f HE W A YNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ICTORr BUT unhkd states Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park BONDS STAMPS JjgHlHTEAR NO. 24 Twelve Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties my mm- liNjDg ar Bond Sales Hit 15,000 In NineDays Lk.,iS Are That HW- s Quota ui 4i,ouw orjune Will Be Reached. Hav. .L n (rt m UCLCIl""""' I iin 6 . . . i. i L has gotten (lown 10 wo j, the June t"i" bonds. ... ., '. . UuKh last night, tne rirsi ,nal Bank ana we cost office nau sum ...... nXi in tne nrnc .-. oorts from Canton haa not received, uui that Haywoou win mkiu a eet by the federal treaury. ,Mthan Woody, president of Fim National Bank, reported sale of $13,537.50 for the nine i 'in Jnue, and the post office , had sold $1,143.25. ;'' krlie Ray, chairman ior me mod County War bavings r was gratified at the response month, toiiowing tne purunutse Ure than $60,000 last month. Ray issued tne ioiiowmg ent appeal to all committee kere of the county yesterday: 111 pledges obtained by corn tee workers for War Saving Ids and stamps should return books to their respective :rman. Eie chairman in turn are ra id to turn their reports, plete for their committee, into u I am instructed to forward t reports into the state chair- h in the immediate future. (Your county chairman thanks pi and every worker for your The co-operation received has k remarkably fine. , Hiywood county has made a u itart, having surpassed her ft for May. We. mustMo like- for June and each month rcfter. , As reported injf The untaineer last week, our quota June is $41,800. Our soldiers sailors are doing their part, must do ours." .Theo. Smith Is ccidently Killed kMaryville, Wash. :Meral services were held yes ly afternoon in Maryville, 5h for Amos Theodore Smith, . of Mr. and Mrs. .T. V. 'til, of the Francis Cove sec- who, was accidentaly killed toe 3rd. Sir. Smith was employed bv the Company which conducted a national, center: in Marwille. had been residing in the West 'he past three years. Wiving are Vur Tiarenra v 'hers ail of whom are iA the Pei and two sisters. 30-Minute Parking Law On Main Street To Start Monday Starting Monday, motorists will have to make plans to use private parking lots, or unrestricted park ing zones, if they plan to remain On Main street longer than 30 minutes, between nine and six o'clock. Violation of the 30-minute limit will bring a summons hailing the motorist into police court. All trucks are also being warned to use the back alley for loading and unloading. All Trained Nurses In County Urged To Attend Conference All the nurses in Haywood coun ty are urged to attend the con ference to be held in the Welch Memorial building of the First Baptist church here on Friday night by Mrs. W. H. F. Millar, ehairman of the home nursing in the Haywood Red Cross chapter, Mrs. Ruth Frantz, Red Cross nursing consultant from the Na tional headquarters in Washing ton will be the speaker. The meeting will not be open to the public and only the executive com mittee of the local Red Cross chapter has been invited . to join the nurses. ..: The conference is of vital im portance to all trained Sureties, according to Mrs, Millar, whowis urging that the all . attend aud hear the message of Mrs. Frantz will bring to them from the na tional headquarters. Ml. G. Stamiv Pat font Greensboro Hospital r'-M. G. Stampv wVm linger. 8 Serious nnprotln.. ot ihn Ney-Long Hospital in Greens P on Sunday, is reported to be Mr: -Sun, i..j wnati's Collet-P nf Mio TTni- tfl0 North Carolina to at- outn anniversary cere- n'W and wna tob ill cl. ...:n . v , yitu in, Olie Will r awe to come home for some yV as k,arnel from her 3-Day Catholic Revival Starts Here On June 18 The Catholic Evidence Guild of Rosary College, River Forest, 111., will conduct a revival in Waynes ville from Thursday, June 18, through Saturday, June 20. Catholic Evidence work is just another name for street preaching. About eight years ago the Rosary College for Girls, organized a class for Catholic Evidence training.- For the past seven summers a (Continued on page 12) Cabe Improving oni SligH Stroke ; : F. Cabe, who was Ktrirkon on' vie.iast week, is ,1v'ea maklng progress toward er5. n was learned yesterday. WWK he has hpen oKl Z . PMch at ha home on l.l(tt. I ' .Le Kt WT.r'-f': She Verted a hr W ti- a ln Th Mountai Yi thm 110 time, the box was 1 . !f.S feaIi2ed om the sale luiuier use. YOUR ODD HE ti .JRNITURE IN Revival Starts Sunday At Barberville Church Rev. Eugene Moore, pastor-elect of the Barberville Baptist church, will begin a revival on Sunday, the 14th. The services will open at 8 o'clock with a half hour of sing ing, and at 8:00 o'clock the preach ing will begin. Coming For Meeting Friday I i i I Pi r K v. ht hi urn ' mm ' R. W. SHOFFNER, farm spe cialist of Raleigh, wil lhead the 30 farm specialists on a tour of farm sp,cialists her four Haywood farms Friday. DR. I. 0. SCHAUB, dean Of the agricultural school, State College, and head of extension work in North Carolina, will be among the e Friday. 