DAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 THE WAYNES V1LLE MOUNTAINEER Fas Mandarin House Murders' .PTERXVHI ctret Captain North U st!Z - sin rick- . bSWWS - r7u- U.K.. ITt outsiue nVwbich evoked nuxea re International Zone I was indeed a minor Kf de of Soochow Pifld be just another for fc. Moreover, the invasion Crtant Chinese home was SjJSta of an exceeding feature. Resolutely. 19 nrovea to home oi to . ! A oover&l inner aa.wouldnonnallybe hi servants u - . -nmnprN Ul tiMV J , . ..nn tn the outer L i formidable gate, topped ,iie and guaraeu uy , w dogs- , . ' . . will force admission T" kin Non.n pi - w try that tney a very u-Adsms-alwaya provided there." ; " ." , It then. 0 Born ueiore i eyou any Idea of how badly s hurt!" ; ' , , , t that hot-blooded Colonel fell in descending irom wxi. tn were large spots on side ,ince removed by Mongol nvhodv come out of .the txcept the groom?" Taien." rtpn it should pay us to Go and tell your nephew to ;now if anyone tries to leave hack.".' laps twenty minutes later a door, set into tne spine Id gates, opened and an elder- e "boy, ' wearing an fcuro ercoat and hat over his na il tlinned out. 1 (there. Chao Ku; this may be North murmured before k after the hurrying servant. (minutes later the "boy" reap- before Number 12 in com- kith a tall white man who Mnse beside him and. in ex tendi, inquired into the pro e patient's condition. A pecu iple knock and an explana- b "Foreign devil physician" bolts to click sleepily and the door to swing Open. . By VAN WYCK MASON Once inside the courtyard Car- tain North pressed his .32 even more firmly aeainst the house "boy's" ribs. Judging by the old fellow's manifest terror, he was likely to give no trouble, but never theless when they had penetrated the inner PonrtvarH and nrnrA Klrirt- ing a moon pool in its center, North wnisperea: "Try the slightest sort of a trick, Chu-;en, and youH be bowing be fore you ancestors." "Foreign devil physician is here," the megRencer reneateri when small grilled window set in a hand somely lacquered inner door shot back. "Good. Like grayhound conduct him to Taipan." The problem thus far was resolv ing itself with so little difficult? that North promptly became ap- prenensive; it was always unnerv ing to find a dangerous path un expectedly smooth. Two armed guards wearing green uniforms, roughly similar to Spurjr's presented arms smartly enough when North halted before a particularly terrifying devil screen, hut nevertheless, sham misnirinii lurked in their eyes. Drawing a deep I 1 1 IT 1 T I 1 X , Dream, nugn ionn entered a room in which only two or three native lanterns glowed. Here, Taipon, is, doctor man," the "boy" quavered, and, after clos ing door, be nattered across the room to crouch against the opposite wall, his eyes riveted upon the men ace concealed in North's coat pocket. "Well, sir. Let's take a look at you. Where are you hit?" "Through chest. I c'n tell I'm pretty bad Doc." At the feebleness of the voice coming from a couch set deep among the shadows, North was not surmised. Half a glance re vealed the adventurer's serious con dition. Uniform tunic hurriedly ripped open, booted feet spread wide apart, he lay limn on the great couch clutching a blood stain ed bath towel to his chest and breathing hoarsely, though his chin was tilted upward as if to ease a pressure on his throat. "Sorry to find you like this, Colo nel. Even if I were a doctor, there's nothing I could do you're pegging out pronto." By a prodigious effort, the pros trate figure raised its head an inch JOWAII, SONE 3 TRUCK DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF WESTERN N. C. bsTIGATE CAVITY WALL CONSTRUCTION sweepinir the country because it is practical and liwmical and particularly suited to the modern small N . . . Build a better house at lower cost, A request i bring you valuable information. ETOWAH BRICK BUILDS BETTER HOMES Moland-Drysdale Corporation notice of hange fanking Hours or so. "Oh." so it von. CanT Well- ain't surprised been wondering why you passed up chance in kitchen I The voice became lost in a strangled, sobbing sort of cough. 