fir (One Day Nearer Victory) THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Pace 12 Stackhouse, Jr. Placed in class 2 B(H) was: Evander A. Preston. Placed in class 3-C were: Mar vin G. Leatherwood and Paul W. Ferguson. Placed in class 4-F were David Mathis, Edwin J. Mints, Wilbunr R. Belt and Vance Caldwell. TTnele Mnw rta tat . Sixty-One Men Are Placed In 1-A This Week By Board (Continued frm page 1) nell Holt Clark, Hobert Whit, Horace Devoe Downs, Frederick Owen Cooke, Clyde Ramsey, Da vid Hugh Justice. Fred Gentry, Sam McNabb, George Walter Galloway, Earl An drew Messer, William Nolan Hol lingsworth, Ralph Lee Prevost, Jr., Robert Vinson Wyatt, Raymond Cagle Rathbone, Frank Palmer, Howard William Moore, Fred Bruce Hembree, James Andrew Price, Lester Brown, Ansel Cody Potts, Louie Luther Allen, Robert Hugh Clark, Burnett John Smith. Clayton Trantham, William Ar lo Hunter, William Lester Frank lta, Pherson Floyd Cagle, Jack Messer, Ernest Medford, Sam Loyd McCracken, Alvin Justice, David Arthur James, Hiram Leonard Green, Jake Canara Stewart, Billy Justice and Ted Arnold. Placed in class 1-A (H) were Felix Church Stovall and Fred Leverne Tucker. Placed in class 2-B were: Frank Medford Bryson and Tracy W. via p.f tin' ripe. De 'possum h.'. l tin' fat. De war is on but ah s NAP HOTS A mocking bird has been Uj to cnange bis tune 87 tha J one day. Think what a polit BY FRANCES FRAZIER Staff Writer 1 11 I 1 I 1 V When he first came into town, he was met with such cordiality that it, in a way, completely went to,his head. He was something very new and his resplendency captivated every one with whom he came into eentact. For a while he gloried in the fact that he was so different, so unlike the others. Then, sud denly, he realized that his likeness to a richer cousin was proving de cidedly embarrassing. He found that hands extended in welcome were withdrawn, and a very evi dent air of dispust was too notice able to be ignored. He thought the matter over and decided that this similarity might be overcome if he lost some of his shining appearance. He b came careless and assumed a dingy com plexion. But that made matters much worse, anger took the place of disgust and he had to listen to words not only uncomplimentary but d cidedly profane. Each day found him more and more un popular; found that people who once sought his company now shun ned him, turned him over to others with a sigh of rel ef. Perhaps, his greatest sorrow was the knowkdge that he was taken in hand because he was mistaken for that (by now) hated cousin. Lower and lower he grew in the esteem of everyone, consequently his opinion of him self shrunk to the lowest degree and he prayed that he might retire from public view. Evidently this idea was in the mind of his parents for they an nounced they, too, were ashamed of him and were disowning him forever. From now on their chil dren would he in a class to them selves, daik and sturdy. They would stand in bold relief agains the world and would never be mis tak n for any one else, but would wake their own way in the world. In fact, as far as they were con cerned, the sooner they forgot their other off-spring they (and everyone else) would be very mucr happier. They would like to bury their fair-haired child in forget fulness and say no more about the matter. If there be a moral in this tale, (which th re isn't the faintest in dication of being) it might show that it never pays to feel your own importance too much. Sooner or later you'll find that some one can step right into your place and fill it far more acceptably; find a wel come that you have rubbed off the front door mat by too much walk ing over others and get pushed completely out of circulation just like the little isolationist of this story. Poor, little white penny! R. I. P. Answers To The Questionnaire (Questions On Page 3) The following are the correct answers to the list of questions given on another page in this news paper; 1. Four. 2. Dr. Tom Stringfield, T. L. Green and G. C. Ferguson. 