THUBSDAT, FEBRUARY' Pr 2 THZ WATXESTHUE JE0CXTAIXI2X The Mountaineer THE WAT"I5VIIXZ F2ZSTTSG CO. Vmi fAraet Fhoae lH TtpwrT)' Sort Cwiat 71 C-wxra E$mU Cmactg . , liar art sillia wat guttx r-c-j W. Ccrar lam. and ataneu T. Bridge. -. :V ixliszzd rror tzzzsdat ; FCBSCEUTIOX EAIXS . Dm Tew. I j-wwd Ocnry Sx wsKta, 1 HaTwued County - - Cue Tear, OeSaxfe .Eaywaoa tessay -JLM . S3 2J AX esaxipeww Payaiie 1 Advance ;T10KALDrrOWAL r r)Vr ASSOCIATION THUESDAY, FEEETAET 2S, 1542 Go-T(hChurch Campaign U yon . dor't r to erisrck dsriry .'tbeaert two tooctla in Harwood Coartj, job Are " iz.g vo be ootaxkbtj by ycerieaee The jtors tai eaej laymen Are ia dead earwtss6 iioat the czstlg.whxh wi3 be ixjuurtt&d &ect Szadaj wten th first com; wO be EAde cf the ccaTtiaeki . -cf ; the coopeiAtir. . The Ewciert ii rip for tcJa a ca-Tpaiga.;' If ever the p-wpie of oar. iectaoa, ad tke eoortrr At larre, jieedsd a ..spiritaAl rerrral it is rxw. We have been casgit ia the x wifi jzryrirr era of iraterial -progress that Las EArked ttla courtry ia part ' decade, ab- '' Aorbirg' too each tir&e for secular thirgrn. - It Lai been aald' thAt tbe cturci, Chris-' tiaritj has been hart throcgi the eaitcries' by fp-ihtaal cieiineas. T riAEj; so called Christiaas hare takes their religion. Eke the tides within the ocean. WLea the tides ccoe'. ia they ride to pezkscf.Mxa,Trzzi 3ufX-z the shore lines of service, ; Then sad detJy the tides tcra tad there is iDdifference A&d cegLect of tJ thi'tf fplrit-il raise.' We hare seen each thiags happen here in oar own coEunssity. Today -we need the force of God, of things generated by the saints, to meet the ner gGjcj. We need to train oar hearts a the practice f dirae com manioc, from irhich do greater strength is given. We need to c&hitTate X right ' social ;.oiid;';;Ahd-. the'' f?intual force irhkh aJoiae can reboild the world. Chriftiazity has had some hard bknrs, not enly ia Russia and Germany, bet here in America and our own community. They may not hare been lilnctlj intended by oar own people as in these other countries bat throagh carelessness and indifference we have been led along the same path away from God. . v. . Make an effort to attend chorea each Sunday daring the campaign. Let as gire the pastors an opportunity to arouse our re sponsibility to ourselres, to God and our ffcHowmaa, Go to chareh somewhere every Sunday, The Show Goes On j 'We 'were gratified, that desphe the eocragicg cooditioass pnested fcy the ejner-j ' gency, the crk and farm leaders Eaywooc Geaiy decided to stage the UTestoeac and ' Haeae Art Show' agaia this faS. ' There is no derying the fact that it eea a f ormiiabje task nader existjrg eoadStkans to make defrhe plans bow. WhAt the scxi terea rweths ray bring tu pass grsess work an the' tart of arrooe,' Er Seatrrtittr. it riay seen a waste of effort t take tiae off to eres LaTe a show. '. Vet on . the other hand th-sse cf ms who - are at Looe shocid eadeaTor to lead as sar- mal a life as posiiie. ' Easiness thoiii asd snsst .go os as osiaL' . The cattle zadsstry .ia o&e of the mAjor socreea 'cf iaCTiae ia Hay : wood Coonty. Irirg the year ahead it wiS be .of erea greater ' importance, far as pro diictioB is stepped op, it wi3 be necessary to isicrease herds. '-. "-' There is no greater means .of : stimslatiDai of the breeding of ne cattle thai: sach ' shows as hare been staged here dsrizg. the . past ' two years. When stock - raisers'-.-see- what Others can. prodace,-, they realize that they SO THE SrCOfsO LBSOT r Har Dethods. can -do'' Ekewie - with-; ' ;Oae:of .the most rital phases cf the ca tkcal defense program is the coEserrataon f food, which;.. is so aWy demonstrated in the entries of the- farm. .. women in the exhibits of Home Arts section of the show. This year .these exhibits wi3 be :rjewed. with keerier in terest ; lhaa; eTer.. before. ..They .'represent a defxite piece of work that every, woman can d- ' for her home aid her eoertry. , - . Suppose the show this year, is not as large or impresirre as that of . last. year?. The .show' staged in this year of -'unprecedented emer- geney cazrnot be compared to the show of other years.