'-tBSDAT, OCTOBER 9,1941 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 13 IMi T !MgiisB Dept. Asks ' During Fire evention Week 'national Defense , Through i Defease" as .its i theme, Fire tk Week is oems fmuehout the nation in the 7r,tober 6-12, and the to department is trying to .5- the significance of the fresident of United States Uowed the custom of his pre fer, to office, and has issued tarnation setting aside the TM s time of observance Chout the country. Governors states have also issued pro bations. L jeek is dedicated to the ira U purpose of saving life and Lw from destruction by fire. L ft, week special efforts are fc made to bring the public to kliiation of the tremendous (of fire and to get the co-oper- nf verv man. wuhw uu in fir orevention work. L fire prevention campaign, be- statewide Dasis in nono -'it- iL. X ;r.a in lyui, wim n . enacted by the uenerai as ;y of that year and designed cthlish minimum standards i m i :i j lining construction ux uuuu- and to provide lor inspection oi ling "barriers insteaa oi car- of fire;" fire-hghting iacmties been improved in all the larg- Uns of the state, and there is llv s North Carolina town witn bulation of 500 which does not a motor tire. trucic. e risks in hospitals and pub- fcildings. have" been greatly re- enforcement of exit laws. lol buildings have been lm Li and most f them are of Resisting construction. Fire in schools nan e been requir. aw. i ire hazards in nomas japartments have been reduce lief At Last or Your Cough eomulsion relieves promptly be ; It goes right to the seat of the He to help loosen and expel i laden Dhlecm. and aid nature lothe and heal raw, tender, ln jed bronchial mucous mem Jes. Tell your druggist to sell you ue oi ireomuision witn tne un tandine vou must like th v it K allays the cough or you are ve your money back. - aEOMULSION ouifts, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Fire Chief Issues List of Do's and Don'ts To Eliminate Fire Hazards by systematic inspection. Loss of property because of fire was nearly $400 less during the past year than the previous year, according to Lawrence L. Kerley, chief of the local fire department The fire department has two trucks, one purchased by Hazel wood, and operated by the Waynes ville department under a special agreement between the two com munities, and all other fire fight ing equipment considered neces sary for a community of this size. The town co-operates with prop erty owners in hauling off trash, garbage and other fire hazards on a regular schedule of trucks. Close inspection is made of all the pri vate and public buildings in this area. In accounting for the improve ment along these lines Mr. Kerley stated that people generally speak ing are taking more precautions about their property, and are more careful than they have ever been in keeping their premises clear of rubbish. From October 1, 1940 to October 1, 1941 the local city fire depart ment received 45 calls, 34 of which were from the town of Waynes ville. Eleven of these, including 8 from Hazelwood, were from out side the city limit. The cost Of operating the trucks, counting wear, upkeep of the equipment.and gas amounted to $1,756 during the past year. The total cost for firemen amounted to $308 for inside fires and $143 for fires outside the city limits. This does not include the salary paid the fire chief. . "' -,' KThe damage to property in the city limits last year totaled $1,880, accqrdingt0 Chief Kerley. . . Personnel of the fire department is as follows: Lawrence L.' Kerley, chief, Robert Hugh Clark, assist and chief ; firemen, Bradford Me haffey, Walter Mehaffey, John Boyd, James Boyd, John West, Paul Yount, Paul Walker, Bill Cole, Will Strange, Harold Massie, Clem Fitzgerald, Hub Burnette, David Underwood, John Ray, Ben Colkitt, and Sam Cabe. There is an average of 12 fire men at each fire which under ordi nary conditions is a sufficient number. The local department is high in praise of the co-operation of the local telephone company in cases of fire alarms. Beat Rising CENTRAL Pr'ces! CLEANERS Vow that Cold Weather s not very far ahead it Main Street 'ill pay you to bring us our Fall clothes for a ' ' :" ' " '. " ' trough cleaning and re- onditioning. For prompt Phniip ll ervice call 113. Co-operating with the Fire Pre vention Committee of the Cham ber of Commerce in promoting its Fire Prevention Week campaign, Chief Lawrence Kerley of the Fire Department has issued two lists of suggestions to prevent fires. The first list, which follows, are the things he sugggests: Keep waste paper, packing ma terial and rubbish cleaned up, and remove from building at least daily. Make frequent inspections from a fire standpoint. Instruct and drill employees on what to do in case of fire. Be careful about the use of matches. Put up "No Smoking" signs, es pecially in hazardous sections. Locate your nearest fire alarm box and learn how to turn in an alarm. . v See that your electric wiring is standard and be careful in the use Of electrical devices. Have all smoke pipes and chim neys inspected