.- ' Today Is The Last Day You Can Register For Sugar .".'.V, 'HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER FOR ICTORY BUT UNITED STATU Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park BONDS STAMPS bjiGHTH YEAR NO. 19 Sixteen Pages WAYNES VILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1942 $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties r taduation Program i - . . brts Sunday Night tClyde High School ERING HAYWOOD'S OLITICAL FRONTS md Democrats will hold ..- precinct meetings at all , places in the county at : Saturday. Precinct com ,n will be named, and also ... fnr the county conven- Lhkh iU be held at 2:30 1V the ltith at the couri nuuise. J;. Brown, who is comiueuu Unit term as cnairmau 'aywood Democratic executive vesterday urged all (rati to attend their precinct L on the 9th, and the coun Ltinn on the 16th both at 2:30, war time. state convention will meet :i.rh on the 23rd, and Hay will be named on 6th. next four Saturday nights lie termed "political days." the 9th, Democratic precinct IB. : . the 16th, county-wide Demo- meeting. the 23rd, state Democratic the 30th, primary. H. Noland's name will ap m the primary ballots which It used on May 80th, as pate for coroner. Noland announced yester- that he had withdrawn, and lo longer a candidate for the Dr. J. R. Westmoreland, bton, is seeking re-election, ith the withdrawal of Mr, d, automatically gives the ation to Dr. Westmoreland. FOR CHAIRMAN ge A. Brown, Jr., a well business man and stock of the county, is seekiner re- fn as chairman of the cDunty M, commissioners for a third He is unopposed for the as elected a member of the at large in 1938 P chairman bv the eronn. V the same term nf vo n year he was named man&ecr bv an apt nnsaoH f State Legislature. mi) he was ae-ain dwteA Jan and county manager and tlte d 1P that cap?city since Pitly identified with the Pane partv Hf- tj i... P "ard for interests of Hay- V during his tenure of (OR COMMISSIONER f- Boyd, unorinnon a;ai- lint., . " ""uuiuaw r. 2 Tm,ssioners. is round er luunh te as a mem- - " 8 ) und wnt ad brought about ! relurn of a vnln-Ki I., -1V JCI. "owners. Within n J after the paper was 2 ?' the d was re m his owner $T OR CTt,.,. : answers to "e. p , -"ar witnout r 7T Ca1 Mr- . B-Davenport, Phone nth: for 25c) 35 Graduates To Receive Diplomas On 13th; Events On 11th and 12th. The program for the commence ment of Clyde high school have been announced by C. C. Hanson, principal. The first event will be the bac calaureate sermon which will be delivered by the Rev. C. C. Wash am, pastor of the Clyde Methodist church, Sunday evening, May 10, in the school auditorium. On Monday evening, May 11, the senior class will present its class night program, entitled "The Open Road." It is under the direction of Mrs. Faye Chapman. The class play, "Seeing Double," by James C. Parker, will be pre sented in the Bchool auditorium Tuesday evening, May 12. The cast follows: Gloria and June Wade (identical twins portrayed by one girl), Ila Hughey; Aunt Mary, Irene Graham; Martha Mason, Polly Justice; Jerry Mitchell, Cole man Hanson; Bob Carlson, Gene Haynes; Schuyler van Schuyler, Charles Hall; Mrs. van Schuyler, Frances Hall; Geraldine van Schuy ler, Nancy Downs; Jeeves, Charles Haynes; and Dora, Pauline Thomp son. The play is under the direc tion of C. C. Hanson. Graduation exercises will be held Wednesday evening, May 13. D. Hiden Ramsey, general manager (Continued on page 8) Bond Pledge Canvass Here Is Going Well Committees were busy scouring the county this week getting pledges for the regular and con tinuous purchase of war saving stamps and bonds. The enthusiasm with which workers have gone out, was grati fying to Charlie Ray, county chair man, who recently announced Hay wood was expected to buy $50,000 in bonds and stamps during the month of May. : While no final reports have been turned in, the convassers have in dicated that they are receiving whole hearted cooperation of ev eryone called on. The present drive is for the pur pose of asking every income re ceiver in the county to pledge a definite amount regularly and con- (Continued on page 8) Officers Of Waynesville Rotary Club For Coming Year t&LLL. m ! mi ' ' 1 v J Hospital Board Regrets Loss Of Long And Peden The board of trustees of the Hay wood County Hospital wrote two members of the board, J. M. Long and Fred Peden, letters this week, expressing appreciation of the work the two had done as members of the board for many years. Both men recently resigned. The letters signed by all mem bers of the board, said in part: "We wish to recognize your