lTcnAY. APRIL 16, 1942 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 AM KS rHApTEB XI . v-ling alone, ain't .' uVre traveling coup!-'' here ' Jst-" Tony caught r i , in ah. j But only tern- is""' nine to meet later." tr 'rv, tw with I mil lu 11 . "lA-ine ain't going ue1' Cthpr So dont ipyBr,'r iustget treTordapiectothe HuM-trvany FiTifehV behind you. And I er?rauUd Tony's arrn. Kytoldhe,He annoyed. J'V" KeeP ,f the papeis. -- J "hat about Monday noon- t looked at her and took in less on her face; he thought I;. Suddenly he grinned, and " . . .!!, U turned her a Mini '" he impatient omcer. Li We. officer you look like erstanding man. And you I" . 1 ..mi mnflT I romantic sum . a married man," said the you're married! Then you , in love yourself, haven't Of course you have! Then , you'll help us!" it's bribery you're thinking keen It-" flatter me." said Tony. "No lomething else." at it, then." ik world loves a lover. And moment, you're an we woria He sighed. "It was a secret Mis Drake is my fiancee. we're on our way to Florida t married. See? rhen why did New York send the alarm to pick you up on the n Act charge?" t was a gag," said Tony. "Just ke, see? A friend of ours a 111 It IDMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE urine qualified as administra Jof Die estate of the late Robena lot), deceased, late of the coun lof Haywood, North Carolina, ii to notify all persons having at against the estate of said lued to exhibit them to the lenigned, at Clyde, N. C, Rt 1, or before the 26th day of rch, 1943, or this notice will be Ided in bar of their recovery. persons indebted to said estate please make immediate pay- iis the 26th day of March, 1942. R. C. BISHOP. dmihistrator of Robena Bishop, o. 1168 Mar. 16-April 2-9-16- 0.- . . very dear friend is trying to be funny. He's going to be laughing on the other side of his mouth, when I get my hands on him, but in the meantime " "Maybe so, but " "Am I not telling the truth, Gin ger darling?" Ginger gulped, then thought of Miami. v "That's right officer. We're going to Miami to be married reaHy we are. She put on her most appeal ing look. "Please don't be an old meanie, Officer and spoil our plans!" "If that's true," said the officer, "why don't you two get married, and drive down there like respect able folks?" Tony and Ginger looked at each other, taken aback. "But our friends are waiting there for the wedding," said Ginger, faintly. "Our relatives " "Sure," said Tony. "My father is down there right now, in Palm Beach." The officer stroked his stubble, and spat reflectively. "If it wasn't for that New York alarm, I might say 'go ahead.' But it's official, and the Law's the Law. Tell you what I'll do though; and I know the Judge '11 agree with me, he's my brother-in-law. Come on over to his office and get married like decent folks and we'll let you go on, and forget we ever saw you. If anyone else stops you you'll have your marriage certificate." The two were stunned. The look they exchanged was so full of un willingness and consternation that the immediate arbiter of their des tinies was immediately suspicious. He was the type of man who had been born suspicious, anyways. His jaw hardened, as he remembered that it was up to him to uphold the moral tone and dignity of his com munity. "What's it to be?" he asked, cold ly. "A honeymoon, or a stretch in the jug?" Ginger opened her mouth and shut it again. "Under the circumstances," said Tony grinning weakly, "I think this young lady will have to make an honest man of me now, instead of waiting until we get to Florida. But if our union goes on the rocks, of ficer, the blame rests upon your commonwealth's head. You know what they say about jumping into matrimony" "Let's get going," said the Law shortly. And started his motor cycle. Tony followed suit. They started off down the road, the motorcycle just behind. "Why did you do that?" asked Ginger. "What else was there to do?" "But marriage! He wasn't joking." "He wasn't joking about jail, either, And you have to get to Miami by Monday, don't you?" Sacfs up and Rave! "That's a job but getting mar ried" "I'm sorry I'm not the millionaire you're looking forward to, for a husband," said Tony. "But don't worry well just get a Florida divorce, that's all. You can get one in ninety days down there. For desertion, non-support, cruelty- why not cruelty? You can say I eat crackers in bed and don't like your hate." She refused to be amused. "I'm not thinking of myself, Tony. I'm thinking of you. It's sweet of you to want to do this for me, but I can't let you sac He gave her a wry look. "Don't start knitting me a laurel wreath, my girl I'm not as noble as you think. If we don't do this, we're in a jam, and we're bound to get into the papers particularly if those cops after the diamond thieves catch up to us while we're held in the bastile. After getting thrown out of college on my ear. I'm not anxious to make my Dad any angrier at me than he already is." He grinned. "Anyway, you ought to be glad of this opportu nity? What chance has a girl got for a career nowadays, without a divorce or two behind her?" Ginger thought of many things, in kaleidoscopic succession, and