Vagt 4 THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, OCTqrp Intpressive Ceremony Marked Vows In Barber-Easley Wedding The marriage of Miss Mary Ash , worth Barber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neely Barber, to Genatus Robertson Easley, of Greenville, S. C, was solemnized at 3:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon 1 at Richland Heights, the home of the bride's parents in a simple but impressive ceremony. Only mem berg of the family and a few close friends were present. The Rev. H. G. Hammett, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiated. The vows were taken before an improvised altar in front of a colonial mantel in the music room, The background was white and covered with greenery, ana tne mantel was banked in white flow era. Floor candelabra in gradu ated sizes, entertwined with ivy, formed the altar. At either side were placed tall white vases with large white chrysanthemums. The room was lighted entirely by can dle light. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. H. G. Hammett, accompanied by Miss Mary Alton Easley, sister of the bridegroom, of Greenville, sang, "The Sweetest Story Ever Told." This was followed by a violin solo, "Adoration," by Borows ki, by Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr., sister-in-law of the bride. She was accompanied by Mrs. Hammett, who also played the wedding march es, "Lohengrin," being used for the processional and the Mendelssohn march for the recessional. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a hand some gown of heavy antique satin fashioned with a yoke of line net edged with Venetian lace, form ing an off the shoulder effect. The long sleeves were fastened from the elbow down to the hand with tiny white satin covered buttons. The skirt was very full and shirred at the waist with a long train. The veil of illusion which extended the full length of the train of the gown was held in place by a coronet of Venetian lace. Her flowers were a bouquet of bride's roses, centered with gar denias, which formed a detachable corsage, which she later wore. The bride carried a point lace handker chief used by her mother at the time of her marriage. The only piece of jewelry worn was a seed pearl necklace. The wedding ring used in the ceremony had been worn by both the grandmother and moth er of the bride. Her only attendant was her small niece, Elizabeth Barber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr. She wore a frock of light blue velvet trimmed in PERSONAL Fred don't lv homtl I just told Mary my prize baking secret, and she's starting in to day to U90 Rumford Baking Powder. She's going to make some marvelous cakes and hot breads. For with Rumford she can use any good recipe with out worrying about how much baking powder to use. The amount the directions call for is the right amount to use of Rumford. Rumford contains no alum never leaves a bit ter taste. FREE. Send for new booklet containing dozens of bright ideas to Improve your baking. Address: ' Rumford Baking Powder, Box R Rum ford, Rhode Island. BOOST FLOW OF Liver Bile Normally about a quart of these diea tlonaiding bile Juicer should flow freely into your intentitiea every 24 hours. A aoanty flow a alowinr-up may mean Sick Headache, totalled "Biliousness, Poor Di gestion, that "half-sick" sour leelinc and most probably constipation. Avoid Calomel or other drastic . drugs. Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts tonight; tart right In tomorrow morning and take Jialf a level traapoonful in three-quarters of a glass of water (hot or cold) half an hour before breakfast, and keep It up for 80 days. Mow you'll know what it is to set feeling fit and ready for a real day's work. Try Kruschen for the next 80 days ' and see what it means to you when Bile Flows Freely. Satisfaction Guaranteed or .money back. SMITH'S Cut Rate Drug Store baby Irish lace, and a small poke bonnet of the same material with small rose buds and lace around the crown. She carried the ring in a lily, showered with tulle. , The groom had as his best man, his brother-in-law, C, D. Asbury, of Greenville. The bride has resided in Waynes ville most of her life and is popular with all groups. After attending the local schools, she was graduated from Meredith College, and then did special work at Columbia Univer sity afterward teaching in the Waynesville and Burlington high schools. She has traveled exten sively in the United States, South America and Europe. She has been active in the social, civic and re ligious affairs of the community. The bridegroom is the - son of Mrs. Ben Easley, and the late Mr. Easley, of Greenville, S. C. He received his education in the Green ville city schools and later attended Furman University, where he was a member of the Kappa Alpha social fraternity. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Greenville, and is prominently identified with the business and civic affairs of his home city. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Barber entertained with a large reception honoring the bridal party. In the receiving line in the music room were Mr. and Mrs. Barber, the latter wearing a fus chia crepe and lace gown, with a yellow corsage of roses; Mrs. Ben Easley, mother of the bridegroom, m blue crepe with corsage of red roses, and the bride and groom. Receiving in the living room were Mrs. Sm Hines, of Winston-Salem, cousin of the bride; Mrs. A, D. Asbury, Miss Mary Alta Easley, Miss Katherine Easley, sisters of the bridegroom, Miss Mary As bury, and Miss Isabella Asbury, nieces of the bridgroom, all of Greenville, In the reception hall quantities of red flowers were used, and in the living room pink roses and dahlias were a decorative note, In the dining room the bridal motif prevailed. The table, which was covered with a handsome Italian cutwork cloth, was centered with a three tier wedding cake, arranged on a silver tray. This was en circled with cresent shaped flower containers holding white roses and small white chrysanthemums. At the four corners were holders with lighted tapers and in between com potes of nuts and candies. All the ; appointments were in silver. The serving tables were also arranged in bowls of white flowers.' .Assisting in receiving and serv ing were the following: in the re ception hall, Mrs. Richard N. Bar ber, Jr., and her mother, Mrs. W. W. Norman, of Griffin, Ga. Here Mrs, William Medford directed the callers to the register over which Ann Osborne presided, Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn introduced the receiving line in the music room. Mrs. William Hannah greet ed the guests in the living room, Mrs. Henry Foy, Mrs. J. C. Pat rick and Mrs. Joe Liner presided over the gift room on the secorfd floor. Mrs. Ben Colkitt was in charge of the dining room and was assisted in serving by Mrs. Whitener Pre vost.Mrs. Hallet Ward, Mrs, Ben Sloan, Mrs. Robert H. Breece, Mrs. Henry Davis, and Mrs. Joe Tate." Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding and recept tion in addition to those already mentioned were: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bryson, of Sylva, Mr. and Mrs. H. Perry, Miss Mary James Perry, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith, Mrs. Luther M. McBee, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mattison, Miss Lucy Gilliam, J. T. Smith, Mrs. H. B. McKay, and Mrs. W. T. Powers, all of Green ville. For going away the bride wore a smart princess ensemble with Kolinsky neck piece. Her pom padour hat was also trimmed in Kolinsky lur with a short veil. Bride Of Last Thursday UAH vH- ..-of " Love Branner Shackford Wedded Thomas Roger Walker Saturday (Photo bv Culbeitson) MRS. GENATUS ROBERTSON EASLEY; of Greenville, S. C, the former Miss Mary Ashworth Barber, whose marriage , was sol emnized on Thursday afternoon, October 2nd. at Richland Heights, home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neely Barber, A large reception followed the wedding. Need a Laxative? Take good old n,MGwoB 5 It's a top-seller all over the Souttt I I I I 17AYNESVILLE BAKERY I J Church Street Phone 73-W Opposite Masonic Temple1 I I i I I Week End Specials! RIBBON LAYER CAKE A delightfully different cake delicious as well as beautiful . We are getting settled in our new quarters three doors nearer Main Street on Church. We invite your inspection. Marriage Of Sister Of Local Man Announced Friends in this section and in north east Georgia will : be inter ested in the announcement of the marriage of Miss Frances Duvall, sister of Ernest Duvall, of Way nesville, to John G. Davis which took place on Sunday, August the 16th. . Miss Duvall is the daughter of W. B. Duvall, of Hayesville. She is a graduate of the Hayesville high school and of Blanton's Busiv ness College of Asheville, Mr. Davis is the son of Col. and Mrs. Joseph T. Davis, of Clayton. He received his education in the Rabon county high school of Clay ton, Ga., and later attended the University of Georgia, from which he received his LL. B. degree. He is now engaged in the practice of aw in Clayton. He is also Clerk f the Ordinary of Rabun county. The marriage was announced at a tea given by Mrs. Joseph T. Da vis, mother of the groom, and Mrs. Thad L. Bynum at the home n the latter in Clayton, Ga., last week. The bride wore a dress of burgundy velvet with black acces sories and her flowers were a cor sage of gardenias. Following the tea the young couple left for a wedding trip. Upon their return they will reside in East Clayton. ..... . Lake Junaluska PTA To Stage Round-Up On 15th "Old Man Read Wilson" will be master of ceremonie for a big mu sical round-up to be held at the Lake . Junaluska auditorium -' OR Wednesday the 15th, at 8:00 o'clock. The affair will be sponsored by the Lake Junaluska PTA. The round-up is being given for the purpose of purchasing books for the library and