--' It win neeessarOy be different. .- - We coEgratdate. -the leaders who had the cocrage .on- Satcrday. Aflernoon: to go .for- ward with their plans for the Haywood Gras- ty - Xirest-ock ; and Home Arts Siiow. ' .Tneir decision ; wag . another proof cf the -spirit of : the crrian back home doingr his' bit: to. sap- port the-armed forces on the Sghtir Eses. I XPi ) V - V Voice OF THE People there M deSnit need at thi tone for nek ime, ior PP thiaiiaj loc? piritail lin now more thaa they hare in the P"t. Til Never Forget-: HUMAK INTEEEST STOEJES CONDUCTED BY Uh'CLE ABE There are tenie b tie eariy bef ata.?M eeally thoe wb lr, tie. &w:k m m, .Lfi "BOWM 111 ku.."'i tk,tkn. .Wrt, " op a the .1 tioBs ef West wtea tiey went tothTj kets the :.wahefa f 7 steer, were top w wrer tlse otlser breed. S I read ererytkicj i the Jooroila nerinmTr! one bull. Use ball m T fine usijnal uvi were HERE and THERE By ,; HILDA WAT GWYN Health Insurance The inspection of eating places by the county sanitarian which is now nearing completion in Haywood County should gjre our citizens a gratmed feeling 'of ; safety when -eating away from home. The new laws passed by the 1341 legist bture are being enforced to the Ust word, which is as it should be. The laws Are not onreasonable, but are based on sound beaftk principles calculated to protect the public Great progress has been made in local health work since Social Security7tfej& were made available in North Carolina. Serrkes hare been extended far byond the early pro grams of public health, when the work was mostly confined to schools and immTmkation Against communicable diseases. It would be hard to estimate the value of a competent sanitarian, for his work deals with prerentive measures, that make our communities safer places in which to lire, and therefore cannot be entirely counted in concrete yahies. Reaction To Draft '.- We hear on aS. sides that America- Las been asleep while .other. ' iAtice hAre' been . preparirx for- the-'' gigantic ' eotSict. - that ow engages the major Countries of the world. We grant' 'that this may be true.' Bet it is easily explained by the fact thAt we: har been a. peace - kring - people, and hot z war minded have not '. been ':aspkioas 'of others whUe'. they, were building up material and ' spiritual fighting forces.'-.' ,:; We are awake now thoroaghly; if the re action of the registrants of the third draft in the. selectrre service throaghout the eocn- : tjy matches that shown in . the Waynerrille area lart week... ..Jast' give as time. . .- While Uncle -.Sam kaves little choice when he notifies a. man that, he is to report at a certain, point, at. a definite time, t-& the men registered last week because they had been ordered to do so, we liked .their spirit, as ex pressed on all sides. There were many who "signed Bp" who would not be expected to go. There are often reasons why a naan should be exempted, yet ias our citizens filed in the draft ' office last week, they seemed to be of one accord, they were ready to go, if they were needed. We see such signs everywhere. America is settling down to face a Jong struggle. Each day events both personal and national bring home to us all the urgency of the sit nation. Only through such realization and the Attitude of the men who Are registering for serrice and answering0 the call as our own folks here are doing, will victory be assured, lor our enemies started in this game of war far ahead of us. It wi3 take time to catch up with them, much less get ahead. In life there is no stage manager and things do not always go just right, if they ever do- Bat we cannot wait for thing to be just right We have a job to do and we most make our own stage for it as best we can- A. 1L Barton. Six Words The