(One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, OCTOBER i THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 4 Waynesville Meets Hendersonville Here Friday Night At 8 Bearcats Coming In Full Strength ; Rough (iame Is Anticipated. The V;ivnesville Mountaineers have been fjoinpr through stiff work, outs this week in preparation for the game Friday night with the Hendersonville Bearcats. The opening: kirkoff is set fur 8:00 o'clock. Next to Canton the Henderson ville games conies next in rivalry. Thise two learns have been battl ing each other for a number of years, and fans of both towns look forward to the game. This season it looks as if the two teams are about evenly mat ched and one of the hardest games, outside the Canton affray, is ex pect' d. Coach Weatherby has been put ting the squad through relatively hard drills on the fundamentals. According to Coach Weatherby, the Mountaineers will be at full strength, coming out of the Can ton game with only minor injuries that are expected to be eliminated by game time Friday. It is expected that a number of Hendersonville fans will Mountaineers Drop Game To Canton Black Bears 21-7 Canton Shows Too Much ! Power For Light Mountai- neer Eleven. j Playing before approximately , 3,000 excited fans on the Canton j gridiron, the Waynesville Moun taineers went down in their first defeat of the season at th hands ' of the Canton Black Bears, by a score of 21 to 7. I The Black Hears were rated some' better than the locals before the game started, but put up a good follow stTaP throughout the game. Recent Bride their team here, to add their part in spurring the team forward. The probable starting lineup for the Mountaimers will be Collins and Troutman at the ends, Medford and Scates at tackles, Knight and Caldwell at guards, and Jaynes at the pivot spot. In the backfield: Teague at quarter, Scruggs and Fie at halfbacks and Captain Evans at fullback. NOTK'K SKHVING SI MMONS BY l'l BI.lC ATION IN Tim SITKIMOK COI'HT NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD ( 'or NT Y. CRACK SIIIRLKY SI'ICKI. 1 vs. JACK STKRX SIMCKL. The defendant. .lack Stern Spigel, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court' of Haywood County, North Caro lina, against said defendant for an absolute divorce on grounds of two , years separation; that the said de fendant will furth r take notice that he is required to be and appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior1 Court of Haywood Coun ty, North C arolina, in the Court- ! house in Waynesville, N. C, on the 111 day of November, or with in :i() days ther after and answer or demur to the complaint of the, plaintiff tiled in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com-1 plaint. This October 18, 194:1. C. H. LKATHERWOOD, Clerk Superior Court. 1329 Oct. 21-28 Nov. 4-11. Hendersonville To Brin Scrappy Team Here Friday By Wilson Ayers Special To The Mountaineer Hendersonville, Oct.. 18 - The Hendersonville Bearcats were dili gently at work this afternoon t arning new plays and going 'hrough fundamentals which they showed weakness in Friday's game, as they set about to prepare them si Ives for the oncoming game Fri. day night with their rivals, the Waynesville eels. Coaclns ('. H. Price and Woody Critlin, who have tutored the locals to two wins, one tie, and a loss, are expecting big things from the .Cats Friday night against Carle ton Weatherby's outfit. The Cats are resolved that this year's out 'c one will make up for the drubbing that Waymsville handed them last QB year' ami from their showing in j LH previous games, the locals have a RH good chance to do just that. ' FB I Hendersonville fans who have I the Mountaineers' only score came in the second quarter when Teague threw a long pass to Trout man that netted the locals 47 yards. Kvans drove the remaining six yards for the score. Evans also iiuck;d the line for the extra point. Canton scored in the first, sec ond and last periods of the game with Ricknian credited with two arid Smathers one. Fowler place kicked all the extra points. Hickman went from the two in the first period at the end of a :!() yard march. Smath rs romped 7 yards after a 48-yard drive in the second quarter. In the fourth, Smathers passed to Rickman for yards and then of a sleeping end play passed the remaining seven yards for the last score of the evi ning. The Mountaineers threatened early in the fourth period when they drove to the Canton four, but were unable to crack the Black Bear line. Fans are looking forward to the second game of the season between these two rivals on Thanksgiving traditional Day when the game will be played Mountain- here. ' ! The lineups: Pos Waynisville Canton Collins O'Diear Medford Whitted Knight ' Bentley Jaynes Cfcrroll Caldwell Ward Scates H. Hardin Troutman Cooper Teague Fowler Scruggs F. Hardin Fie Smathers 'Evans Rickman LK LT LC C rc; RT RE Ready To Show You - - The New Fall Suits by . . . CLOTH CRAFT - and MICHAELS STERN You will find a large selection of Worsteds, Cheviots and Tweeds . . . Sizes 33-48. Priced $27.50-37.50 Ask to see the new Cravenetted Top-Coat Priced - - $32.50 AT THE TOGGERY tucked away several ration stamps !will follow their team in a goodly number to see them perform against the Mountaineers. Local spectators always look forward to a game in Waynesville not only because it is always well fought but also because Hendersonville is afforded a welcomed reception in the Haywood County seat. ! I I e Cats record includes victories by large scores over Tryon and v I Wi 'V- j' Ji, hf' MRS. WILLIAM L. ! ODDl NGTON, formerly Miss Gladys Avery Tillett, daughter of .vir. and Mrs. Charles W. Tillett, of Charlotte, and granddaughter oi tin- late- Judge A. I . Avery, associate jusuce 01 Supreme Court of North Carolina, and great-great granddaughter of Col. Robert Love. Hei grandmother, Mrs. A. C. Avery, was before her marriage to .lodge Avery, of Morganton, Miss Sallie Thomas, of Waynesville. f - -(ft. . . rim A Greer, S. C, a 7 to 7 tie with the heavy Forest City eleven, and last week they lost in the closing sec onds to a strong Christ School Greenie team by a decision of (i to 0. i The Hendersonville starting line up will probably include Dolbee and Ficker at the ends, O'Dell and j Chandler at tackles, Williams and Smith at guards, Lohman at con ifer, Cesser and Lampley at the ! halfback spots. Bowman at full back and Lack at tailback. The line averages over KH) pounds and the back field at 155 pounds. With the government ruling on war workers, on strike, instead of the usual i hive, is liable to mean out. P All IC Cpl. Chas E. Sheehan Returns To Post In N. J. Corporal Charles K. Sheehan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shee han, of Waynesville, has returned to his posl at Camp Edison, N. J., Union Training Center for Signal Corps. Cpl. Sheehan volunteered in the service over 18 months ago and was inducted at Fort Jackson. From there he was sent to Fort Monmouth, N. J.. and then to New York City for a three months spec ial training. From New York he was sent back to Fort Monmouth, and then to his present post. Cpl. Sheehan was employed by the local plant of the Let Dairy Products Company prior to enter ing the service. 5 B Ep1 mti WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Of Course Moure innueu. - i Young Lady! ... So many things have been happening since school started... so many new friends to talk to, and so much to talk about. Certainly you're thrilled, young lady! But before calling, please re member that all telephone lines are crowded now. If you're a party line user, it's especially important to avoid unnecessary calling and to speak briefly always. Telephone mate rials aren't available to build enough lines for everybody, so we must make the most of the fa cilities we have. , Your help in keeping the lines clear will be appreciated by a lot of people. Souther n Bell TELEPHonE nno telegraph company mOORPORATCD ii ii Matinee Monday .:00 1 M. Saturday and Sunday 2:00 and 1:00 I M. Nijjht Shows 7:00 V. M. and 9:00 P. M. j Sunday Night Opens 8:15, Iiegins 8:.!0 Admission j Adults :0c Tax Inc. Children under 12 years, 11c Tax Inc. I ' ! I Thursday October 21 j "The Ravaged Earth" j The rape of China. Friday October 22 Someone To Remember" With M. Paige and J. Craven. j Saturday October 23 Hoppy Serves A Writ" Hop-A-Long-Cassidy. LATE SHOW 10:30 P.M. "The Corpse Vanishers" With Bela Lugosi. Sunday October 24 "Destroyer" Starring Ed. G. Robinson and M. Chapman Monday-Tuesday October 25-26 "Princess O'Rourke" With 0. de Havilland and R. Cummings. ( Wednesday October 27 "King Of The Cowboys" With Roy Rogers. PLEASE SEND A HANGER with EVERY GARMENT . . . it is not that we don't want to furnish them, but you know, they're not available. Fur Quality Workmanship Send Your 'Garments To Us. Central Cleaners Main Street Phone ii: AUCTION 70 Choice Registered Herefords 41 Heifers (6 to 15 months) 29 Bull TAZEWELL, VIRGINIA OCTOBER 29th Modern Type, the Blocky, Deep, Mellow kind with D pendable Background, Blood of National Champion Tazewell Hereford Breeders D. W. Lynch, Secretary, Tazewell, Ya. Dear Customer - - We Don't Have Everythin- In Merchandise These Davs- But It's AH Yours You Only Have To Come Aft It And Make Your Purchases At. RAY'S Attract i' Prices. Below are a few of the items which are season! for men and boys and which we do have for I time being. for REAL COMFORT JK Our Underwear line fairly complete and will be plea-ed to m your needs.- A beautiful -took of Sweaters to h"w .V(V -Men's- Flannel Shirts In Work Shirts Tan and Gray in fl 4 Q Solid Colors 5XJi7 Men's Plaids Heavy Blue Flannel ... Dressy Gray Flannel .. up $1.49 $1.69 $1.98 Girls' Sport Collar Shirt Fancy Plaids Boys' Dress Shirts ; $1.19 ... $1-4? Corduroy Pants For Men and Bo RayV Dept. Stor Visit Our Green Room - fr" -Children's Wear-