DAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1942 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 11 On The Tar Heel Front IN WASHINGTON By Robert A. Erwin and Frances McKusick fbington .-Comparative quiet ; with employers to work overtime vails on the Potomac, be- F P!hs election week and most K 'lL :. at home. A beauti- If Com at regular pay. Columnists, radio after the turbul-! and the public in general seem to .times' of the last few months have taken sides on the value of caress. Most of the North Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt's "inspec- f ,' delegation, pretty well tion tour" of England. jKbiB Hmft extension I ReDresenta A down "" . i j. jjuii- more and higher taxes, gi-; ner of Little Washington, is one '. ..npnnriations and even the of those 'agin" it. and sv her Pf "Lrp of prohibtion, is in trip is a "flagrant waste at Khin- Tar Heel State this week at ping space and gasoline." inclusion of the State's most "I can't see what earthly good campaign in decades. can come out of Mrs. Roosevelt's 7- North Carolina legislators triP'" he complained. "Surely we fe . ' j ha cnnpprnBd with couid Use our transportation farili- reelection opposition, so-their ! ties to uch better advantage than flit home is to meet the people, , to, promote a curiosity trip by the Bonner said he could understand how an inspection tour by Oveta tary value, but he thought civilians Gulp Hobby, the director-of the WAAC's, might have some mili should tend to the home fires their Knitting, if needs be, instead of patriotic addresses, answer tticms and to try m L into the Democratic party. taunch jjemociais iuv - iii'h-politii's are pretty well ad orned for the duration, it is well teeo the party fires burning. '!C!S t touring 'England, Deen tiea wniittee, has Deen uea up m anwwer hearings after having t the 18-19-year-old draft bill :rourh the Senate. He has asked .nations three main leaaers 01 .nized lab"-, William Green, p IT 1 T T sJip Murray ana jonn u Lewis, (testify before his committee on rational manpower policy which Lht include extension of the rk-wcek. The Senator, although he had U quoted as favoring the exten di of the 40-hour weeK to tne Miour work week, claimed this u only a suggestion, borne from In necessity of longer hours due I the labor shortage. "I have noted proposals to bring 111,000 to 200,000 Mexican "farm laborers into this country, he ii "I always have opposed tm imtion. After this war, we swing to have the greatest un- aployment in our history. We amid keep out Mexican labor. without an ironclad agreement to hie sure those Mexicans go back ne after the war, we would have it add them to our unemployed. 'If Messrs. Green, Murray and teris state their position on the titter, we might get a bill agree lile to both industry and labor, Kith a solution for our immediate ttessities in manpower.'' -. .:'. ... - Eepresentative Ramspeck, Dem- krat, Georgia, has introduced a Moor week bill in the House, pro- ang for waiving of the present mm week only if union agree NOTICE OF SALE Monday, November 9th, 1942, it eleven o'clock, A. M., at the prt house door in Waynesville, iiywood County, N. C. I Will of- i lor sale at public outcry to highest bidder for cash, the wowing lands and premises situ p in Crabtree Township. Hay- wl County, X. C, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of i " m particularly described in a bearing date of January 10, '18, from R. M. Fere-uson. t int. K R. Francis, recorded in Book Li Pge 519, Haywood County i"p5try, and containing 48 r more or less, to whiW dped W I record reference is hereby P1 for a more particular de- fron.. EXCEPTING. "l tract that certain tract con tn acres, more or less, de- r wi in aeed from r P Pr.nni to Grover C. Noland. dated .T? ' 1923 and recorded T Registry, and, CEPTING thprfif .',. P of the tract conveyed by es oi the first parj . treen, et ux. nH frt Jk by deeds dated August 9, nd recorded in nflrW a Si!rof Deeds Haywood C"ty, which lies on the North ij raoiree Creek, reference Cf made to said deeds for a particular description of said SftinWil ""au"i w power ana rarity vested in m tht deed of trust dated August wecuted by Ellen Fran Mrs. Roosevelt Inssctins London Bomb Rutns Li f "The wife of the President of the United States has no more business in England than my wife or anybody else's," said Bonner. Mrs. Roosevelt, he pointed out, always makes an issue of claiming to be merely a private citizen. Her actions should bear out her words, he said cryptically, adding that he hopes she took her own food to England on account of the ex isting shortages over there. The Congressman still receives letters protesting against the drafting of 18 and 19-year-old men, even though he has already voted for the bill providing for the lowering of the draft age. "I still insist that if our mili tary experts agree that 18 and 19- year-old boys make good soldiers and are needed by our army, we should draft them," Bonner de clared. "Our records show, furth ermore, that the average age of the armies of all of the wars which we have won was under 20 years, This present war is one