all of them were definitely upsetting "It's all Ronny's fault!" she said bitterly. "Oh, how I hate men!" "Since when is a crooner a man?" Tony asked innocently, and chuckled. "Think of Rockaby's face when he hears about this!" Unwillingly, she smiled despite herself, at the thought. Her smile grew wry. "When I answered your share- expense ad, I didn't expect I was going to share your name, too, before the trip was over!" "Gas and oil, and now my name," he observed. I really ought to charge you extra." Gmger flushed. She had never in her wildest dreams imagined being married this way. She said so. "That's nothing," said Tony Hay- lor. "I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd be married at all." Neither said anything more. They were both sober as a pair of con demned criminals walking the last mile as the bus drew up at last before the little office with the sign "Justice of the Peace" upon its window. Ginger Drake and Tony Taylor were married in the dingy little office of the Justice of the Peace, with the letter's , wife, and her brother, who had arrested them, as witnesses. Casanova, the cat, was also an interested spectator. They made an attractive, if none too enthusiastic-looking, couple. Tony placed his class ring upon Ginger's proper finger, and before either of them quite realized it, the ceremony was over. "Now pronounce you man and wife," said the Justice, and looked Because Swan suds are baby-mild The are perfect for a child. Another reason folks are rav'mg Is that Swan's so penny-saving: e Raving? Sure! Swan's baby-gentle mild as imported castiles. No soap is purer! Swan up and Save Doing dish? Swan suds fast . Suds thai save bcavsm fney last I Also, Swan Is mild as May Gram! for bands, lb soft off toy. Swan suds last longer than old-style floating soaps, do more dishes! TrrgCAsy-eamx kbatim soap THAT& A SffPSfAf tWfZ,i flM Ml SMtm AUDI WOtM rAMwrnnuui 4-H Club Award for Wickard CT.Fhontphof This picture shows Doty Remsberg (left), and Sarah Jenkins (right), members of th 4-H Club, as they pin the first Victory Pin on Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture, In Washington. at them over his ' spectacles; "Two dollars please." Tony paid him, and reflected that the exchequer was that much lower. He did not kiss the bride. Their droopey-mustached Cuid in. uniform shook hands with the groom. You're going to thank me for this some day," he told Tony earn estly., "I thank you, and my wife thanks you, and our whole darned family thanks you, right now," said Tony. "By the way, I wish you A tell the Governor of North Carolina to tip off the Governor of South Carolina about this military ceremony of ours. I don't want my honeymoon spoiled by having to have another shotgun wedding, so soon." "Don't 'worry, it's legal now," said the other, "You can cross all the State lines you wan't." "Thank you so much," said Tony. "Thank you so very much," added Ginger. Tlnsmilinfir. the bride and irroom collected the Thomas-cat. Casa nova, and re-boarded their bus, waiting at the curb. They did not know it, then, but their erstwhile captor, who wbr a sentimentalist, had tied an old shoe to their bus's tail-light ... (To be Continued) What Made News Years Ago C 'on tinned from page J) st roved bv fire. Jack Messer is re-electtui super intendent of education in Hay- unnd rountv. J, M. Long reports Golf course at Country Club in good condi tion for playing. NOTICE OF SALE Tlndpr and bv virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, in a spe cial proceeding entitled T. I Green, administrator of J. H. Rog ers, deceased, and Carl C. Rogers, only heir at law-exparte, the same being No. 227, Special Proceeding docket of said court, the under oictipd commissioner will, oh Mon day, the 27th day of April, 1942, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the prem l tafia mile north east of Clyde, N. C, in Haywood County, sell to the highest bidder, the following described land and premises, to wit: One lot described as follows: REfiTNNING at an iron pin'in the center of the highway leading from Thompson Cove to the town of Clyde, N. C arid running thence with center of said highway N. 1230 W. 74 feet to an iron pin, the S. W. corner of Claude Thomp lot: thence with his line N. 89 E. 309 H feet to a fence post in the D. I. L. Smathers line; thence with his line S. 8 W. 76 feet to a post in a fence; thence with Hoyt Carr's line S. 89' W, Z7a leei to the beeinnine. containing one- half acre, more or less. Also one lot adjoining the above, bounded as follows: BEGINNING on an iron pin in the center of highway leading from Thompson Cove to the town of uyde, ine camp heinc the northeast corner of the Marvin Snyder lot, and runs thence with the center of said high D. M. Caele line N. 8 30' W. 87.9 feet to an iron pin, J. H. Rogers' southwest corner; n,oT,r. with his line N. 89E. 279 feet to an iron pin or stake in line of D. I. L. Smathers; thence witn said line about 8 W. 76 feet to a stake; thence S. 88 25' W. 254 rwt.. to the beeinnine. containing one half acre, more or less. Said land also has on it a small two-room and basement dwelling, anA will be sold at public outcry m thp hichest