3. $1.30. 4. A hyphen is used. 5. T. L. Bramlett, L. M. Killian and Hugh Massie. 6. L. H. Bramlett. 7. Waynesville, J. H. Way, Jr.: Hazelwood, Clyde Fisher; Clyde, J. M. Anderson; Canton, Sam M. Robinson. 8. $3,173,355.48. 9. Black background, orange let ters. 10. Joe Rose, Guy Massie, Dill J. Howell. 11. Toggery (REA Building is buff). 12. Royle & Pilkington, Co., Inc. 13. Rf-y Parkman. 14. $1.40. 15. Secord. 16. George A. Brown, John R. Hipps, and D. J. Noland. 17. First National Bank. 18. Still there. 19. Lieu'enant General. 20. Captain. 21. 2,940. 22. Rev. W. L. Hutchins. 23. Miss Mary Margaret Smith. 24. R. C. Francis 25. U. D. C and D. A. R. 26. Glenn C. Palmer. 27. $23,880,875. 28. 19 and 23. 29. Tobacco. 30. November 11th. 31. Hamilton ($10). Lincoln ($5). 32. Carolina Power & Light Co. 33. Just weather worn. 34. Jonathan Woody. 35. Four. 36. M- R- Williamson. 37. C N. Allen. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Robert G. Tatum, Rector Third Sunday after Epiphany. Holy Communication at 8:00 a. m. Sunday school at 10:15. Morning Prayer and sermon, 11:30 o'clock. S r 1 ntU0 $1.00 Six 1 'm horuck;s . UN ' " ilk HU The health of the "CSvUlan Soldiers" on (he home front can hasten or retard America's victory. In one day. the common cold results in the loss of enough man-hours to build a cruiser. Guard against this enemy and all the other seasonal ills that are so costly to production and to the individual. Keep your medicine chest filled with these tried and proven health needs qualiry tested in the laboratory quality-proven by daily use in millions of homes. 18 Double Edge RAZOR BLADES 25 60c FLEETS PHOSPHO SODA 2.00 Sis S. S. S. BLOOD TONIC $167 80c Sis AH Typo Pond's Creams 49" $U0 Size SffilB til pi 9 "nc 50c LAVORIS 39' ZZ Lge. Size H (Si m Bit $1.00 Size VIM HERB 9C $1.50 Size PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND 1 Lb. S;z HEAD'S pXTHl-MALTOSE a 3- Quart SL'.e HALEY'S 84 $5.C0 18-Inch ZIPPER BAG 39 50c Size VITALIS HAIR TONIC 39c One Month's Supply Vitamin 13 COMPLEX TABLETS $1 20c Size FRENCH'S BIRD SEED 11 30c Size VICKS NOSE DROPS 24' 30c Size HILLS COLD TABLETS IT 60c Size STAMS VITAMIN 49 100 5-Grain ASPIRIN TABLETS IT 10c Size MERCURO-CHROME :c 25c Size PABLUM 19c $1.00 Size hind's Honey Almor ' Lotion S3' $1.00 Size Ironized Yeast Tablets 65 75c Size PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC 53 sue eocsiM rerber's I BREWERS Alophen Pills Alka Seltzer Ssfofc Yeast Tablets 49 49 SrCwjg"! g$c Electric Baby BOTTLE WARMER $225 MEAT'S Oleum Perccmcrpium 87c YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT SMITH'S Friday and Saturday Values At Uexall Store (None Sold to Dealers Quantity Rights Reserved) This Is Out War. Too Fharaacy ! phannacista ax makinq b unendoui contribution to victory on tha A. tllefielcU oi th world and here ob th hem front. It'i w war. loo. Wo't Bvch iaq ihouldsr to ihonldar wttli tho doctora oi this communitr 'n thei campaign to detoat Ulnost. Our aimamoot Is our training, xperienco and thorough undai landing of tho mponaibilitisa oi our profession. 4. 1 foot ShJtffo, caxa4t WITH NESTLE BABY HAIR TREATMENT Who con retiit a baby's foe fromj with oft curb and ringlet. And it'i to o( Mother, to give your baby kvety curia wrrtt the aid of Nestle Baby Hair Tret mtnt. Uied for over 30 years by attoo tands of Mothers to help form curls and Hnglett and keep the scolp cleoit ond fragrant. If baby's second growth of hair h one inch or longer start using Baby Hair Treatment today. Advertised in and) Commended by Parents' Magazine, $1.00 bottle makes a full quart of treatment ! Yum Esther 4-Purpose Cream 39' Si 59' 98' 55c Size 82c Size $1.28 Size sill I A and HtSt- I 3 MINERALS WTfPCfM AUMtWf J (jVWifM W mm. Mm w i aav in ttamamw law w " r m NEW OUICK-FOAM P0WI.E NEW WAR-ECONOMY PACKAGE NEW WHIRLPOOL CLEANSINS 25c Size B C or Stanback . 1S0 100 Squipp's VIGRAN CAPSULES Each capsule contains minimum daily require ment of A, B, C, D, G $3.98 5c tE HADAC"r. f5 IPs ft J i.i Buy War Bonds and Sumps.