L.r. OCTOBER 2, Wl THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Pae 3 fCManddrin House Murders" xvn XL- aOTYlA t Sr Gay acidiy giv- Fipanoutof your reword, Major, only a .Ann my " . i i Awan p" . DAiiia nve .n"" Kird nroposi- WN0!10;" remarkable KS bis mistake and Zt advantage." J North'! generally 5 l wa sure he'd " Snurr Once we have tate Adam.- I an you'd no right to ffou'ecaUtbatthe gee expects s to pro- I t sir," was Kilgour's WnA.: foreet that R,n the Palace and got if fiallian." Ljje w I v. .,-mindrel did? No giving him warning Cbirds of a feather, after P.i-uf,,r irretrievable u:.v i a shame after Cuix even Hugh North r.Tj t-v admit his defeat, Ll bo auietly wretched l .... mcnf over to lay a rfl have our official heads, Eu.. " iephone suddenly shrilled ii.o hod raiiem uu uuyit- - . i , Uers they neara a uw, Your FREE Book HERE! lierwood and james Esso Station if ord Service Center ID POTTS, Manager Phone 263-M Lake Junaluska quivering voice say. "We're at the Soochow Inn Couldn't get away 'till now. You'll have to hurry were leaving al most any minute." Neither man lingered but dron- ped the receivers and took the stairs three at a time. On the sidewalk North paused an instant to call. "Be careful the Soochow's a bad spot in a worse neighborhood." "We will be." Then in his turn the British agent hesitated. "I say, Hugh, did you notice how her voice quivered 7 She may have been forced to 'phone. You don't suppose this is a trap i x 'It's possible," North called over his shoulder. "We'll see when we get there." Like fleet l'ne-e-prnants the nolice cars tore through streets on which strollers in evening clothes were al ready appearing. Rickshaw coolies screamed in terror, outraged Sikh police roared futile commands, porters ducked and squealed and more than one barrow coolie nar rowly missed annihilation. "May Kwan-yin preserve this umtiheri ant." trasDed Chao Ku who, riding beside North, had shut his eyes and was clinging to we lt.nrr.ho rail with both nudgy hands. Ten minutes could not have pass ed before the police halted at me month of Wehei Lane, unaware that half a block behind them an incon spicious taxi, operated by the Ar-i-nw-like-Sneed company, also had Cautiously, its Chinese driver was craning his neck at the huge touring cars and their hurry i-ntr nnftaenirprs. "Suppose you take the front Kil cour. " North suggested. "We'll c ' - - nnvcr thfl rear." Though the rest of North's men quickly took up strategic positions commanding nearby courtyards ana alleys, Inspector Chao Ku lingered Mir the nolice car and when every- tia WAS nut of sieht he waddled 1ia Hincrv environs of Soochow wuV - Inn towards the ArrpWrlike-Speed vehicle. Meanwhile Captain North was o-ivino- hia subordinates a final ad' B . ..!,. mnnitinn "under no conaiuona t,v.r.nt nniesa in elf -defense we've eot to take Colonel Spurr and the others alive. Thorvaiasenr- norm beckoned one of the few Americans on the S. M. P. force. "You'll go in with me." ' Snnrlra nitrn and ' ChlCKenS X nrenspr nnrnrise and resentment n7V.on their heheld strangers tramp' ing through their squana oomam i in the rear of th Inn, and a quartet of chow dogs in the process of be ing fattened for table flew snarl ing at the invao)ers, but Thorvald sen's sturdy boots sent them howl ing to cover behind a row of de- lnnidntpd aerlan chairs. "Watch the outer courts," North warned the detectives on either flank We're coins' in now. Over rnhhlestnnes BliDDerv with the slime of years, North and his companion bore down on the steam clouded hack door. "There cries Kilerour'8 crowd." Thorvaldsen mutterd when a shrill ja band suddenly stopped playing. Somewhere a table crashed and startled voices could be heard. Then from the Inn's back door erupted a small torrent of Chinamen; scul lions, waiters, cooks and guests alike SDed into the back court. fitnnrlinir tn each side of the exit Mnrth and his assistant surveyed the fugitives but made no effort to check their flight More of the Tnn'n staff, chatterinsr with fear, came bounding out of the back door like rabbits from a warren invaded hv -terretn.' hut there was no siirn of Marya Gallian and her compan ions JN'UH I go to I Hardin's Esso Service On the Highway At ; Hazelwood Youngest Exhibitor i