) fOne Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 19( Page 2 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 1 The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Main Stnt Phone 131 Waynesville, North Carolina The County Seat of Haywood County V?. CURTIS KL'SS Editor MRS. HILDA WAY GWYN Associate Kditor tV. Curtis Kuss and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUHLISHK1) EVKRY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Haywood County 51.75 Six Months, In Haywood County fOc One Year, Outside Haywood County 2.50 Six Months, Outside Haywood County 1.50 All Subscriptions Payable In Advance Fntetfil at llic pout iiffh-e at .ifv ill, . (!.. an t-and Olata) Mail Miliar, an prumlid under tha Ail ul Mirth 3, 17, liireiiikr 20. IKM. Obituary aoiieea, rcbolutiofia of rcaixTt. fara1 of lltaiika. and all ulK'ru of enlerla nunc tit fur rofil, vs ilj be charged for t Mae rale of one cent iter woid. M.ATIOMAlDITOMAL j4!j4MSOCIATION North Carolina THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) From One Who Knows General Peyton C. Marsh, retired U. S. Chief of Staff, when interviewed last week on his 79th birthday by reporters, gave some mighty good advice and sounded a warning to the American people when he said: "We can lose this war right here at home thinking it's almost over. I'm against cen sorship. Tell the people the truth. They've got to know how tough it is anyhow. . . . This country is in for a shock. . . . The war hasn't even started. Wait until Germany and Japan begin fighting on their own soil." "Air power? Good. But the British said there was nothing left of Hamburg and then had to bomb it 119 additional times. The military works are underground. Essen? Hitler is a fool if he hasn't moved the Krupp works underground into Austria and left empty factories for the bombers. . . . There'll be 6,000,000 fighting men underground when we reach Japan. "Island hopping makes me sick, too. I'm for Eisenhower. I'm for MacArthur. . . . You can't whip Germany by whipping some body in Senega, bia. I'm a 'cross-channel man, myself, and I think we've got the right Idea in an all-out Western Front attack." The foregoing should certainly bring us down to earth as far as the war is concerned, for General Marsh has been a keen observer and during World War I he played an im portant role. Hitler's Changing Themes We are told that Hitler's New Year's mes sage in 1944 to the German people was not quite as cheerful as in other years. No doubt he realizes that they are at last won dering if any of his promises are coming true. In 1941 Hitler told his great armies: "This year, 1941, will bring the comple tion of the greatest victory in our history." Time passed and another twelve months rolled around. It was 1942. He told the German people in an address: "The year, 1942 we will pray to God for this that it will bring the decision for the salvation of our nation and the nations allied to us." Then another year went by, and the Allied Nations began to show undreamed of strength. In 1943 he told his people: "The day will come when one of the con tending parties in this struggle will collapse. That it will not be Germany, we know." Now in 1944 Hitler brings another mes sage to his people. He is not so optimistic He tells them: "In this war there will be no victors and losers, but merely survivors and annihilat ed. However great the terror may be to day it cannot be compared with the hor rible misfortune that would afflict our na tion and the whole of Europe if this coali tion of criminals should ever be victorious." Viewpoints are strange, are they not? Hitler's last remark could so well be applied by the Allied Nations to mean none other than the Germans themselves. We wonder what Hitler will tell his peo ple in his 1945 New Year's message. With every American citizen backing the war ef fort it is our fervent prayer that by then this leader of the Nazi will be silenced. A California man who fell three stories will recover nd wait for the elevator next time. Call For Extra Food America's food supply is said to represent perhaps the greatest single weapon of war in our fiyht against the Axis, and as the great 1914 food production program gets underway is our county it is well for us to give thought to the importance of this vast secondary army that is carrying on behind the battle lines. It is true that the food producers do not make the daily headlines that the battle fronts make, but none the less they are carrying forward the fight. For every mem ber of the armed forces stationed in this country there must be a three-month's re serve supply of food. This is about the amount that the wholesale food dealers count on for civilian needs. When the soldier is .sent overseas his needs are greater, for he must then be pro vided with a nine-months' food reserve which is about 1,400 pounds. It is obvious that the more men and women we have overseas the larger must be the reserve of food sup plies. Before the war we had only our own food problems, but now we have other re sponsibilities. Our 1943 food supplies were divided as follows: 13 per cent went to our armed forces ; 10 per cent to the Lend-Lease for our Allies; and 2 per cent for