of actual survival, and we congress- if we not do all we can to expedite men would be derelict in our duty Victory," ; nni! I" iil- ; I a t v-7-J ' . i t - ' t i 11 Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, guided by civilian defense officer, inspects a section of London that had been blasted by Nazi bombs. The first lady made a big hit when she continued a speech she had been making to women fliers of the Air Transport Auxiliary during an air raid. Bombs dropped only aix miles away, but she went on with her address to its conclusion, 'ibis photo was cabled from London to New York. fCuntral Pri$) HOSPITAL NEWS Miss Edna Clark, of Bethel, op erative case, is better. Mrs. David Hannah, of Cove Creek, medical case, is better. Mrs. Herbert Pendery, of Way nesville, medical case, is resting more comfortably. A 1338. N recorded In Book 47, page m Tin1 County Registry, to instrument and record ref iW .hereby made for aU the C" nd conditions thereof, and VftTn "? order of resale signed k B,erk.of the Superior Court October 22, 1942, A. T. WARD, iOct. 29-Nov. fi, Trustee. Representatives Robe r t L, Doughton, Graham A. Barden and Harold D. Cooley, the three Tar Heel congressmen who voted against lowering the draft age, are still receiving dozens of letters irom an over the country com mending their stand. "1 guess Mr. Doughton has re ceived at least 500 letters and tele grams congratulating him on his courage in voting against the drafting of 18 and 19-year-old boys," Percy W. Meekins, Farmer Bob's secretary, disclosed. "The ADMINISTRATOR'S NQTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the late Cleveland Caldwell, deceased, late of the county of Hay. wood, state of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C, on or before the 15th day of Oc tober, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 14th day of Oct., 1942. T. L. GREEN, Administrator of C 1 e v e 1 a n d Caldwell, Deceased. No. 1247 Oct. 15-22-29-Nov. 5-12-19 NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, Lillian Wingate, ' -.vs."- .' Archie Wingate. The defendant will take notice that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court, of said Coun ty, State of North Carolina, lor tne purpose of securing an aDsoiuie ai vorce from the Defendant, upon tflfiitrvrv irrounds. That said defendant will further take notice, that he is required to annear before the clerk oi tne court of said county, at the court hnnse in the Citv of Waynesville, North Carolina, on the 20th day nf November. 1942. and answer or demur to the complaint therein, or the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. TTATK WILLIAMSUXM, Asst. Clerk of the Superior Pnnrt for Havwood County, State of North Carolina. No. 1249 Oct 22-29-TVov. t-i& Clean clothes Ust longer Jkke it a habit f sending yours gularly to us. Central Cleaners Main Street Phone 113 Mrs. James Leather wood, of Lake Junaluska, operative Case, is improving. The condition of Mrs. Lester Franklin, of Cove Creek, medical case, is good. Mrs. O. T, Henderson, of Can ton, operative case, is resting more comfortably. Charles Smathers, of Canton, operative case, is better. Mrs. Amanda Green, of Cove Creek, medical case, is improving. Richard Powers, of Hazelwood, operative case, is resting more comfortably. The- condition of Miss Hester Francis, of Waynesville, opera tive case, is good. Mrs. Graham Rogers, of Clyde, route 1 , medical case, is some better,; C. L. Rollins, of Clyde, route 1, medical case, is improving. Mrs. Paul Davis, of Waynesville, medical case, is resting more comfortably.' Van Murray, of Canton, medi cal case, is some better. Mrs. Baxter Conard, of Cove Creek, medical case, is better. Marion Woody, of Waynesville, medical case, is resting only fairly well. .' ;: v.r, Thad Huffman, of Lake Juna luska, medical case, is better. Mrs. Dave Plemmons, of Way nesville, medical case, is improv ing. . Mrs. Charles Develin, of Canton, operative case, is some better. luska, medical case, is resting only fair. " DISCHARGED Among those discharged from the Haywood County Hospital dur ing the past week were the follow ing: Miss Fannie Johnson, Mrs. Marvin Cordell, Mrs. Joe Kirkpat rick, Master Jimmy Johnson, Mas ter Howell Browning, Mrs. Grover Kirkpatrick and baby. Miss Mary J ane Rogers, Jess Haney. .Mrs. Raymond Stovall and baby, Edward Cope, Mrs. R. B. Reece, Floyd Whitted, Miss Virginia Hamilton, Mrs. Amanda Green, Mrs. Sherrill Teague and baby, Jeter Williams, Charles Raines, Miss Lillian Wheeler, Mrs. How ard Clark and baby, Mrs, James Plemmons, Master Richard Pow ers, and Master Burress Burnette. ly purchase all usable Vubes of fered. ' ... Q Must truck tires be turned in? A No. Idle ' passenger type f tires must be turned in, even it set aside for use on trucks if the' owner applies for a passenger car' gas ration. Q What about trailers? . ' A You may keep tires actually , mounted on the running wheels of trailers and similar equipment,' Answers To Questions On Surplus Tires The following questions and an ftwers will be of assistance to mo torists in complying with the gov ernment order that all passenger car owners must turn in all tires in excess of five per car: Q What is an idle tire? A An idle tire is any new or You are not entitled to a apart used passenger-type tire (even if tire for such equipment, it needs repair) in excess of five Q Can I sell or give my idlw tires per vehicle. Tires beyond re- tires to a neighbor, friend or rel rair are idle and should be turnd ativaf ,n . ... . , . ,. I A No. All used tires are now QWhat will happen if I don t f rozen They may be sold or sell my idle tires? : !given to government only. A If you or any member of; TI . ... - your household, related to you by1 -How.