FOR HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ICTORY BUT UNITED STATU BONDS STAF.!?S Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park -rTTr-M YEAR NO. 28 Twelve Pares WAYNESVILLE, N, C, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942 $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties fr-; TdDons Laalblber atltoeiredl Dud MsyoBd&dl; Rnnr I 7 Baptist Churches In County Start Revivals Sunday Jorts Being; ade To Keacn 000 People ; Ltslanding Preachers rom Other Eecuons ta(e Will Do Preaching. levival servii" SniiH: Wood Baptist cuu.. -,, fruiting pastor occupying r f P.-h church for a rrLZ The series of Ber- Qr th Bantist Mission Board, even to the L, financing the meetings. ,:-.,nw.tridi revival is oems in an en on iu cv" v" 1- 4. W a .r Imated 13,UU0 people . "j id, who are inclined towards Baptist denomination, but who not members oi any v..u...., Ming to leaders oi me xiy U Baptist Association. 'The latest records snow mat kiwi, to is greater than the In in church membership, which Lai every effort must ie muo wiV more DeoDle." said Rev. Ink teatherwood, moderator of I Haywood Baptist Association. II castors will remain with churches during tno series mwt ne. Later in tne summer, L win ro to some church in fctier part of the state to hold L milnr meeting. Set. - Mr. Leatherwood pointed I . 1 J ; that only one onering wouiu taken m each church during the Mat and that would be sent trt to the State Board, which torn would pay all expenses oi i Meeting, regardless of the tant raised by the one offering, a number of churches have been Bding s series of cottage pray' meetinrs tils week in prepara k fot the revival. Reports from tectums of, the frjntr hr 17 sarticipatinr cnurcnes k locate, ' show that much in fat is being shown in the cam in.--'" jThi list of churches holding the pal, together with the regu- pastor and visiting pastor, is follows: Men's Creek, Rev. Bill Sorrells tor, snd Rev. A. P. Sprinkle Asheville, evangelist. Bethel, Rev. A. E. Peeke, pas f. with Rev. F. G. Womack, of iheville, as evangelist. First Baptist of Canton, Dr. H i Masteller, pastor, with Rev, luie Gaines, of Lexington, as hngelist .Canton East Baptist, Rev. W. sprinkle, pastor, with Rev. M. Harris, of Valdese. as evan- ilirt. . Canton North Baptist, Rev. Ho- Rogers, pastor, with Rev. 0. McGinnis, as evangelist. Clyde, Rev. T. H. Parris, pastor, ith Rev. J. A. Brock, of Ruther-irdton,- as evangelist, and Mr. fell,: of Gastonia, as singer. r P'eture on page 8). , Mlwood, Rev. Robert Gaddis. Mtor, with Rev. J. Pipes, of Ashe B'e, as evanceliat Fines Creek, Rev. Jarvis Teague, ptor, with Ro u r ci ; Hickory, as evangelist. nwelwood.- Rev. Frnnlr T.i.ntn. PH pastor, with Rev. B. S. 01 byiva, as evangelist. Klky Branch, Rev. N. L. Steph- Pastor, with an of Almond, as evangelist. fg Hill, Rev. Thos Erwin, sor, -with Rev. B. N. Rogers, of ISunny Point, Rev. Doyle Miller, , nev h snrinkle. Revival Preacher REV. J. C. CANIPE, of Boone, one of the 17 visiting Baptist preachers to hold a revival in Hay wood during the coming week. Rev, Mr. Canipe will preach daily at the First Baptist church here. Judge Phillips To Preside Over Court Here Next Week The July term of Superior court will convene here on Monday with Jut!ge F. Donald Phillips, of Rock ingham, presiding. Both criminal and civil cases are included on the docket. Serving on the jury for the first week will be the following: Char lie Ensley, Clyde; Joe Cogburn, Beaverdam, Claude J. Reece Way- nesvflle; Ed G. Brooks. Clyde; P. M. Kuvkendall, t-ast rork; I. J. Chambers, Iron Duff; H. Grady Honeycutt, Ivy Hill; E. J. Pinner, Beaverdam. Virgil L. Robinson, Beaverdam; T. H. Worsham, Waynesville; Char lie J. Smathers, Pigeon; B. D. Burress, East Fork; Hardy R. Caldwell, Iron Duff; Welch Mes- ser, Crabtree; Norvel West, Liyde; Ben Smith, Waynesville; n. r. Ledbetter, Cecil; R. W. lioweii, Jonathan Creek. Walter Wright, White Oak; Jonn R HitiPB. Waynesville; Cleve No- (Continued on page 12) Owners of Passenger Cars To Start Getting Ration Cards Today First Baptist Members Holding Prayer Services The series of cottage prayer meetings which have been staged ail this week by the congregation of the First Baptist church, will be concluded Friday night with a general prayer service at the church at 8 