Page 12 THE WaYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, July 29 Camp Dellwood Opens August Session Today Camp Dellwood closed its July session which had been operated by the Asheville Council of the Girl Scouts, yesterday and today will start the regular term of the camp. During the Girl Scout Camp with the program directed by Miss Virginia Griffin, of Asheville, there were girls from 12 states among the 60 attending. Miss D. Chapin Hilliard, of Florida, director of the camp, was in charge of main tenance and food during the Girl Scout session. Around forty girls are expected to attend the August session which will be directed by Miss Hilliard. Twelve states will again be repre sented in the membership of the campers. Of special interest is the work group of the camp which will be held each day in construction pro jects, emphasizing riding, tennis and primitive camping and trips. The pioneer group will construct a pioneer camp on the grounds. Fines Creek News By Mrs. D. N. Rathbone) T, he people of Fines Creek would like to express through this col ura congratulations to the editor of The Waynesville Mountaineer and his staff for the special edi tion honoring the Haywood boys who are in the armed forces. Friday was a day of waiting for the people of this section were lookine forward to the arrival of the special edition. The edition will be kept and long treasured by families of the men in service. Rev. R. P. McCracken occupied the pulpit at the morning service of the Fines Creek Baptist church last Sunday in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Jarvis Teague, who is now engaged in holding a revival in the Crabtree-Iron Duff section. Rev. McCracken delivered an in spiring sermon. Those having relatives and friends buried in the Hiram Green Baptist church. It will be con- asked to meet at the cemetery on Monday, Aug. 2 for the purpose of cleaning off the graves. The dec oration date has been set for Sat urday the 7th. A revival meeting will begin on Sunday, Aug. 1, at the Fines Creek Baptist church. It will be con ducted by the Rev. Jarvis Teague. He will be assisted by the Rev. Eu gene Moere, and Rev. Melton B. Harbin, pastor of the Fines Creek Methodist church, will lead the singing. The public is cordially invited to attend. Miss Ruth Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Green, who is a student at Greensboro College, re cently visited relatives and friends at Newsport News, Va. Miss Hilda Fisher, of Newport News, Va., is spending her vaca tion with her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. IW. F. Fisher. She will be accom- panied on her return by her sister, ! Miss Thomasine Fisher and her brother, Wilson Fisher, who is also employed there. visiting with the former's family. Cpl. Green volunteered in the ser vice four years ago and has been overseas at various points. -'' t ? Miss Laura Mae Green, wholas recently completed a four year college course at Elon, is "now home with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. C Green. She will teach in the Crabtree high school when it opens for the fall term. Billie McCrary, who holds a po sition with the Newport News Ship building and Dry Dock Company, scent the . . " anil Jlr Crary. Chai Fletcher Trantha isews, i ""3 ueen v on upper Fines Creek ents. Mr t,a t.. s . ' J1IS. t M. T4 Miss HelnGreeiT a Herman r.M r wno hold tion m Washington n Miss Marv fwn.j : I ville, were the weefc J their unrip am, ! Raymond McCraektn. Mrs. Mattie Treadway Morrow Buried At Cove Creek Funeral services were held on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Cove Creek Baptist church for Mrs. Mattie Treadway Mor row, wife of William C. Morrow, who died at 4:10 a. m. Thursday at her home in the Cove Creek section. The Rev. Yoder Davis, and the Rev. Forrest Ferguson officiated. Burial was in the Cove Creek ceme tery. Nephews served as pall bearers. Mrs. Morrow who is a native of this county was born in 1876. She is survived by her husband; three Bons, Vinson Morrow, of Cove Creek, Edgar Morrow, of Way nesville, route 2, and John Mor row, of Waynesville; four daugh ters, Mrs. Grover Clark, of Way nesville, Mrs. Frank Bradshaw, of Waynesville, route 2, Mrs. Lee Da vis, of Waynesville, and Mrs. Eu gene Moore, of Cove Creek; two brothers, Willie Treadway, of Can ton, and Charles Treadway, of Flat Rock; five sisters, Mrs. Chas. Whitaker, of Flomont, Tex., Mrs. Georce Lovineood. of Murphy, Mrs. Harley Stark, of Waynesville, route 1, Mrs. Albert Howell, of Waynesville, route 1, and Mrs. Robert Price, of Madison ' county, and 15 grandchildren. WANT APS WANTE 5 or 6 room house, 2 to 6 acres, vicinity Waynesville, Hazelwood, or Canton. State price and location. David Tur pin, Road 19, Waynesville, N. C July 19 LOST Oil Ration Book issued in name of Paul Teague, Waynes ville R-2. Finder please return. July 22-29-Aug. 4. EVELYN C. REED Teacher of Piano. Best American and Euro pean Training. 