9" 'i i : 1 THE WAYNESVUXE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, MARCH 'AHtiA Tha ItVk Fvrvrwitinn VriAav and Satnrdav M. PMM " w u J .. - : 1 , , : ; . I War Boom Brings Rushing Business To Professional Tattooers Near tamps KEY YORK National defense Is leaving an indelible imprint on the youth of America. In a buret of purple and crimson glory, tattoo artists from Brooklyn to San JDiego are pricking ou a bumper CTOp of hearts and flowers, anchors aii:i eagles. Business hasn't been this good ince the days of the last World War. For that you have the word of Charlie Wagner, ageless dean of subcutaneous needlepoint, who NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Summers Hardware and Sup ply Company, a Corporation. Vs. Louise Bell and Ben J. Sloan, Defendants. By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the Su perior Court of Haywood County, in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 21st, day of April, 1941, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., at the Court House door of said County, sell fo the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said Louise Bell, one of the defend ants, hag in the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: BEGINNING on a "take, Wood ward corner in old Grimball line, and runs thence N. 35 E. 335 feet to a stake in the margin of road or street, Woodward corner; thence S. 22 30' E. 120 feet to a stake in margin of said road or street; thence S. 29 30 E. 150 feet to a take; thence S. 46 W. 140 feet to s stake in said old Grimball' line; thence N. 84 30' W. 96 feet to the BEGINNING, containing of an acre, more oi less, a., per survey and plat of J. WeKl Seavc r, Regis tered Engineer. This the 20th day of March, 1941. R. V. WELCH, Sheriff. No. 1057 Mar. 27-April 3-10-17 has been decorating some of the toughest forearms in America for half a century. - For 43 years he has worked in the same tiny, picture-filled shop front ing Chatham Square tattoo cen ter of New York. ' S5.000 Hearts, 69,000 Flowers Charlie talked while he worked. His customer was a young seaman in for a 25-cent forearm bouquet inscribed to his true love. A crim son heart already adorned his mus cular arm, but the girl's name across its center was now out of date. "You might think that they'd want some new designs these days," Charlie said, outlining in ink for his customer's approval the proposed floral creation. Charlie's strictly a free hand artist. He's inclined to be bitter about new- comers to the business who must rtace their patterns. "But with few exceptions, the men still go for the designs that their dads liked," : Sailors take to ships and anchors. Soldiers, though they are less tattoo-conscious than their seafaring colleakues, go for eagles and coats of arms. Some army men get their serial numbers etched into their I epidermis, so they can't forget them. (It's not cricket to orna ment yourself with your branch of service or outfit. If you ever were captured, that might give "aid and comfort to the enemy.") 1 Both services are strong for hearts, flowers, and memory pieces like "True Love to Mother." Charlie figures he has dispensed some 35,000 hearts and 60,000 flow ers in his time. "Business isn't as good as it used to be," Charlie admitted. "May be the novelty has worn off since the last war. But business today is better than it has been for many years. Last month, on pay day, I worked for ten hours straight and still couldn't take care of all my SWMT U SL MSMQtS CCT Miff mur vta ot rtna ru muMAINSriTMT of m time Fflt um US Glectric Brooders CAN IE USES OM ANY FMM THAT MAS MIOUINt flECTHCTTV i -fli 1 lOtttS ROOOUM COCT-A0TMMI1C KATCMTI01 o ntf mm-less mm-no hh. ashes MOTwrnM nNa-tEraauciHoratcATtf wr lCTU MJtOOP&S IUCTRIC M0OOEM AU AVAIIABU mTYrKMP SIZES 10 HTTK SEEM Of VetYFAM CHICKENS MEAN f CASH Erin MONTIS customers." 6"Maybe Girls Are Too Fickle" Charlie figures about ten minutes for a small design. They used to take two hours, until the electric needle came along. Charlie says he brought this refinement into tattooing himself in 1904. He uses a four-needle instrument, with 3000 strokes a minute, for the thin out lines. He freehands the colors in with an eight-needle drill. "There is one change since the last war," Charlie said. "There aren't so many girls getting tat tooed as used to. Maybe they are too fickle. ( You can haye a tattoo removed, but it leaves a definite scar making the skin what Char- A MAN TALKS TO HIS MULE Here is a bit of writing which truly deserves to be called an agrii cultural classic. We reprint it from the Progressive Farmer: "Over the hill trailed a man be hind a mule drawing a plow. Un expectedly the plow hit a root, the Navy's New Super Dive Bomber lie calls "pale like.") The army and navy don't encour age tattoos and turn some men down whose tattoos are too big or indescent. Unclad women are strict ly taboo. Charlie said that many's the man he has 'helped get into the services by etching clothes on a nude fore-arm lassie. If. K J; i , . ,. .iyy-yyyyy -yyyy i J A. U 4ti. lit ftiA wwlil atlMnt I, & : L i Hm ,. rh- Naw'snew super dive DomDer, ciaimea w i "'Km over Suih.!,rf7A. ?,,rt.Wrieht Aircraft Corp, the two-place all-metal craft Is powered b,1 ? ' ... -nin. ; Constructed to operate from an aircraft carrier, it carries its bombs within ti mule stopped, and the man began to grumble as he fixed tne names: 'Rill' ''-win are iust a mule, the f iackass. and I am a man made in the image of God. Yet here we work, hitched up together vpstr tor vear. I often wonder if you work for me or I work for you. Verily, I trunk it is a partner ship between a mule and a fool, for surely I work as hard as you, if not harder. Plowing or cultivat ing we cover the same distance, but win Hn it: nn four lesrs and I on two, wm o therefore I do twice as much as you. '"Soon we will be preparing for a corn crop. When the crop is harvested I give one-third to the landlord for being so kind as to let me use a small speck of God's cArth. One-thirH croes to vou and the rest is mine. You consume all of your portion, with the exception of the cobs, while I divide mine among seven children, six hens, two ducks, and a banker. If we both need shoes, you get 'em. You are get ting the best of me, and I ask you, is it fair for a mule, the son of a jackass, to swindle a man, the lord of creation, out of his substance? " 'Why, you only help to plow and cultivate the ground, and I alone must cut shock and husk the corn, while you look over the pas ture fence and hee-haw , at men. All fall and most of the winter the whole family from baby up picks cotton to help raise enough money to pay taxes and buy a new set of harness and pay the mortgage on you. And what do you care about the mortgage? Not a thing, you onery cuss. I even have to do the worrying about the mortgage on your tough, ungrateful hide. " 'About the only time I am your better is an election day, for I can vote and you can't. , election I realize that I as big a jackass a Verily, I am prone to woij ltics were made for jackass, or to make jacll oi men. - 'Tell me, William, J these things, how can ji straight face and still dumb and solemn ?' " MARRIAGE C. H. Glover, of ChJ Vivian Branson, of Cantl Graham Rogers to FI both of Clyde, route 1, Frank Southard to if Higdon, both of FrankliJ 164 lies CreosoM Southern Yellow About 2,500 Choice Poles Treated To Last About 40 Years Take Advantages Offered You By Electricity .nne-roKs On The Present System Of Cruso REA Project Electricity Is Cheap, Use More Of It The Cruso RE A Lines Re sold w:'-: piLwinnr Wood Preservers of Poles, Piles, Cross Ties and Lumber

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