many years ol service on this board of trustees, the many hours given gratis for the successful operation of this institution. "The condition of the Haywood County Hospital speaks for the public service you bave rendered, and it is appreciated by all in terested. "Assuring you that we regret your resignation, and will greatly miss your service and counsel H. G. HAMMETT, President Hammett Named President Of Rotary Club Here M. R. Williamson Is Secre tary and W. H. F. Millar Continues As Treasurer. H. G. Hammett was named pres ident, M. R. Williamson, secretary. and W. H. F. Millar was re-elected treasurer, last Friday by the board of directors of the Rotary Club. The new officers will take office on July first. The new officers and others at tended the three-day district con ference in Asheville the first of this week. : Those registering at the con ference from the Waynesville club were: Mr. and Mrs. Hammett, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. B. L, Withers. J. Dale Stents,. Charlie Ray - and Aaron Prevost, the present presi dent, and who will serve as vice president next year. i M, R. WILLIAMSON, Secretary W. H. F. MILLAR, Treasurer No Desire to L ive, Harrison Beaver Takes Own Life Funeral arrangements were in complete late last night for Har rison Deaver, 66, who was found dead in his bed early Tuesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Williams, where he resided, on the Big East Fork of Pigeon. in the Dix Creek section. Coroner J. R. Westmoreland pro nounced the case a suicide. Dep uties John Kerley and Noble Fer guson of the sheriff's department who investigated the case were in formed by Mrs. Williams that her father was alone in the house and that she found his body upon her return. Mr. Deaver left a note on a table by his bedside stating that he was taking his life and that he had no desire to live any longe. He had (Continued on page 8) County's Sweet Tooth Bites Into Bitter Pill Of Wartime Rationing Watch Calendar If You Want Your Full Sugar Quota There seems to be some con fusion about the time value of the sugar stamps, accord ing to the rationing board. Stamps number one must be used between May 5 and May 16. They are good for one pound of sugar, that is the regular allowance of one-half pound per penon each week If the purebase Ls toot made within the two weeks set, the stamp is worthless after the date given. Number two stamps must be used between May 17th and May 30th, and are good as all the others are for one pound of sugar. Number three stamps must be used between May 31 and June 13. Number four stamps must be used betwee June 14 and June 27. Anyone failing to buy their allowance of sugar during the dates given will miss that amount of sugar. AAA Group Hold 2-Day Conference Representatives of 15 Western North Carolina counties held a two day session here this week studying details of the AAA program. The school trained supervisors for each of the counties, with state leaders in charge of the instruction. Glenn McCracken was the Hay wood representative. Among the speakers included: J. H. Erisley, Jr., field officer director, T. W. Cathey, of Haywood, the state committeeman of the AAA program, and H. A. Patton, AAA field officer in charge of compli ance work. Commissioners Name Frank Ensley On Hospital Board The county board of commis sioners appointed Frank Ensley, Republican, of Canton, a member of the board of trustees of the Haywood County Hospital at their meeting here on Monday. Mr. Ensley fills the place on the board made vacant by the res ignation of Fred Peden, Repub lican, of Canton, who resigned some weeks ago. $20,000 Slander Suit To Reach Jury Today Several Real Estate Deals Closed Here The real estate market has pick ed up considerably during the past few weeks, according to local real tors and other business men. Property exchanging hands re cently include the following: one lot adjoining the residence of Ralph Prevost in Grimball Park has been bought by Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reece from Robert Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. Reece plan, when build ing restrictions are lifted, to build a permanent home on the property. Joe Rose, of Chicago and Way nesville, who owns large acreage in Haywood county, has purchased a lot on the Bass property from Wilford Ray, the site of the old Fuquay residence. Mr. Rose, who plans to live here upon his re tirement, expects to build a resi dence on the property. W. A. Bradley has exchanged his residence on the Balsam road with Hunter Worsham, Jr., for "Linga- more," on the Eagle Nest road, Mr. Bradley