THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Miss Pauline Ray Becomes Bride Of Erwin Stollenwerk Miss Pauline Ray, daughter of Mr. and Mn.. Roy C Ray, of Hazelwood, became the bride of Erwin Stollenwerk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stollenwerk, of Milwau kee, on Wednesday evening, No vember the 19th, at 7:30 o'clock at St John's rectory. Rev. Ambrose Rohrbacher, pas tor of St. John's church, performed the ceremony before an altar of ferns and white chrysanthemums. On either side were placed candel abra with tall lighted tapers. Mrs. W. L. Matney, former mu sic teacher of the bride, rendered mmfial muftic bill. Ultfv' " " The bride wore a suit of pastel blue with white blouse and navy accessories. Her flowers were a shoulder corsage of pink carna tions and gypsoDhila. Serving as bridesmaids were Miss Ann Kramer and Miss Fran ces Allison. Miss Kramer wore a frock of golden shades with brown accessories and her flowers were a corsage of white carnations. Miss Allison was gowned in pas tel blue and her accessories were in navy and her flowers a corsage of pink carnations. Albert Stollenwerk, of Milwau- kee, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride is' a graduate of the local township high school and the bridegroom was educated in the city schools of Milwaukee. Immediately following the mar riage a reception was held at the hnmp or the bride's parents in Hazel wid. The bridal table was centered with a three-tier wedding cake, flanked with crystal holders with lighted candles. The couple left the next day for Milwaukee where they will reside. The parents of the bridegroom have entertained with a reception in their honor since their arrival home. Among those from out-of-town attending the wedding were Mr. and .Mrs. ."'Albert Stollenwerk, of Milwaukee, Mrs. Arthur Fisher and daughter, of Greenville, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. fisher. Miss Mary Vaughn, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wigham, all of Asheville. - -. ' Mrs. Roy Blackwell was called to Tryon on Monday on account of ' the death of her uncle, R. B, Wil liams. On Tuesday she attended the funeral which was held in Col ' lumbus, Nj.0 Mrs. Joseph Webster, of Joilet, 111 , who was before her marriage .. last spring the former Miss Har riett Boyd, is spending several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Boyd. Recent Bride H' J, . MRS. ERWIN STOLLENWERK Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Houghland, of Memphis, Tenn., were the guests during the past week of the lat ter's aunt, Mrs. Adora Rayne. Mr. Houghland joined Senator Smath ers and a party of friends for a hear hunt in Hazel Creek while here. Mrs. Houghland is the form er Miss Josephine Holtzclaw, of Waynesville and Richmond. Miss Betty Burgin Gives Dinner for Classmates From Western Carolina Miss Betty Burgin, who has been visiting her mother during the week, entertained with a dinner party on Tuesday evening at her home on Love Lane. The guests included Miss Ro berta Norris, Bobbie Colville, of Bryson City, and Jack Roberts, of Weaverville, all classmates of the hostess at Western Carolina Teach ers College. Mrs. Harry Whisenhunt leaves CufurHav for Dcowee. Tenn.. where ' she will join Mr. Whisenhunt, who is employed by the iv a. .. I Methodist Women Co Hold Annual Harvest Day Dinner The annual Harvest Day Dinner held by the women's society of Christian Service of the First Meth odist church will take place in the dining room of the church on Tues day evening at 7:00 o'clock. Mrs. Kate Morris will serve as 'ohaifmnn of the dinner arrange ments, and Mrs. Bonner Ray will be in charge of the program. Mrs. J. Harden Howell, retiring president, will preside. Mrs F. E. Rranson of Canton, district sec retary, will be a special guest of the evening. ,' Miss Betty Burgin, student at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege, spent several days during the week with her mother, Mrs. Lnasi Burgin. Mrs. T. C. Norris and children, Dorothy and Tommie, and Miss r.ncv Jones, are srendine this week in Washington, D. C, where the former's husband is now located. ... ' . ' ; Fredie Christopher, of Hazel wood, left Wednesday for Norfolk, Va., where he will be stationed for 6 weeks in the U. S. Navy. . .".' ." Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ruff, of Hazelwood, announce the birth of a daughter, Linda Janice, December 1st.".' Mrs. R. L. Allen Hostess To Meeting Of Civic League Mrs. Rufus L. Allen, president, was hostess to the members of the Civic League at a business meeting on Wednesday evening held at her home on Church street. Plans were formulated for put ting on a membership drive in the near future. After a presentation of the idea it was decided to send a purse to England to be used in the interest of the Hospital for rs-inniiwi rviildren in London. The matter of unnecessary blow. I :- inm. nn Walnut street was discussed and it was decided to take' some definite action on the matter. Following the business of the evening a social hour was enjoyed. Announcement was made of the next meeting which will be held with Mrs. T. C. Norris. . . : .... ---- Kathryn, Amu - Hyatt, small daughter of Mr, and 'Mrs. Dewey Hyatt, who underwent an opera tion at the Haywood County Hos pital last Sunday, is resting fair iy well. Ray Truitt, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, is spending this week here, due to the illness of his mnthor Mrs Pat Truitt. who is in the Haywood County Hospital. ... Mrs. W. A. Hyatt left Sunday for Newport News, for an extended visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Hyatt. Mrs. Richard Gerranger and two daughters. Mary Lou and Ilean, expect to leave Sunday lor Wil mington where they wiu join jvir nerranffflr who has accented a position there Wins 'Unity Award Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Turner and son. Char es. ot timer, in. j., aim Charles Turbvfill. of New York Citv. who have sDent the past week with Mrs. P. L. Turbyfill, and Miss Audrey Turner, of Atlantic City, who has been visiting ner sister, Mrs. Chas. Francis, left Saturday night for their homes. '.' Mrs. G. N. Henson and daughter, Miss Ruth Henson, of Forest City spent the week-end here with rel Stives. . " .' '.'" Mrs Addiu JProffit. who has re sided here with her cousin, Robert McLean for the nast several months, has gone to Asheville to be with her daughter. ' "..'. Mrs. S. C Satterthwaite has gone eon e to her home in Atlanta, where she will spend the remainder of the winter, after an extneded stay here at the home or her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Withers. : .: "".-.'.'' Mr. and Mrs. Walter D- Harris, of Chicago, are expected ' to ar rive on Frfday and will spend the week-end in town as the guests of Mr. and Mis. Thomas l. beaweii at the Hotel LeFaine, where the latter are spending the winter. Rev. Charles Kirkpatrick, who is now disttrict superintendent of the Marion area of the Western North Carolina conference of the Methodist church, spent Tuesday in town this week. The wild boar of India attacks without provocation as does the tame bore of America, First woman to receive the Maria Moors Cabot Award ror distin guished service in the field of inter. AnMrlMn rolstinna Senhora Svlvia Bettencourt delivers address In Low Memorial Library, Columbia Uni versitv. New York. She is a colum nist on the newspaper "Correio Da Manna, published in Rio de Janeiro by her husband, who also received BLACKIE BEAR By D. SAM COX THAT "STRANGE ANIMAL" IS A MAN! ... Story 119 Not only is it a fact that "there are two sides to every quuuu, there are two sides to the things that people do every day. 1 hey mostly hang around that little word "if." If you have only one gun, and some need arises ioi n. in PLACE ONE, while it is in PLACE TWO, it se perfectly plain that you really need two guns. Mrs. Man would tell you that. When Mr. Man went to town to get th sheriff to E-o out and find the man that had been fooling around his place, he took his gun, and Rlackie knew it. for Jay Bird went right over and told him. And Jay Bird told him that Mrs. Man had nut out on a table in the sun two bags of dried apples-the sort that she used for making turnovers. She did this, every once in a while dur- i'nir the winter in order to keep the apples nice and dry, so they would make better turnovers. But sne didn't ever leave them out at night, and so how was Blackie to ever get any of them? Well, we will see. '.'