following editorial from The Beids- v2te Review ia fine illustration of whAt it will tAke before the war is over. "An unnamed young soldier out in Hawaii nag a message for you. Tie didn't know he had a message. "But he had one. A correspondent tonr. ing the new defenses of Hawaii found him in a secluded dugout, where he wa sleeping on me nam ground- Asked if that wasn't pretty tough, the young soldier grinned, rnat mA jt: 1 . ' wuinw dim message: ""Was. Not now. Used to if. Tne sooner we drnians get into thAt frame of mind about how tough it is to un dergo the thousand little inconveniences that go with war, as well as real aaeriSces, the better. The end of the war win be in sight when 150,000,000 people are saying about now tougn it ia to make their own sacrifices: " "Was. Not now. Used to if." ., Hitm bt k-posa tad ec-.t S. frwtrKted'X iheir ilia . . . -vf wck eersizB. zuiigi d&tr Dr.- C' X- Sak ctroSed fcy ad ve .-,..W wTHi wt htaa-.tx irvat: at , hemr&. him.-y ... . rWeE. bcC to a purpiaae eweraekd .. . -we feKej dr . .. -. th. Et wtZka Aitat uxjcei. taaZ &! ii .. . . sbese- re . Oerk el tie Coort ce WiUztmaoa asre pamf fcy . . - mat --wmy i. . she 'took one look ad id tck . . . vclj taon tune 9, fey. the ,t her f5ce.'.. 6era the ,h3 aue&dtr, net by eeini Bcnck ioc-'euBe IJbbj CoA&c&aA . . ... she er:... . mm irut everhebd t?t-'tB?oed the comer ia a fmt nrsh taenzsizxf V tt n . . . i e n mi in ii ury mar instriDMtm look wtt s. e -kaewit .... . we ' were: UTirf-pf (a bt siad) m. tome staat prt ... . bst v M we 'Bnea-. Sht 9Bihd'-eree4': s. .M.kxfer Kin war BBrmtw -. . to ftiiiit tsoBftra .. . . wfjsuA k Ai ;m .isf - .-' . i r?elj oeetractwa . . . .we J"e trjTcr to aai wsneive mlxe that it ' ajaw mift35t VBOtm . . ..'were' a 'yet we are worked xrf 'ta the .war jwycaaiocr to fTet the iu .th?' ecber ltom ., .. . eves tiwtr he say be ocr fErfmty . . . percapa jc. w3 cxmae K- 'taae1 at ary -rase we wa& tat Bae ut tae sot tm yoat aa. w atartad thia trim '. TTtich rescs&ih ns .that we. read todar atone vuexptxtti pnenrkj eaamibea '-'. ... .Jar iastaaee , the efite cf the Pnee AdxisietratkiB has deodftd that faearme are Bwt asncf the "eaaesrtial vehiekA ea tcied to new'.'tirea w'-. which .r" at am awful, job . . . another wtidt aeeaia ore reaatmahle .. . . mes'i doixcr immtfactmeie are eoeaid erfcg riiwimtiqB af "ipare"" trwos- er . . . with aaita - - . alao vewt with doable breasted coatc aad of tronaer cuffi . . . a&d ia a hit of tiicr to expect ... jtm ahead bote! wiQ be chargf" lor aoaa . , . paper carded matrbet wm be out . . . yooH have to ask for ywor aecood tmaa cf anpar -yea may hm to pay a penry for the first . . . fuel rationing k a poaaibility . . . a "nae tax1 may be dapped on your radio acta . . tea hi roinr to coat Eke aia (aai fact nay be cheap) . . . res: ecolrol boards are eertaia ia war-; areaa . . . tia earn will rase i ask pireon blood waaea ia rarry . . . aot that there will be a ahort- jre aa canned raoda . . . they w-H lr packed m glaaa . . . aoaae new taxea (for a change) ad the tax collector win be aooa as aa ft ta the afice -af the tax collector back she cane, raalmg cbarre . . . all f&2 . expeexaocy . . . thes her expreaeioB chanrd . . . aad .alowiy back .ta the laboratory ia the heath departmeBt she . .took herseif . . . ia fact we dcBt kaow when- we have see peepie m' ane spot .... it was. r trtf aenocs .. . .' ratioimf cf tires asd Bfror aeft drinks, ts no ratkierictg . . -'. aametkzz .mast be dome ahoot the Coca CoSa shortage at the eaBTthoeae. . "..v . j. CL Browa "The idea of to-ehorch dme m always oppor- 1 .rtainlT there has never been a time when we, need to f ire. The heifers to church more than just bow. jnadenix, bat otherwise Mrs. Graver M. Daria "I ap-j prove tne orw-mviui. Teaaent n tfl go-vuurca u... . I Sfn.j 1 indiridaala. " With the exception of a, .i ami titer t. - . , , . . uuv)w m? come I North Carolina, l .tJkt heifers and cow, fan rrme the churches." aaw it ia . i tfuf and it U tme that k'ae 0f the churches were wskmgr .wp to breedioJr 'J the idea that we hare fallen dowa ia onr Christian duty and that w Made Fan Of Wlil HI De DP u jui Jtu u IHM I feel that the time i most op- tried to diseoora?e m a W portBEe for such campaign." to iutrodaee another k( y r . - ; as we already had Dnrhaaw Mrs. Bonner Kay I gob t tmaa jlwtoi in ine eonaty, J there has ever been a more nnpor- er my latber u taut time to have a go-to-eirarea w wwea i g-oi nome ntojntf eaaspaign. ww"" m i-..