I 1 "Page 6 THE WAYNESVnXE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAYJgB Haywood Chapter UDC Holds Final Meeting Friday TVie. TtavvunnA fhanter of the United Daughters of the Confeder- daughter, Miss Margaret Luella Miss Margaret Whisnant Wedded to Ernest Truitt In Clayton, Ga., On 2nd Mrs. Herbert Clyde .Truitt Whis nant, of Granite Falls, has an nounced the marriage of her Wins Award In Dancing acy held the last meeting of the current year. 1941-42, on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Thad Howell. Serving as associate hostesses were Mrs. Jimmy Boyd, and Mrs. John M, Queen. Mrs. T L. Stringfleld, vice-president, pre sided. Miss Nancy Killian had the p' per of the afternoon, the subject being, "The Life of Jefferson Da vis." Miss Killian reviewed the childhood of this famous Confed erate leader, and carried the story of the highlights of his career through the days of his service to the cause of the Confederacy. Mrs. J. Harden Howell gave ex cerpts from the U. D. C. official magazine, The Bulletin. Plans for the courtesies to be extended by the chapter for the next group of draftees leaving this area on June 20th were discussed A social hour followed adjourn ment. For the occasion the house was arranged in quantities of sum mer flowers. Miss Catherine Smathers Wedded to W. Jay Trull Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Smath ers, of Canton, have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Catherine Smathers, to W. Jay Trull, of Bethel. The vows took place on Saturday afternoon, May 23rd, in a quiet ceremony with the Rev. W. H. Pless officiating. The ring ceremony was used, and the couple were unattended. The bride wore a powder blue dress with navy and white accessories. Her shoulder corsage was of talis man roses and gypsophelia. The bride has held a position at the Haywood county court house for the past several months, Mr. Trull is the son of Mrs. Rosa Trull and the late W. J. Trull, of Bethel. He attended Berry Col lege at Mt. Berry, Ga., and is now employed in the chemical laborato ry of the Champion Paper and Fibre company in Canton. The young couple Will reside in Bethel. ..;. Mrs. Clark Medford returned Saturday from Washington, D. C, where she visited her daughter, Miss Helen Medford, who holds a position there. En route home she stopped in Greensboro, where she visited her daughter, Miss Anna Medford, who is a student at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina. She was ac companied home by Miss Anna, who will remain here for the sum mer vacation. Whisnant, to Ernest Carl Truitt, of Hazelwood. The marriage took place on Tuesday. June 2nd. in Clayton, Ga. For her wedding the bride wore a navy blue dress with white and navy accessories and her shoulder corsage was of Talisman roses. Mrs. Truitt is a graduate nurse After completing the Granite Falls high school she entered the Davis Hospital in Statesville for train ing. For the past two years she has been connected with the Hay wood County Hospital. The bridegroom is the son of John Patt Truitt and the late Mrs. Truitt, of Hazelwood. He is a graduate of the Almond high school of Almond, after which he took a business course. He now holds a position with the A. C Lawrence Leather Company, of Hazelwood. For the present the young couple are residing in- Hazelwood. '" Mrs. J. S. Silversteen State DAR Regent Invited To Attend Meeting Here The Dorcas Bell Love chapter will hold the last meeting of the year on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Rotha as hostess. Mrs. J. S. Silversteen, state re gent, of Brevard, has been invited as a special guest. The program will center around flag day. Mrs. Harry Marshall will review the national magazine. Patsy Gwyn, winner of the state DAR Pilgrimage contest, will tell of her trip to Chicago. Mrs. S. H.. Bushnell, regent, will preside. All members are urged to be present as a number of bus iness matters will come up for dis cussion. ' Miss Talmeta Swanger Weds Pvtv Gerald Gaddis Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Swaneer have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Talmeta Swanger, of Waynesville, to Pri vate Gerald Gaddis, of Waynes ville. The marriage was solemn ized at Clayton, Ga., on Friday, June 5th. The bride formerly resided in Greeneville, Tenn. Private Gaddis is stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. Mrs. A. P. Ledbetter and Miss Doris Plott were the tea guests of Mrs. L. E. Fisher at her home in Asheville on Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied by Mrs1. J. H. Plott and Miss Lucy Plott, of Canton. ft MISS EVELYN CRAIG, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Craig, who received a diploma in dancing last week from the Marguerite Hyatt School of the Dance of Asheville. She has won outstanding recognition as a dancer and has appeared with various professional groups. NO MORE HANGERS! We are unable to get coat hangers, so from now on all cleaning either sent to us or picked up will have to have a hanger with it if you expect the garment returned on one. Thank You Central Cleaners Main Street Phone 113 Free For Asking Come And Get 'Em Long As They Last 1 Following his annual gener ous custom, Donald Dunham, well known gardener, is giving away his surplus supply of flower plants. Anyone wishing plants is asked to call at 4 o'clock this . afternoon. No phone reserva- . tions will be made, as Mr. Dunham is asking those who wish them to come in person. The list of plants includes: giant zinnias, candytuft, cal endulas, marigolds, petunias, cornflowers and Chinese for getmenots. : " ..'