DECEMBER 5, 1940 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Mountaineer ant Ad Rates .' . word (thU type) insertion. jjtojmBia Charge ,vnta a word each in- VUon this size type. omywaytoreh; confidential. f rtter. addressed a - 1e reserve the right to wise L nr Hs should be in .Am not 1 BLACKIE BEAR tfd of tnanaa, respect are accepww i word. .; V Mountaineer Phone 137 HAYWOOD COUNTY'S BARGAIN COUNTER SALE Toy car, like new, 8 to 4 vesrs. red and cream. pf price. Can be aeen at Claud Queen, KL x - 1 QUICK SALE Almost new mom bungalow and 2 acres of d in West Canton, near Pat- ichool. Write Lillie Hopkins, it 1. Canton. Dec 5 k SALE CHEAP 1931 Ford jjor. New tires, good mechan- il condition. See Boy Black- it Mountaineer Dee 6 1 RENT 6 room house and 6V4 km of land, located back of W, Shelton's place. See J. A sier. '. Dec. 5 B RENT 9 room l.intgomery street. tut by December 17 R. Miller. bouse on Desire to 16U. S Dec. 6 egetable Laxative Mes Happy Friends art a laxative that usually acta jroughly as harsher ones but is a i teriuoder for intestines when d this way: A quarter to a iMeaspoonful of spicy, aromatic ACK-DRAUGHT on your tongue m; a drink of water. There's My time for a good night's ft with a gentle, thorough action pt morning relieving constipa- '01 headaches, biliousness, sour f3Kh, bad breath. JUCK-DRAUGHT is a splendid Miration of vegetable ingredi- p, chief of which is an"intesti- tonic-laxative" that helps im- wtone to lazy bowel muscles, economical 25 to 40 doses: 25c. AND EVERYBODY WAS HAPPY Story 73 For two or three days after Mr. Han's hunt for the thieves he was pretty busy about his farm. He had cut lots of wood and he kept Hee-Haw pretty busy bring ing it to the house. And H was time to gather his corn and get up bis pumpkins and potatoes and other crops, and so he didn't have much time to worry about the Creek Folks. Anyway, there were no bear tracks there, and no sheep had been killed, not any big things carried away, and so he thought that just a few coons and hawks had been to his place. And he could kill them some time later after he got his crops all in. His things all looked so good to him, and it was so good to have Hee- Haw back to help him, that he was pretty happy. Mrs. Man could even hear him trying to whistle ' hat tune that he had heard the bnd play that day when they went to the circus, , "Oh, it Ain't Agoin' to Rain No More." As for Mrs. Man, well, she had tried on her new dress a half doz en times, and smiled at herself in the looking glass, and thought how wed she was going to look when she went to church next Sunday. And she certainly did some 'good cooking. Mr. Man just loved the old-fashioned cake made with black molasses, and she made the best one she knew how to make. And she mended all of Mr. Man's clothes, and sewed on his buttons and darned his socks. She gather ed vegetables and apples and things and canned them for the winter. They were really the happiest days that either of them had ever known. And what do you reckon caused it all? Blackie Bear! Funny, isn't it? Well, let's see: Blackie Bear took Mr. Man's donkey and so Mr. Man didn't have any wagon to ride around in, and he stayed at home most all the time. And he could n't just lie around the house and do nothing, and so he worked his crops. And Uncle Joe and some other neighbors were good enough to lend him a donkey when he needed one to plow his crops. And so, because he worked more, he made more crops. And because he thought 'he had to buy another donkey, he saved up a lot of money, and how With that money he had bought a lot of things that made him and his -wife happy. So didn't Blackie Bear buy Mrs. Man's new dress and hat and the lots of things they got in town? So you see things are not always as bad as they seem, and you see how Blackie was really helping Mr. Man while Mr. Man was trying to kill Blackie. Some times Mr. Man thought there was no use trying to make things just to feed Blackie, but just look what he and his wife have now, just because