special needs. This left around 75 per cent for our own civilian population. The public is con suming much more food per person than a few years ago, because of more money with which to buy food. This factor has to enter in the planning ahead for food production needs. We all realize that the men in the armed forces must be fed and fed the right kind of food. It is the policy of this nation that we must have our fighters fed better than any other in the world. The size of our armed forces is steadily increasing, so this naturally steps up our food supplies. We are told that a successful invasion in full force may step up the food requirements. The armed forces are needing large sup plies of such "protective foods" as meats, fats, and oils, milk and canned goods. It has been estimated that they will need about 40 per cent of the canned fruits and juices, 15 per cent of the citrus, 26 per cent of the canned vegetables and 15 per cent of the butter. They will also require about 6 per cent of other edible fats and oils, 32 per cent of the canned milk, 14 per cent of can ned fish, 10 per cent of the eggs, and 15 per cent of the dry beans and peas. In the meantime we must under the Lend Lease help supply food to England and Rus sia. Practically all the food sent to Russia is used by their army. We have our choice, we can help win and shorten the war with food supplies or we can lengthen it by failure to meet the goals set up by our county farm agents. This county is only a part of this great country, but we have our responsibility to meet our quota, so we must remember that the army tending the soil right here at home is fighting side by side with our forces in Italy, in Africa, and over in the South Pacific. LEAP YEAR! J&f4&WASHINGT0N i i l. V HERE and THERE HILDA By WAY GWYN Relief on the home front is an nounced by WPB . . . We doubt if there is one item in the home that worn n have guarded with greater care since the war production era put a stop to the manufacture of civilian needs . . . than their electric iron. . . Those eld enough to recall the flat iron that prec.ded the streamlined electric model, have always regarded the latter type as one of man's major contribu tions to the joy of living. . . W bet there have been fewer irons "burnt out" during the past year than at any period since they were first put on the mark t. . . Memo ries of those old flat irons with their handles as hot as the ironing surface have been enough to make women cautious. . . For we were told that until the war was over there would "simply not be any more irons". . . But now WPB rec ognizing the important place the iron holds in the life of the family has announced that enough steel and other necessary materials are being allowed for the manufacture of 2,000,000 irons ... to b? re leased during the coming year. . . Party Lines And Battlelines That the sacrifices and anxieties of war know no party lines and touch all homes with tragic impartiality has just been un derlined for the people of Madison County by the news of the past few days. Tuesday's citizen reported the death in an airplane accident of Sergeant S. Fuller Roberson, former postmaster at Buckner. We do not know his politics, but since he held an office under a Democratic Adminis tration, he was probably a Democrat Really it doesn't make any vast difference. What counts is that he gave his life for his country. Wednesday's Citizen carried the news that Hal West of Marshall was missing in action over German territory. We do not know his politics, but since his father was once Republican Clerk of the Superior Court, we suspect that he is a Republican. Really his politics matter little. Much more important is the hard fact that he is missing in action in the service of his country. No, the party lines are not being drawn on the battlelines. That they are being drawn back home in such an unseemly and even undemocratic manner reflects no credit on those responsible for the mess in which the clerkship of Madison County has been involved. Asheville Citizen, A woman politician in New York State says she lost 21 pounds in the heat and stress of the recent political campaign and most of it in the right precincts, too. Think what they will mean to the war brides . . . who have left their happy homes in a hurry following their soldier husbands across the continent . . . from camp to camp . . . for in many cases mother could not spare the family iron to give them to take along . . . We bet that more little war babies have worn unironed clothes than evtr in the history of this country Last November a survey brought to light that there were exactly 14 electric irons for sale in this coun try . . . and by the end of the month there was only one in an appliance store and it was put out as an exhibit, according to WPB. In another survey of items that people missed most . . . the electric iron was placed 7th, while to our surprise butter was the top re gret. . . Speaking of irons, men have al ways' been smarter than women about reducing labor. . . Much as we hate to admit the fact, it is true . . . for after all the years that women had spent over the ironing board it was a man who in vented the electric iron. , . One Charles