- Miss Betty Jackson Graduated Last Week From Columbus High Miss Betty Jackson, daughter of Major and Mrs. Wilfred Jackson, who formerly resided here, grad uated last week from the Colum bus high school, of Columbus, Ohio. She plans to enter Peace Junior College, in Raleigh, this fall. Prior to his entering the service, Major Jackson was in charge of the farm security office here. Miss Edith Teague left Monday for Mars Hill college, where she will study this summer. The Big Values SALE NEW BELK'S Pre- Summer STI L L AVAILABLE ....;'.........-,- :, '"' ' Bargains In Every nrf mont Tin vvii f llfl lV 11 J ueva M. Buy At The New Belk's - -And Save Eloise Martin Wins High Rating In Dancing School Eloise Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, was one of the seven pupils out of 200 in the Asheville and Greenville schools of dancing conducted by Miss Eleanor Mofntt, to pass all five of the senior dance tests that were given the groups. Her record is all the more re markable, it was pointed out by her teacher, as she has taken only one lesson a week while the other students have had two each dur ing the same period. Miss Martin received ratings on her certificate of 100 per cent on all the following subjects: char acter dancing, ballet, toe work, acrobatic tap style and rhythm. She has studied dancing for a number of years and has appeared on numerous programs. She is outstanding in her style, stage presence, and the professional manner in which she executes all her dances. During the past year while in New York a well known manager offered her a job, but her mother turned down the offer as he does not wish her to enter the prof ssion- al field until she has completed her education. Miss Martin is a high school student. : Birthday Party Given Friday For Harold Clark Mrs. Louise Clark entertained a group of children on Friday even ing for her young son, Harold, in observance of his fourth birth day anniversary. Games featured the entertain ment of the afternoon. : Ice cream and cake was served by Mrs. Clark, with Mrs. Howard Robinson, Mrs. Larry Robinson, and Mrs. Robert Arrington assisting. Those present were: Frankie Sue Ar rington, Fredie Jean Hill, Eliza beth Summerrow, Barbara - Fort ner, Iva Dean Henry, Colleen Kuy kendall, Sonja Sue Snyder, Barbara Curtis, Mike Stuart Byrd, Carey Grant Arrington, Jimmy Marcus, Bobby Hill, Mike Lane, Malcombe Clark, Bobby Compton, and Joe Ann Robinson. .. Sarah L. Leatherwood' Enters State University- Miss Sarah Louise Leatherwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Leatherwood, of Jonathan Creek and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Boyd, left this week for Chapel Hill, where she goes to enter the University of North Car olina. Miss Leatherwood, who gradu- uated from Peace Junior college last month was voted the most outstanding senior of 1942 and was awarded a handsome silver tray given annually by the faculty. Miss Leatherwood plans to attend the summer sessions in order to graduate at an earlier date. She will major in social science. Hunter Henry, who graduated Tuesday from the University of North Carolina, arrived home yes terday to spend a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Henry. Young Henry, who enlisted sometime ago in the naval reserve, has been ordered to report for duty at the naval air corps training base at Atlanta in the near future. Miss Doris Ensley To Wed Mr. George Bennie Davis Soon Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Ensley, formerly of Hazelwood, but now of Gainsville, Fla., have announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their only daughter, Doris, to George Bennie Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold R. Davis, of Miami Beach. Plans for the wedding will be announced later. Miss Ensley, popular member of the University City's younger set, spent her early childhood in Ha zelwood, moving to Florida about ten years ago with her parents. She has visited here frequently with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McElroy. A student at: Gainsville high school, she was recently crowned queen of the senior class at the annual prom which followed the junior-senior banquet in the Amer ican Legion home. She is a mem ber of the Little Women, junior or ganization of the Twentieth Cen tury club. Mr, Davis was born and reared in Tennessee and moved several years ago with his parents to Miami Beach. His father, Harold R. Davis, is