LngjP 1942 THE WAYNES V1LLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 , i cltimore. How sne Ij this sprawims "v 1 tms v .... ..i;os nH its 5S of mud flats, of stale gTORGOTTEN Fleet Mystery" CHAPTER I d been one of those cnsp t w " Y,,! morning whicn :jl tle8l. iti-lored paradise .inH had re- with lrr rwaDeake . The even- e Mtf0. 'Hinir banks ol log uT rhesaoeake . The m rtrata were wandering streets and scattered wr"1 s. r when Geneva of mZt fcrown brogues & of the sidewa now she was wuu'g i uxl the nut i" . :. onrt mourn- lung . i. Vaaw InnH of mi by ". "c""::".c; nlaint Her J"1 ' l i J mniltn COm- renBu ------ 4 . . :.cif when a roru iu wd oysters. the causeway ft r nvpr F- Pf"" island she i;ng.u.aUtV, first of a line of r r, nt tin and cloth ;5 met her ee. . was witn uuu i.um""-j irtro man me uou ....... , and boys were collected . ,,) nf a nier which thrust an .rtain lenpth out into the Pat h's glassy waters when a rau- voiee bellowed: You back again, time you ain t goin io get nu , patii'vtovn boys down to them d old ships of yourn." curious silence ien upon ihc j Uru! soread witn a wiaening Lt fienevy Benet halted and Lmptuously surveyed a power- individual whose unsnaven mce brown as an old saqaie. ms oc came shuffling lorwara, uncertain, but oddly enough his were yet steady ana aiert as bellowed; Killed anybody this week down !" (Ghastly pale save lor two itches of carmine in eitner lk, Geneva Benet drew up her k-ht. -lithe figure and addressed pinning, sen-conscious crowu. hope you will pay no atten to Tod Ferguson," she cried. ' angry because Captain Benet hareed him." fThe big man swayed over her his upper hp twitched up, re- ine yellow horse-like teeth. Yeah, and what for? Because to fase that guy you say is yer Paw ouldnt go down below in the nerika and get the same dose as others." Good fer you Fergie!" " 'At's in' her!'' hostile murmur circled the d whereupon Geneva Benet a tiny trickle of glacier water the length of her spine. Please listen,"1 she pleaded des- ly. "won t any of you listen e. ut up!'' roared Ferguson. ns wouldn't never have got no- (liiwn there 'cept by your on ways and your promises." e (riil on the plank sidewalk iied a' throbbing, furious scarlet, supposed, at least, to be a free country, so the lady has a right to talk if she wants to. "Stay outta this." What do you think you are anyway?" "Shut up!" "Wher'd you come from off'n the old oil tanker what came in this mornin'?" As for Geneva Benet, she found herself looking at a leanly ade quate back garbed in a curious coat. It wag gray and had red piped shoulder straps, and on the Strang of the crowd halted her, at the same time exposing, the battleground. In the center of the cleared space Ferguson, powerful and thick bod ied, was wrenching off his coat. Boys and men, rank with fish odors and stale sweat, crowded in. The big oysterman drove a vi cious right at this wiry stranger who was of about equal height. The second combatant ducked un der the blow and at the same time quickly cast loose the button of his er's head was set a Jaunty military uniform coat. His face, she saw, At once the oysterman lurched back with a ludicrous expression of surprise. and said in choked tones, "Unfor tunately, I can't make you take that back and nobody else here will, but I can and will call you a cow ardly liar." She held out both hands and turned to the ever increasing crowd. "Please listen. This man is lying to you. The job is ." "Shut up!" shouted the bully Ferguson. "I'm goin' to make it my job to see that ain't nobody from Solomon's nor Calvert Coun ty goes down to Point Patience.'' The crowd emitted a peculiar un dertone, the kind of a sound one hears when violence is brewing. "Run her out!" somebody called excitedly and the gathering gave an ominous surge forward. "Yeh! Duck her!" Features a-quiver, the girl searched the circle for a friendly face in vain. "She's always let on she's too NOTICE OF SALE nder and by virtue of the pow- I sale contained in a certain of trust, executed by Sol y ar.d wife, Jennie Casey, to Alky, Jr., Trustee for Alice nhur, dated Januarv 13. 