I Waynesville MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ' . . Z . WAYNESVILLE, N. C- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) 1ETH T t. Alv iw. .n a n IV' f 1 Ji 1 V i $1.75 In Advance In Haywood ana jaauwn HE C a PLACE V K X y Touvf5' ft -fTTT T- ted tross Wa hA To Kaise rie 1 fill Ola ui Chapter of the Lean Red Cross has been as- Fund Campaign wnicn win ,lly opt'ti in this area on r eu- 2iti. according W) rwev. . Madison, who has Deen narneu - i i : Tkn nntinn. ,iian o! me umyc. ,fi ha- been set at -'UU uuu, the quota of ?130,000,- ,f last yt'ar. ty-one per cent of the funds 1 last year were sent w ns- 1 h.ad.piarters and hlty-nine ,t kept for local use Dy me .r. This year 43 per cent be kept for local worn nuu r cent has been asked to be ho national headquarters. difference in the allocation ds this year is due to the ndous amount of worK neces for the program of the Red in ov. rseas areas where the I forces are serving, it was d out by Mr. Madison. hile the quota for 1944 is tne t ever assigned this area, M. K. Williamson, president Havwood chapter, and Rev. av Madison, cnairman oi nc are optimistic over the goal reached by the appointed The quota is $1,700 above kif last year which was $4,400. oca! chairman has adopt- r his slogan "One day's wages he fighting man," and during llrive for funds each person r . . . . il. yed in the section oi tne v covered bv the Haywood Iter will be asked to contribute arnings of one day for "the in service fighting for hjm. tensive plans are being work- lit bv the chairman of the and the president of the cr. Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn has named chairman of publicity. Assigned the newspaper cover- f the drive. nmittee for the drive will be meed in the cominc week, it earned from Mr. Madison. ther Of Editor Re Buried Today Hendersonville neral services will be held this noon at 4 o'clock at tho Rhen- Memorial Chanel in Hender- Ole for Hud s(in M. Russ. 67. of W. Curtis Russ. editor he Wavnesv-lle IvTrmntainppr. '1 at his hdimp in TTpnrlprsnn- at 3 oVlnck Wednesday after- nev. ii. m. Seigler, pastor H' Kii"t Bantist church of cr-onvnie, will ofnc'ate, as- h' Rev H n TTommot oo f the First Baptist church of ille. Burial will be in Oak- cemeterv. Russ was a native of Cons'- C.. and for many years F'C'te 1 a mpT'pantil liiicinoaa n-ivinjr to Hendersonville V-tno V(5ira aerf TTw-il Vici rCl"l hv ill nooHK rt votira yr-ars aero. Mr. Rus was '"dersonville. se'y identified with the acti of the First Baptist church ?ndersnnville, he had served as a d 'acon and as a trustee church. Irviving are his wife; one son, lM RUSSi of Waynesville; anghters. Miss Clnria T?nss. 'CndersonuiHo iw tt,.i. i. of Greensboro; one grand Marguerite Russ, of Way e: and two sisters. Opens Feb. 29 Ds DD Christmas Tubercular Seal Sale Largest Ever Recorded In This Area There were more Christmas Tuberculosis Seals sold this year than ever recorded in the Waynes ville area, according to the final report submitted this week by Mrs. Frank Ferguson, local chair man in charge of the sales. The ouota for the area had been set by state headquarters at $300, while the sales amounted to $40H. Of this amount $306 will be kept for local work and $102 will De sent to the stat? headquarters. The money kept locally will be used to aid tubercular patients and also tubercular suspects. A part of it will be diverted to aid in providing school lunches for under nourished children in the local schools. The mailing committee, headed by Mrs. Charles Miller, who made all their sales through the mails, had to their credit $158 of the sales made. The sale of seals is sponsored locally by the Woman's Club and the greater part of the sales are sold throue-h the schools of the area, with the students selling to their families. Ninety-Three Men Are Placed In 1-A During Past Week Ninety-three men were placed in class 1-A by the draft board serv ing the Waynesville area during the past week. In the group were the following: Wade Hampton Frazier. Jr., George Franklin Rathbone, Kelly Lee Howell, Kim gey Niland Palmer, Fred Henry Plott, Marion Thomas Bridges, Fred James