Congratulations Pour In On Livestock Show rv.ncratulationa and comments poured in from all parts of the state and even adioininir states, on the success of the Livestock and Home Arts Show. A few of the com ments were: '1 "I realize more every day that some of the best extension work in Ihe state is being done in Hay wood," H. B, Jones, assistant farm management specialist, Ral eigh. economist in marketing. "rinmrratulations uoon the beau tifully illustrated booklet on Hay wood's Livestock and Home Arts Show. I don't think I have ever seen a better prepared premium list," W. Kerr Scott, commissioner of agriculture. "Thanks for your fine livestock catalogue. It is truly a fine job, and gives a well-rounded job of fine work, S. Mitchner, assistant coun ty agent, Winston-Salem. 4 " 'V" "Your soendid catalogue will help us plan our work here and we commend you for its excellence, Ed L. Ayers, county agent, Brad- enton, Ha, iB I tCA n' a HOW TO Lengthen The Life Of Your Car ' and SAVE Gasoline "T.et'a eo!" North waved on hw companion. "Keep your eyes skin ned for Kurt and the gin. i n watcn for Spurr." The smell of steam and the Dun- . J gent reek of curry, ginger ana a. dozen other spices beat in North's nnstrils when he and Thorvaiasen passed through the grimmy kitchen in order to block a pair oi aoors loorlirnr ta the the front of the Inn. Four or five white ducks added a ludicrous note bv fluttering wild lv nhnnt the kitchen and an enor mous battle scarred cat bristled j when the door in front of Thorvald- sen flew open and a sing-song girl pattered out, the bright kingfisher plumes in her hair quivering wun terror. Everywhere sounded the thud of hurrying feet and the noise of doors being hastily slammed, but Kilgour's voice successiuiiy penetrated the uproar. "Stay where you are, everyDoays , ''Whot.v mean., stavt" There followed the unmistakable crash of a table being violently overturned. Then a shot preluded the sound of feet racing towards the kitchen. Thorvaldsen snatched out a .jb ana tensed himself. "Tf that's Snurr." North called, "remember, don't shootl I want" He got no further, for, like a bolt of destruction, Wang's Chiei oi Ar tillery plunged through the door, an automatic blue-black in his hand. "Gangway, flatfoot!" No sooner had he glimpsed Thorvaldsen than he red from the hid and charged on through the ; kitchen, the white ducks scattering in terror before him. Instinctively North threw his sights on that broad green back just at that point where the Sam Browne belt bisected it, but some his hnllet. instead when thud ding into the kitchen's flyblown ceiling. It severed an enormous strinir of dried onions and amid a veritable rain of vegetables North ran over to Thorvaldsen. "How bad?" "Through the shoulder. I'm okay."' North sprang up, conscious that NEAL KELLY, the youngest; exhibitor in the second annual Hay wood County Livestock Show and Home Arts Exposition, is shown iere vith his bull calf which won a nrst prize, ine ooy is viy - . ... . ,, !tt 1.1-1. I- years old, He is proudly displaying ine Diue riooon wmcn ne Kiltrnnr and his men were advanc. Vf irnn Rack From ing down the corridor from the din, j Tftiinsnn riv 1 losnitftl 'I would like to take this means of complimenting officers of the show and the extension workers on the fine publicity which was pre pared for this show because this I ,im sure took lots of time and el fort to prepare in such a nice pub lication and to get the co-opera tion which was necessary n getting it out," F. S. Sloan, district agent. ing room. Sing-song girls noeing from the Inn's upper floors were blocking the rear exit, but North nlnno-hed his wav throueh them, all the while shouting commands fori Spurr to halt. Then his heart stopped; in one of outer courts two reports had sounded in rapid succession. "Wonder if some of the crowd shot him?" Biting the inside of his month with anxietv. North ran or until, gaining the kitchen courtyard, he glimpsed Spurr's green ciaa ng ure dashing out of a gate at its far end. "Where did he go?" "Which wav?" "Seen him. Thome?" "Yes, want' thnt wav." "No! I tell you he's hiding in the right hand court." "He shot down Thorvaldsen!" "He's winged. See the blood?" "This way, men!" Prnmntlv the nursuers scattered, ..ytraA