1930. f-a recorded in TWHa tt ok Ko. 24, page 285, Office of e Register of Deeds of Haywood rn'y .wtn Carolina, the un feigned will offer fnr snlo nt fuMic Auction for Cash to the fliest bidder for cash the fol- p described real nrooertv. on 22nd dav of Jimp loo P o'clock noon at the courthouse tr in WavnpaiHllo vrnm,A ty, North rarnlino . ymg and being in the Town of ' ajiiesvtllei. Ree-inninc ATI o efalro fi the West siHp nf noioxr fd runs North 60 West one pm and seventy links to a stake F" oryson strpof . tv,o o..i. oo rt aevpntt-.o! i;i,. 'ice North fi2'i East one chain ll y llnks to a stake; thence f.J'iu op Kast PlP'htw . lint, tn beginning. This being part -o. i, K lock "I.". Oak lesvil Aadltlon f Town of Way, Ir-i? th? 22nd day of May, 1942 ; F. E. ALLEY, Jr., v, Trustee. viiauMay 28-June 1-11-18, And Your Strength and Enerirv U Rrlnw Par 4 TulJ CU,M h lirder of Hd PcJ. t ccum"lt- For truly many nd. .55 kll fil to remove ezeee blood. ""tter from the ptt, i"Lp,' heedmche., dinin-. EKE?"" " wron w,lB Pill? "iT B,e- Vm '"TthL'f k " bettr to nl7 " Prvl than eoontrywide p- novj rM.j. inini iee imvormDiy 1 tt.T" hV been tried and Umt- good for us oystermen," yelled the frowzy individual called Ferguson, "but she's only another tramp just the same. I know, I seen her with that Mears guy." Oh.-h-W White with fury, the girl in the shabby tweed suit rush ed forward, and would have struck at her tormentor's bruised looking features had not a singular figure intercepted her quickly and effi ciently. "Just a minute, boys," came the stranger's incisive tone, "this is cap or unfamiliar design, sne caught at his arm. "No, dont interfere," she panted in a fierce undertone, "don't mix in on this. TheyH kill you." "Will they?" Deep set blue eyes that were both hard and bitter, briefly glanced down at her. "You started this," the stranger snapped. "Haven't you got nerve enough to see it out; or are they right about you?" "No! Ferguson lies!" she blazed. "But I" "Then get out of the way" Im patiently, he shook her off and again faced the girl's persecutor. "Are you going to let this young lady talk, or arent you?" Ferguson's answer was a vicious swing at the stranger s jaw. Penned in by the fog, the crowd seemed suddenly enormous, with waterproof hats, baseball caps, sea men s caps bordering the entire visible world. "Hey, fellars, let s give 'em room." : Gangling loafers in rusty blue jersies and tobacco stained dunga rees promptly fell back, "Soak that buttin' in tin soldier," someone yelled. "Whereja" get 'at trick coat?" Beneath her tight gray jersy sweater, Geneva Benet's heart beat even more furiously. Mears had been right. She shouldn't have come to Patuxtpwn on Saturday when bugeyes, pungies and shaloops were in along with oysters, booze and the devil. How would this brawl end ? Merely in battered faces and skinned knuckles or in staccato shots, followed by sudden signifi cant silence? Ferguson, as she well knew, was a terrible rough-and tumble fighter. She was almost by when an eddy Aussie Nurses' Boss lOsborne Cow Completes ixxew umciai uecora was so high cheek-boned as to be almost Indian-dike in cast, and though it was young there were lines in it that ought not to have been there and a dull red scar traversed his jaw from mouth to chin. ' Geneva Benet suddenly found herself inexplicably curious to know why he had wandered to Pat-uxtown. Stand and fight, yuh yellah monkey!" roared the oysterman when the hard bitten young man adroitly dodged a pile driver blow. Tah! Fight! Quit stallin." An oysterman suddenly pushed the stranger off balance thus enabling Ferguson, snarling and red faced, to land a short forearm jab to the side of his enemy's jaw. At the re sounding smack! Geneva Benet flinched and expected to see the slighter figure go over backwards. She had, you see, witnessed all too many fights Since coming to Patux- town "Now y'u got, him Fergie. Kick his ugly face In!" shouted the on lookers. "Go fer his eyes!" No one cried "shame!" since anything from savate to mayhem goes in oyster man fighting. At the deadly glare now playing in the stranger's semi-dazed blue eyes, Geneva Benet felt sick she felt, nay, she knew that something decisive was about to happen. With a scarlet thread of blood1 trickling from a corner of his j mouth, the man in the uniform ' coat swayed backwards, weakly but efficiently parrying his enemy's furious blows until, so quickly that the girl