Sanford, Troy Lee Wilson, Marvin Samuel Chambers. Daniel Shuford Young, Clay William Sheehan. Clifford Wallis Green, Benjamin Franklin Fisher, Lester James Bradshaw, Emery Allen, Kenneth C. Miller, Mack Murray Mercer, Kenneth Parker, Zilla Roosevelt Huffman, Law rence Kilby, Thomas A. Edison Meser, Homer Hector West, Fred Farmer, Everett Harvey Clark, Cass McCaha, Guy Smith, Noble William Ferguson, Joseph Yates Plemmons, Charlie Arthur Dot son. Harry Montreville Moody, Wal ter Fisher Sprinkles, Robert Ed ward Reece, Deward McElroy, Henry Conner, Loyd Lincoln Moore, Clifton Earle Parton, Troy William Sutton, Robert McCarter, Hardy Marion Carver, Melburn Green, Samuel Edgar Frady, Thomas Jackson Kirby, Dewey For rester Bryson, Doyl Calvin Rath bone, Frank Benjamin James, Neal Davis Mathis, Robert Vance Da vis. William Rose, Milas Ward Kirk- patrick, Woodrow Wilson Rich, Carl Bryson Hannah, Robert Oliv- (Continued on page 6) fo ill pons To Honor mory Of Two rmer Members 'iiorial services will ho heH regular COmmiinieatinn of ilia T nJ. XT- npn ft . u i I. z-i i. . A. M - "le VV. T T.eo St. t,,V. di d r . . ucc, or., wno ui ii 1r,ary 3rd. .nd tn T. f thpsn, who passed away on ruarv 21 st iato L- Prevost will be in charge of perviepo InJ ii . I j on mcniD are 0 W arpnH i i , - fy in-ir insi. is to these former associates. 'ors are also welcome. In,e who mke hiatory don't me to vrite it Only Nine Boys Register Under Draft In January Only nine boys in Waynesville became 18 years of age during the month of January and regist red under the selective service system subject to call by the local draft board. The nine included; Walter Car men Hollingsworth, Waymsville, R.F.D. 1; James Robert Wood, Waynesville, R.F.D. 2; Eirl Grady Russell, Waynesville, R.F.D. 1; Ted Morgan, Hazelwood; Billy Justice, Waynesville, R.F.D. 1; John Stuart Ramsey Crockett, Hazelwood; Hayes Allen Moody, Waynesville, R.F.D. 2; Bascom Alfred Edwards, Haztlwood; William Francis Lan ning, Waynesville. Funds Raised In Tag Days Staged Here and Canton Haywood county's quota in th annual Infantile Paralysis cam paign will be more than doubled whin all funds contributed have been turned in, it was learned from Jonathan Woody, county chairman of the drive. The quota for Hay wood was set at $815, whil? the total contributions yesterday af ternoon amounted to $1,616.43. This is the largest amount ever contributed to the infantile cam paign in Haywood county. The figures for the two areas of the county stood Wednesday after noon as lollows; canton with a total of $710, and Waynesville with $006.43 in contributions. The only expense of the cam paign will be a nominal sum of $9.-B for tags presented the con tributors and for the printing of placards which were placed in th various business firms of the coun ty, according to Mr. Woody. The greater part of the money (Continued on page 6) r r Paralysis Frodl Wins Distinguished Flying Cross Criminal and Civil Cases To Be Heard In February Court The February term of Suncrior court, at which time both criminal and civil cases will be heard is sche duled to convene here Monday, Feb ruary 7, with Judge Felix E. Alley, presiding. Jurors drawn for the (first week include: H. L. Morgan, Beaverdam; Glenn Hipps, Waynesville; Frank Davis, Beaverdam; Zeb Curtis, Waynes ville; L. B. Hooper, Waynesville; Ed Ledford. Fines Creek; Norman Hoglan, White Oak; H. O. Cham pion, Waynesville; Owen Murray, Pigeon; J. Medford Williams, (Continued on page 7) Permits Required Now To Burn Any Brush Effective February 1, burning nermits are required of persons burning leaves, brush, or any rash on, or immed:afely near woodland areas under the protec tion of the North Carolina S'ate Sprvi"e. it was arnounceo bv R. E CWwell, Haywood county forest warden. Mr'. Caldwell pointed out that such permits are required to let the forest service know whre the fires are being started. He also pointed out that the proper t me for burning trash, etc., is follow ing a rain or in the late afternoon or at night when the air is damp and the fire is more easily con trolled. Permits may be obtained from Mr. Caldwell and G. C. Plott at the court house