0 HE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park feTH VEAR INU. is n rages WAYNESVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1944 fOne Day Nearer Vtory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countk M AS PLACE VA, HI F Wr Touvf TjJSI Ward. Dr. Stuart I 1 IaI'Q1H tson anu Are Vice Presidents. Garrett was eieciu.i- be Chamber 01 L-ommeitc Lday night by the 1944 director?. iard hart recently elected office due to pressing uum- Jrectors also named A. T. r. R. Stuart KODerson mm Clapp as the tnree vico 5, and H. S. Ward as . T-V bmittee composed 01 vi. Charlie Ray, C N. Alien ik C Ropers was namea to he annual budget, arrange membership campaign, and it details for the annual if the organization. Lj4 board of directors were named in a community- .oting. rrett Is President amber Commerce otic Service e Held At Baptist Icial patriotic dedication will feature the Sunday tervice at the First Bap- ch, according to an an- tnt made yesterday by the ;he Rev. H. G. Hammett. rofrram, which will begin ilock for this significant kill include a prpesenta- a beautiful flag to the t Walter F. Driver, prom ristian layman of Chi- Waynesville. In this period the service men will nized individually in a ghting feature to symbolize n and thanksgiving. tranizations, including the pool, deacons, finance com- Al. U., and Training ill participate. Plans al- le participation of several rmed forces in uniforms 'spective branches of the C. Of C. President f . 1 v.:Aj V 3 tnrps In tOiiipiuig OPA Rules recent check un on eilino , ' the merchants aides, it 1 tha- i.nly a few food rt "t right up to the ;h ('PA regulations. all corrections had ' 'i'l -oiee that time, not S!ni hs ''eon found that "P'''a!iMg in full accor h f'I'A price regulations. ' ' aiu's ai(es are making pspiitMns, it was Dointerl jress Being On Scout S Drive member? of the canvn I arf yet to rerort. nti 14 Sdult :,;Vr- hero ..J ine drive, wWi i 1 V by the Km-,,, 'e said vesterdnw W 11 Is who had made a report t the quota assicnpH tn ; quota for Haywood $1,580. The Waynesville ei1 to raise Vinl-f n t ""n raismtr -.1 l i . --ft u.e ouner nail. in chares o0 .11 " todav .. i . ""u win maKe led "Port next week. N. W. GARRETT was elected president of the Chamber of Com merce here Tuesday night by the 1944 board of directors. Mr. Gar rett is owner of Garrett Furniture Store, The Garrett Funeral Home, and has a large farm on Jonathan Creek. Mrs. W. F. Swift Elected Regent DAR Chapter Mrs. W. F. Swift was elected regent of the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution at the April meet ing of the group which was held on Friday afternoon with Mrs. James W. Killian and Mrs. Swift as associate hostesses at the home of the foriiier. Mrs. Swift succeeds Mrs. S. H. Bushnelli who has ably served the chapter as regent for the past three years. Others who will serve with Mrs. Swift are vice retfent, Mrs. J. W. Killian, and secretary, Mrs. Hugh Jolly. The other officers will be carried over for another year. Mrs. Glenn Tweed, of Asheville had the paper of the afternoon, her subject being on "Post War Prob lems". Mrs. Tweed stressed the economic conditions that will follow the war. Mrs. V. 0. Barker reviewed the national magazine giving in detail the message of the president gen eral. A letter was read from the state regent, Mrs. Preston Wilkes, of Charlotte, telling' of the program of the national congress which will be held this year in New York City, in which she urged the mem bers to send delegates. Mrs. James E. Henderson has been elected to represent the chapter. A number of guests were present for the meeting. A social hour followed adjournment. The resi dence was arranged in quantities of spring flowers. In the absence of the regent, Mrs. Bushnell, Mrs. Swift, vice regent, presided. Sixty-One Men Were Reclassified During Past Week Sixty-one men were reclassified by the local draft board and three men continued in class 1-A during the past week. Placed in class 1-A were: Al bert V. Arrington, John W. Mar cus, James R. Rich, Herbert Hugo Braren, Eulas Oland Carroway, i Robert Oliver Shook, John R. 1 Kates, Everett Smith, Albert Earl Muse, Thomas James Frazier, Thomas Edward Burney, DeWitt Clinton Rogers, Clyde Vance Cal houn, and Curtis Franklin Hen drix. Placed in class 1-C were: Jesse E. Hampton, Howell J. Buchanan, William L. Allen, Walter Otis Hen derson, James McClure. Jesse J. t M.wwl.r fw..l. t c iir-ii..