he kept or working. ', (To be Continued) THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY n - TEN MINUTES IT tipivES TH,PlAYVK TO MOVE - IT KEEPS THE PLAYERS i AWAMr A1W CUTS POV4 PLAYING vi rsf omc hours to LESS THAN THATUL KHJ- THE SPORT i HITS OUT MCEATEST MPOOR SPOKT ..II- TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (.1 Recorded to Monday Soon Of ThU Week) m of COLDS Lutherans in Estonia tt'Mixtha nf Estonia's nnnula- f1.126.0M are Lutheran. LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOSE DROPS COUGH DROPS "fcMlr-lW . a Woadarfui LtabMal Ileaverdam Township A. F. Mashburn, et ux, to John R. Williams, et ux. M. C. Sprinkle to 0. Crowder. D. S. Greene, et ux, to Theodore Clark. W. F. Cole, et ux, to A. S. Gar den. ' C. E. Smith, et ux, to J. H. Keener. L, W. Smathers, et ux, to R. F. Janes. J. H. Powell, et ux. to Lucy Cochrane. H. W. Jones, et ux, to O. M. Smathers. Wade Wilson, et ux, to Ellie Ayers. Katheryn Nichols to R. F, Jones. Cecil Township W. F. Hipps, et ux, to Z. F. Wentz. Clyde Townnhip D, L. Pless, et al, to Cruso Mu tual Electric Membership Corp. Crabtree Township J. M. Wells, et ux, et al, to Jon athan Woody and Glend James. Fines Creek TownMhip Miss J. F. Rogers, et al, to E. Justice. Pieeon Townshio W. C. Kinsland, Jr., to Grady Gibson. , C D. Fowler, et ux, to W. R Palmer. Wavnesvllle TownHhip '- F. C. Compton to Elizabeth F. Abel. Pink Swanger, Est,, to Frank" Swanger. A. P. Harlcy, et ux, to Christian- na Rauschenberg. J H. Kuykendall, et ux, to Kllie Jane Thompson. Sam Bradley to E. V. Moody. J. Wiley James to F.A. Davis. RobertH Hardin to W. L. Har din, Jr. O. C. Landrum to National Bond Holders Corp. ; of Haywood county, North Caro lina, to sell the land and estate of the lata Mary C Reno to ere- ate assets to pay the indebtedness outstanding against tnt saw es tate: and the said defendants will further Uke notice that they are required to appear at tne omce of th Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood county in the court house in Waynesville, N. a, within 30 days after the Zlst day of Nov., 1940, and answer or demur to the complaint in aaid action, or the plaintiff in said action will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. This Nov. 12, 1940. W. G. BYERS, Clerk Superior Court, Haywood Count v. N. C No. 1019 Nov. 21-28-Dec 5-1Z thence N. 1 W. 1 chains 15 duly recorded in the office tie links to a walnut; thence N. 4 K. Register of Deeds of Haywood 1 chains 88 links to a stake; thence County to which reference i Br N. 12 E. 2 chains and 13 links to . by made for a full description l a stake; thence N. 73 W. S chains ' said lands by metes and bounds. and 60 linki to a ataxe, k. iu. wflia. n7.f. w.MAe .v.nM s l-xn K f and the tame Lot No. 41 eonveyod tt m VWl SS ft awWi - "w I - - t - 2 chains and 70 links to a stake on by C J. Jeffries and wife, VL I - ... rm t m - w tr ! i L L.. the West side of a road; tnenct 3. ; Jennsa w m. wuwojum 3 E. 2 chains 19 links to a stake "deed dated March 19, 1919, and on the West side of a road; thence registered March 25, 1919 is Book m na- J m A W? . ft, .... AO S. xu w. z coaiBi ana ov iinju iv . m , pst vo . . . a ;f n a I . in a deed dated June 6th, 1938, from Gladys M. Kcuhler, by her Attorney in Fact, J. R. Morgan, to Fred W. Hendrix and wife. Elsie Hendrix. Sale made pursuant to the power and authority conferred upon me bv that certain deed of trust from Fred W. Hendrix and wife, Elsie Hendrix, dated 4th day of Januar ary, 1940. and recorded in Book 44. Dace 288. Havwood County Registry, to which instrument and record reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions thereof. Said sain will be made subject to prior deed of trust Hen and subject to any taxes due there on. The high bidder will be re quired to deposit 60 of his bid at the time sale is made. ThU November 8th, 1940. A. T. WARD, Trustee.. No. 1017 Nov. 14-21-28-Dec. 6. NOTICE Havinv oualifled as Administra trix of the Estate of 