could not follow its motion, the ex-soldier's right hand shot out. At once the oysterman lurched back with a ludicrous expression of sur prise stamped on his sweaty fea- Capt Martha Jane Clement, U. S. Army Nurses Corps, is in charge of all Army nurses in the Southwest Pacific War Zone, with headquarters in Australia. Before coming to the island continent she spent four years at Langley Field, Va. where he founded the hospital. A new record, exceeding the av erage of the Guernsey breed for her age and class has just been completed by a four and one-half year old cow, Lillian oi Garden Creek, of Canton, tested and owned by H. Arthur Osborne. Her official record supervised by the N. C.' State College and announced by The American Guernsey Cattle Club is 12591.3 pounds of milk and 613.5 pounds of butter fat in class B.'--. tures; inexplicably his left arm was dangling limp by his side. Like a comber which retreats only to fling itself forward again, Ferguson gasped and gave ground but all the while fumbling behind him with his good hand. "God Almighty!" came someone's breathless yelp, "look out he's got a knife!" The crowd surged back; fists were one thingi but cold Steel was another. Borne with it Geneva Geneva Benet felt an icy hand squeezing the warmth from her heart. "Cut him open," clamored one faction. "Kick 'im, soldier! He'll knife yer else!" warned the other. The crowd milled and swayed across a pale road made of crushed ovster shells and a half shout went up when the scarred ex -soldier leaped desperately back to avoid a furious slash which missed his jugular by a scant inch. Quick as a recoiling spring the blue eyed man darted in to again deliver a curious chopping blow with the side of his hand. Instantly the big man utter ed a strangled grunt and pitched forward on his face as suddenly as a marionette whose strings have been cut. Fickle as always, the crowd now roared in approbation. Though panting slightly, the vic tor looked about calmly enough, pushed a lock of dark red hair from his eyes and then gulped a long drink from the handiest bottle, "Have another, Mister? Then show a guy how y'u did it." "No, thanks, boys, I'm a bit warm," said the ex-soldier curtly. (To be Continued) BIDS WANTED The Board of Trustees of Haywood County Hospital will receive bids for the Painting of the Hospital and Nurses Home. a SEE M. E. DAVIS At the Hospital in Waynes ville for specifications. Bids must be in by July 1st TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE (By Substituted Trustee). Pursuant to the po tr and au thority contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 20th day ol March, 1934, executed by D. G. McElrath. et ux.. Ennie Mot-lravn, to Alan S. O'Neal, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Caro lina, in Book of Deeds of Trust No, 35, page 16, securing a certain note payable to HOME UWKtKb LOAN CORPORATION, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days m the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain covenants set out in said deed of trust and demand of fore closure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the un dersigned Trustee, having been substituted as Trustee, for Alan S. O'Neal, said substitution being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Haywood County, North Carolina, in Book No. 114. Datre 463, will otter lor sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Court House door in Haywood County, Wavnesville. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on the 11th day of June, 1942, the following describ ed real estate, to wit: Lying ana being in Beaverdam Township, County of Haywood, btate oi North Carolina, and more particu lar described as follows: Being bounded on the South by Church property; on the East by J. M. Rathbone and Vinson HarKins; on the North by Pearl Warren and on the West by Williams Street BE GINNING on a stake in the east margin of Williams Street, South wpst corner of Pearl Warren's lot and runs thence With her line Last lHri feet to a stake, Pearl Warren s and Vinson Harkens' corner; thence South with Vinson Harkins' line and line of Z.. M. Rathbone, 150 feet to a stake, corner of Church nrnnortw thence with the Church property West 150 feet to a stake in the East margin of Williams