and the follow;ng places in the countv: Tom Alex ander at Cataioochee Ranch: L. M. McCaha, at Magg e; W. A. Green, Maggie; Robert Howel', Jonathan '"reek; C. H. Franklin, Cove Creek; H. F. Hoglen. Liberty; J. H. Mc elroy, Jonathan Creek; H. L. Rathbone, Fines Creek; Crady Walker, Cr'btree: L. A. Trantham, Crabtree: T. C. Davis, Iron Duff. Taft Ferguson's store, Clyde, mute 1 : Hardv Phi'lipo. Mt. b er ling; Harvey Beach, Wayn sville. R. F. D. No. 1; Lane Allen, Can ton: R. C. Putman, Stamey Cove; Claude James. Hyde; J. W. Hol--ombe. Pigeon; W. C. Parton, Cru- so: Mark Ferguson, Shorty Arringfon, Panther Creek; Clem Fitzgerald, t wn hill, Way nesville; Raford Brown, Hemphill; Dellwood post office; Ellis Burnett, Retreat; W. B. Poston, Sherwood and Big Ea-t Fork; John Himes, Sherwood and Little East Fork and West Fork; A. -E. Caldwell, Saunook and Barber's Orchard. Instructions for burning were outlined as follows: 1. Clear strins Plow a clean strip all around a fipld when burn ing land off. and making the strip wide enough to k ep the fire from getting away. 2. Pile brush Make small pile in the open away from woods and fences. 3. Have tools and help. Have rakes and water ready. Don't bum on a windy day. 4. Bum against the wind Se' fire in grass along the edg? of th" plowed strip to burn into the wind. Burn brush piles from the leeward and start ion the uphill side of the field first. Bum one pile to test th? wind; then only a many p ies at one time as you know you can handle. 5. Burn on quiet, moist days Bum afteT 4 P m. when air mni ture is increasing. Be particular ly careful during the worst fire months March, April and Novem ber. 6. Put out Wore 1 raving Keep at least one mail on the job untf Pigeon; i eery spark is out. Mildred Milner Wins Prize In DAR Fashion Show Mildred Milner was the winner of the prize givin at the fashion show sponsored by the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution held at the high school Tuesday. The prize, $2.50 in war stamns. was present d by Miss Patsy Gwyn, president of the Joseph Howell Society of the Children of the American Revolu tion. The dresses were graded accord ing to the standards set up by the D.A.R. national committee. Those entering the contest and whose dresses were made under the supervision of Miss Marjorie McManus, home economics teacher in the high school, in addition to the winner were: Marion Ellis Howell, Cene Anne Bradley, Nancy Jones, Theresa Liner, Janet Abel Floise Martin, Ann Farmer, and Dot Green. An Eighth A A F Bomber Com mand Station, England. !sta(T Sergeant William D. Sawyer, 21, of Waynesville, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf (Musters for Hying twenty- live missions niriiinst Germany. Sgt. Sawyer was armorer and left waist gunner on the "Wailuku Maud" and recently oil a new ship named "My Buddy", both Flying Fortresses of the Eighth Air Force based in England. Sgt. Sawyer is the son i,i Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Sawyer, of Way nesville. He ih a graduate of the Waynesville high school and at the time he volunteered in the army on October 7, 1JI4I, he was em ployed by a tilling station in Way nesville. Se;t. Sawyer began his combat (lying in July f l'.M't, his first mis sion being the long trip (o Ber gen, Norway. "It was a milk run," be says of Bergen. "At least it seems so now. It was just long and cold." Then came the Hanover mission which developed into one of the vicious air battles of the year. Sawyer Charlie in the lis the ' plane was in "tail end ' position, the last plane las! squadron, also known "Purple Heart Corner." Ki fillers followed the planes for two hours and Sgt. Sawyer is re ported to have shot 1,000 rounds I bat day. There followed many of the roughest missions flown by the Eighth Aii Force, including Paris, Stuttgart, I.al'allice, Gdynia and Kegensbtirg, the latter being the famoiirt shuttle (light to Africa. The crew hail n wr.!i in' North Africa before they t jk off on the return flight. They were forced to crash laud in an English wheat field, but nobody was hurt. Since Regensburg, Sawyer's ship haH always been the squadron leader, except