jgTRSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1942 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 9 rt n mm i ipmiiiu lafeers Prepare Fw. AslfaeviBi o) Sere Frodlay Mountaineers Topple Christ School prom List Off Unbeaten Grid Teams ..ted tn? u Waynesville Mountaineers The marrh toward an I5ed season on the local field fdelc afternoon when they undefeated C-hnst 25 to 0. The at- we at the game fell off some. JjJm compared with previous 's?'ifrrirs hold high ratings in .eh as neither had felt the ot defeat, and both teams Z fuffered in that injuries ana Georgia Rallies orovent-d several of the bama, 21-10. Canton Bears Nose H fft fd S , Out Asheville Team SPORT PAGES N. C. State whips Carolina 21-14. to Whip Ala- -r ... ..n.v omTrna Ilia tA T..l. n m faiKd to see ""- - uiiKe zo-i. Georgia Tech Routes " . .x. ;i-j a .oo J . . .i. I,,! a Vniint Rnw I Tion r m m t. . ,,'on ior iwv.u. . - v - ou-,;jio rrum woriu 'l . J. m - i nasa alat O : !,r'Th' M-untaineers. j ' ' VM-h-r t am managed to reach Wake Forest Comes From Be . 'T jir in thj irst 'period, although hind To Lick Clemson, 19-6. '1 j,UM'aineers marched down ; ,w Cv School 21 only to have Brevard Coll -go Beaten By Cata- intercept a pass to mounts of Cullowhee, 20-0. :?' , . ; .i i ... .4vnm i ;;ip Hit' 1 Wisconsin Knocks Ohio State Off Tulahe Trips Vanderbilt, 28-21. Tennessee Vols Tear Up L. Tigers, 26-0. Pepper Martin Mentioned New Dodger Manager. Georgia Rated Team In Land. .'oa'l e'irly in the second Unbeaten List, 17-7. ry 'after a drive late in the first inner put them deep in Christ jthool territory. Arrington plung hrorph 1 ft t::ckle from the 2-yard jjre for the first score of the game. Hie try for conversion was no good ifcen the visitors knocked down a pass. ' The locals again threatened late ,D ths second period when they ad duced down to the Christ School 3) only to have the visitors plug .jp the gaps in the line and the ball tent over to Christ School. Waynesville managed to cross He goal two times in the third period, the first coming early in tie Quarter when Arrington inter red a Greenie pass on the visi- 's 40 and managed to drive to lie 29 before being stopped. On ike next play, Henry spirted left (id for the remaining 29 yards and i touchdown. Arrington drove' over left guard to convert the extra' point. Late in the same period, Henry raived a Christ School boot on kis own 30 and fought his way to it Christ School 44 and on the next play broke away and carried down to the one where Arrington plowed through center to score. A pass for the extra point was so good. Waynesville was well on their ay to another score when the per iod ended, the ball being on the nsitor's 15 after Henry had re- CLOTHES HANGERS WANTED . . . We will buy all your excess clothes hangers, that are in good condi tion, at the market price. When you send in dry cleaning be sure to send along a hanger. WAYNESVILLE LAUNDRY PHONE 205 s. u. As Ah Best College North Carolina State Leads Teams Of State In Games Won. turned a Christ School punt to the Greenies 27 and Arrington and Fie carrying down to the 15. After driving down to the Christ School one-yard line, Henry cracked over left guard for the final Moun taineer tally. A pass for the extra point was knocked down. The Greenies began their only threat of the game in the last per iod when they took to the air and marched down to the locals 18 where the Mountaineers dug in and held for downs. The Mountaineers chalked up 16 first downs to the visitors 7, but the Greenies were in their fighting the whole time. The Waynesville High School Band was on hand to furnish music and marching demonstrations be fore the game and at the half-time. We believe they put on one of the best demonstrations of the year at the half. At first they saluted the visiting team by forming the let ters "C S". This was followed by the letters "G S" in honor of the Girl Scouts who had a representa tion there to carry their colors and the United States Flag. Maneuv ering up the field they then formed a large anchor and played "Anchors Away." From the anchor they formed a large "V" from which they went into the "W". Little Miss Jacquilan Berry seem to hold the limelight in the band. Dressed in her little majorette cos tume and twirling her baton just like a veteran, and performing in grand style. The lineup: Pos. Waynesville C. School LE Jackson .... Luke LT Coin Benett LG Evans ; Hutson C H. Jaynes ...................... Harris RG Caldwell . Christie RT Clark - Malett RE B. Jaynes Morgan QB Henry Waters LH Fie .. White RH Harris Stratford FB Arrington Clark Score by periods: Waynesville 0 6 13 625 Christ School 0 0 