'Hard lines. Spurr, but you had more of a chance than either La rousse or Chen," "Confound it all you goin to preach?" The old fire Jlared in Spurr's faint tones. "No. Why did you kill La'- iirouaet' "Frog swine tried to chisel my -percentage on deal Louie was fool enoueh to turn uglv. Threat ened to tip off police about my having fixed Dankon." "You came back to Adam a room to look for the rule, didnt youT" Yeah: I couldn't get it back- watched the Coloniale all night see if you d - figure message took from Dankoff." "You killed him before La rousse?" A little silence ensued, during which the house "boy" began to whimner drearily. "You're one smart guy, North. Sure, I killed him didn't want no competition too much dough this deal " Visibly the harsh powder burned face commenced to crumple and to fall into softer lines. "How much longer, Cap?" "Very soon : hadn't you better tell me where to find Adams T "No, I will not!" "Why not?" North's voice was low and very earnest. I'll get him anyhow." .- . "No, you won't, Capl Two of my men have orders kill him U any body comCs " "But he's no use to you now, Spurr, and I want him very badly." The stricken Boldier tried to speak but coughed instead. "Where's house boy? Gettuv so dark can't see him " "Here Taipan. herel" The eld Chinese scuttled over to kneel be side the couch and listen to Spurr o-nan a few sentences in some Manchu dialect unfamiliar to North. Casting the man from G-2 a fright ened glance, the "boy" immediate ly slipped out; the guards growled something, then followed a hurriea tramping of feet. Why was the dying man treating him to such a horrible grin? A sud den alarm seized the man from G-2. low over the couch. "You must tell me what you told that boy!" if vou want Adams Can you can go left down corridor " Hugh North started to turn, but Spurr's breathing thickened sud denly. . In a minute. I'd better stay with you until " Spurr's voice was very faint. Been alone against the world a long time guess I can leave it- without no cheering section. I ain t afraid of " With very little fuss for so turbulent a person, Colonel David Spurr ceased to breathe. What orders had the dead man issued? Halted at the bedroom door, North hesitated. Save for a sound of stealthy footsteps in the distance, Number 12 Kowloon Street seemed utterly silent. No rifles cracked when he gingerly thrust open the door, so he stepped out. A beam of light slanting across the corridor floor some little distance to his left attracted his attention. . On tiptoe Hugh North stole down the passage. Disdaining the melodrama oi a leveled pistol, ne kept the weapon in his pocket even when he suddenly stepped forward to fill the doorway. Tn the armchair oi a comfortable fuminhed room, a sallow individual claid in ill fitting tweeds sat read- ' Our Assets Now Over $1,436,619 In cooperation with the National Defense Program and in, com pliance with the Wage and Hour Lawj this Bank will on and after Monday, October 13, observe the following hours: F R O M MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Open At 9 and Close At 1 EVERY SATURDAY Open At 9 and Close At 12 Your cooperation will be appre ciated in working with us on these changes. The first National Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Jfc.OOO Maximum Insurance For Each Depositor) . Organized 1902 Venezuelan Visitor Gen. Eleaxar Lopei Contraras, for- - .j.n nt Vonezuela. arrives tTahu mi tila first visit to tha Unitwi SUtea. Commander of the Veneiuelan army, Gen. Con treras baa always advocated coop eration w tut tn u. o. inv AhmntJv awara of an appa rition at the doorway, he dropped his magaiine and sprang up paia eyes wide with alarm. "You, Major."' TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (A Recorded to Monday Noon Of Tkii Week) ' Riv mnntha later, back in Wash ington. D. C. Captain North had been congratulated officially and (in th nature of his workl privately for that important arrest of Major . . . - a ,. LM- Adams, j The latter, nnauy conscience-stricken had confessed all details of his