.'. ' ' Certainly it takes pretty bold folks to go right up to a place in the big daytime, to take things and wirw t-hprn awav. when there is a woman there with her big dog. Even if such a bold fellow were not looking for trouble, he should known that he COULD very easily see some before he got away. But Rlackip had been in trouble many times before, and always managed Miss McCombs Of Murphy Wedded 10 Kobt. J5. naram been made of the marriage of Miss Bettie Kate McCombs, of Murpny, hiiu Balfour Hardin, son of Mr. and nesville. The ceremony took place on Sunday, November the 9th, at Blairsville, Ga. . The bride is the daughter of the late Dr. William Sidney McCombs, of Murphy, Dr. McComDs wa me son of one of the first white settlers of Cherokee county. Through her mother's family Mrs. Harain is re lated to ex-Governor Rivers, ,oi Georgia and the late General jonu B. Gordon. Her maternal grandparents was Captain Thomas Jefferson Butt, of Georgia. Mrs. Hardin was grad uated from the Murphy high school and completed a normal school course. She has taught for the Mr. Hardin was educated in the Waynesville schools and later stud ;i .ivil encinpprincr. He is now connected with the Tennessee Val ley Authority. AnnHno-the weddiner were Mrs EMivin Winchester, sister of the bride. Miss Barabara Meroney, ot Murphy, and Robert Coin, of ay Mr. and Mrs. Hardin will reside i in Murphy for the present. From India 00) f Ai:ArJA; ' & Daughter of Sir Girja Shankar Pajpai, first diplomatic . represen tative of India in the U. S., Krishna Pajpai brings her eastern beauty to the western world asehe arrives t New York aboard the President Monroe. There are four other chil dren in the Pajpai family. maamm m m Mercury Above 20 u i me eek o The weatherman tuiw er weather for the the merturv ,f,.. f1 freezing point for the Q " icmainaer of tho J cordine- to th ... . eeic by weather night for the Kerley. official here. The record is as foil. Date Nov. 27 Nov. 28 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 High GO 63 63 59 66 65 66 low Li Rules Of The Road , times before, and always manageu to find a way out, so let trouble "Women Will Speak" - news item. Since when is that news? Western Bred FLOUR $1.05 Maxwell House COFFEE lh. 33c Gold Medal M I LK 3 large cans 250 6 small cans 250 .Yellow Eye- BEANS lh. 106 Pinto B E A N S 3 lbs, for 250 Grapefruit' - J U I C E 46-oz. can 190 Large Head LETTUCE 3 for 260 ORANGES doz. 15c to 27c z . .... l come! But he was going to neeu a lot of folks to carry out his plans. Well, he HAD a lot of folks, and none of them minded a little trou ble, and they were all asking for something troublesome to do to help out the frolic. You know what a big bushy tail Reddy Fox has, but if you didn't know how much red pepper it will hold, you might ask Rover Dog. Jocko went out into the smoke house and got some ground pepper that he had been using on fresh meat. "Spread put your tail wide fa a von ran. " hp said to Reddy. "so I can put enough pepper in it to ao a good jod, ana De careiui noi. io shake it out till you are ready to give Rover a case of red eye." And this is about the way the Pep per Party went off. Blackie Bear was supposed to be dead, and so he wasn't seen. He went with the others nearly to the house, and then stoppea out in the woods. And now look at and listen to Joe Reet. Little fellow that he is, he can make a lot of noise when he wants to. There he i in tho trardpn. and he is whis tling and screaminsr like something A fisherman argues it's no more has caught him, and there goes harm for him to fish on Sunday Mrs. Man running to see wnat is I i i jo fioh t .Ki. hunt, the matter. He is fluttering around Iviiati iv a, - -'v. Hm ------ : c..o in a flower bed. But Mrs. Man 1 nig una uu ouuua;, . . .. First Citizen Buys First Seal can't find a thing in it but Joe Reet and the flowers. But now she has found something, but it is out at the crib. It is Who-Who Owl, and he is certainly making a noise. And now here goes