o'clock, Rev H. G. Hammett, pastor, said yesterday. The pastor has secured the ser vices of Rev. J. C. Canipe, of Boone, to preach daily, during the revival, which ftart Sunday, -xev. Joe. Canipe wili' preach his first ser mon Sunday evening. Rev, Mr. Canipe is a prominent pastor and preacher, and has a strong church at Boone. Among his duties there is to preach to the student body of the Appalachian State Teachers College of that city. He has' served on a number of lm portant boards of the Baptiits of the state, and has traveled exten sively over Europe, Asia, anj Pal estine. Assets Of First National Bank Reach High Mark The total assets of the First National Bank reached $1, 536,762.01 at the close of the year ending on June 30th, it was learned yesterday from the officials. This is the highest mark ever reached in the history of the institution, showing an increase of $304,328.17 over any other period, indicative of the steady and continued growth of the bank. $2,500 Fire Hits Storage Plant At Barber's Orchard Early Tuesday 'larsno a a , t Fif V evangelist. Baptist, Waynesville. Rev. tUntinued on page 12) "ration Day To Be r At Mncher's Chapel f Sunday, July nth ft ?, day will be W chLmChr's ChaPl- Metho K&n the Hytier Mountain tly llt" the county on Saturday, -!1!08 attending ; the annual bic ?r work a"d basket l!U"ch- . Everyone in the I 18 mvited to attend. ft Evangelist vol At lenJale Holiness Church r . Nrch . at Gleiale Holiness ei;.aLCoye Creek. - v ;nitial "iiti :, , n.eJ on Tuesday even i o CI rwlr w.. . ... . ''"shl i,I , D" mis'C wiu De rtty Gospel Light to itt c m cordially in- "VI, Complete Totals On Fifth Registration Are Announced A total of 728 youths from 18 to 20 were registered last week in Haywood county under the fifth registration of the selective draft service, it was learned from the two boards serving the area. It had been estimated that around 200 would register in the Waynesville area, but the total was 355, with 373 in Canton. While some of the boys who reg istered in the Waynesville area will have to be transferred to other boards, Miss Debrayda Fisher, clerk of the board, stated that there would be as many returned here that would make up any material differenpe in the registration. The registration by townships was as follows in the Waynesville board area: Waynesville 232; Ivy Hill, 23; Iron Duff, 6; Crabtree, 24; Fines Creek, 22; White Uak, 10; Jonathan Creek, 30, and Big Creek, 8. In the Canton area registra tion was as follows: Clyde, 23; Bethel, 60, and Canton, 280. Kenneth Palmer Critically Hurt In Accident The condition of Kenneth Palmer, 20, son of Mrs. Ada Palmer and the late James Palmer, who was hurt in , an accident early Satur day morning in Baltimore, was re ported critical, late last night, it was learned from a message sent here to friends. , . , Young Palmer, who was employ ed by the shipyards in Baltimore, was riding a motorcycle which collided with a truck at the time nf the accident. He received se rious injuries to one arm and leg and has been m a critical condition since. Younir Palmer graduated from the local high school in the class of 1940 after which he attended Brevard College. He has been liv ing in the North for nearly two years He was first employed by shipyards at Brooklyn and was transferred from there to Balti more. The first of the week he had vol iintrH in the U. S. army. Mrs. Palmer, who was notified early Saturday morning, left at once for Baltimore. She has been joined by her son, Fred Palmer, U. S. navy, stationed at Norfolk and her brother. Wallace Morrow, who is now re- Col- Lee, Patient In Veterans Hospital Reported Critically M The condition of Col. William Ira Lee, of Gatlinburg, was re nnrfpH t be critical, it was learn ed last night from members of Mrs. Lee's family here. Col. Lee, who is in the U. S. Veterans hospital, at Hines, 111., near Chicago, underwent a serious operation during the past few weeks from which he rallied tem porarily. Mrs. Lee, the former Miss Mildred Crawford, of Way nesville, has been at the hospital with her husband since he entered the institution. A fire of undetermined origin, completely destroyed the riot of the large relngtratea storage nlant at Barber's Orchard early Tuesday morning, causing damage of between $2,600 and 3,uuu, ac cording to