plans to completely remodel the fourteen-room house (Continued on page 8) Housewives Return To School, But This Time To Get Sugar Stamps. Have you registered for your sugar rationing for you and your family? , Today is the last day for the consumer to sign up. Starting on Monday morning bright and early a steady stream that can be counted by thousands has gone through the doors of the elementary schools of the county where registrations for the con sumers have been conducted, with the teachcre of the county schools in charge." While exact figures were not available for the three day period last night, it was learned that the largest registration in the Waynes ville area had been made at the Central Elementary. Last week the retailers and the wholesalers of sugar registered sored the collection of the mate- (Continued on page 5) ' rial. Several Car Loads Of Scrap To Roll From Waynesville Several car loads of scrap iron, steel and tin will roll from here today or tomorrow. ' About 15 convict have been separating the different "metals in the huge nile Krh Haywood eit -teens donated last January 10 the all-out war . effort. The metal will b shipped to smelter and converted into war Implement, The work' is being carried on under the supervision of the Hay wood Defense Council, which is the same organization who spon- 100 Seniors Received Diplomas Here Monday Registration For Gasoline Users Is Set For Three Days Next Week Gadget Sets Horn Blowing When Tire Thieves Are About The newest gadget put into use here to prevent tire thefts is one that sets off an alarm if an at' tempt is made to jack up the wheels to remove the tires. The alarm also works in the event an attempt is wade to steal the car. The gadgpt- was brought here by Fred Saunders, who spent part of the winter in Florida with the inventor. Mr. Saunders planned to put on (Continued on page 8) It may be the family car, it may be the tractor on the farm, it makes no difference what vehicle or piece of machinery it happens to be, if it takes gasoline to make it "go" the owner will be required to regis ter next week in the gasoline regis tration which is being held over the entire nation. The local board has announced the following -days for signing up for gasoline, which is to be ration ed along with other items in the country, some for the duration. The registration days are as follows: Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13, and Thursday 14. The registra tion will be conducted at the ele mentary schools and will be direct ed by the teachers with the same set up as that of the sugar ration ing. The hours will be from 9 to 5 o'clock on each of the three days set for the registration. Three Registered Animals Bought , Three registerd Aberdeen-Angus animals were bought by Haywood cattlemen at the East Tennessee Angus breeders' annual sale last week. ' Tom Alexander bought two bulls and Albert Abel bought a heifer. The Haywood cattlemen were ac companied by Howard Clapp, coun ty agent. Rev. Williamson Tells Graduates U. S. Needs Youth Rev. Malcolm R. Williamson, paRtor of the Presbyterian church, delivered the baccalaureate ser mon to the graduates of the local high school on Sunday night in the school auditorium. He took his text from the 40th chapter of Isaiah. His theme was "Getting Our Wings," and he brought out the fact that it was the youth of today which this country looks to for protection as it is the younger men who are flying the planes. "It is not so much what the sages have to say, as what the youth has to offer, for as much as we value wisdom and experience we realize that without the youth of this country we cannot expect (Continued on page 8) -. Hayw ood's Farm Products Valued . At $1,772,696 In '40 The value of crops in Haywood in 1940 has been set at $1,772,696. Of this total, slightly more than 22 per Cent was sold, while 27 per cent of the livestock and products were placed on the market. Only 12 per cent of the total was forestry products, and the other 49 per cent was used by farm household. These facts 'were just published in the University News Letter. Haywood ranked 83rd down the list in the' state and 78th place for the value of farm products per farm in 1939. Haywood is credit ed with averaging $568 per farm. The state average was $943. Bryant Smith Asking $20, 000 Damages From Max well Polansky, Asheville Jeweler. The jury is expected to get the case about noon today, in the trial of Bryant Smith vs. Maxwell Po lansky, in which Smith is asking $20,000 damages for slander. Two of the five lawyers in the case addressed the jury yesterday, and the remaining