E. Carpenter, student at the University of Minnesota. . . No doubt the vital problem of keeping the crease in the trousers in his day back in 1889 inspired the invention. . . During these winter days we find ourselves constantly thinking of the men on the firing lines. . . The cold weather makes us more thoughtful of the conditions under which they are fighting. . . Pic tures of mud and snow also have their part in making us conscious of them. . . This week we were feeling very sorry for ourselves, when the big snow came ... it happened there was a manpower shortage on the place and no one, but ourselv s to handle the snow . . . so we donned our garden slacks bundled up in mufflers, heavy coat, galoshes, and put on our furnace gloves, took the biggest shovel we could find and tackled the job . . . we shoveled out a walk to the street . . . and then started making the rounds of the yard to uncover our boxwood and most cherished shrubs . . . at first we were overcome with the sheer beauty of the scene but in about a half hoar we were pretty well soaked and were puffing like the Murphy Branch engines as they take the Balsam grade . . . and were setting sorrier and sorrier for ourselves . . . when our thoughts took another turn . . . there came to mind soldiers of the Russian front . . . our boys in Italy . . . the mud and rain we hear abcut over in Africa . . . and instead of being sorry . . . wf thanked oar lucky stars we could shovel snow here at horn. Our wor kbrings us in contact with a large number of men in the service. . . During the past year we have noticed a big change in their attitude. . . We find they are much more homesxk today than they were a year aso . . We like that spirit. . . We see it in their eyes . . . and we hear that note of nostalgia in their talk. . . We spoke of it and someone tock us up . . . saying it sounded to them like we might think the army was "going soft", . . But to us it is just the reverse. . . We ilke to think that the spirit of Militarism that has been instilled in the German boys shows no signs of becoming a permanent part of the American ideals . . . even after the vigorous and thorough military training. . . We like to think of our soldiers fighting for the love of the home they l.ft, and not for the joy of killing and bitterness toward their foe, . . We like to see that the toughening experiences of train ing and actual combat do not make our boys cynical . . . that th? hardships and disillusionment that war can bring . . . are not becom ing paramount in their lives. . . But the love of home ... of the ways of peace are burning in their souls. . . We like to see that they are considering the war merely as a job that they must do, and it must be finished before they can enjoy life. . . It is but a hard interlude in their lives and they hope to be done with it. . . For what they want most is home . . . family and friends. . . We like to feel that after all this is the spirit of America. . . Voice lost of Air Base Now Puts Emphasis on Jap Submarines r s a enemy von no longer Depend On Planes Against Our Ship Special to Central Press 9 WASHINGTON Some Navy officials tn Washington are expect ire? intensification of Japans suDmaruie campaign against A.Heli '6 ..... . . I : . rerchant shipping tn cne raom- rcauiuug uum m- current onn .vhich deprived the Nips of valuahle air bases on the west flap.k of d shipping routes. Hitherto, the Japs relied on planes from the Solomons art.J . ... A i n .hlnnlnff Blflt t A fftrr a u.bb.I. - , tO inreaifll ftiliri nan oi'W" - 'wmciii lu ar .4-.r time-consuming detour on the route to the southwest Pa, ,fic Best bet Is that the Jap. having lost his air bases In the Solomon, xnd Gilberts, will resort to other tactics. . . L. frtM iidaI hia a 1 1 Km arina A.al K rl n V IP mtr war. mr uap uncu ,. ouuii'.i - ucci cArepi Lrj few isolated cases tn conjunction with his surface forces aguinsi American warships. These tactics proved costly u Ft'i Try Americans early In the war. both In the Sol n,onj and elsewhere u a- .. .. . r'rediciion japan may auempi sud attaekj Te lot against Allied merchant shipping, but most .-avj men reel me enemy nign commana nas waited to ong If such a method l used. It probably will do little harm t illied shipping which now I well protected In convoys. a t A PRESIDENTIAL VETO LOOMS for the senate railway wsg, -iowtion when It finally reaches Roosevelt's desk. The measure, which by now Is certain to have been approved by ,i-e upper chamber, declares valid a straight eight-cents-an-hour pay ..Ike for 100. 000. 