R. N. Barber, Jr., man ager. It is believed that the blase start ed from the electrical wiring in the attic of the storage plant. The building, is of stone and concrete, with Concrete floors and ceiling, and other than the roof, no damage wu done to tne struc ture. Except for a few apple crates, the building was empty The Waynesville fire department answered the call, and pumped water from the dam at the orchard, and saved nearby buildings. Had the plant been filled with apples, the loss would have been tremendous. The roof was built of heavy balsam timbers, cut many years ago. The roofing was of 22-guage iron, which R. N. Barber, br bought right after the other war. The owners do not believe that the refrigeration coils in the attic of the building were damaged to anv (treat extent. Plans are underway to replace the roof immediately. Thursday, Friday and Sat urday Set Aside For Reg islerinK For Gasoline. .Registration for gasoline ra inniiijr -for passenger cars will betrin this morning and continue through Saturday, it was learned yesterday from the local rationing board. Due to lack of supplies all owiu rs and operators of trucks, buses, ambulances and taxis can not register at the same time, as was previously announced by the board. They will register on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week at places announced by the hoard, All passenger car owners are urged to register this week as reg ist rat ion for such motor vehicles will be closed until July 27th, ac cording to Miss Winnie Kirkpat rick, clerk. All passenger car owners will be given an all purpose base "A" card regardless of what use they may make of their car, and if they are eligible they will be given supplementary application to fill out with the rationing board. Places of registration for owners of passenger cars and motorcycles have been designated at the follow, ing school buildings: Maggie, Rock Hill. Fines Creek, Crabtree, Cruso Cecil, Clyde, Spring Hill, Bethel; in Beaverdam township, at Perm eylvania Avenue, Patton, Beaver dam. Morning Star and North Can ton schools; Haywood county court house, and the office of ration board for the Canton area. Mrs. N. F. Lancaster and son, Bobbv. who have been spending sometime in Augusta, where Cap- siding in Newport News, Va., spent 'tain Lancaster is stationed at the week-end here with his parents, Camp Gordon, are guests of Miss Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Morrow. I Winnie jurKpaincK. Crowd Of 800 Hear Gov. Broughton In Fourth Of July Address At Lake Governor Broughton, delivered a ought to do is to see to it that patriotic address in the auditorium where our troops are quartered we at Lake Junaluska Saturday. His stamp out the dens of vice that subject was "Patriotic Dedication." , tend to demoralize and destroy our He was heard by a crowd of ap- soldiers. proximately 800 persons. "WTe have a moral responsibili- After calling attention to the ty for keeping the areas m important part North Carolina North where troops are : K . . f - i -ec-i -A .,.raraA from anvthiniT ' that had played m national h-; .J - the fact that today tnis state is host state to approximately 300, 000 American soldier in training, the Governor said, "We ought to measure up in traditional fashion to every obligation of citizenship and civilian and military respon sibility. Among the things we there. would destroy the physical health or morale of any soldier in Amer ican uniform. "We are all on the same road and going in the same direction, and it is the road that leads to Berlin and we are going to get Rationing Board Grants Thirteen Applications Thirteen applications for tires tubes and recaps received favora ble action by the local rationing board during the past week. The number included the following: The town of Waynesville, for street construction, 2 motor grader tires; Grace Lumber Mills, of Lake Junaluska, for logging operation 2 truck tires and 1 truck tube; Underwood Lumber and Supply, for hauling AAA lime, 1 truck tire. Carr Lumber Company, of Lake Junaluska, for lumbering opera. tions. 1 truck tube and 2 truck tires: Clarence Caldwell, of Way nesville, for logging and lumber hauling. 