145 Fur Animals Eat A Horse Every 3 Weeks American Legion Officers Installed Tonight At Meet T. M. Green, commander of the 18th district, is expected to be present for the annual installa tion of officers at the American Le gion meeting of Haywood post, No. 47, tonight Mr. Green will install the following officers; ' Rltfert i H. Gibson, commander; J. C. Patrick, first vice command er; Charles B. McCrary, second vice commander; Leo J. Martel, third vice commander; Frank E. Worthington, adjutant; Rev, S. R. Crockett, chaplain; and John E. Jones, sergeant at arms. All Legionnaires are urged to be present at the meeting which will open at 8 o'clock tonight. Betty Bradley Will Attend "Tar Heel Girls' State" Miss Betty Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bradley, has been selected to represent the local American Legion Auxiliary at the "Tar Heel Girls' State," to be held next week at the Woman's College of the University of North Caroli na, it was learned from Mrs. J. C. Brown, chairman of education in the group. . Miss Bradley, who is a member of the junior class of the local high school, will leave the last of the week for Greensboro. , The purpose of the week is to train youth in leadership and in form them of the workings of the envprnment. A president, senate, Ml, and Mrs. Robt. Millar and house members will be elected at the beginning ana win junction governing body during tne To Reside in Baltimore Mr, and Mrs. Robert Millar have gone to Baltimore to make their home where the latter has re cently accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Millar have been re siding here with the former's par ents since Mr. and Mrs. W. H. F. ents since Mr. and Hrs. W. H. F. Millars following the former's graduation from State College last spring. Mrs. Claude Haynes Is Reported Improving Mrs. Claudej A. Haynes, who un derwent an operation during the week at the Norburn Hospital in Asheville, is reported to be improv ing. -..' as a week;: Training Union Service Held At First Baptist Church On Sunday Night A Training Union recognition service was held on Sunday night at the First Baptist church here with Roy Black well, union direc tor, in charge of the program. Each department presented playlets and pageants illustrating some phase of work their group centered around the general theme: "Echoes of the Training Union." Around one hundred were given awards for work done in the study courses. Member Of Gun Crew Who Fired 1st U. S. Shot In War Known Here On May 28th, The Mountaineer published a two column picture of a gun crew on the destroyer Ward Burrows, with the explanation that the crew had fired the first shot from an American gun in this war. The crew went into action imme diately after Jap planes started bombing Pearl Harbor on Decem ber 7th. Little did The Mountaineer realize that one of the men in that picture had a wide circle of friends and relatives in Haywood. A letter this week from his moth er, Mrs. F. H. Bullock, of Fal mouth, Va., revealed that the man in the center was her son, Har wood, who has been in Honolulu for two years. He is 24, and the grandson of W. Henderson Jones, and the late Mrs. Jones. Gunner Bullock has visited fre quently in this county. His mother heard from him two weeks ago, and he was getting along fine. Ned Moody Has Thriving Fur Farm On Soco Gap Road; Has Four Kinds of Animals. tj One horse, ground up fine bones and all, A sure enough horse, and this is no joke. It is just the usual order from Ned Moody, as he prepares to feed his 145 fur bearing animals for the next three weeks. The husky little rascals are .now ' eating .a third of a horse a wek, and thrive on it. Mr. Moody is operating the only fur farm in Haywood. He has it established at Moody Farm, on the Soco Gap road, and right now he is busy getting pelts ready for the June auction sale in New York. Mink makes up the larger part of his animals. There are now 108 on the farm. Each in a separate cage, about two feet square and six feet long. Mink, as you prob ably know, have very little love for each other, and have to be kept separate. Otherwise they would get into each other's fur, and that would mean a loss to the owner. Mink grow fast, and when their eyes open at five or six weeks, they are half grown. At six months they have reached their maturity, - (Continued on page 12) - Arrivals At Lake Point To A Good Season With cottage Owners arriving daily and a conference of 150 students now in session prospects begin to indicate that the season at the Methodist Assembly at Lake Junaluska will compare favorably with Other years. The official opening of this pop ular religious center will be on June 21, designated as Haywood County Day, when Josephus Dan iels, former ambassador to Mexi co and former secretary of the U. S. Navy, will be the main speaker at the auditorium. On the opening day Dr. W. A. Lanibeth, pastor