Street; thence Torth with the East margin of said street, 150 feet to the BEGINNING. And being the same lands as described in two trustee's deeds to D. G. McElrath from J. Bat Smathers and J. H. Kirkpatrick, recorded in Book 75 at page 531, and from J. R. Morgan, Book 75, page 537, respectively, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina. And being shown on plat or map thereof made by Watt Justice, Surveyor, on the 23rd day of February, 1934, the same now being on file with the Home Own ers' Loan Corporation, Salisbury, North Carolina. , . The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This, the 11th day of May, 1942. R. PAUL JAMISON, Substituted Trustee. M. G. Stamey, Attorney. No. 1186 May 14-21-28-June 4-11.' That Delicious and PET ICE CREAM Need We Say More? A delightful smile says the most important thing about Pet Ice Cream it's delicious! What makes it so en joyahly satisfying is the scientific blending of fine ingredients and choice flavorings so everyone can please his palate. Pet Ice Cream. is made of Pasteurized Milk and Pasteurized Milk is SAFE! 5. s4 10 PET ICE CREAEVi "a health food" una m SOLD IN HAYWOOD AT 0 Bethel School Bethel H. V. Cagle's Grocery Canton Canton Fruit Stand Canton Champion Motor Co. Canton Church Grocery Canton Canton Jligh School Canton Clontz Cafe Canton Clyde School Clyde Cofrburn's Grocery Canton J. E. Cogburn's Store , Canton Colonial Soda Shop Canton DeLuxe Tavern Canton Eagles 5 & 10c Store Canton Eudeka Cafe Canton Elliott's Stove R-2, Canton Francis Cafe Canton Fisher's Store Canton F. R. Green's Store Cruso Sprinpdale School Cruso Junaluska Supply Co. Lake Junaluska : Kephart Grocery Canton Little Rock Service Station Waynesville Lowe's Service Station Canton Myers Grocery Canton North Canton School Canton Pless Service Station Canton Pennsylvania Avenue School Canton . Randolph's Grocery Canton Rickman's Store--Canton Rigdon's Store Bethel Robinson's Store Canton Smather's Grocery Canton Thompson's Store Clyde Ward's Service Station : Lake Junaluska ; Wilson's Cash Grocery Canton Big Chief Service Station- Lake Junaluska Clyde Green's Store Hazelwood Rock Apple Service Station Balsam C. N. Allen Grocery Hazelwood Belle Meade Service Station , Hazelwood W. A. Bradley's Store Hazelwood Burjrin Bros. Store Waynesville Cecil School R-2, Canton Central Elementary School Waynesville Charl ie's Cafe Waynesville Charlie's Place Waynesville Ci abtree School R-l, Canton Crawford Service Station IMlwood Road Dellwood Cash Store Del 1 wood Road Duckett's Store Crabtree East Waynesville School Waynesville Fines Creek School R-l, Clyde Fisher's Grocery Pigeon Rd. Hardin's Grill Hazelwood Hazelwood School Hazelwood Haywood County Hospital Waynesville Henderson's Corner Waynesville Jones' Tavern-Waynesville 1 3D - 9 -St -K .- US' . 'it . "a: t it... .. w 4'. Pet Products Are Made Of Haywood Milk Farmers and dairymen ill every section of Haywood benefit every day from the sale of their milk to Pet Dairy Products Company. When you buy their pro ducts, under the Pet label, you are trading at home . . . you are helping Haywood dairymen . . . and you will help yourself, because Pet Dairy. .Products are of the highest quality and are SAFE. Last Year Pet Spent $106,123.16 For Haywood Milk Hardy Liner's Grocery Dellwood Rd, Junaluska School Lake Junaluska Roy Moseman Waynesville Muse's Store Hazelwood McAlhaney's Store Hazelwood Palmer's Service Station Dell wood Road Ray's Super Market- Waynesville Taxi Stand Waynesville Watkin's Chevrolet Garage Waynesville Waynesville Auto Supply Waynesville Waynesville High School Waynesville W.W.N.C. Cafe Waynesville Waynesville Country Club Waynesville Henry's Store Maggie Green's Stores Maggie Pasteurized Milk Is SAFE Remember It's Produced By The Haywood Grade "A" Milk Producers Association Frank Mann's Grocery Canton Waynesville Bus Station Waynesville Derry Norman's Garage Hazelwood Cherokee Inn L. Junaluska Mission Inn L. Junaluska Terrace Hotel L. Junaluska Boat House Tea Room Lake Junaluska Camp Junaluska for Girls Lake Junaluska Dunham House Waynesville Parkway Hotel Waynesville Walker's Service Station Waynesville Rose's Grocery Dellwood Rd Gordon Hotel Waynesville

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