Mrs. Man run ning to shoo him away from her pliipWprtsi and there he eoes. flying right low, down towards the creek, ad Rover is right after him. Ana here comes Billie Possum out of the kitchen, and his mouth is cer tainly full of that baked chicken that he just took off of the table. XnA how that nier is sauealinel No wonder, for he is being squeezed under the arm of a man wno is viinniner across the lot. Yes, it pprtflinlv is a man. wearing man's clothes, but he has mighty short lee-s. and the LONGEST arms ; "Quack-Quack." Look! There goes a coon with a duck in his mouth, Oh, for a gun! And now watch Mrs. Man pick up a piece of brick and throw it. But Jay Bird will tell you that a woman can't hit anvthinir. If thev could, he would have been killed long ago. But listen to that terrible howl from Rover. Has somebody hit him 7 H is reallv out-howline: Howler What can have happened to him? Oh ves. Reddv Fox was waiting for him at the fence. -and Who-Who Ipd Rovpr riirht to him. Certainly Rover will run a fox, but he can't run him far, when the fox fills the air full of ground red pepper that he shakes from his busny tan as ne runs. No wonder Rover Dog howl ed and stopped running the fox! (To Be Continued) Sec. 106, Motor Vehicles Laws of North Carolina :-4Mt shall be unlawful to drive any vehicle up on any public bridge, causeway or viaduct at a speed which is greater than the maximum speed which can with safety to such j structure be maintained thereon, ' when such structure is signposted as provided in this section." The State Highway and Public Works Commission, has authority to fix the maximum safe speed at which vehicles may travel on any public bridge, causeway or via duct in the state, and when such speeds are designated by means of signs, drivers must observe them, SinV-stenninir onlv sreta vou further away from where you hope I you are going. SPEED OX BRIDGES driver of the vehicle to brine the vehipio stop before traversing SUJ TL' i ins means that ..... . , . v Mi cu uy law w come to a ful all railroad light or bell device warn aijiuoLii oi a train. ( are required to t .t marked by an official ei i black and vol i . uiui whether any automatic si J all school trucks- busses are required to m complete stop at all railroaj ings. 2 BELK SPECI 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday Friday-Sa MEETIXG OF VEHICLES Sec. 110, Motor Vehicle Laws of North Carolina "Drivers of vehicles proceeding in opposite di rections shall pass each ptner to the right, each giving to the other at least one-half of the main-trav eled portion of the roadway as nearly as possible." I In other words, share the roaa. Don't drive on the other fellow's half of the highway. ROMAN EMPERS SHEETS 4-Year Guarantee 81x0!. Refiuiai $1.39 Value $1 AT RAILROAD CROSSINGS Sec. 104 Motor Vehicles Laws Knvth Carolina':, r- "Whenever any person driving a vehicle ap proaches a highway and interurDan or steam railway grade crossing and a clearly visible and positive oi'o-nul o-iups warnine of the imme diate approach of a railway "train or car, it shall be uniawiui ior ns Lovely 81x108 SPREAD $1.00 Value tl Extra Large and H BATH TOWE Were 15c Now Belk - Hudson "The Home Of Better V (To ce uonunuea; or car, h mwi "c , Five per cent of all urban tax revenues is generated by motor vehicles, a survey of the Bureau of Business Research of Boston University discloses. Large Size GRAPEFRUIT Home Made or Bakery - FRUIT CAKE , Assorted NUTS For the Season 6 for 250 Native and Western Meats From Our GRADE "A" MARKET Francis Grocery '"'"fWrW I Phone 19 Church Street The No. 1 dtlxervof the United SUtes buys the first Christmas seal, to - - - - . . v hwb. .0 d V. rr 1. .. 1 w Ing the stamps from Steven Dohanos, artist who designed the seals. if? rJ m Union jrv.j - - " Give Yourself A Real Gift One Of These Lovely COATS NOW DRASTICALLY REDUCED Divided Into Two Groups 88 88 Some Were As Much As $4W BUY NOW Make Your Terms Wear As You Pay Easy Tgrms At LOTHING c c Next To Western Union Waynesville This Year Give Clothing- Buy It Here ray Later ills Iff 4 1 i if i L. au - .M6 of cc .reeii st nd. rani- n J bert .UIS ireen ti... 5r I 51 K 1 Id i