other school equipment needed at this time. The PTA extends an invitation to any individual or group that would like to come and compete on the program for the prizes that are to be given away. They are also asking that those playing in the round-up come early and get signed up. The grand prize will be five dol lars in cash, the second prize three dollars, third prize two dollars, and a number of other prizes will be given away to lucky members of the audience. Bethel PTA' fleeting Set For Next Tuesday, 16th The regular meeting of the Beth el PTA will be held next Tuesday afternoon the 16th, at 2:30 o'clock in the new high school auditorium. An interesting program has been arranged. All parents and friends of the school are urged to be pres and her accessories were in black. Immediately following the re ception the couple left for a wed ding trip after which they will be at home in the Virginia Apart ments in Greenville, where they will reside. Wr men's Club To Hold October Meet At FFA House The October meeting of the Wo man's Club will meet at the FFA Chapter House on the high school grounds next Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. Colvin Brown, Mrs. Tamea W. Killian and Mrs. Troy Wyche as associate hostesses. The main feature of the program will be a talk by an out-of-town vpeaker. Mrs. .William Hannah, president, will preside, i Mrs. J. Dale Stentz, chairman, will be in charge of the music for the after noon. Special guests will be mem bers of the Waynesville Troop of the Girl Scouts and their leader, Mrs. E. C. Wagenfeld, " v Young Hostess Gives Birthday Party at Home n Clyde on Saturday Jewel Dee Ferguson, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ferguson, was hostess of a party at her home in Clyde on Saturday afternnon in celebration of her fifth birthday anniversary, She was assisted by her mother and Mrs. Clynton McElroy in receiving Games featured the entertain ment of the afternoon. The guest list included, Geneva Messer, Dor- otha Messer, Doris Messer, lEdgar McElroy. Lewis McCracken, Erne lyn McCracken, Thomasine Noland, Patsy McCracken, Tommie Han nah. Dot McCracken. Nob Mc Cracken, Betty Ruth Ferguson and Phyllis, Bobbie Ruth, Ellen, Eliza beth Ann and Stella James, Pegg and Jeanne Bradshaw. Mrs. Guy Massie Elected Head Of Legion Auxiliary Mrs. Guv Massie has been elect ed president of the American Leg ion Auxiliary for the coming year to succeed Mrs. T.pstpr Rurcin re tiring president. The installation 01 ' tne omcers was beld recently with Mrs. J. Hardin Howell in charge of the ceremonies. Other officers serving with Mrs. Massie are: first vice president, Mrs. Lester Burgin; second vice president, Mrs. J. H. Howell; third vice president, Mrs. Hurst Burgin; secretary, Mrs. Doyle Alley; treas urer, Mrs. George Plott; chaplin, Mrs. I. J. Brown; historian, Mrs. J. H. Howell; Sergeant at arms, Mrs. Edna McGee. Chairmen of the various com mittees include: Membership, Mrs. T. L. Bramlet; Child Welfare, Mrs. Roy Campbell: Publicitv. Mr J C. Patrick; Finance, Mrs. J. Colvin crown; House, Mrs. Ada Palmer; American Education, Mrs. J. Col vin ( Brown; Activities committee, Mrs. George Plott, Mrs. W. H. F. Millar, and Mrs. Clayton Walker. Lake Junaluska PTA Will Meet on Thursday The Lake Junaluska PTA will hold the second meeting of the current year on Thursday 16th, at 7:30 o'clock in the auditorium of the school. AH members and pat rons of the school are invited attend. 1 ' . -v Nancy Reeves Francis ; Gives Party on Seventh : Birthday Anniversry Nancy Reeves Francis, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy Francis, was hostess of a party on Wednesday afternoon in cele bration of her seventh birthday anniversary. She was assisted by her mother and Miss Margaret Burgin in receiving and entertain ing her guests. Pink and white made a pleasing party motif, with pink roses cen tering the table at the serving hour. The guests enioyea several games, a fish pond with a gift for each one, and favors of suckers and balloons. Among those present were the following: Laura Woody, Ann Co man Crawford, Elizabeth Watkins, Sally Stovall, Linda Sloan, Mary Crouser, Linda Welch, Betty Fel met, Lane Prevost, Peggy Moody, Marlene Moody, Virginia Francis, Elaine Francis, Judy Roberts, Vir ginia Wilson, Ruth Corwin, Agnes Jane Roberson, Anne Hardin, Hel en Stewart, Elizabeth Barber, Florence Ann Bowles, Ann Mormi- no, Joan Davis, Rose Wanick, Louise Colledge. A Isa Stanford Massie, Bill Craw ford, Bobbie Massie, Steve Woody, Stewart Roberson, Freddie Dicus, Walter Taliaferro, Charles Mes ser, David Stewart, Donald Stew art, John Mack Allison Malcolm Williamson, Lamar Hammett, Orion Hammett, Keith Letherwood, Jeff Reece, Miles Stamey, Joe Liner, Robert Stretcher, Bobbie Hardin, and Richard Underwood. ' Mrs. Elmer Osborne Of Canton Gives Party Here On Saturday Mrs. J. Elmer Osborne, of Can ton, was hostess on Saturday at a luncheon given at the home