flight, deals with for eign spies, and disclosed the all-important formula which was reduced to writing, now in secret War De partment files. The agent, called Kurt, had disappeared from the Shanghai scene, and Marya Gallian has made no claim to the reward promised for her part in the appre hension of her former ''fiance," Adam, ineidentallv. convicted by court martial on a desertion charge and cashiered, was of ao much use to the Government that he has re turned to the Far Bast some say on "private businessj" others say Captain North only knows what that "business" is. The End. Beawrdam Township Gurney P. Hood, Com., to Canie Burresi. '-. J. D. Israel, et ux, to B. W. Mills. Donald G. Harkins. et ux, to J. H. Kirkpatrick, et ux. Alvin Pressley, et ux, TO uoyie Pressley, et ux. J. F. Jackson, et ux, to I. A. Clark. Sarah Ellen WiUU to J. W. Duckett, et ux. Clyde TownatalD J. W. Williamson, et ux, to Maggie Penland. D. M. Cagle, Jr.. et ux, to M. Wesley Vrabel, et ux. M. Wesley Vrabel, et ux, to u. M. Cagle, Jr et ux. Crabtree Township Lee V. Rogers to Georgo H. Smith. . East Fork Township Fanning Burress, et ux, to M. L. Burress, et ux. Ivy Hill Township T. N. Howell, et ux, to J. H Cl'M et. nt. Frank Parton, et ux, to uawonia Hannah Viola Campbell to Jarvis Hi Caldwell. Piireon Townshlo S. 'B. Blaylock, et ux, to J. E. Pless. J. W. Morgan, Jr., et ux, to W TT Plena. . i C. H Henson to William Henson, Wavnea villa TownshlD Haywood Home Building and Loan Association to Oliver a Mnrnhv et ux Grace W. Hinton, Com., to David V Underwood. G. G. Leatherwood, et ux, to William Sinarleton Henry Francis, et ux, to irene N. W. Garrett, et ux, to Herbert Braren, et ux. John M. Queen, et ux, to N. M. Medford. et ux. R. T. Messer, et ux, to ivate Phillips. , Jones Plemmons, et ux, to H. G. Laney, et ux. , J. B. Medford, et ux, to Bernice and Velma MdBlhannon, I. B. Funke to Roy M. Parkman, et ux. . J. B. Ivey, et ux, to N. Lucretia Pnltnn Mary R. Miller to Helen coniey Ray. . Newton Cook, et ux, to A. P. Ledbetter, et ux. Lake Junaluska Assembly, Inc., to N. Lucretia Colton. Robert Hooper, et ux, to E. W. McElrath, H. B. Atkins, et ux, to E. K. Reidel. Dewey MulL et ux, to VirgU Rogers. H. Paul Brigg, et ux, to Mrs. K. Carl Smith. Mrs. Inea L. Greene to Mrs. R. Carl Smith. R. B. Medford, et ux, to Amos P, Muse. " J. J. Schabinger, et ux, to Con stance F, Herbert James W. Reed, et ux, to E. L. Smith. C. N. Allen, et ux, to Howard Passmore. J. C. Winchester, et ux, to A. J. Buchanan, et aL C. N. AUen, et ux, to Myrtle jauu. W. T. Lee to W, A. Mitchell, et ux. . . .... '' J. A. Wilson to WUliam a. Smathers. Sallie Quisenoerry W Clyde H. Ray. ;: Thomas Moody, et ux, to R. A. Ammona, et ux. Susan A. Crawford to J. A. Pro vost." " C. C. Francia to Horace Francia, et ux. Hilliard B. Atkina, et ux, to J. B. Ivey. y D. Frank Nichols, et ux, to Ran dolp M. Mehaffey, et ux. IWTElUCsCE Is it neeeetary to be a high school graduate in order to on lisi in the Navyt Vil Kmrv enlliteea need not he high school graduates. Alt appli cants will ba alven m examina tion containing approximately lot quectlona. A grade of 80 per cent or better on this examination Is eufflclently high to pan the Navy educational standards. However, a high school education will be valuable to the seaman during hla Nsvy enlistment. -; ' . e e jf I enlist in the Navy or Naval Reserve, will I be sent to a Navy Trad School? u All new recruits are eent to one of four Naval Training Station and after a training period they may ; take examinations for entrance Into Navy Trade Schools. Thoee recruits who pass their examina tions With sufficiently high grades are sent to Navy Trade Schools before assignment to the fleet. While attending these schools, they will receive regular Nary pay and free schooling valued at $1500. 'e ."