0 0- 0 Scoring touchdowns: Arrington 2, Henry 2. Points after touch down, Arrington 1. Substitutions: Waynesville, MC Clure, Scruggs, Owens, Yount, Gib- the Mountaineer Stationery Department Has 12 Different Kinds of Pencils AH of the better known and leading nationally advertised brands. NO. 2 SOFT NO. 2Kj SOFT N'0- 3 HARD NO. 4 EXTRA HARD SOLID RED SOLID BLUE RED AND BLUE MULTIGRAPH CHINA MARKING FIRST GRADER INDELD3LE HARD RED LEADS FOR MECHANICAL PENCTLS In Black, Red and Blue THE MOUNTAINEER "Stationer, and SupplU, for Offiet, Horn and SeW PITT WORKHORSE By Jack Sords The Canton Black Bears scored a pair of touchdowns Saturday night and then beat off a late rally by Asheville School to net a 13-12 victory on the Canton gridiron be fore 1,200 yelling fans. Coach Poindexter's eleven spot ted the Blues a single marker in the second quarter and then roared back to tie proceedings on a beau tiful 74-yard run by G. Stamey in the same period. Th: Ri'ars picked up another marker in the final installment and then succumbed to a passing at tack that enabled the Blues to move wi'h n one point of a deadlocked ball game. Ga tint was the big boy for the visitors, passing for most of Ashe ville School's gains. In the second o riod he flipped an lS-yard pass o End Linscoinl), who ran the re nainimr 15 yards for the game's first score. i However, the scene changed aU mosi, immediately' when G. Stanley set sail for pay dirt on his 74-yard sprint. The run came three plays ifter the Blues had broken the ice. The first half ended, 6-6. In the final period Carroll block ed an Asheville School punt on the Blues' :?8, and Chapman picked up the ball and scampered across the goal lne for a touchdown. H. Smathers kicked for the point. Late in the game the Blues open ed up with their arial attack and got their last marker, Gannt pass ed from the Canton 30 to the 10. He tossed another pair to Manley, the last falling into Manley's arms across the goal line. Asheville School held the upper hand in first downs, 8 to 3. The lineups: Pos. Canton A. School LE Sorrells Widman LT Hipps Banks LG R. Stamey Wright C Carroll Hardwick RG Pressley Carr RT White Straus RE Chapman Lipscomb QB Owen Gannt LH Hardin Rich RH II. SmVthers Manley FB Soesbee Crawford Score by periods: Asheville 0 6 0 612 Canton 0 6 0 7-13 Asheville scoring touchdowns: Lipscomb, Hanley: Canton, Stamey, Chapman. Extra point, H. Smath ers (placement). . Subs: Asheville, Hemdncks,. Zu- kaski, Steketee, McLean: Canton, Sutton, G. Stamey, B. Smathers, Shope, Fish. it M Bill tL Slpf! Of -TAB Pl-ffSBURGM V , t V Age Requirements For NYA Training Has Been Lowered , The age requirements for per sons desiring training for jobs in defense industries has been low ered, according to . Mrs. Jimmie Boyd, personnel interviewer for the National Youth Administra tion. The age for girls has been low ered to 17 and that for boys to 16, it was learned from Mrs. Boyd, who is in her office on the second floor of the court house on Monday, Tuesday and Friday of each week for the purpose of taking applications. ,'li.iV'::''';S. s3i. .3.-.'-' 'li T4' 1VW w?? VVORKS OP fXB-PlTT Wis YBAS ,0oiH& MosfOffH Death Claims W. K. Horton, Former Local Merchant Friends here have been notified of the death of W. K. Horton, 69, retired merchant and former busi ness man of Waynesville, who died at his home in Cleveland, Tenn., on Friday morning, following a four years' Illness. Mr. Horton was a native of Madisonvillo, Tenn., but had re sided in Cleveland, Tenn., for the past several years. lie was in business there until ill health forced him lo retire, Mr. Horton forrrtorly operated a store in Waynesville, and during the past two years he and his sis ter, Miss Nan Horton, had spent much time here. They resided for several months in the home of Mrs. J. W. Seaver and later leased a cottage at Lake Junaluska. They had many friends in this section. Mr. Horton is survived by two daughters,'- Miss Helen Horton, of Silver Springs; Md., and Mrs. Lucy Martin, of Washington, I). C; one Miss Mabel Wyatt Is High Scorer In Test Miss Mabel Wvatt. who has been employed in the military personnel office of the hospital at Camp But ner, N. C, since August 1, has been informed that she won highest score in the group of clerical work ers who were given an intelligence test recently. Miss Wvatt. is the dauirhter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wyatt of the Balsam road. She is a graduate of the Waynesville Township High School. Eon, W. K. Horton, Jr., somewhere in the South Pacific ; two sisters, Miss Nan Horton, of Cleveland, with whom he had resided since the death of Mrs. Horton, and