with in Kfi million milpa at th sun. This comet coming 20 million miles Closer to the sun will actually be brighter than Halley's was. But on the other hand it will appear smaller than Halley's on account of being 20 million miles farther away from us and consequently won't make as good a show, but still k will be worth looking at. A comet visible to the naked eye is a very rare occurence. Halley's comet of 1910 has a period of 75 years and will be back for another visit in lase. &noke's comet, a very small one and not visible to the naked eye, passes the sun every three years and a fraction. Comets with an elliptic orbit pass the sun on regular trips varying from 3.3 years to 100 years or more. Those with parabolic orbit. pass the sun only once and wander on out into space to return no more. Another peculiarity of comets is that they always keep their heads pointed at the sun. Even when leaving the sun they appear to h backing away tail first. There will be another nice show this month worth sittinsr nn for. On the night of Dec. 10th the moon, with just barely enough room, will appear to pass directly between Jupitar and Saturn the two bright pianeis almost airecuy overhead ' peupie 0 now. You won't have any trouble "n Creek church wiU SD0. nrninoj jnn trp nnn xatnra 'ih - give Elected Caribou County, idak . Chas. T. MeC.i. NovPmK.- r" wty. idJ mjo'u,alaM Mr. M:Cracken i. a. : He was bom in f6"' 4 has spent most of his kJ con count tt . Wi Wahofore;:st Christmas to Be st;:r UIUuanJ Church GroJ ine yourg people of . cnurch wiU Jdy ProfesSes Jupitar and Saturn. They "uu Professes", steady light and do not I . d cho1 hgm twinkle. Stars or suit always twinkle on account of their rreat distance from us. Also watch for "shooting stars" or meteors every night now. One astronomer has figured that if the Bun were to explode we would have only 133 hours to live. line enough for the daily papers to print a lot of hot extras, pmy ,g given a, avJ f" v."Hs. Iora Christmas p.B qwiaren in the Level- section of town. The niihl; i. ... . -'""""vwti ....ooivii cnarge, When tempted to !.!. l has forsaken xiuMi..:.. e 1 jworKoftheA.e Rev. Frank Bird preached at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Mr. Bird and family moved here from Haywood county. We ara fortunate in the fact that Mr. Bird chose Balsam as his future home. Rev. Benn Cook preached at the Baptist church Sunday night. Mrs. Daisy Bennett, of Asheville. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Parris. Mrs. John E. Jones, of Waynes ville, was the week-end euest of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Beck. Lewis McCall left Monday for Fort Bragg, where he has a position.' r f LI- " L I C ' I I'"115 ON A GROUP OF OVER 20 A-NUMBER-ONE Mr, and Mrs. John H. McCall and son, Ray, of Cruso, spent sev eral days last week with Mrs. Mc Call's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mid dleton, at Balsam Hotel. Little Miss" Mary Sue Parris, of Addie, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. James McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Jess McCall, of Whittier, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George McCall. Several Balsam people the sirging convention at Waynes ville Sunday, PARK THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Thursday, Dec 5 LITTLE NELLIE KELLY Judy Garland, George Murphy, Chas. Winniger. , Friday, Dec 6 "LADY WITH RED HAIR" Miriam Hopkins, Claude Raines, Richard Ainley. Saturday, Dec. 7 TAKE ME BACK TO OKLAHOMA" ' Tex Ritter, Terry Walker : Owl Show 10:30 , "WHO KILLED AUNT MAGGIE" John Hubbard. Wendy Barria. W. Abel. Sunday, Dec 8 "ESCAPE" j Norma Shearer, Robert Taylor, Nazimova. Mon. and. Tues Dec 9-10 "MARK OF ZORIIO Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, - Basil iRatbbone. Wednesday, Dec 11 "LADDIE". Tim Holt, Virginia Gilmore, r Jean Carroll, ; , , Second place, Ralph Hendrix, 60 cents merchandise, Dixie Store. Best exhibit honev and honpv products, Louis