-. , uu muk fcas never been a more opportnn a bsd mistake; Yon ought tl time to lend oar efforts in this di- Pt yosr money into ttw3 eiae.- jy tbe calves wen B aboot all over the eonatj, J Mr. Harry MarsaaO "I w PP yins; tney were totii rreat believer i revtrah. I thmi; very lew people seemed that we all need them both per- tnem tmta calves from into J I ken J reetioB." a-.anar7 .cppcffitd.i0MjjT etaxebea, and eows and Hereford siretbep any time is opportune for retrean- aaow mar snpenor qnaiitj, iif ooT spiritual Bves." J In fonr years my fitia ... ' . - - : seen enoorh ke btranu tL Ernest J. Hyatt "I tHnk very booster for Herefonai highly of tne idea, ana i leei snre whole eoanty. Virginia MdV tbat toe ennrenes wiu aeconrpn&a essee boyers always !t a great deal throngs the campaign steers wearing the wfe'tefacsi dnrijsg the next two months." j they came to this section ti :-:' -.-.'.' -. their stock and stfll do. Albert Abet "I approve oi tne idea and I trust that the weather MIES 01 Of in modern Betcfu )ft-rl latr in the serin? oa ac m-T tv mtW I was very compact, smootti . t wivn pmnij oi weienL l UK -. . 1 . -. i. . .i, VJU r..r "T t .rmmwm eec cows ana ceuers mtw of the idea, and there k Bei i " f tleir calves wittat hettrr tim than th nnHit ti M of a nurse COW. I WTB1 start something that is needed in eowexeept when. commTinitT." to "hown. ; . - .;' ''""'' . J The bulls were sold ia Wad Fred Martin "There is no time North Carolina, Tennesset tke the present for a thine that xntn Carolina and one Terj . .. have a perfect . eonpiex o the - "chaiss-' idea ia;. .-facer -'.and tkaigi cf that type .. . that' yon are : eaeaeoed '.Xkvt to break . -. . iiete one persos starts the ball nCksg &.-m it .oe but we read of one era rrs ia the State Magaxirje which , we thick ia .fwefl . .- . the WiaerSe -.Jeraiiri-, Asaodation started- a pBretred pig. chain, ... . with 25 CobaEhss -CooBry boys ... . .. twenty ofthe pii.,were gifts . . . eack f tie btTTf . and their par eEte agreed to give twa pigs in retare out cf the first litter ',' , ( retririded as ef the Jfcmoroiis book Psr. W ' Px" --wiick ' came ont aoeae years age) a3 ether pigs ra.ed abroad ilotg .to the . boys . . . one ;f -these boys. Mace Jor-dte,- has atade arwend 100 . ... there are now -.S3 pigs in. the chain - - - wnk I jjigi reaij to be turn ed back ta' tae : mtmxaxrt't Aaao eiatxM i. . .- w-cka the next month ;,twJ af C3 boys are hear ?fibed wtk werebred Du- Selection w , ... ..1 he favorable for a larre at-! Bom tendance. Personally rwonld Eke' J1 to have had the campaign staged rr. ' """f j iue iut uui i usea, peneq . Ersi , : - .,.Ii. .aJways- gtrea us a lea Mjtt as e to run into Ift E. CTta wyioas--... . she is so ewerjtascaaj-eiaiesfrf . . the' draft tea?i sueaiMrf jnwed to be mighty F jaaeers wit tier rot De is needed as much as this." Letters To The Editor heifer went to one of the m breeder in Kentucky, This business of breedinirf bred Herefords was very fud ing to me during those yean Changes to Dairy BreeJ In 1922 I sold my farm M Of tree where I lived and pom the Fincher farm. This fan elded was better suited to i ing: so I sold my herd of Hew in the snrinr of 1923. Mx that be wi3 be considered ber of the family . . . bright pros pect . . but -w would take thess aJ3 rather tbaa bave Hitler take as . . . ao we wi3 fall in line now to accept . . , jawt as yoa win . . . these propheoe of the changing times. '. . - ; -4?