-. T ...wwwj, 1-ianiv ju. ouuifi, miei o . White, Benjamin F. Troutman, Clyde W. Morgan, William P. Plemmons, Charles F. Lee, James W. Lanning, and William Mac Fish. Placed in class 2-A were: Owen R. Roberts, Clifton E. Parton, Cephus Frazier, Hugh Love Alli son, Woodrow Wilson Rich, Ever ett Lee Moody, Carl Led ford, Frank Pearson Robinson, Hallett Sidney Ward, James Robert Da vis, Robert Theodore Yarborough, Winfred Richard Wright, Hugh Hall, Arvile Aden Caldwell, and Floyd Ferniefold DeWeese. Continued in class 2-A were: James F. Moore, Donald A. Plem monds and William Gerald Rath bone. Placed in class 2-B were: Ecjel H. Mashburn, Orville C. James, James Robert Plott, and James Richard Gerringer. Placed in class 2-B (H) was Jonas C. Helms. Continued in class 2-B were: William Lee Allen, Oliver Hicks Carroway, Ralph Hicks Turley, Cardell Cowart, Harvey Eugene Wright, and William Clinton Bry ant. Placed in class 2-C was William Sutton. Placed in class 4-F were Frank J. Trull, Amos Cagle, and Marshall Haney. Awarded Air Medal I hiummm M ''''inim.-M"'-Oift ThVW-lrt"i)1f,WM SGT. GRADY V. HOWELL, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Howell, of Waynesville, R. F. IV No. 2. who was recently awarded Air Medal ! fo service in Air Force Sgt. G. Y. Howell Awarded Air Medal In England HLACKWELL 3 Democrats In Race For Nomination As County Legislator OPA Checking On Motorists Here . Motorists of Haywood are being checked by OPA investigators to see that all gasoline coupons have the license number and state on each. The inspectors reported that so far all those checked had been in compliance with the regulations. The check-up will continue as far as officials here knew. Any motorist found with gaso line coupons that do not have the license number and state written on the front of the coupon is lia ble to have all gasoline allotments withheld. Technical Sergeant Grady V. Howell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady V. Howell, of Waynesville, R. F. I). No. 2, who is serving somewhere in England, has been awarded the Air Med:. I by General James P. Hodges, commanding gen eral of a Liberator bomber divi sion. The citation reads as follows: "For execpt ionally meritorious achievement, while participating in five separate bomber combat mis sions over enemy occupied contin ental Europe." Sgt. Howell is an assistant en gineer and gunner on a Libera tor combat crew at a base in Eng land. The 23-year-old airman, who has just been promoted the grade of technical sergeant, entered the service on August 29, 1942, and received his overseas combat train ing at army air bases, Wendover, Utoh, and Sioux City, Iowa. Prior to entering the service, TSgt. Howell was an inventory clerk for the Owens-Illinois Glass Company in Bridgeton, N. J. He was educated 111 the local hign school and North College. R. H. Blackwell, Jr., Air Crash Victim, Buried Tomorrow Last rites will be conducted at the First Methodist church at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon for Rufus Hunter Blackwell, Jr., who was killed when his bomber crashed during a take-off at Oak Harbor, Wash., on last Wednesday, April The Rev. J. Clay Madison, pastor of the church, will offi ciate. The local post of the American Legion .vill also partici nate in the ser vice. Burial will be in Green Hill cemetery. The body is scheduled to ar rive in Asheville this morning. The Massie Funeral Home is in charge of brine"inir the hodv to Wavnes- body