the Eindon mission, when it (lew us leader of the entire wing. Sgt. Sawyei 's squadron has made I rips over Paris, which city be says lie bad always wanted to visit, but be didn't see what he hud always wanted t, for practi cally all be saw was a "lot of flak." Sgt. Sawyer hopes to continue flying with the Army Air Force after the war. Boy Scouts Busy Hauling In Waste Paper In Drive The drive for collection of scrap naper which was started last week by Troon 2, Roy Scouts, sponsor-d by the Rotary club, is progressing with fine response in the commun ity it was learned from Guy Mas sie, scoutmaster, who is heading the drive. Mr. Massie stated that a num ber of p rsons had brought papor to the headquarters from the rural sections and also a number from Hazelwood and Waynesville had brought in large quantities. He further stated that the boys w re on tre jcb and were ready to answer all calls for donation of paper, which they were hauling in wagons to the building forme-lv occupied by the Green Tree Tea Room, serving as the main storag nlace, until the paper is put on the market. The drive will continue for some time and Mr. Massie is asking that as Spring cleaning gets underway housewives bear in mind the sera" paper collection and salvage all waste papers. St. John's Stanm And Bond Sales In 4th Loan Drive Total $9,604.55 During the first two weks of the Fourth War Loan Drive, the punils, tTachers and staff of St. John's School purchased $9,604.55 in bonds and stamps. To date, bond and stamp sales a' the chool have reached a total of $40,461.90. Still "jeep-conscious" the pupil of St. John's are striving to keen the jeeps rolling along for Unci; Sam at unslackening pce. Thei purchases to data would buy 45 jeeps. ' WhatWas The Decision Of Mr. and Mrs. Ground Hog On The Weather? Cantured German War Equipment To Be Shown Here Admission To Park Thea tre By Bond To Show On Thursday, February 10th. With the sale of bonds in the Fourth War Loan Drive in Hay wood totaling $45.1,727.50 through yesterday, Sam Robinson, county chairman, is urging every commit tee in the county to work toward completion of the quota of J700, 000 by Friday night. Pointing out that Haywood coun ty had more men in service than any county in the United States ner capita, Mr. Robinson stated that he was striving to have Hay "dod the first county in North Carolina to reach its goal. He i making a special appeal to the farmers and the smaller buyers, as many of the larger purchasers of other drives are not investing as heavily in this campaign. While Mr. Robinson is aiming at the early attainment of the goal, he staled that the drive would con tinue through the loth of the month and that many were plan ning to buy bonds next week, as revealed by the surveys being made in the house to bouse canvass. ,1. K. Massie, chairman of the Waynesville area, stated that on Thursday night, 10th, a free movie would be shown here at the Park Thuntrn with entrance bv a war bond bought either on the 8th, 9th, or 10th. He stated that due to tho crowded conditions of trying to operate a bond booth just before the starting of the show, the com- (Continued on page 6) Women Of Area Begged To Make Jtyrgfral Dressings An urgent appeal is being made this week by Mrs. Ben Colkitt, dhairman of the surgical dressings committee of the Hnywod Red Cross Chapter for workers in the rooms in the Maon:e Temple. "As the invasion gets underway in Europe and the fighting becomes more intense in other combat areas, our quotas will be increased and surely with the sacrifices these men are making, we cannot fall down on this obligation," said Mrs. Col kitt in her appeal to the women of the community. The supplies for the local work were delayed and the work is, therefore, behind schedule, it was pointed out by Mrs. Colkitt, who stated that unless there was a greater response the chapter would fail in keening UP with the quota of surgical dressings assigned this area. Frances Gilbert Frazier Staff Writer This is Thursday, February third and the day after the one that trad tien hr-s set aside for an important decision. On th- out come depends the wholc arrange ment of the