Mrs. J. H. McCallie, of Livingston, Ida.; one brother, C. C. Horton, of Knoxville Horses, like sheep, can be trained to follow a leader. If you doubt it just drop in at a race track. Asheville Team Is Highly Rated As Strong Outfit Several Mountaineers On Injured List Will Be Missed From Line-Up. TVip Wavneaville Mountaineers will tangle with what is expected to be their hardest team oi tne season on the local gridions Friday night at 7:30 when they meet tne "B" team of the Asheville High Mnrnnns The locals have an oDen date for Friday and have secured ( this team which is rated as almost as strong as the Maroon first team. The locals will again b crippled in that Jackson received a shoulder injury in practice early in the week and will not be able to play Friday. Constance, who is also nursing an Injured shoulder may see a little action but his shoulder has not yet improved to the point of being at his full strength. Yount, who was out last week due to illness has re covered and will be at his usual half back position. Tonrb Wrathorbv had not fully decided who would be placed at the end in Jackson's place, but the choice lies between Hoyle, Handers and Gibson. It is expected that Asheville will bring all of their players with the exception of their regular starting eleven. The reports from Ashe ville are that the second team is almost as good as the first and they are coming over to upset the un defeated record of the Mountain eers, The Waynesville band will be on hand as usual to demonstshrdl hand as usual to perform before the game and at the half. The World's News Seen Through. ; The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper it Truthful Contructiv Unbiased Fre from ScnMtional. iun Editorial An Timely and, Initructiv and Iu Daily Fcatur, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Homo. The Christian Science Publishing w-ciecy One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price j 12.00 Yearly, or ? 1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, Including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. Name ... .......... u. . ... Address .. SAMPLE COPY ON .BEQUEST - . . son, Hoyle, Davis, Medford, Anders, Nichols, Rogers and Knight. Christ School, Ball, Kclsey, and McCul- lough. Household Hint Before you rerarnlsh furniture, ro over pieces with turpentine ap plied on a stiff brush. This removes furniture polish and old varnish. Bub well with sandpaper, and wipa with doth, than apply mw varnish.- "' . WANT ADS PLANT NOW and avoid the spring rush. Select your evergreens, shade trees and flowering shrubs from our large supply. Cham pion Nursery, Canton, N. C. . Nov. 5-12. WANTED TO BUY Good used electric refrigerator. Will pay cash. Phone 263-W. Nov. 5 WANTED Man. Route exper ience preferred but not necessary to start. Rawleigh's, Dept. NCK-245-M, Richmond, Va. Nov. 5 FOR SALE Hampshire Red ca pons. 25c per pound alive. See Lindon Smathers, Jones Cove Road, Clyde, N. C, or write Waynesville, Rt. 2, Nov. 6-19 LOST Brown pigskin billfold. Somewhere between court house and Belk-Hudson. Reward for return. W. T. Kirkpatrick, Rt. 1, Clyde. Nov. 5 FOR SALE 1939 Chevrolet half ton pick-up truck with good rub ber. See or call L. C. Waddell, phone 431-W, Hazelwood. 11-5. APARTMENTS 2 rooms and kit chenette. Private baths and en trances. Reasonable. Banner crest. Nov. 5 LOST Brown zipper key case con taining keys. Reward. Mrs. Wayne Corpening. Park Theat- Nov. 6 re. FOR SALE Coal, wood and kind ling. BELLE MEADE. Phone 9164. Oct 22-29-Nor. 5-12. Distinctive P r i n t i n g--- That Always Satisfies Some of the things we are prepared to satisfactorily print for you POSTERS, all sizes GUMMED LABELS RECEPTION CARDS AUCTION SALE BILLS ADMISSION TICKETS UNGUMMED LABELS SOCIETY STATIONERY WEDDING INVITATIONS FINANCIAL STATEMENT BY-LAWS & MINUTES EVERYTHING IN PRINTING Modern equipment in the hands of skilled workmen, with a desire to render satisfaction, assures you quality printing at reasonable prices. Whatever your printing requirements be sure to see us. Phone 137 PROMPT DEPENDABLE SERVICE BILLS PAMPHLETS VISITING CARDS TAGS INVITATIONS MENU BOOKLETS BONDS PRICE LISTS LEGAL BLANKS BADGES POST CARDS SCORE CARDS BLOTTERS STATEMENTS ylEAL TICKETS BOOKLETS CATALOGUES PLACARDS MILK TICKETS WT,rt T lxTTrc, DODrFRS MEM0 BLANKS DODGERS BLANK NOTES T w . na CIRCULARS TTXT, a LETTER HEADS FILING CARDS VOUCHERS BUSINESS CARDS NOTE HEADS HANDBILLS LAUNDRY LISTS DTnnrAiua LEGAL FORMS . PROGRAMS STORE SALE CHECKS MENU CARDS BILLS BILL HEADS SHOW PRINTING WINDOW CARDS PRIZE LISTS SHIPPING TAGS CHURCH REPORT p-rra Tl ii II u Be PRINTING! PUBLISHING OFFICE SUPPLIES Phone 137 Main Street