nn hv Kilirnur and North. The Ui&t-u J ----o -- latter, however, pursued his search so diligently that Deiore long me Soochow Inn lay several blocks be hind. It was a slightly flushed but en tirely calm American gentleman who presently entered a dusty little drugstore operated by one Miguel Calvaho, a ginger colored Portu guese. Noaaing, tne newcomct sought an archaic telephone, put in a call for the American Club and spoke a few sentences in a voice so Fred F.. Ruchanan. of Allen' 1 Creek, is back after spending the past month at the veteran s nos pital in Johnson City, Tenn. Mr. Buchanan is leeimg nne again, ami buck fit work. "flnno-ratulations to evervone in Haywood who did such a fine job nn the Dhnur " Jnhn FnV. assistant Extension editor. Get Yours Today FREE BOOKLET Clayton Walker's Esso Station Depot Street ,GE BOOK FRESI 1 S7"ction is being cat Q'ch means your pro- ioo. Your Esso Dealer wJK you through this neip you get better Afjng free check- HdrMvig gasoline. fTonrEao Dealer today! 3 OF NEW JERSEY i &envaar STOP! Ask For Your Care Saves Wear Booklet Now! Dill Howell's Esso Service Station Alain Street NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. A . The undersigned, Executors of a. i7.foto f w F. McCrarv. De- ceased, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in me win oii w F. McCrary, De ux VIIC - - ceased, the undersigned Executors, will on Monday, uctooer om, M at the Court House door in the Town of Waynes- ville, North Carolina, oner . ior sale to the highest bidder for cash ii. n ,,,; Tr described land: oit- uated, lying and being in. Fines Creek Townsnip, riaywuuu wu-j. . t r, Unun g nirt of the JN, V., iv"v" x Sis Brown Tract, and bounded as follows: Beginning on a spiw: - t MnPrarv's corner, on pine, v. -. - . Wilkin's Fork of Fines Creek and runs North 0.10 (East 67 feet tothe center of Road, comer of School house lot, thence .North 88-30 -oi 9KS 7 feet to a stake: thence North 1.45 East 216 feet wntrshed oi naze: thence North 22 East 85 feet. r i.v ie.W West witn waiersiieu Z- 1 1 n t North 23-30 West 124 feet, North 10.00 West 224 feet to a flint rock; tnence iwwn oo-sv nrv.i 1 DO iet ti a stake on water shed of ridge; thence North 23-39 East 503 feet to tP"P'" oi' now walnut; thence South 81-21 ioit foot tn a stake, stake 10 feet South 81-21 East of large oak stump; thence South 2-U East -;th fence to a stake; South 49 West So leet, oouwa . o. tn stake in ornate west ox - - . road; thence N. 10-30 West 85 feet to a stake in me thence North 10-30 West. 85 feet . in wnter oi roau; lucmc wth said road No. 209, South 83 West 1066 ieet to Wejl lXl. Snnth 0.10 West 57 feet to TsUkel thence South 88-30 West 255.7 ieet Containing 34.32 acres, more or less. i. . ." . 10J1 This the 4th aay oi CHARLES B. McCRARY, W JENNINGS McCRARY, R.' GOBLE McCRARY, Executors of W. F. McCrary, DeNoaSld107-Sept. 11-18-25-Oct, 2 NOTICE OF SALE nAoy ovid hv virtue of an order of the Superior Court oi naywooci County, made m a special no "W, G. Bvers, Ad ministrator of the Estate or r ranK 7 iwalor lioci'iiscd. vs. J. C. Mil ler, and others" the same being No. 202 up the Special Proceeding Docket of said Court, the uniier e,rned rnmmissioner will, on Mon day the 13th day of October, 1941, at eleven o'clock, A. m., ai uw court house door in Waynesville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, upon terms oi balance, one-third Hire-ui " , I.' J due twelve months and one-third due twenty-four months alter date, the following described lands and premises, situate, lying ana DemK in the town oi waynesvine, xiay- wood County, N. C, to-wit: BEGINNING at a nail on the inside line of the sidewalk on East side of Main Street in the center of the South wall of the Reeves Noland building now occupied by E. C. Moody Grocery Company, ana Tnins with said margin of said street in a Southerly direction about 43 feet 8 inches to a nail in line with the center of the North wall nf the C A. Geortre building at the center of the stairway; thence with the center oi said stairway ana the center line of said wall in an Easterly direction, and continuing with the C. A. Ueorge nne to a in the Southeast corner of the W. W. Miller property about 160 feet from sidewalk margin; ;hence in a