Williamson, $5.00 end table, Unagusta. Best exhibit walnuts, Sam- Ar each, Bob Francis, $4.00 end tab.e, Boyd Furniture Co. Best exhibit walnuts, San Ar rington, f 1.00 4 quarts oil, Cher okee Auto Co, Best exhibit jellies and juices, Bob Francis, l-50 vase, Clyde Ray Flower Shop. CLASS E Best side of meat, Billie Howell, J1.00 grease job, Parkway Service oiauoin We are having lovely weather for this time of year. Old mercury dips pretty low at night, but in the morning when the sun comes up it's very comfortable. We miss Mrs. Ruskin, but look forward to having her with next summer. us Free Lecture Delivered On Christian Science In Asheville On The 8th A free lecture on, Christian Science entitled "Christian Science, the Science of Christ," will be de livered by Dr. Hendrik J. d S. B of New Ynrlr Pitw at David Millard school auditorium Second place, Keith Ketner, $1 00 n A8n.evl11! on tSunday ternoon, ease fob. ITr.H.rw SL Dember the 8th, at 8:30 o'clock. The lecture will be given under the sponsorship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Asheville. The public is cordially invited to attend grease job, Underwood Service Sta tion.-. Beat ham, Robt. Hosaflook, $3.00 table spread, Royle and Pilkington. Sweepstakes, Class A, Hugh Francis, $5.00 FFA jacket, Pet Dairies. - Sweepstakes, Class B, C. Hoi. lingsworth, $5.00 FFA jacket. Farmers Federation, Waynesville Stora. ttweepstakev Class C, D and E, Bob Francis, $6.00 FFA jacket, Waynesville High School Grand sweepstakes, Oscar How ell, .22 rifle, (A Friend). Individual farm exhibit, Ralph Hendrix, $5.00 FFA jacket, First National Bank. : The chapter expresses its appre ciation, to the merchants and busi nessmen of Waynesville, for their co-operation in making available heir windows for display of the ex hibits. We also express our thanks to '11 those contributing prises and for any other support given the chapter. Judge: County Agent, J. C. Lyna. The exhibit were shown in the following stores: Hyatt and Com nany, former , Bowers Store, courtesy Garrett Furniture Com pany, The Pastry Shop, courtesy Dr. J. H. Smathers, Martin Elec tric Company, Electric Service Company, The Toggery, Belk-Hud-onVCo., Mallet Department Store, Waynesville Pharmacy. Massle Hardware - Company, Harold's Department Store, Eagle Five and Ten, Personality Beauty Intelligence Tests Given At St John's Mother Mary Bartholomew, the Mother General, and Sister Mary Nila, Ph.D., the supervisor of schools of the teaching order of St Francis, both of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, are spending this week t St. John's SchooL Mother Bartholomew, Sister Nila, and two teachers of St-John's School attended a teacher's insti tute at Raleigh last week-end. Sister Nila is making a survey of all schools under the direction of the Sisters of St. Francis and during the course of this week, she is conducting n extensive testing program at St. John's SchooL Both the intelligence and achievement tests are beinK ad ministered. The visiting Sisters are enjoyina d by the Southern hospitality. ArchaeologisU have excavated the thumb of a million-year-o d woman. Perhaps if they dig a lit tle deeper they will discover a million year old man under it Shop, Western Auto Store, W. W N. C. Cafe and old Erkraft build ing, courtesy E. L. Withhers and Company. US EDCA EDUC for Quick SELLING WE MUST MAKE ROOM-HENCE THIS SALE m ED Every Car Reconditiond Here's A tmlMim 39 Chevrolet Sport Sedan '36 Dodge Hck-Up '38 Dodge Sport Sedan '36 Plymouth Coach '38 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1935 Ford Coach '37 Chevrolet Sedan '34 Ford Coach EVERY CAR PRICED TO SELL HURRY M Jt; u ;y '37 Chevrolet Hi Ton Truck '33 Chevrolet Coaches 37 Chevrolet Town Sedan '32 Chevrolet Sedans 36 Chevrolet Pick-Up And Model "A's". Oft f I - Tfn y -r" if mm 77 KJDC3 WE MEAN BUSINESS DONT WAIT -- SEE THESE BARGAINS TODAY i V KW ii CO. Main Street Waynesville IE

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