- do I dispose of my blood, marriage or adoption, has , more than five tires per passenger A They should be delivered to car after November 22, you will , " nearest Kailway txpress oi- be denied the privilege of using nce-' " your express omce n gasoline in any passenger car you pick-up service, they will pick up OWn jruui tiics uu tan x uu win c Q Vhat will happen if I do!,e've a receipt for all tires turned not fik a tire record form? i in. A Your local rationing board j Q Who pays and how am I will demand that you surrender j paid for my tires? : your gasoline ration book. A Your government is buying Q I bought two tires before your iaic tires, You will receive a Pearl Harbor and put them aside check, or war bonds and stamps if for a rainy day. Do I have to give you desire, shortly after the tiro them up? has been inspected at the ware- A ,Sorry, but it's America's house for official determination of rainy day now. You can keep your . its value. five best tires and sell the rest to the government. Q What about fleets of pas senger cars? A Three or more cars are con sidered a fleet; all idle tires, as in the case of the individual, must be sold. Q What about tubes? A You may possess idle tubes ; however, the government will glad- Six months seasoning is recom mended to convert green wood into top-quality fueL Fallen trees for fuel use should not be trimmed for at least two weeks because the leaves help draw the moisture from the wood. of a son on October 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kirkpat rick, announce the birth of a son on October 21st. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a daughter on October 25th. Mr. and Mrs, Claude Lawery, of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on October 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis, of Waynesville, announce the birth of a son on October 29th. BETA MILLS On Highway 19-23 Between Waynesville and Sylva. Now Grinding Corn, Wheat and Feed While You Wait. We purchase all surplus grains. Give us a trial satisfaction guaranteed. R. F. JARRETT, Proprietor To relieve Misery of Joe . Rathbone, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Conard. of Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Teatrue. 1 COLDS LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOSE DROPS COUGH DROPS Wonderful Llnlmcnl Mrs. Claude Green, of Canton, medical case, is improving. majority of these letters were from women mostly mothers." Representative Cooley said he had received hundreds of letters from as far west as California and as far north as New York. Thom' as McGee, secretary to Mr. Bar den, said the same thing was true in his office. "Apparently nothing can be done to help these people who have pro tested so vigorously against the drafting of youngsters," Cooley said.. "I suppose the, conference report will pass as quickly as the House -bill unless the members have discovered, during their trips home, that sentiment is too strong against it. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of R. D. Lee, de ceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his office in Waynesville, N. C, on or before the 29th day of Oe tober, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 29th day of Oct., 1942. T. L. GREEN, Administrator of R. D. Lee, de ceased. 1252 Oct 29-Nov. 5-112-19-26- Dec 3 ;' NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of S. H. Keller, de ceased, late of Haywood County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Waynesville, N. C, on or before October 29, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make' im mediate payment. This October 27, 1942. (Mrs.) EUL.A 1LJUL.L.CK, Executrix. No. 1251 Oct 29-Nov. 5-12-19- Select Style Of Printing Wanted From These Specimens: iHr. Jtobert t&- OSreeM 337aynrtili, . 11 ay MRS. ROBERT T. GREEN WAYNESVILLJE. N. C. Now6u Have PERSONAL TATIONERY Packed In Attractive Boxes N EATLY PRINTED WITH Your Name and Address Any Color Ink MRS. ROBERT T. GREEN WAYNESVILLE. N. C, 60 Sheets and 40 Envelopes -120 Sheets and 80 Envelopes - AND THE COUPON - $1.29 - 2.08 MRS. ROBERT T. GREEN WAYNIiVILLI, N. C MRS. ROBERT T. GREEN WATNCIVILLK, N. C. We Use Only the Famous Hammermill Paper and Envelopes CASH M U ST AC CO MP A N Y ALL ORDERS At this attractive price you can afford Personalized Stationery for yourself and every member oi your lanuly! TIhe MOUNTAIN Stationery and Supplies for Office, Home and School I VI I VI -JJ 26-Dec. 3

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