of Central Meth odist church, of Asheville, and superintendent of the Assembly, will preside. There will be a spe eial musical program for the day urranged by the music director. Mrs. Katherine Atkins, assist ant superintendent and assistant treasurer, stated yesterday that she had received a message from Mr, Daniels saying he and Mrs. Daniels would arrive around the middle of June to occupy their summer home at the lake. Rev. W. L. Hutchins, superin tendent of the Waynesville district of the Western North Carolina conference, will deliver the ser mon at the evening service. The citizens of Haywood county are cordially invited by the assem the morning and evening service on Haywood County Day, which is always the official opening of the summer season. Chairman Of TVA ( V DAVID E. L1LIENTHAL, chair nmn of TVA, will made a public address at the court house here Friday, evening at 8:30. Draftees In 13th Order Call To Leave Here 22nd The tentative list of men who will leave here on June the 22nd, in the 27th call from the government under the selective draft system and the 13th call from this area, has been announced by the local draft board. The men are scheduled to report for induction at Fort Jackson, and are to leave here by chartered bus at 8 o'clock on Monday 22nd. Following the arrangements for departure in the office of the draft board, a brief service will be held. Two of the organizations of the community will present the men with gifts and they will be the guests of Christ George at the VVWNC Cafe for coffee and cook ies. ; There will be two volunteers in the group as follows: William Don- (Continued on page 12) - - Clyde Stockyards Will Hold First Auction Today The Clyde stockyards will re sume their regular auction sales today at two o'clock, with Medford Leatherwood, as auctioneer. All types of livestock will be of fered for sale. The stockyards are owned and operated by L. H. Bramlett, D. J. Noland, Medford Leatherwood, Jack Messer and Jonathan Woody. H. C. Lindsley Reported Improving From Illness H. C. Lindsley, who suffered a stroke three weeks ago, is report ed to be much improved. While still confined to his room he is able to be up part of each day. Building and Loan To Sell War Bonds and Stamps : The North Carolina Building and Loan League has announced that L. N. Davis, secretary of the Hay wood Home Building and Loan Association, has been named chair man for Haywood county to rep resent the building and loan asso ciations in this county. Mr. Davis will assist in co-or dinating the efforts of these insti tutions with other agencies in the sale of war bonds and stamps. Many of the building and loan associations of the. state have been approved by the , Treasury De partment as issuing agents, and they are actively participating in the sale and distribution of war bonds and stamps, it was learned from Mr. Davis. Work Being Pushed On Larger Quarters For Union Clothing Carpenters and painters are pushing to completion, the new and modern store which will be occu pied soon by the Union Clothing Company. E. S. Slack, owner, said a larger stock of merchandise would be carried in the new store, which is the former Harold Department Store building. Robert Hall Now With Cash Grocery, Hazelwood Robert Hall, well known butch er, is now manager of the market at Cash Grocery in Hazelwood. Mr. Hall was formerly connected with West Brothers in Clyde, and for several years: with the Food Store in Waynesvile. Haywood County Singing Convention Meets 14th The Haywood County Singing convention will meet on Sunday, June the 14th, at the Haywood county court house. All singing groups in the county are invited to take part on the program, ac cording to Ray Parker, who is m charge of the arrangements. Mrs. R. B. Davenport and young l 11 (ri t iT .lano aro viitiflC7 rplfl- tives and friends in-Chicago. Citizens Average Over 11 Pounds Of Canning Sugar An average of 11 and one-half pounds plus a fraction of a pound of sugar for canning purposes was granted citizens in the Way nesville area during the two-day canning sugar registration held last week, according to Miss Winnie Kirkpatrick, clerk of the ration ing board. A total of 197,000 pounds was allotted in the area, which was based on the number of cans of fruit and berries put up last year. This total represents 3,341 units or families, which in turn rep resents around 17,000 individual signers for war rationing cards. This average of 11 and ope-half pounds and a fraction over would allow for individual consumption dozens of jars of fruits and ber ries, a nice number of glasses of jelly, or a parcel of one's pet preserves. The Waynesville area of the ra tioning board includes the follow ing communities: Waynesville, Saunook, Allen's Creek, Hazelwood, Maggie, Dellwood, Lake Junaluska, Rock Hill, Fines Creek, Crabtree, Mt. Sterling, Cataloochee and the Pigeon street colored section. While the exact figures of the Canton area were not