president of the Flor ida Real Estate Board Association. Mr. Davis who is a senior at the University of Florida, is graduat ing with honors. He is a second lieutenant in the infantry and a member of the Kappa Sigma, na tional social fraternity. . Legion Auxiliary Will Hold Meeting Tonight The American Legion Auxiliary will meet tonight at 8:00 o'clock at the Legion home, with Mrs. Guy Massie, president, presiding. Serv ing as hostesses will be Mrs. E. K. Herman, Mrs. J. C. Brown and Mrs. Guy Massie, All members are urged to attend. Dillard-Bennett Marriage To Take Place Today The marriage of Miss Caroline Dillard to Rev. George Willis Ben. nett will be solemnized this after noon at 5 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. O. S. Dil lard. in Candler, Miss Dillard will have as her maid of honor, her sister, Miss Jane Dillard. Two class mates, Miss Muriel Craig, of Newark, N. J., and Miss Leeida Beeshears, of Franklin. will light the candles at the altar prior to the ceremony. Miss Dillard will wear a dress of navy blue sheer and her accesso ries will be in navy. Following the ceremony an in formal reception will be given at tended by only members of the two families and a few intimate friends. Vera Hosaflook To Teach in Ellenboro Miss Vera Hosaflook was grad uated from Western Carolina Teachers college on Monday. She received a B. S. degree in commercial subject and history. While in school she has been out standing in campus activities and clubs. She was initiated into the Theta Iota chapter of the Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity in recognition of her outstanding work. Miss Hosaflook will teach com mercial subjects in the iEllenboro high school, Ellenboro,. this fall. Miss Charlene Rotha, who has been attending the Woman's Col lege of the University of North Carolina arrived on Saturday night to spend the summer vaca tion here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rotha. She had as her guest a classmate, Miss Miriam Sheldon, of MiUbrook, N. Y. Upon leaving here Miss Shel don will go to Camp Carolina, in Brevard, where she will serve as a counselor. Civic Leae-ue Tn u., Last Meeting of Yea! On Wednesday, i7th Tk W ... will hold the last :ju o ciock at the k ' "1 Annual reports f0 H year and a discussion 0 J the future will foaf,, 1 gram. All rnemh,,, e be present. " "J n. J-. Bower, 0f BerwH who has been vis!ti. , . villi: m. i law and on a?e ot - - j j , uautrhtpr i. W. Frank Kinsv street, has returned to hi, j He was acpomMn;j t .a 4 grandson, Robert HaL rJ WhA irill ennJ it 1 t-j . . . " me summer 4 tion visitinc flK. ?w 1 x-. ouwer, who m with Mr. Bower, ' will S own for a more extend? to her daughter. TVfr and AT...- tt t. . . . '". n. a. van t arrived last week fr nV . , vv. w.u ie summer at figeon road. Miss Catherine T?ppH i,;.. o , " . Ui w o. v, arrived- this has opened the Reed summer '. in tiooi i) j iifsvuie. She t joined this week by Mi5s jl neeu, ner sister. fllr. and Mrs. Snur?(. 4 i. ii . . n" nave as meir guests this u-.l. son, Chester, of Newnnrt ',' their daughter-in-law, Urs. cJ uavis and her two daafV Betty Jo and Mary Jane, vrhi enroute from Brimington, Vi to i"ensacola, Fla. Mrs. Davi! two daughters have been visi&J yvasnington witn yir. Davij, is in service there. t Mrs. C. C. Francis and Wade Francis, are visiting the mer's mother, Mrs, Emma Tul at her home in Monroeville, N :REMEMBER YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT BELK'S: The Big Pre - Summer SALE Wen; Belk's Continues With Bigger Values Than Ever! PERCALE DRESSES VALUES TO $1.69 You won't believe they can be so pretty until you see them. One of the greatest bar- fl gains. Sizes 9 to 50 .... LOVELY NEW DRESSES Buy several of these. Rayon and silk in solids and floral, stripes and checks. 4 QQ Bargains at ............ Lovelv SLACKS Choice of colors in your size. Select several pairs at this price 970 $1.98 Is'ELLI BEE SMART COOL SUMMER SHEERS Chambry, wash silk, seersucker. Quality at ttO QQ a price ................ wO SALE OF UNDERWEAR Special On SLIP S $1.00 Tailored, lace trim med Slips in tea rose and white. Values to $1.69. Cotton and Seersucker. 5 VA 'Hyi Ladies' PAN T I E S 290 4 for $1.00 SLIPS You will want sev er a 1. Beautifully made. CQ Special .... V 2 for 51.00 SUMMER HATS Smart coeoanut weares Leghorns and Pann types with large bnms. Bargains J J ab BARGAINS From The Largest BABY DEPARTMENT In Haywood Red Goose SHOES Size 0 to 3 69 25 Disposable C H U X Diapers $1.39 Receiver, BLANKETS Pink or Blue 19c F KJ) fP fiF Half Dozen Baby-All ii IL (C NURSING BOTTLES 6 Free For Every Baby Nothing To Buf (Quantity Limited) Beautiful BONNETS In Pique, Dotted Swiss or Batiste. White and Colors 2S0 $1.48 Lovely DRESSES Lace pnd Plain All Colors- Tailored- -1 to 3 970 Bird's Eye D I A PE RS 27 by 27 Inches. X $1.37 WE HAVE MANY LOVELY GIFTS FOR BABIES SEE THEM o)Ig, Main Street . J. C. JENNINGS, Manager Orders By Mail Given Prompt Personal Attention

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