and repaired by a competent person before starting fires for the winter. Keep gasoline in safety cans and in a safe place. Keep water barrels and pails filled and extinguishers charged. Use only safe floor oils, and sweeping compounds, Feel your personal responsibili ty for possible loss of life and property by fire and act accord ingly. The second list, which follows, are the things he suggests not to do: Don't put ashes in other than metal receptacles, and don't dump them where, they will come in con tact with combustible materials. Don't hang electric light cords on nails. , Don't use wooden lockers. : Don't permit oily rags to lie around. Don't let the fact that you are insured make you careless. Don't use an open light when looking for escaping gas or in the presence of inflammable liquids. Don't Use swdust in spittoons or to absorb oils. Don't throw away lighted match es, cigars or cigarettes. Don't use insecticides or liquid polishes in the vicinity of open flame lights. Many such com pounds contain coltatile inflam mable oils. Don't use kerosene, benzine or naphtha in lighting fires, or to quicken a slow fire it may result in death. Com jng to Asheville EVERETT MARSHALL who will sing the leading role in "Blos som Time" at the Asheville Audi torium on Saturday, October 18th. The famous operetta will be given one day only. Fines Creek Honor Roll For September Elementary School , In order to make the honor roll a student must make the equiva lent of three B's and one C or above. First grade: Janette Ledford, Annie Robinson, David Sutton, Lillian Ledford, Regina Ferguson, Johnnie Smathers, Mary Dean Rogers, Louise Robinson, Betty Mc Elroy, Mary Moore, Audrey Price, Evelyn Rogers. Miss Hilda Fish er, teacher. First grade: Walter Evans, Roy Haynes, Jack Ledford, Johnny Russell, Juanita Troutman, Wilma Price, Rosalyn Messer, Bobby Mes ser. -Miss Bonnie Duckett, teacher. Second grade: Floyd Cagle, Joe Green, Junior Ledford, David No land, Tommy Patton, J. ; David Rathbone, Bobby Rogers, David Rathbone, Joyce Clark, Mary Ruth Conrad, Wilena Duckett. Eunice Troutman, Christine Ledford. Mrs. Effie Greene Francis, teacher. Third grade: Arlene Duckett, Julia Price, Jessie Greene, Var- nell Clark, Helen Price, Eugene IT.nwB. CmwfnrH Fisher. Bruee Kirkpatrick, Tommy Parkins, Dewey Fisher, Davie Presnell, "Blossom Time" Will Be Given In Asheville 18th "Blossom Time," America's fav orite operetta, based upon the im mortal melodies of Frani Schubert, and produced by the Messrs. Shubert, comes to the Auditorium, Asheville, one performance only Saturday, Oct. 18, with Everett Marshall singing the role of the famous composer. It is 20 years since "Blossom Time" had its first performance on Broadway, and during the intervening years, the operetta has enjoyed a success un paralleled in the annals of the American stage. The charm and simplicity of the love story, the sheer verve of its music, the gay humor and the bitter-sweet poig nancy of a life devoted to a single end, assured it of overwhelming popular approval from the very be ginning. So great was the demand to see it in the early days that a second Company was installed on Broad way. Never before or since has New York been treated to the spectacle of the same musical pro duction playing in theaters facing each other on the same street, . V The original presentation of "Blossom Time" remained on Broadway for almost two years, while eight or nine road companies were touring the key cities. Since then, the operetta has returned to New York at least seven times for additional long runs, and repeat performances have been offered in every city where a theater was available. Its audience seems as inexhaustible as its appeal. The curtain goes up on this per formance at 8:30 p. m. sharp. Mail orders for tickets now being received. See ad elsewhere in this paper."- Aliens Creek News Janet Ammons. C, B. Moak, of Florida, is spend ing a few weeks at the Moak farm. Miss Fannie Wyatt, of Canton, spent the week-end with her moth er, Mrs. Howard Wyatt. Marion Chambers, who has been in Kyle for the past three months, has returned home. Mrs. D. L. Snyder, of Lenoir, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Sallie McNabb. Cove Creek News Cove Creek farmers have thous ands of bushels of apples for sale. J. S. Harrell has about three thous and of different varieties. The fanners have their silos filled and are beginning to buy cattle. John Howell took six head of cattle to the Asheville market on Friday. Mr. Cutshaw has replaced Ralph Long as bus driver in Cove Creek. Ed Stepp, who has been in Cal ifornia for sjx months, has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClure and children, of Concord, have returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Gather McClure. Moore, Bob Rogers. ( r: v i . x t j Margaret Ferguson, Victoria Da vis, Velma Hannah, Thelma Hall, ! Hilda Ledford, Estalee JtfcElrath, Jewel Messer, Masie : Kinsland, I Edith Rogers, Marcene Walker, Robert Fisher, Wayne Moore, i Tenth grade: Henry Greene, Da j vis Teague, Dortha Greene, Ma