bidder, either for cash or one half cash and the bal ance on 6 and 12 months time to nit the ourchaser. and separate as lots or as a whole, as deemed best by the commissioner. There are also some minor articles of personal and household goods which will be sold at the same time, for cash. This the 27th day of March, 1942. T. L. GREEN, Commissioner. No. 1170 April 2-9-16-23. Retrardless of what we think nf the social theories of the Bol shevics, the Red army is doing the world a great service. TEN YEAR AGO 1932 Commissioners , Draw Jury For May Civil Court The county board of commission. era in session here Monday drew the jurors for the May term of civil court which will convene here on Monday, May 4th, with Judge Allen Gwyn, of Reidsville, presid Those drawn for the first week include the following: Jarvis Pal mer, Jonathan Creek; Will E. Pruett, Waynesville; Sam F. Fer guson, Fines Creek; Verl in Evans, Ivy Hill; G. R. Underwood, Way nesville; G. B. Burnett, Beaver dam; Jarvis T. Morrow, Waynes ville; Harry Howell, Clyde; Paul Ferguson, Jonathan Lreek; bpur geon Grogan, East Fork. Also. Chas. E. Brietrs. Clyde: C. P. Singleton, Bcaverdam; John E. Rhinehart, Clyde; W. A. Moore, Pigeon; J. E. Paxton, Beaverdam; E. J. Schulhoffer, Waynesville; M. P. Blanton, Waynesville; E. J. Hvatt. Wavnesville: H. W. Cald well, Waynesville; J. B. James, Crabtreej Allen Davis, White Oak; Hiram Leatherwood, Cataloochee; Will Bryson, Iron Duff; Ned Moody, Cecil. For the second week: Hardv Liner. Jr.. Ivy Hill; John A. Hen- son. East Fork: V. A. Campbell. Ivy Hill; Alex Shamolis, Beaver dam; Charlie Gaddis, Waynesville; Gurley Robinson, Clyde; Paul R. Robinson. Beaverdam : T. E. Wil son, Beaverdam; Jeff Jaynes, Ivy Hill; S. B. McCracken, beaverdam; J. R. Ratcliff Medford, Waynes ville: L. N. Davis. Waynesville: J. Vance Mehaffev. Pitreon: John F. Harrell, Jonathan Creek; Hugh C. Best, Crabtree; J. M. Garrison, Waynesville; Robert Mease, fige on. H Louw. of Capertown, South Africa, ambassador from Africa, praises Waynesville and North Carolina and would like to make his home here, "next to ifrlrt" Prisoner at Harelwood State camp is pulled off fence by other convicts while trying to escape. Veterans to hold special meet intr her to vote on bonus question Clean-up campaign to De put on by business firms in Waynesville. Commencement exercises to be held in township high school be gin on April 24th, with 66 grad uates. Average pay of teachers in state now $551 per year. 350 boys sign up for 4-H club work in Haywood county. Governor Gardner continues to Governor Names Chas. E. Ray On State Committee rrh. E. Rav. Jr.. has been named a member of the state com mittee for entertainment of the national ' governors' conference. which is scheduled to be held in Asheville from June 21-to-24, it has recently been announced. The aDDointment was made by Governor J. M. Broughton. who will serve as honorary chairman for the meeting, with Thad Eure, secretary of state, as active chair man.' D. Hiden Ramsey will head the Asheville - committee. The state committee is composed of a large number of citizens throughout the state and state officials. MARRIAGES John Roy McDowell, of Clyde, to Clara Craig, ol Waynesville. James F. Buell to Edna Hen drix, both of Canton. Rnhert Npal Crawford, of Way nesville, to Esta Pauline Ledford, of Shooting Creek. Health is an asset to everyone but the doctors. ooooooooo THAT NEW CAR! Accidents on the highways are just as fatal as enemy bullets if you happen to be a victim but, why worry about being killed on the highway hammer away at the live-at-home compaign. Is it going to be a source ol pleasure to you or a source of anxiety? Adequate auto mobile insurance will do much to guarantee yor pleasure in driving. Liability and property dew, age insurance, fire and tWeft insurance, collision ance all are obtaimabea e this ageacy. L N. Davis & Co. Real Estate Rentals Insurance Satisfaction With SeW Phone 77 ' Main Street UOOCOOUL.J aGee "whiz, Mc Jessup, a DOUBLE-DECKER ! J I Sy? You can see and smile at Billy's nickel double-decker. But there's another kind of double-decker you can't see though you enjoy it every month. It's in your electric bill the fact that ike average price of household electricity is about half of what it was 1 5 years ago, "Wait a minute!'' you say. the rates kave been reduced that much, why hasn't as bill been cut in half?" , The answer is, of course, that you use more electricity than you used to. While the price was going down, you were adding useful new electric appliances. Right now, for a nickel a day, about A of all American families light their homes, play their radios, run their vacuum cleaners. For two nickels a day, about of all American families operate lights, radio, cleaner, toaster, percolator, clocks and washer. That makes the electric nickel just about the world's biggest double-decker! How was it done? By good business management of the nation's electric com panies. By the same planned production of power that is turning the wheels that turn out the guns to keep America free! CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY KVEST IN UOIICl! HIV DAFRNS-f BONDS AND ITAJIP