1 truck tire; George W Justice, of WajTiesville, farm hauling to market, 1 truck recap. H. H. Price, of Cove Creek, log and lumber hauling, 2 truck recaps; C. S. Green, of Route 1, Clyde, log and lumber hauling, 2 truck re caps; James M. Moody, of route 2, Waynesville, hauling logs, truck recaps. Dr. J. R. McCracken, of Waynes ville, physician, 2 passenger recaps and 1 passenger time; WFA, by J P. Dicus, WPA supervisor, Waynes ville, 1 passenger recap; Mrs.' V. L. Palmer, Waynesville, hauling milk, poultry and farm products to market, passenger recap; J. B, Hannah, of Waynesville, route 2 hauling acid wood and logs, truck tire. Davis Chapel Revival And Vacation School Opening Date Postponed The vacation Bible school and revival to be held at the Davis Chapel has been postponed until Sunday the 19th, it has been an nounced by the pastor, Rev. W. H. Nease. AEF Europe Boss ' 1i Additional Tire Inspectors Are Named By Board The war lepartment announced that the newly establishd Euro pean theatre of operations for United States forces will be headed by Maj. Gen. Dwight D. Eisen hower. The new commanding gen eral will have headquarters in Lon don. He was formerly assistant chief of staff in charge of the Oper. ations Division. Plans Completed For "Hog Eye" Rifle Matches Plans are being completed for the second annual "Hog Eye" shooting match which will be staged at Cat aloochee Ranch on Wednesday, July 16t'ti, The event is exported to attract a large crowd of shoot ers and guests from Western North Carolina, as well as summer vis itors in this area. The match is scheduled to start promptly at 10 o'clock, it was learned from Tom Alexander, own er of the ranch, who is staging the match. Shooters and visitors can either bring their own picnic lunch es or can purchase sandwiches and soft drinks at the ranch. it io rnnrtrtud iVint nhnnturo Urhn Frank Underwood at Abel's Gar-' , f ont. ,u -ntBt or. nyun. age, . and Hallet Ward, at Ward's , tici dajl for the event and that Service Station, have recently been hardware tore8 have iaid in a Lions Club Will Stage Drive For Rubber Friday Campaign Ends Friday In Nation-Wide Drive For Scrap Rubber. With more than 51 tons of rub ber already gathered in Haywood, every effort will be made today and tomorrow to add at least 25 more tons, as the nation-wide cam paign comes to a close. The Wayneville Lions Club have set aside Friday as a day for gathering all rubber in Waynes ville, Huzelwood and Lake Juna luska that individauls do not want to carry to service stations. The members of the Lions Club will make a complete canvass of the community, and the proceeds from the rubber, will be used in their work with the blind. Last year the club provided glasses for 58 people, and they are trying to pass that mark this year. Persons having any article with rubber in it can do double duty Friday by calling Paul Davis at 77, or by putting the articles on the curb where the club members can gather it up. The nation needs the rubber, and the Lions Club needs the money for their work with the blind. Any person wanting to sell their rubber, will be paid one cent a pound at any service station. From there, the rubber is taken to the bulk plant which serves tne sta tion, and later shipped to a smelt er for reclaiming. Any article with any amount of rubber, can be used. A survey of the bulk plants of ths oil companies serving Haywood, showed that as of last night, 102,217 pounds had been turned in- The Texas Company here showed the greatest gain over last week, by getting in over 17 tons. The-ompaaies1 reported a fol lows: ' Standard Oil 31,800 The Texas Company 35,513 Pure Oil Co , 6,912 Gulf Refining Co. ........19,977 Sinclair (estimated) 7,015 Shell (estimated) 2,000 appointed' as tire inspectors for this area served by the local ra tioning board it was announced yesterday. Clayton Walker, who was ap pointed inspector immediately fol lowing, the organization of the board, has leen so rushed with work, and with a steady increase it has been necessary to name assistants. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gill Will Arrive On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gill and son, Billy Gill, are expected to arrive on Monday from Greenwich, Conn. They will occupy the Smathers apartment the first part of the sea son. Upon completion of their garage apartment which they are building on their farm, "Walnut Cove," on the Jonathan Creek road, they plan to move to the country, where they will spend part of each year. large supply of powder and caps. The old time gunsmiths in the county are said to be busy repair- (Continued on page 12) - Judge and Mrs. Smathers To Arrive This Morning Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers will arrive today from Miami to occupy their summer home here for the remainder of the season. They will be accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Phillip Myers, her hushand being in the service. Rev. R. E. MacBlain Will Conduct Revival Services At Micadale Church Beginning on Monday night, July 13th, and continuing each night for two weeks, there will be a community revival held at St. Mary s Episcopal church, Mica dale, in the Allen's Creek section. Rev. R. E. MacBlain, of Way nesville, will conduct the service which will start at 7:30 each even ing. There will be a special song service each night. The public is cordially invited to attend. Total .. .. .....102,217 Individuals donated 2,085 pounds which was turned in to the Stand ard plant here. Other stations re ported small amounts had been donated. Mr. and Mrs. Heinze Are Returning To New York Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph E. Heinze, who have resided here for the past four years are returning to New York. They have recently pur chased a new house in Smithtown, Long Island, where they plan to reside in the future. : Mr. Heinze leaves today, but Mrs, Heinze will remain here a week longer. They have been en thusiastic boosters of: this section during their residence here. Pet Wants More Producers Of Grade "A" Milk "We have an unlimited market for grade "A" milk," R. B. Daven port, manager of Pet Dairy Pro ducts Company said last night, as he sought additional producers; "Sales have; steadily increased, and we can use an unlimited amount of this type milk,'' Mr. Davenport said. The manager of the local Pet plant also pointed out that milk prices were never higher, and that right now offered a splendid op portunity to enter the dairy field. Those interested in producing grade "A" milk should contact Mr. Davenport. Americans Must Make Many Sacrifices Before War Is Won, Judge Alley Says "We are living today in the ship band down Main street, fol- midst of storm and revolution. A memorable epoch in history is transpiring in our view. The very air is dark with the elements of strife and change," said Judge Felix E. Alley in the opening re marks of : his address here on Saturday afternoon in the cele bration of the fourth. The celebration was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and several hundred citizens assem bled in the court room of the court house for the program over which W. R. Francis, local attorney presided. The initial feature of the pro gram was the parade of the town- lowed by a : half hour concert in front of the court hour-ev After assembling in the court room Rev. S. R Crockett, chaplain of the American Legion, gave the invocation. M. H. Bowles, of the state guard lead in the salute to the flag. The assembly stood at attention while the band led by Fred Martin, played the national anthem. The closing prayer was given by Rev. H. G. Hammett, pastor of the First Baptist church, and president of the Haywood chapter of the Red Cross. Seated on the platform in addition to those already named as (Continued on page 12) Senator Smathers Down For Annual Trout Fishing Senator William H. Smathers, of Atlantic City, arrived last week from Washington, D. C, to spend ten days or more with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Smathers. Senator Smathers is spending most of his time trout fishing, one of his favorite sports. He is an expert angler. Mrs. M, G. Stamey Has Returned To Her Home And Is Much Improved Mrs. M. G. Stamey has returned from Greensboro, where she was taken ill while attending a re union at the Woman's College i of the University of North Carolina. Mrs. Stamey underwent an opera tion at the Wesley Long Hospital and was confined there for several weeks. Mrs. John Champney Taylor, the former Miss Carolyn Rose, of Chicago and Waynesville, whose marriage took place this spring, has arrived to spend a short while here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rose.

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