000 non-operating trainmen. Both management and labor originally agreed to the Increase, but C-onomic Stabilizer Fred Vinson twice rejected the arrangement on . e grounds that it would mcance the "hold the line against uifla .rn" order of the chief executive. Informed Capitol Hill sources, basing their belief on a radio ad. irc'j by War Mobilizer Byrnes, predict that Roosevelt is nearly -rriain to veto the measure. Byrnes described the rail workers at r-.o.Mi.njr a political pistol at the head of congress." U riel her the senate and house have sufficient votes to override t veto remains problematical a W GOPOLITTCOS ARE WATCHING with keen interest the selec tion of Rep Charles A Hfclleck of Indiana as chairman of the na tional Republican congressional campaign committee succeeding Rep. J William Ditter of Pennsylvania, killed in an airplane crash. Th' re is much behind the move and it has many Implications. Halleck attained national prominence in 1940 when he nominated '.Vendell Willkie. another Koosier. for president. To Halleck's speech was attributed much of the success of the "Willkie Blitz." Halleck, however, has now cooled on Willkie which is important in pivotal Indiana and dangerous to Willkie. Halleck is assured of a seat in the house as long as he wants It, observers agree, and as congressional campaign leader he will be in line- for majority leadership if the Republicans capture the lower 'ranch in 1044 a a a i. THE NATIONAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION takes credit for no fact that Bernard M. Baruch Is in charge of drafting the broad : 'licptint fo- post-war conversion Insiders say that VA uWiy recommended delegation of the assign n ;nt to B.iruch to President Roosevelt weeks ago. NPA also would more or less bypass WPB on the ,!ost-war job Its program Includes creation of a Na- 'iona.' Reconversion commission and appointment of na Jonal reconversion administrator. Good chance for another round of alphabetical federal units! a a a ALTHOUGH THE ADMINISTRATION has told farmers they win Cot plenty of farm machinery to do the job in 1944 the fact Is that Ihere Is some dotibt about it now. Huge opjers for landing barges from the military have put I crimp In steel allotments for farm machinery. It's the old case of the miilt?.ry needs coming first with the farmers In close, but too far. second. Already harJ-prcssed for machinery, farmers may have to itreUl cut their old equipment another year. A National Reconversion Commission? OF THE People MARRIAGES Hugh S. Matthews to Roth Burch, both of Canton. Jeralm Kemp, of Waynesville to Narcissus Hughes, of Irvington, Ga. (Colored). England." Letters To The Editor In what country are you most interested outside of your own? Mrs. Walter Crawford "I would say at this particular time, England." J. Yates Bailey "Most of us would think of the English speak ing people, as the ancestors of the majority of us came from England." John E. Barr "Right now, would be Engkr.d." it Albert Abel "I have always been isterested in Brazil. " Miss Mary Mock "I guess Eng land comes first to mind, for just now it seems natural to think of Mrs. S. R. Crockett "There are several countries that interest me I have always been concerned over China, and now I think we are all interested in Poland. I am also concerned about the fate of the small European countries." Mrs. J. R. McCracken "Probab ly since the war, I have been more interested in the future of France than in any other country." V. C Nobeck "Since my par ents were natives of Sweden, I am naturally more inter: sted right now in the welfare of that country next to my own." Mrs. Cornelia Nixon "Off hand I would say Russia for its fight for independence and individual freedom." Mrs. James Moore "I suppose right now in what is happening in Italy." THE OLD HOME TOWN YDOC, I wake ja Duct. By STANLEY 1 CAN TAKE CARE OF THE EA ACME- moc about yoor errueis coMoukjarr I DOC, I WAKE Lf S E PiTELWi Dull C Ion TU HOr-ie Sweet rOM fftowrf f "x"-t Haywood County Ministerial Am ciation Concerned Over Negri Education .Editor The Mountaineer: The Raywood County Miniate! Association held its regular montij iy meeting vjn munuay, janui 3rd, at the Methodist church Waynesville. Rev. J. Clay Mh sun, fjiesiueut Ul til? aawviaw presided over the meeting as and new business was discussed report was given by the hospil visitation committee on a plan regular hospital visiting. A nuts ber of new committees were pointed by the president. The discussion turned then the very critical and, according the consensus of the ministers, disgraceful Neero education sil ation in Haywood county. I pointed out in the discussion that the 34,000 white population of countv R.200 wera this year 91 1 of the V copulation in schooL In co" to those figures, it was pointsd oft that of the 800 Negro populati of the county 157 were this yfl in school. , This is 18.75 of Negro population in school. Tttj differential of 3 was expls""! as partially the result of th pofc 1 : . tt, KftHI housing conditions of the VPV schools and also as the result t the complete absence of any !w(S school facilities for the N'efffi One of th ministers reported t; fhere were six boys and g'irtf Canton who are not in scno1 ?f year because there is no grade f hem; there are four who ar? from home paying for their m education because their county not provide adequate training j compliance with the provision!' the state law. Besides these elej there are twelve more who wiu, ready for the tenth grade J year. This makes a total of 23 should next year be provided p the opportunities of a tenth tFj education. It was further estrn ed that there will be next year trradp. thev have heen away v. hnma fwinn ant mitre educal and hare succeeded to the ew oi nnisning uie ienin gr"" , if As the discussion continue Jf. I (V.t mntr.O Of " ministers had been to the NT( (Caatinetf M a tr. f -.