seasonable wardrobe, seed phntini', pruning and what-have-yeu. Did Mr. Ground Hog see his shadow yesterday? Th-it was the big question before the population and the rerdy would, of course, depend largely upon in what, part 1 the country the wea ther prognostica'or livd. The hardy and fnitViful followers of weather predictions, such as the thick fur on the squirrel; the heavier birk on the north side of trees (and the shadow that th' Ground Hog sees or does not see on February the second) wai' natiently around until the hour of eleven corn s and goes. Then tvey spend the rest of the day discuss ing the crops and making plans generally. Mr. Ground Hog, you rmmber, is supposed to open a pair of sl'epy eyes on the traditional morning. C9ll as he yawns to Mrs. Ground Hog and ask, "Well, dear, how does it look this morning? Do you tink I had better turn hack the cover and prepare to make a day of it or shall I just slip out, peek, and lip back while my bed is still nice and warm?" Mrs. Ground Hig, as an obedient wife should do, lays down what ever she is doing, opens the dor and cautiously perrs out. So far. so good, but how well Mrs. Ground Hog knows that will not satisfy Mr. Ground Hoe. He wants th'ngs business-like and thw Ground Hog to investigate, her apron over her head, for it is a long ways from Snring yet, regardless of what her huband decreed 1 iter in the day. She looks up and then she looks around and th n she sighs deeply ard she again turns toward the house. What else can she report, for above her the sky iu as tantalizine a blue as a baby's eyes! Soft, fluffy clouds that look as though a giant pa:nt brush has smooth d them on, lie across its tranquil face. A gentle, little breeze that seems to smile beguil ingly as it brushes the lips of the early morning sun, whispers a Lor li promise that Spring is al ready packing up her lovely green ruffles for an early visit. Mrs. Ground Hog takes a deep breath, lifts her head and sten briskly toward the house. Sh knows what she will have to tell Mr. Ground Hog, and it mpans that he will have him hanging around the house for the next six weeks The fact that he works only on day out of the year isn't mention-d in the Grund Hog menage; but the six weeks ahead when the sun is shining as it is at this minute, srems a certainty. And there is nothing she can do about it. But wait! Sudd"nly, a sharp stine ing blow strikes Mrs. Ground Hog's hand and she screams in surprse as she wipes away small particle of ice that are smashing all around her. She looks up in astonish ment, trying to understand such a transition from Spring to Winter. But thsre is no answer; only the pelting sleet that falls in increas ing fury. Where, only a few min utes before, she had found the glory Anrta in A ougn manni-rwirii some mc I . does the doing. So out goes Mrs. (Continued on page 7) Apparel Group To Hear OPA Officials Members of the Haywood Price I'anpl exnect every merchant in this area who s lis any wearing apparel of any type, to attend the UFA meeting here Tuesday night at the court house, and hear officials ex plain the new rules and regula tions. The meeting will bejHn at 7-?0. Those appearing in behalf of OPA will include Edwin Allison, dis- tr'ct supervisor, Miss Pearl Hum- phery and Mrs. Timmons. Jimmy Swanirer Winner Of UDC Declamation Medal Jimmy Swanger was the winner of the medal given in the annual Lee - Jackson declamation contest sponsored by the Haywood Chapfer of the United Daughters of the Confederacy whirh was held on Thursday in the high school audi torium. Mrs. W. A. Hvatt, histor ian, was in chartre of the proeram. Rev. S- R- Crockett gave the invo cation and he sal-'te to te flag was led by Mrs. J. Harden Howc'l. Young Swanger's declamation was "The New South", and the other contestants: Robert Ha'ry, who won the second prize, a silver dollar; Robert Harrv. R. G. Coffey, Jr., and Amos Lee Swanger. Mrs. lames R. Byd. chapter president, presented the prizes. Serving as jvdges were: Prof. W C. Allen. Rev. S. R. Crockett, and Rev. M. R. Williamson. A medley of Souf-em airs was ren dered by the high school band. Rev..M. R. Williamson gave the benediction.