of Mrs. Hugh Jolly on Main street here.' A color motif of pink was noted in the arrangements of flowers and in the party appoint ments. ." .. Following the serving of lunch eon, the guests enjoyed several progressions of contract at the seven tables arranged. When: the scores were totaled Mrs. V. H. Duckett was found to hold the top score, Mrs. Walter Martin the second high, and Mrs. Earl E. Smith the consolation. The guest list included friends of the hostess from Canton. .... Legion and Auxiliary Will Meet Tuesday Night The American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night in the Legion home. A lively program of entertainment has been arranged. Dr. and Mrs. John Walton Shack ord, of Rock Hill, S. C, have an nounced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Love Branner Shackford, to Thomas Roger Walk, sr. The vows were solemnized At high noon. Saturday, October the 4th, at the Lower Fines Creek Methodist church; of which the bride's brother is pastor. Dr. Shackford, superintendent of the Rock Hill'District of the Meth odist church, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. Joe Shackford, pastor of the church, and brother of the bride, performed the cere mony. The nuptial music was ren dered by Miss Margaret Shack ford, sister of the bride. The wedding was a quiet affair with only the members of the fam ily present.' i Miss Ella , Shackford served as her sister's maid of honor. She wore a sheer wool frock in soft green with brown accessories. Miss Elizabeth Shackford, another sis ter was maid of honor. She wore a frock of similar shade and her accessories were also in brown, i Master Joseph Temple Shackford, Jr., son of the Rev. Joseph T. Shackford, was ring bearer. He carried the ring in a rose. The bride wore a becoming Buit of wool in soft rosewood shades, and her accessories in harmonizing tones of brown. Her flowers were a corsage of orchids. The bride was educated in the schools of Waynesville and Char lotte, after which she attended Duke University. She is also a graduate of the Nurses Training fclcnfol of Watts Hospital, of Dur ham. She is the granddaughter of the late Bishop and Mrs. James Atkins, and is prominently con nected on both sides of her family in North Carolina and Virginia. T e groom is the son of Mrs. James A. Walker, formerly of Reidjville, now of Greensboro, and the late Mr. Walker, of Reidsville. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, where he was a member of the Lamba Chi Alpha fraternity. He has been residing Jiere for the past three and a half years, and is associated with the Unagusta Manufacturing Company of Hazelwood. Immediately following the cere mony the couple left for a wed ding trip to New York City and other points North. Upon their return they will reside here, tem porarily having leased the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Camp bell during their absence from town. . - East Waynesville PTA Will Meet Monday Night The East Waynesville PTA will meet on Monday evening at 7:30, with Mrs. Zeb Curtis, president, presiding. Mis Elizabeth Henry, will be in charge-of the program. All members are urged to. attend.' i Mrs: J. W. !I17'1I tV ' Mrs. Jamp tu- ..... hostess to the me Daughters of Th? lution at .: mo3 i3 Friday afuZll Fridav. f Mrs. Chas.E. Quinlan the da nor tk ..7 . .umena - Mra t r, ' .1 will review the k2J ... favaiUd Mr. anrl Mm n n Have Reunion Sunt Mr. and Mrs. a r x wiui mem at their home Sundav nil tu; .v. e . lr cnuoret versary of their grandj Wflvnp Rattlo r. I ' - ' most WPTP IVfn an1 A. . ..-- .. ., ,urs tnarl . hart, of Canton, Mr .i oui,ue ana son, 0 Citv Rnhpif PUtt ....7 1 Hill Collge, Miss kekn pj Josephine Plott, and i ' Central Elementan- PTA Plana Wa1, r - --- - u uin fl Coming Year At 1 Mrs. Linwood Grahl a president of the Central El, PTA at the meeting on night to fill the vacancy C; the resignation of Mrs. C Kunze, who has moved' mt . Mrs. Ben Sloan was elt, president, the office forn by Mrs. Grahl. All chaii the coming year were ale at the meeting, and plans! activities outlined. !. Following the business a social hour v as enjoyed. I '' -' .- . - Tlf.' . TT 1 i T mrs. nerDert israre J Be Leader at Meetin Mrs. Herbert Braren t leader of the program at tl ing of the women's m Christian Service to be Tuesday afternoon at 3 1 1 the ladies' parlor of tt Methodist church. All me the society are urged to be (h 3I0VED- To Larger Quarl More Stock lietter Displaj Opposite Masonic T: COME SEE OUR Dl.f Erading Gas Service, 2 FASHiON-WISE favorif fabrK Rayon COVERT eloth - give M hw j touch of soft detailing to creat fwJ i.mlsK-.. af cmartnssi for your busy timo life. Wonderfully weorabl. wathabU tool S495 $9 V" ' take Fall's 3711 - Colored HfrW pocket flopi. Santo Slate Green, CMHanr, Navy. Sizei 12 to 3726 Detachable White rayon dickie. Burnt Orange, .VJ Santos Brown, Navy, Slate Green. Sixes 12'a to 22H PASS! E'S EPT. STORE C. J. REECE, Owner tJ