a wmr ZiS8- Jh.e ! Woman's Auxiliary i naval escort from the West Coast, i e F liAchvfAFV llnlH according to information received 1,1 1 l"JlJ UIU by the family from the War De-I A 1111111 1 lVTpAt ITfrP Apple Blossoms To Be At Best This Week-End With continued warm weath er this week, the apple blos some in the large orchards here should be in full bloom by Sunday, it was predicted here yesterday. Some early varieties are al ready in bloom, but the large part of the trees will be in full bloom this week-end. Sgt. Kenneth Moore Receives Promotion Sergeant Kenneth Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Moore, of Haz elwood, has recently been promoted to Staff Sgt., it was learned from his family this week. Sgt. Moore is now serving with the armed forces in (England, where he has been for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Buch anan have returned from their wedding trip and are at home at the Hahn Apartments. partment. Serving as active pallbearers will be Col. J. Harden Howell, Capt. W. F. Swift, Fred E. Martin, Grady Boyd, William Shoolbred and members of the naval escort. Mr. Blackwell, who volunteered in the U. S. Naval Reserve the day after the attack on Tearl Harbor, was serving as aviation chief ma chinist's mateat his post on Whid bey Island. Mr. Blackwell, son of Rufus H. Blackwell, and the late Susan Byrd Blackwell, was a veteran of World War I, having volunteered imme diately after war was declared. He served many months on combat duty overseas and with the army of occupation. He was educated in the Waynesville schools and at Brevard College. At the time he entered the service in World War II he held a position with the Ecusta Manufacturing Company of Brevard. He is survived by his widow, of Asheville; his father and step mother; one daughter, Susan Byrd Blackwell, and one son, Rufus Hunter, III, of Asheville; three Carolina State sisters, Mrs. Harry r rehn, of Bns jtol, Tenn., Mrs. Jeff Garrett, of i Keidsville, and Mrs. James Mich aels, of Durham; one brother, Pfc. Paul Blackwell, of the armed forces, now serving in England; two nieces and one nephew. The 89th annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Ashe ville Presbyterial was held here at the Waynesville Persbyterlan church on Tuesday, with approxi mately 135 persons in attendance. M rs. Preston Thomas, of Asheville, j president, presided. The executive board met at 9 '.80, followed by the general session at 10:,'S0. The Rev. R. M. William son, pastor of the local church, gave the invocation and Mrs. W. II. F. Millar, president of the hostess auxiliary, gave greetings to which Mrs. Ralph Freeman re sponded. Highlights of the meeting were the talks by Mrs. Donald Mclver, of Bristol, Va., president of the Appalachia Synodical ; Mrs. Ben Knox, of Atlanta, Ga., Dr. Henry Two Republicans In East Fork In Contest For Nomi nation As Constable. Three candidates filed for tha nomination as the Democratic can didate for Representative in the Legislature, for the only county contest in the May 27th primary. The only township contest is in constable's race in East Fork. The three Democrats seeking the nomination as representative 'are R. E. Sentelle, S. L. Sanderson, and Glenn C. Palmer. Mr. Palmer Is seeking re-election, having been representative from Haywood for the past three terms. In the Republican township race East Fork, H. W. Heatherly and L. M. Crawford are the candi dates. The county board of elections this week mailed out absentee bal lots to all men and women in ser vice who have requested ballots. In session here last Saturday, the board named the registrars and judges for the coming primary. The first two named are Demo cratic members and the third is e Republican member. Beaverdam No. 1, W. W. Pless, Ray Byers and Clyde Smith. Beaverdam No. 2, Will F. Clark, Jake Smathers and Gladstone Haney. Beaverdam No. 3, C. E. Williams, J. T. Chappell and Roy Matheson. Beaverdam No. 4, Bill Frank