rie Hill, Dorothy Rogers, Frances Rogers. "" x Eleventh grade: Charles Greene, Ed McCracken. Varnell Swanger, N. C. James, Jr., Ruth Price, Betty Rogers, Virginia Early, Blye Rog ers, Lillian Haynes, James Messer, Junior McElroy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burchfield, Louie Nickols, Roy Buchanan, Kate Mas sie and Sally Conner spent Sunday in Fletcher visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ingram. Coy Woods has returned home after spending the summer in New Jersey. Wilmer Jones, of Canton, spent the week-end with Genelle Finney. Mr. and Mrs. Sebren Bryson are now staying with the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HarrelL Mr. and Mrs. Tom Howell spent Sunday with Mrs. Howell's small brother, who recently underwent an operation at Grace Hospital, Morganton. The pause j? that refre$hesW Eighty-eight per cent of the new trucks produced are below two tons capacity. Don't use irnHnlin or henzino tn ' Juanita Messer, Earl Ledford, cleanse clothing. Don't make bonfires of rubbish where the" wind can scatter it. Burn it in a container. Persons taking these simple pre cautionary measures and putting them into effect should have little trouble with fires on their premises. Throughout the United States, 1,890 English language daily news papers, with an approximate cir culation of 40,000,000 subscribers, and 525 Sunday papers with cir culations nearly as large, depend almost exclusively on the motor truck for bulk distribution to read ers- MlDiTOfflUM-OIlE UIGIIT-SAT. OCT. 18 FIRST STAGE show or SEASON ASHIVTLLE ON THE STAGE THE MESSRS. SHUBERT PRESENT The Fpremo$t Success of Musical Stage History Lb U U U1U Singing Star of Slag; Screen aiul Radio) IN ON THE STAGE sS U U uVU I KnmiH La ril4r DRlnCC. Inclading U taxes, OBCHMTKA. flni M rows KM, nerf te ZML flnt irowi In kck S&2S, Bateoce f Beeny $101. GALLERT 67c. Mail Orders Won Ordw tiekeU new te Mcare choice loeaUona. AU mail srden filled in the eraer in which thej ste reeeirad. EncloM cheek er money raer, parable t Pabux Baaaord Theatres, lae AsheviUe, M. U with aeU-addresaed and staaped envetope. Mollie Parton, Miss Lucile Walker, teacher. 1 Fourth grade: Cenie Ferguson Carl .rresnell, Thomas McCracken, Candler Justice, Ted James, liar old Hunter, Dean Green, D. B. Arrington. Miss Frances James, teacher. Fifth grade: Aline Haynes, Jack Lowe, Medford Price, Carl Haw kins, Joyce Bramlette, Stella Fish er, Maggie Greene, Lorena Haynes, Iva Lee Messer, Peggy Noland, Stacie Sparks Bonnie Walker, Frank Kirkpatrick, teacher Sixth grade: Wayne Greene, Milas Kirkpatrick, Tom Ferguson, Wandalee Messer, Anna Belle Caldwell, Mary West, Marcene Rector. Britain McElroy, June Brown, Wendel Davis, Pauline Roe-ers. Beatrice Greene. Marie Smith. Jarvis Teague, teacher. Seventh grade: Jack Rector, Elva Haynes, Martha Ledford, Mary Jane McCreary. Doris Rath bone, Ethel Taylor, Elva Tran than, Mary Grey Walker. Miss Pearl James, teacher. High School Eighth grade: Anna Dee Kings more, Kathryn Noland, Faye Par ton, Nancy Walker, Edith Noland, Edith Hall, Gertrude Messer, Mary Jane Moore, Rorothy Rathbone, Lois Rogers, Jack Clark, Junior ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of T. R. Bramlett, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, on or before the 9th day of Oc tober, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 9th day of October, 1941. T. L. GREEN, Administrator of T. R. Bramlett, dee'd. No. 1118 Oct. 9-l-23-30-Nov. 6-13 The motorist today can buy three new cars for the price he used to pay for one. v ( 'vVfJI 7' " I. I Jl 10 I- ' i F YOU HATE A HOT KITCHEN NO M0R SWELTER- T ING FOR ME I I Ji MY NEW 6-E I t j MNGE KEEPS 1 THE HEAT IN 1 THE F00VI J Remember how sweltering hot your kitchen was last summer? Don't face that again this year. Get a General Electric Range and keep cool! G-E's famous Flavor-Saver Oven and Deep -Well Thrift Cooker seal in the heat while they seal in the flavor and juicy goodness of food. Come in and see the New General Electric Range models now on display! " ZZ,,.rpr" MORCSCRlvSa , . ffg! . " 1 SING SOOTY J ' ypANsomt -wsaZSSS"""! J 0TPISH-. I rT?r ! WATER, JlSS . I EITHER! yJf (YES! AND MY GAR L VEN VEGETABLES ) ) TASTE SO MUCH I ""'.fTv,- BETTER COOKED r TH,Sg-eX I : . 1 WA YlJ, Let us show you all the features of these new G-E Range. You'll ice instantly why you should start this summer with this clean, fast, thrifty way to br ter, cooler cooking. 18 Months To Pay GENERAL ELECTRIC LASSIE FURNITURE CO. Phone 33 Main Street t -si s r- MBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBHBBHBiSBBBBBiiiiii - ' - . -MilMSSSSBaS'SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSllSWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSilSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS iiiiiiiiiiiBiBMsisssjsjsjs)sjsjssSwsssis msmkwsakwskkWsmsmsmswnwsmnlnWnlsng BEIMn OUT OF THE ,HIGH RENT DISTRICTS VE SELL FOR LESS UBJALUSECA UFPLY 0o Phone 88 d-u Jerry Liner, Owner Lake Junaluska, N. C. ;!."-:. "5 3k

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