8. H. Bushnell, deceased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tata to exhibit same to me at Way nesville on or before October 24th, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons in debted to said estate please make immediate settlement. This October 24th, 1940. BESS S. BUSHNELL, No. 1011 Oct. 81-Nov. 7-14-21- 28-Dec. 6. the berinninr. Containing 2.6 acres, more or leas. Third Lot: Adioininsr Mullberry Street and the lands of Ed Fischer and others and known as the resi dence of the aaid Mrs. L. E. Til- son, deceased, in the Town of Clyde; Beginning on a stake on the W. margin of the street; thence North 2-30 East 2 chains and 5 links to a stake on the West margin of said street; thence North Beinr the same land described in deed from J. K. Cole and wife U Mrs. W. P. Ford, recorded in Book 64, page 45, Haywood County Re cord of Deeds. Tract No. 2: Being Lota Net S and S of the C. J. Jeffries subdivi sion of the lands of the Miogas Estate near Canton, N. C, as sur veyed and platted by J. R. Terrell, surveyor, in March. 1919. and aold at auction sale to the parties of .....a--. ..-, i ai auction aaie lu wio panics vi 87 W. one chain to a atake; thence th, fir8t part the pUtt aed map f N. 6-15 E. 40 links to the South Mid . du,y .0 i. the margin of Street; thence S. 8630 office of the Register of Deeda of W. 2 chains and 38 links to a atake; Haywood County, North Carolina, thence N. 87-27, E. 2 chains S links u wn!ch tid ,at Md fer, L ik. Itn.ltt n i M t9 Pnnlam nff f . . .. . iv w , ence la Hereby made for a fuU de- 44100 acres, more or less. acription of aaid lands by metes and Fourth Lot: Beginning on a ' bounda. stake in the center of Southern AIICHOR CLASP U3l; itilfMlM. MERCHANDISE U CATALOG S MAGAZINES LEAFLETS NEWSPAPERS MtJl si Itwr -sleLili sr kti brswi KrsftUls sioes. brews ursnuis ! nt. CIm Aral? ssihsrsJ. M slssisri sizst. la .171 m m I It rwyiattUh. lWL haryJstsLits. I III KisttLSt I lU IssrrJsltUs. Ivullu. KnRLBa ..... RiT II III hartJlttLBt. WMV4 KrsRUh...... IMS I """" lilhaasrai .... . . jj . . HSkssM . USktairid m sa a. Jl INhaaerW SOLD Sipjr,-, ths des-4s j tbtsssss ML buy them here to day i THE r.lOUNTAINEEIl Printers Publishers Office SnppUes NOTICE SERVICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT WILLIAM YARBOROUGH, VS. MARGARET LEE YARBOROUGH The defendant, Margaret Lee Yarborouth. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina, to obtain an absolute divorce on grounds of two years separa tion: tha said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is requir ed to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Countv in the Courthouse in Wavnesville. North Carolina within thirty days after the 5th day of December, 1940, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief demanded in said complaint. This November 9th, 1940. KATE WILLIAMSON, Asst' Clerk Superior Court. Hot 1015 Nov. 14-21-28-Dec. 3 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE having qualified as administra tor of the tatate of Sol Caasy, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, thii ts to aotuy all persons having claims apainst the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 25th day of Nov., 1941, or this notice will be pluaded in bar of hcir recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This the 25th day of Nov, 1940. C. B. ATKINSON, Administrator of the Estate of Sol Casey, deceased. No, 1020 Nov. 28-Dec 5-12-19-26-Jan. 2. Railway, corner of lota 66 and 07 and runs with the said Railway South 72-15 E. two hundred feet to a stake, corner of Lots 68 md 69; thence with the line of Lot 69 N. 18 E. 173 feet to a atake in the margin of Osborne Avenue; thence with said Avenue N. 72 W. ZUU feet to a stake, comer of Lots 66 j and 67; thence with the line of Lot 66 S. 18 W. 173 feet to the begin ning. Containing 46 acre, more or less. And being Lots Nos. 67 and 68 of the Osborne addition to Town of Clyde as shown by plat of J. W. Seaver recorded in map nf Havwood Countv. The last lot herein described will be sold subject to a deed of trust held by Mrs. V. S. Kirby. This the 6th day of Novembui1; 1940. T. J. CHAMBERS, Commissioner of the Court, No 1014 Nov 14-21-28-Dec. 6. PUBLIC SALE NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. WILMA CAMPBELL PHELPS VS.'