lin, George Henry Smathers and John Teague. Beaverdam No. B, Mrs. Fred Winfield, Grover Russell and George A. Wilson. Beaverdam No. 6, S. C. Wood, Girtwood Smathers and L. J. Ward. More Than 300 Men And Women Attended The Republican Rally rir.v r,i.i.,i . . . - . . acK, tecnni- I e lh- r;c: H,-airt, n u " 'Orne,-l from Raleigh, ( a,;' nrterl a em. J 171 Haywood Men Given Military Examinations Last Week At Croft One hundred and seventy-one men left here last Thursday morn ing at 8 o'clock for Camp Croft where t.iey were given prereduc tion examinations. Most of the men in the older age groups were not accepted for service. Captain Frank Byrd, of the local unit of the State Guard, was nam ed leader of the group with the following serving as assistant lead ers, Harry Lee Liner, Jr., Rufus Earl Byrd, Charlie Cander Wood ard, Rufus Allen Reeves, Francis Massie, Robert Dillard Suttenfield, Emmett Homer Balentine, Robert Fa cattle . . , .. "TCiaiTfn XVF n ana .1 thn Pi , ... Yv " Miavc 111 Ull ---wo.me saie last of the show on Thursday. mood Cattle Make pd Showing At Sale t ' " nead being sold 1 ' sa,le averaged $585, 'b !d by R0y Haynea bTmSw,g the top price and tk- ' Fuixnasa !, on, 66 heifer85 M. O. r, and n7 ana calf na and Way Abel bought Rywood hnii-. : 1 wun iirsi three different divisions The bulls were owned by J. L. Palmer and Roy S. Haynes owned two. Another Haynes bull won second place. Two Haynes heifers won second place and one owned by J. L. Pal mer. Other animals owned by C. T. Francis, Way Abel and Calvin Francis won places in the show. ( Roy Haynes received about $100 for prizes; J. L. Palmer about $50; C.f T. Francis $30 and Way Abel $10. Carl McBride, and M. B. Reeves. In addition to thclTl men who left this area there were around twenty from the Waynesville sec tion who had been transferred to other boards who would have left with the group on Thursday. Making up the party in addi tion to the leaders were the follow ing: Robert Lee Park, Hurshel Charlie Bryson, Robert Lee Brad ley, Browdy Medford Messer, Har man Ervin Lowe, Robert Vaughn Hoyle, Loften Frank Green, R. L. Saunders, Robert Dixon, John Wesley Chambers, Stanberry Franklin, James Thomas Forga, Dewey Ray Arrington, Carl John son Henry. Lloyd Lincoln Moore, Milburn Green, Hobert Olus Burnett, Sam uel Edgar Frady, Dewey Forrest Bryson, Frank Benjamin James, Rufus Wilson Melton, Neal Davis Mathis, Robert Vance Davis, James Robert Miles, Willard Edgar Rus sell, Robert Shepard Millar, Shuf ford Rathbone, William Hurshel Melton, Dexter Lee Btimgarner, Columbus Lee Sexton, Everett Ray Rogers, Mack Arnold Garland, Da vid Andrew Boyd. George Walter Galloway, Char les Lynn Smith, Charles Elbert Giles, Mack Murray Mercer, Fred Farmer, Cass McGaha, Guy Smith, Noble Wm. Ferguson, Emanuel (Continued on page 12) One of the largest Republican gatherings staged in Haywood in a number of years was held at the Clyde high school on Saturday evening, with Frank C. Fatten, 01 Morganton, Republican candidate for governor, as the main speaker. More than 300 members of the party, both men and women, were present for the banquet and meet ing over which Glenn A. Boyd, county chairman, presided. The candidate for governor was introduced by F.. P. Stillwell, at torney of Sylva, and Jackson coun ty Republican leader, who in turn had been presented by I. H. Pow ell, of Canton. Dinner was served in the cafe teria of the high school, after which the assembly moved into the audi torium, where the meeting was opened with the singing of Amer ica, followed by the invocation by Prof. C. F. Owens. Lewis P. Hamlin, of Brevard, candidate for Congress from this district, also addressed the group. He was introduced by Charlie Hawkins, of Canton, Republican candidate for the House of Repre sentatives of the North Carolina Assembly. I. H. Powell, of Canton, extended a welcome to those present at the opening of the rally. Two Haywood Men Given Promotions Thomas W. McKee, of