901 Asheville Road, Waynesville, N. C. July 8-15-22-29. FOR SALE One of the best stock farms in the county 88 acres, 5 sets of houses, big new barn and silo. 15 acres bottom, extra good meadow, 6 acres in corn, 40 acres in good pasture. Balance in first class timber. All fenced and plenty of water. See H. B. Milner, Belle Meade, Phone 9164. July 22-29 FIVE ROOMS and bath, brick res idence, brick garage, large grounds. Shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes. An ideal home. Priced right to sell or rent. H. B. Mil ner, Belle Meade, Phone 9164. July 22-29. ONE OF BEST stock farms in Haywood county 25 acres bot tom land, 150 pasture, 50 timber. Good barn and silo. Small dwell ing. High state of cultivation. See H. B. Milner, Belle Meade, Phone 9164. July 22-29 COLORED woman wanted good hours and good pay. Health card required. Apply Waynesville Bakery. July 29 FOR SALE 22 acres Pigeon River bottom land, on concrete highway. Rock house, electric lights, springs. 5 miles of Bethel. $2,250.00. Atkins Insurance Agency. Ask for Mr. Stone. Phone 301. July 29. SPECIAL on perennial flower plants, while they last. 3 for 25c or 15 for $1.00. D. D. York, R-l, Box 441, Waynesville, N. C. July 29-Aug. 5 LOST Gas Ration Book issued in the name of J. Liner No. T-2-912396E. Finder please re turn to J. Liner, Lake Junaluska. July 29-Aug 5-12 FOR SALE . 1 good Guernsey milk cow. Mrs. David Penland, R-l, Box 445, Waynesville, N. C. July 29 LOST Lady's brown pocketbook between Canton and Crabtree, July 18th, containing papers and $20.00 in cash. Reward. .Write or return to Mrs. Rex Messer, R-l, Canton, N. C. Cpl. and Mrs. Mark Green are SPECIAL SAVINGS AT '- I DuBarry I y lockings I Artificial '2L PM WTiU lAviMei run f r m 1 f IB ckM -m i f g UNITED STATES M 1 I umBJiaiL Rn If ft t SAVINCS BONDS M I BUY BONDS! 20c FRENCH'S BIRD SEED tfaa for dM V . . . and an Ounce of Precaution Out pharmaclata put an axtra In gradient Into avary praaertpUon tha ounce oi precaution that aaaurea absolute accuracy oi Ingredients and guantltlea. Erery step la checked and rechecked. Every meaaure la made with palnitoklng preclelon. In keeping with thle ac curacy, wa uae only been druga of tha hlgheat quality tha producta oi tha reputable pharmaceutical houaea. Get your share of sun and fun every week-end . . . sun that helps your health ... fun that relaxes tense nerves after long hours of hard work. Enjoy every minute of it with these STAND-BUYS for action . . . sundries that add pleasure to lei sure . . . all at prices that give your budget a sporting chance to finance your "play-as-you-go" plan for this Summer's SUN-daysl N1 i Gets the dirt-protects the skint UAVIA 3 For SOAP I $1.20 Size S I M I L A C MILK 50c Yeast GREEN LABEL 35c Size ALLEN'S FOOT EASE 29C 5 Lbs. EPSOM SALTS 19C 33 22c Size MODESS NAPKINS 3 for 590 $1.00 Size TUSSY DEODORANT 500 Plus Tax 1 Lb. Absorbent Cotton 34 $1.50 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .. 89 25c Yager's a Liniment .... A U . Eh 69 35c Siie Apinol . . - , 50c Grove's Chill Tonic . . 60c Bromo-Seltzer 60c Six Sal Hepatlca . 10c Size Castile Soap . $1.00 J. & J. Baby Set . . . 50c Mermen' Baby Talc . . Double Size Liatertae Tooth Paste . 50c Phillips Tooth Paste . .24c .39 .49 6 .89c .39 .33c .29c 25c Size Cutlcura Ointment 17c Tussy Show Off Artificial Stockings 500 $1.00 Site Wine Cardui 79c LeVHaliiezezVi 60c Six Acidine 39c 35c Prep Shave Cream . - $1.00 Parker's Hair Balsam . . Large Size Glover's Mange 15c Size Junket Tablets . $1.00 Size Tablets Ironized Yeast . 25c Size Bellans 25c, Thornton's Teething Powder $2.25 Size Stams Vitamins and Minerals $1.00 Size Larvex Full Quart Nujol 69 LADY ESTHER 4-Purpose Cream 39' 55a SIZE 88c SIZE 59' .SS 90' 4 CAKES FOR 16c r ft XI VITAMINS 3 and MINERALS I Kil f Yftte "P"7C 75c Size a a I n n v r a 1 I M n I V V c I MILK . 59c J (h -sm fatea. fiS JITj' Vff f 15cc )J 11 DDJTA 1 2 f TITblllN I 1 DROPS J (59 M Ji 9' I 100 Whitt'i S3C i Jf.?dTLJr. l Oil Tablets 3,(5 mm mas mmm v aajajafMi' w $ 69 y . . dj 50c Sixe j 79c O-TIPS 1 I V 32c J w M m i ' . . n .,! ' FRIDAY VALUES SATURDAY ajuWarC TUfi - nmNESS 60c Giant Afl UfC; V J f I Worn Out? No Pep? Try medicinal Iron plus Vitamin B People have often been poilttvely amad at what a little peppir up with Ortrea could do for them. Their worn-out pepleaa condi tion wag due to a need for medicinal Iron plua Vitamin B. Ton mar need them, too, for pep. Tim. rltality. Trial size Oetrex Tonic Tablet coeta little. Or SAVE MONEY et regular tl ie only 89c For atlll kigoar MTinCT aak to aee new, bUt "Economr'' tize. (THE HOME OF REASONABLE DRUGS) Rectal Soreness . .a aj.w latv war - Sit In Comfwt imL tat aoanf ort ia?o -2b&a