- -.- A very seriwia aitaauua has de veloped at the court boos . . we fed that it ia our duty as a erric minded eitiaea iotereated hi the Kare of our people to see if nsaffing cannot be done to re lieve the situation . . . one day but week we aaw county attorney Wal ter Crawford . . . corn through the baa in a very solemn and saueh disturbed . . . shaksg hi bead and saying . . . "NoLking doing" abort while we saw Auditor Tom Cathey . . . bead buried in the afteraoou paper read ing the war news . . . walking slow, ry - . . the eacoiag to a sadden top . . . and hooking saueh per turbed . . . aad the be west back ta hi Se ... next Ctotn Brown, Jr. . . . eaaaa around the corner . . . stopped abort and looked aa if be bad lost hi last friend . and the election bad rone com pletely against bis ... about time out came "KJar Hatlie Me Cracken from the See of the Eeg wter of Deed . . . aba looked around . . . evidently a2ing to find wnat aba was expectag . . . we w Eurb Laotharwood and Jack Meaeer ret m a fcaddle outside Che oSca of the beard of edacatiou and start down the baa with deternuned and definite look a their faces . . . thea their coob- fea . . . aad they loOed IS AMERICA A CHRISTIAN SATIOSf Editor The Mountaineer: Is America a Christian nation? America claims to be a Christian the herd went to Buncombe 4 natjon; in fact some of us almost ty to the herds of E. W. Got boast about it. I read an item the James G. K. McClure. a1 i ..... oioer aay in wtucb the writer f l.vk.v tha vein niimi vnaw : ,n. a z .. . .. i- ij.. rt-nffm r w -ij. . a wim ixaxiKM. some Dnde in tne reaiaauw aa eilS m!ereated:Bt",f -I have had some part is tsl i--. Would a Christian nation make traduction and developments . - - a, m- . ai Mtmskfi&ijax Ml ? - . j was a ervw ret aa much out of W mJB ohjective seeking wealth most wonderful breed ol m thear aa . . . 2jer EaT is matnr I Dd rood time? Would a Chris- tt has won for itself .bin M i5sSEie for ber brother EX iam -XL eauta' . . . Ll J. C Lynn wrsea toea rm casta Hay- Zarsuers v2 do well to in aeir' potato aereare . . . fr he is ecxr a bacheJ a week the army ; . awerheard a fath er say sravg the, week V "My m wi3 jsm. have to 'date' oa foot Wd..' nTertri uan nation rather eo to Rank wherever grass is coi night than prayer meeting? Would Pme beef. ' . . "' ' she rather lie in bed Sunday morn- """" ing or take a trip than eo to Sun- nuuU m nf Monl who m day school and church; and rather self -centered and selfish andH go to tne movies Sunday night that Sunday is not a day K than to church? tba hnt a Hav m vW Would a Christian nation leg- ke more money than asy alize ramMinv and .imlwj;. .JVrnV. davT rvfli' 'LWM't "d 'bwt " to Jit No, friends, America h 0 rt nave graded funny a year J k things to operate on theSab- tia nation in theory - - - l IML a bath . A -U : 1.1 a ; - am u man maoe laws wwi u Kv aa ad - also aeeiued atrane "Teeoratiwe Raekeut Curtaina" aad it west on to explain how to use them a a ksrrr. - . THE OLD HOME TOWN Would tlDU th .-v WOTCjllou nnleau ther art those things off His list of -Tboo practice. We praise the L ahalt nots". jour lips, but our bearu Would a OirisH.m W. trram TTiwm Ammri mm m woi B BM mockery of CnristiaKV Uught in the New Test0 w ih flirist are against Him. We camn the emblem of rirlteousnea folio By STANLEY mmm I a d& HvVSk "o viiaa SHrnrr M"""'l"M1'llw'a,maawamawltl!M" wasaaa.aa- - 1 tian nation she is a Christ mnA Pnrist never ujc WTC lire""1"' .. As Paul said in Bn J "Now it is high time to avl of sleep," and realiie no I have wandered from th j cpta, time to realiie th"J of a mighty army, vast Ti and great resources we 1 able to be victorious i"J Lord'. Kris and in order "'j the Lord's help we mnf S ourselves and pray H our wicked way. .v! FKANK uuf1 It b estimated that the navy1 bluejacketa V ikntiris' rnaira for J in Sua Diego, California,

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