. JOHN PHELPS. The defendant. John Phelps, will Uke notice that the above entitled action has been instituted in the Sunerior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, to secure for the plaintiff an absolute di vorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is re- au I red to aonear at the omce of the Clerk of the Superior Court in Waynesville, North Carolina, with 60 davs from the date of this notice, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said comulainL This the 4 th day Ot Novemeber, 1940. W. G. BYERS. Clerk Superior Court, No. 1016 Nov. 14-21-28-Dec 6 The undersigned will sell at pub lii. miction at 1 o'clock P. M. Wed nesday, November 13tn, at the res idence of the late J. Herman Kins- land in Crabtree Township, Hay- Wood County, all the personal prop erty of said Herman Kinalamd, Hnv tit horses, cows, crops. wagon, gasoline grist mill, harness and farm tools of an description, to the highest bidder for casn. I MRS. J. HERMAN KlNSbAKU. ..No. 1013 Not. 7-14-21-28. NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, December 9th, 1940, .t ii nVWk A. M.. at the Court House door in Town of Waynesville, I will offer for sale at public out cry to the highest bidder for casn, the following lands and premises, situate, lying and being in Waynes-' ville Township, Haywood County, N. C, to-wiU I BEGINNING ON an iron stake, H. L. Wyatt corner, thence N. 1 I E. 420 feet to eenter of Richland Creek; thence up said creek, S. 77 30' W. 140 feet to a stake, center of creek; thence S. 74 W. 280 feet to a stake in center of creek and center of a ditch; thence up ditch s in 30' E. 340 feet to a atake six feet north of pavement; thence N. 84 45' W. 340 feet to the BE GINNING, containing 2.98 acres, more or less. Being the same land described ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, havinir quali fied as Administrator of the estate of Sarah S. Sloan, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to file same, duly verified, with Morgan A Ward. Attorneys, of Waynes ville with the undersigned, William S. Sloan, M. D., Wilson, N. C on or before October 24, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of re covery thereon, and all persons indented to said estate will pay the same to the undersigned, or to Morgan k Ward, forthwith. This October Z4, l40. WILLIAM 8. SLOAN, M. D, Administrator, Estate of Sarah S. SloanDeceased. No. 1010 Oct 24-31-Not. 7-14- 21-28. NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under and bv virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Haywood County, made in the 8pecial Pro ceeding entitled S. M. Robinson, Administrator of the Jstats oi( Sarah J. Ford. Deceased, et als. vs. Joseph F. Ford, et als. the under signed commissioner will, on the ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Havinir Qualified as administra- vuiuiiiioeiuiici tv at vm iaiV f rwmhT mm t t trlx of the estate of D. C. uamp- V LI UOST . V w.ssa. p v ava o'clock Noon, at the Court House bell, deceased, late of Haywood Door in the Town of Waynesville, County, North Carolina, this Is to North Carolina, offer for resale to notify all persona having claims the highest bidder on the following: agaww uie esiaie , ' , terms: Oneourthi down and the to sxhibit them to the undersigned balance at the rate of Twenty-five at Maggie, North Carolina, on er . . a. iL. DOtL A, NAuamhtfl dollars per month; those certain Dciore vne om um, . tracts of land lying and being in ' 1941 or this notice will be pleaded TninHBhin TI f tat Aft I in bar of their recovery. AH per- UCavciUfllll . luniiDiiii . in nuuw - - County, North Carolina, and more sons indebted to said estate will particularly described as follows, piease mane iumiiii-u) F.,...--. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. BEFORE THE CLERK. Jarvis H. Allison, Executor of Mary C. Reno, Deceased, Vs. - P. D. Turner, Verlin Turner and wife, Ruby Turner, and Goldy Turner and Frankie PTa WinH. et al The defendanti Verlia Turner and wife, Ruby Turner and rank le Hawkins will take notice that an titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY T. J. Chambers, Administrator of Mrs. L. E. Tilson, Deceased. ' vs. J. R. Chambers and wife. Has sle Chambers, Jessie Chamber!, Hilda Chambers, Walter Cham ber and Town of Clyde. Pursuant to a judgment render ed in the above entitled action, the undersigned having been duly ap pointed as a Commissioner of the Court and beinr authorised and directed by the Court to sell the land hereinafter described. I will offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the Town or Waynesville, N. C, on Monday, Dee. Bth. 1940. at 11 o'clock A. M the following described land: Ly ing and being in Haywood County, N. C. First Let: Besrinninsr on stake on the West side of a road, thence N. 79-39 W. 4 chains and 71 links to a atake in East margin of old road; thence S. 83-30 E. 5 chains and 75 links to a stake, U E. Brown's corner: thence N. 10 E. 2 chains and 50 links to a stake on the West side road; thence N 3 West 2 chains 19 links to the be- rinning. Containing 2.64 acres, mnra nr lesa. Second Lot: Adjoining Lot No. one, and beginning on a stake, C. E. Brown's corner, thence N. 86 E. 3 chains 43 links to a stake; Beta? the ssma lands eonveved by C. Z. Chapman, et aL to Sarah J. Ford, by deed dated April 24, 1919, recorded in Book 53, at page 208, Haywood County Record of Deeds. , . Tract No. 3' Being Lot No. 4. ouna hundred forty feet hack, rui ning Tiorih one hundred forty feet with Lot No. 3 to a stake; thence west fifty feet to a stake; thence running south one hundred forty feet with Lot No. 5 to a Btake margin of Thomas Street, to the BEGINNING.' Being Lot No. 4 of Block "D" and ssme lot con. veyed to James Swanger and wife, Anna Swanger by Flora F. Jen nings, et al in a deed dated March 3, 1919, and registered in Book of Deeds No. 53, at page 117. ' Being the same land conveyed by James Swanger and wife to Mrs. Sarah J. Ford, dated August 21, 1921, recorded in Book 67, at page 639, Haywood County Record of Deeds..: ' This the 25th day of November, 1940. ' I M. WESLEY VRABfX, I Commissioner. No. 1021 Nov. 28-Dec 6 to-wlt; Tract No. 1: Beinir Lot No. 41 of . 1910 the J. R. Terrell survey of the lands known as the Mingus Lands, for This the 27th day of November, MRS. D. C. CAMPBELL. Administratrix of the Estate ef n t tt-:- r, t a D. G CampbeU. decease Canton, N. C. a map and plat of No. 1022-Nov. 28-Dec. 6-12-19- which said survey of said lands is -jp. 51 ?9 Travel Day Fares for the Holidays SPEND CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S AT HOME Round Trip Tickets GOOD IN COACHES 10 Less Than Double the One-Way Coach Fares. Tickets on sale daily, Dec 10 to 25 inclusire. Return Umit Jan. 10, 1941. ROUND TRIP TICKETS Good in sleeping and parlor cars on payment of proper charge for r pace occupied. On sale daily, return limit 30 days. Two and one quarter cents per mile for each mile traveled. Round trip fares are also available to destina tions in the East, North, West and Southwest. Purchase Railway and Pullman Tickets In Ad vance, Baggage checked. Stopovers allowed. Air conditioned Sleeping Cars, Dining Cars and Coaches on through trains. TRAVEL BY TRAIN SAFE, COMFORTABLE ECONOMICAL OTIS IX PRICE Assistant General Passenger Agent Asheville, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM A mroiSTMAS ADVENTURE Disaster? tet teai chosen bygnta b vtfib Chnstmaslpvn. radioaJ their mother of his invyiin and dgrc b on the rz mm if . . . .... .. .. . IVjust miNt jfmV- 1 1 Tut woods weec I nnb;fljrDUrk?svcaap b Aw wuLlkalc maizdcv our or . rro -n- l!v1ineV ort the front lawn ard the I stz dAust . jom9 hooth , WETKE FALLIM5 plane rcallv out of control? Wlot , viB happen to theyctirxi ffirsr watch the next installment! ,