available, it was learned that they ran the Waynesville area a close second,: indicative that the sweet tooth of the Haywood county citizens will not suffer even in face of sugar rationing. Miss Louise Rotha Accepts Position At Duke University Miss Louise Rotha, who spent the greater part of the winter and spring here with her parents, is now connected with the biological chemistry department of Duke University.' .... Miss Rotha is a graduate of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. She received her master's degree from the Uni versity of Chicago and was work ing on her doctor's degree at the University of New York when she had to give up her work on account of her health. She has had several years ex perience in teaching in the high schools of the state. 30 Agricultural Specialists Will Be Here For Address Chairman Of TVA To Make Public Address At Court House At 8:30 A large audience of Western North Carolinians, together with farm specialists from seven states, will hear David E. Lilien thal, chairman of TVA in an ad dress at the court house here Fri day night at 8:30. The meeting will especially ap peal to farmers and indications last night were that large groups from every section of the county will attend. The appearance of Mr. Lilien thal here is being sponsored joint ly by the Rotary and Lions cluba of the city, prior to the address at the court house, the two clubs will be hosts to the visiting spc- Tht high school band will give a conrtrt from 8 to 8:30 in 'the court room prior to Mr. Lilicnthal'$ address. cialists and other invited guests at the Green Tree Tea Room in East Waynesville for dinner, Included arriong the visitors will be Col. J. W. Harrelson, head of State Col lege and Dr. I. O. Schaub, dean of the agricultural school of State College and R. W. Shoffner, farm economist of Raleigh. The county agents and agricul tural leaders of this immediate area have been invited to attend the dinner and meeting. Friday morning the group of 30 farm specialists, together with Mr. Lilienthal, will make a tour of four Hay wood farms. I he morning visit will include a study of ac complishments on the unit test farm of A. J. McCracken on the Crabtree road. The group will return here for lunch, and then go over into the (Continued on page 12) Clyde School Faculty For 1942-43 Is Announced The teachers of the Clyde school have been elected for the coming school term of 1942-43, it was learned here yesterday from Jack Messer, county superintendent of education. : Placements will be announced at a later date. The faculty of the school will nclude C. C. Hanson, Mrs. Faya Baiiwell Ghapman, Edward Eu gene Francis, R. Cole Cannon, Margaret White Barker, Hazel Baldwin, W. L. Fitzgerald, Sara Ann Long, Elizabeth McCracken. Hattie Siler Freeman, Mrs. Mary B. Brooks, Georgia Ingle Smath- ers, Mrs. Bonnie F. Shooks, Mrs. Ellen H. Haynes, Pauline Sentella Goodson, Betty Jean Best, Mary Jane Coward, Ruth Dotson, and Linda Haynes. Commissioners and Welfare Board Hold Joint Meeting Monday A joint meeting of the county board of commissioners and the county welfare board was held here on Monday. The budget for the welfare board and general administrative plans were dis cussed for the Coming year. Pet Will Deliver Milk In Day Time, In Compliance With Government Orders Beginning Monday, Pet Dairy Products Company will make all milk deliveries in daytime instead of early morning hours. This ac tion was brought about by order of the federal government. The plan is designed to save return trips to collect, and make special deliveries of orders, R. B. Davenport, manager of the local plant said. All trucks will carry a full line of the Pet Products, and house wives can add to their orders by placing notes in the bottles. Mr. Davenport said that where all members of the family are working, and would not be at home at the time of milk delivery, that arrangements can be made to care for their needs by discussing the matter with him. Customers are urged to watch for the time of delivery the first of the week, as all future deliveries will be made at the same time each delivery date. Arthur Francis Receives Diploma From Seminary Rev. Arthur Francis, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Francis, received his diploma last week from the Crozer Seminary, Baptist training center, of Chester, Penn. Rev. Francis, who completed tho required four years work at the seminary in January, has been pastor of the W'interville Baptist church of Winterville, X. C, since that date. He is a graduate of the local high school and of Wake Forest College,...' Mrs. Francis, mother of Rev. Francis, was among those who at tended the graduating exercises held at the seminary last week. Starting Today . . v A Thrilling New SERIAL STORY Turn to page 5 and read the first chapter of "THE FORGOTTEN FLEET MYSTERY" a new serial youH enjoy. Full of thrills, adventure, romance, and excitement. Every week in The Mountaineer.