Northerly direction par allel urith Main Street about 43 feet. 8 inches to a point in the Reeves Noland line at the North east corner of the F. W. Miller property; thence with the Noland line, in a Westerly direction to and urith the center of the South wall of the Reeves Noland building, "a total distance of about 160 Ieet to tne BEGINNING. TOGETHER with and including all rights and easements for rights of wav on the East side of said hnildincr. and all riehts anil ease ments in the adjoining party walls and party stairway, ana subject to and e -Trent ine such reservations. easements and privileges for alleys and streets now established on tne East side of said ' property, and subject to any party wall and stair way, rights, easements er privi loo-os heretofore Granted or con veved to adioininir nronerty owners by F. W. MilleT or his predecessors in title. This the 8th day of September, W. G. BYERS, Commissioner. No. 1111 Sept. 18-25-Oct. 2-9. low that not even Senor Calvaho's sharp ears could distinguish what he said. This done, tne American purchased some cigarettes and seat ;d nimself. Despite the robust odor of an im- minont Portuguese SUDDer. the American gentleman lingered to smoke and watch rusty hands crawl nsinfullv on and on oast minutes dividing the face of a dingy tin clock extolling groceries sold by a Mr. Mei Lan-pao. Somebody's Number One boy came in to purchase a package of corn piasters, then a withered old Phinese scuffed un to the counter in search of a paper of ground tiger's bones. His headache was very pau he complained. The A merican had finished his seventh cigarette before the ancient nickeled annaratus at his elbow emitted a neurotic ring. Despite his long wait, he raised the receiver ouite deliberately and murmured a number Into the moutn piece. "Hot-blooded Colonel refuging in number 12 Kowloon Street. This in significent person surveys front while chauffeur nephew observes rear." "I would like to compliment you people very highly for the very fine piece of work. It is truly a home product, it is all pictures and information pertaining to your county. I would also like to com pliment The Mountaineer on the good job of printing." R, W. Shoffner, extension econimist of farm management. It l ee Smith. Snartanhurc. own er of a large stock farm, 'I have attended shows where they had more stock, but never have I seen better quality," "A hiirhlv creditable Livestock noma Arts show. Con&rratu lotions on this snlendld achieve ment" Fred Severance, editor Asheville Advertiser. MYmir rataloeue Is one of the most attractive arrangements l have ever seen and I wish to con gratulate the show on an excellent toh well done. 1 think one oi tne finest things about your show is that you are making it educational without a carnival, outside enter- totnmant and with free admis sion." H. W. Taylor, extension PREVENT SICKNESS Cold, windy days are here and for the housewife who dosn't know about our ser vice it means chapped hands, and colds. Don't court sickness and ill health this winter, send ... m your clothes to us. weu save you time, energy and money. Waynesville Laundry PHONE 205 (To be Continued) If you can afford an automobile You can afford Automobilt Inturanc. At iMtf of fad you can't afford to b without It Accidenb arc expmlvt and may cost you your car, home and saving. L N Davis and Company Main Street Phone 77 Fl SfiVICE0F YOU'RE LOOKING AT OffVROUT ADS NATI0NAI DEFENSE "THE UiW STYLE JH AT WILL STAY WW" CHEVROLET'S TRIM "LEADER LINE" STYLING Chevrolet brings you "the new style that will stay new" . . . with swank, sweeping "Leader Line" Styling . , . with distinctive new "Door-Action" Fenders . . . with smoothly modeled Bodies by Fisher of a size and beauty equaled only by much costlier cars. And matching this style leadership of The Finest Chevrolet of All Time is the combined performance and economy leadership which has made Chevrolet the No. 1 car for ten of the last eleven years. ... See it drive this beautiful ," new car today! IT PAYS TO BUY THE LEADER AND GET THE LEADING BUY Watkins Chevrolet Company DESIGNED TO IEAD IN STYLING DESIGNED TO IEAD IN PERFORMANCE DESIGNED TO IEAD IN ECONOMY PHONE 75 SALES-SERVICE MAIN STREET

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