three, together with the charge of Judge Allen H. Gwyn, is expected to be concluded by noon. Bryant Smith is manager of Davis-Smith, local jewelers, and brought the suit in September, 1940. He is asking for $10,000 and punitive damages and $10,000 ac tual damages. The case grew out of the loss of a bag of valuable jewelry by Mr. Smith on the night of Au gust 17, 1940. Some of the mer chandise in the bag is claimed to have been the property of Mr. Po lansky, an Asheville jeweler, and had been taken on consignment by the local firm. A few days following the loss of the bag, the defendant is alleg ed to have made statements to various persons to the effect that "the job was an inside affair, and that Mr. Smith had taken the jewelry or knew who had the mer chandise." Two months after the loss of the bag of jewelry, three Waynes ville people were arrested for dis posing of the merchandise in the bag. A man and his wife, and another man. The two men wero tried, and served prison sentences for the crime. -Mr. Smith tM'u,li lawyers, - (ConthMioJ on, I) Bean Growers Are Advised To Start Planting After 10th In order to have ft steady flow of beans coming to the cannery all growers should start planting af ter May 10 and finish about Jujne 10, according to J. E. Barr, man ager of the Land 'O Sky Co-operatives. He advises that fifty pounds of seed be planted to the acre, as this will give three foot rows with one seed every three or four inches in the row. Seed are to be covered only one inch. Beans should be dusted as soon as the beetle egg clusters on the under side of the leaves, and if properly done, two , dustings will generally control the beetles. Mr. Barr points out that beans are a sort of overbearing plant and should be picked at least twice a week for best results. The more they are picked the ' more and longer they will bear. Growers are advised to find out at the cannery the size grades that are desired and to pick so as (Continued on page 8); Mrs. E. L. McKee, of Sylva, de livered the annual literary ad dress to the members of the grad uating class of the Waynesville township high Rchool on Monday night to a packed auditorium. Mrs. McKee stated in her open ing remarks that Rhe was not going to discuss the present war, but that she was intending to talk to the group of their own life and problems. She started with the child in infancy, stating that if properly trained the infant learn ed lessons in self control the first days of its life. She advised the one hundred seniors to do everything that came their way the best they knew how, and that while ambition was nec essary they must not dream away their lives waiting for big things to come, but rather apply themselves daily. : She pointed out that honors and coveted suc cess were never sudden, but the result of years of application. She told the graduates to start the next day putting into prac tice her advice, by rising early and looking about their own homes for ways in which they might help their parents, who were daily sacrificing for them. ri. j; .1.1. ....... n one uiavunscu mc Biuucins wnu TKo lol .!!. v. it. iJ r ' . T T" other State Guard units, including would have to take the harder .vB. 4aw,n, : . m: a way, but often the more thorough way of learning how best to live. She spoke of how much the young person is observed by their elders, and that their reputations pave their way in the world of accom plishments. M. H. Bowles, superintendent of the Waynesville district schools, (Continued on page 5) . - State Guardsmen Commended For Their Efficiency Heavy rains over the week-end returned the members of the' local unit of the State Guard back to private life, after nine days of military restrictions and active duty patroling the entrances into the burning areas of the Nation al Forests and the town of Way nesville watershed. Mrs. Ernest Duvall, Very 111, Is Reported Slightly Better Mrs. Ernest Duvall, who has been very ill with broncial pneu monia, was reported last night to be slightly improved. the ' Asheville. ' Moreanton and Shelby units were mobilized for service in the patrol duty when the fires reached such a danger ous stage and were at the height of their fury. Two companies- were on duty in Haywood county, namely the local unit and.. Morganton, the latter being quartered at Camp Hope. ; The local company was quartered at the . Waynesville Ar mory and patrolled the West Fork and the East Fork of the Pigeon area and the town watershed sec tion at Quinlantown. ; . When the members of the local company were called on duty (Continued on page 8) - 1 $Msm w? - wMMt m wm pip - mim' pip