-e";. What is the greatest possible pay I can expect to earn during my first term of enlistments It Is possible to earn as much as $126 a month by the end of your first term of enlistment, and re member that your clothing, lodg ing, medical and dental care are all supplied free. After I have served my term of enlistment, what benefits do I get for reenlistmentt 1 Depending on your rate and length of service, yon can get a cash bonus up to $300 plus SO days leave with pay. What does the term "ash can" mean in the Navy t An "ash can" Is' a slang term ap plied to the depth charge used to combat submarines. The average "ash can" is a container filled with approximately 300 pounds of T.N.T. and can be dropped over board from a ship and so con trolled as to explode at depths ranging from 86 to 300 feet. These are generally carried by the fast ships In the fleet, as a boat drop ping a charge regulated to ex plode at 70 feet depth must more away from the explosion area at a f M knots or more. These "ash cans" are either rolled off the stern or shot from My-gnns" which hurl one right and one left simultaneously., , NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB LICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD IN THE SUPERIOR UUURT. BEFORE- THE CLERK. Pearl Arnold Townsend, Vir ginia Arnold Wilson and hus band, Harry Wilson, - VS. - . . .. Lena H. Arnold (widow oi Malcolm H. Arnold, Dec'd.), and Esther M. Arnold, Mary Lillian Meader and husband, Robert Meader, Juliet Arnold Ward and husband, Arthur Ward, Elizabeth Arnold, Rob ert Arnold and David Arnold, Heirs at law of Malcolm H. Arnold, Dec'd) and B. W. Ar nold, Jr., and wife, Mary St George T. Arnold, and B. W. Amnld. Jr. and Mrs. L. A. Schaaff, Executor and Execu trix of the Estate oi J. U. Ar nold, Dec'd. The defendants above named, will take notice that a special pro ceeding entitled as above, has been .nmmonwd in the Suoerior Court of Haywood County, North Caro lina for the sale lor partition i lands belonging to the petitioners and defendants, and the said de fendants will further take" notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood Coun ty in the'eourt house at Waynes ville, N. C, within ten days after the 31st day of October, 1941, and answer or demur to the petition in said proceedings or the petitioner will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in said petition. This the 3rd day of October, 1941. KATE WILLIAMSON, Ass't Clerk Superior Court of Haywood County. No. 1117 Oct. 9-16-23-30. ' I . , - . , v T, sin a- j ninn -nn loir sBuneinn 1 1 The End. wary JV aimer m : jgtX ' Quality and f v Vy to live v7 For Real Service, see These Firms! SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY All the conveniences of 'city' gat. Essotane Metered Service PAY AS YOU USE IT Cooking Water Heating Heating Brading GAS Service Church Strut Phene 202 Singer Sewing Machine Service Sales Service Rentals Hemstitching and Button Holes Also Cover Buttons Opposite Masonic Temple , Phone 343-J. M W si 1 1 W 0Q Grade Ol O O to Oysters Fried Stewed Raw The Spinning Vheel ' -The Home Of Good Goody GoocW Don't Throw The Tires Away Because the Tread Is Worn Off For Economy, Safety and Satisfaction See Waynesville Gulf Service ' ... , And TIRE RECAPPING CO. C. E. RAY'S SONS EVERYTHING FOR THE FAMILY YOU CAN PARK SHOP AND SAVE WITH US . Newest Model Stitcher Modern LAM AC - WELD for Invisible Soling Champion Shoe Shop HURRY! HURRY I Let's Go To Charlie's Place Delicious Sandwiches Curb Service . Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted 125 Main Street C ON SU L T , DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST Wells Bldg. For Appointment Telephone 2483 Canton, N. C. Real Estate Automobile And Fire Insurance ATKINS Insurance Agency Phone 301 Junaluska Supply Machine Shop Phone 88 Specializing In Welding Brazing General Repair Garasre Work LATHE & PLANER WORK . For Quality In Office Supplies SEE The Mountaineer "Everything For The Office" The Best Of FOOD As You Like It KNOWN FOR 18 YEARS AS THE HOME OF GOOD FOODS "We Serve FOOD, and Not Just A Filler" Green Tree Tea Room Phone 9165 ' SPECIAL Floor Sanding Finishing New. Equipment Call Canton 4152 Or Write Box 283 Bob Carter Canton Courteous Service i Expert Mechanics Complete Service LEATHERWOOD - JAMES ESSO STATION Asheville Road i -.1 . .1 ... ... . . 1 . ......