Lake Jun aluska, was commissioned as a seennd Lieutenant from the Aloe Field, army air flying school re cently. Robert M. Beall, of Canton, also received his commission from Fred erick Field. The classes from the 11 schools of the Central Flying Training Command, was the larg est yet to graduate. Rev. Hammett Delivers Baccalaureate Sermon At Tryon High School Rev. H. G. Hammett, pastor of the First Baptist church, delivered the baccalaureate sermon at the Mills Springs high school, at Try on on last Sunday. The principal of the school, W. H. MacDonald, a former star athlete who played on teams at Gardner-Webb college, which were coached by R?v. Ham mett. Mr. MacDonald has served as a Polk county representative in the North Carolina General Assembly. T T V... .1.. - 1L . Tlf ",kr V ? I u vif-yd. Fred Me4ford, O.R.Russell, vllPbytenar , church MmY: Levi Morgan. 1 n iV" j t- u j ' V." P'Keon, Walker Brown, John and Dr. Donald Richardson, Rich-I . r-..i 1 rn. o; t mond, Vn., moderator of the gen-L I East Fork, Rex Pless, K. L. Burnett and Wilburn Clark. Cecil, Perry Allen, Ben West and Ben Inmann. North Waynesville, David Turn er, Henry Gaddy and Shuford Howell. South Waynesville, J. P. Dicus, Robert P. McCracken and Grady Farmer. Hazelwood, W. A. Whitner, Gene Wyatt and John Blaloek. Lake Junaluska, Guy Fulbright, Jam's T. Coman and A. E. Ward. Ivy Hill, Alney Mehaffey, Sam Queen and Dave Jaynes. Cataloochee, Lush Caldwell, Mrs. Mark Hannah and Americus Hall. Big ( reek, J. M. Caldwell, Crow Hopkins and Mrs. Chas. Roberts. Fines Creek, Mrs. Norman James, Marion Kirkpatriek and Hubert Ferguson. Crabtree, Will Bradshaw, Man son McElroy and L. O. Ferguson. Iron Duff, Roy Medford, Weaver Chambers and Humphrey White. Jonathan Creek, L. M. Leather wood, Grady Howell and Vinson Morrow. White Oak, Claude Davis, Gay lor Baldwin and Plato Bramlett. eral assembly, Officers were elected for one year terms as follows: vice-president, Mrs. George B. Hammond, j Canton; secretary, Mrs. .1. T. Fain, i Hendcrsonville; treasurer, Mrs. Ed I White. Asheville. Elected for I three-year terms were: Mrs. W. H. j McMurry, Swannanoa; secretary of religious education, Mrs. R. E. McClure, Asheville; secretary of Assembly home missions, Mrs. J. ('. Williams, Black Mountain; Mrs. O. F. Sornnier, Bryson City, sec retary of literature; counselor for - (Continued on page 12) Annual Reading Contest For High School Girls To Be Held Friday, 21st The annual reading contest which is sponsored by the Woman's Club for the girls of the Waynesville Township high school will be held on Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. C. Brown, Mrs. Inez Brooks and Mrs. M. G. Stamey, members of the school faculty are in charge of the contest. Mrs. James W. Killian, president of the club, will preside. The following high school girls will compete : Clarine Wiggins, Joyce Underwood, Frances Wil liams, Betty Sue McClure, Joan Boone, 11a jean Evans and Polly ana Gibbs. All members of the club and the public are invited to attend the contest. Extra Canning Sugar Is Available To Those Who Apply On May 1-2 Society welcomes only those who amuse, or flatter. Those Failing To Make Ap plication On Either May 1 Or 2, Will Have Only 5 Pounds. AH persons needing more than five pounds of canning sugar per person, will have the first two days- in May to make application to get up to 25 pounds per person, it was' announced here by the war price and rationing board. Stamp No. 40 in War Rationing Book Four is good for 5 pounds only, and if more than that amount is required, then application must be made on either May 1 or 2 on form R-323. The board has completed plans for having registrars atf the fol lowing places on May first and sec ond, between the hours of 1 and 5:30 to accept applications, and as sist in filling out the blanks: Court House, Hazelwood school, Rock Hill school, Maggie, Dellwood, Fines Creek, Crabtree and Waynes ville colored school. The regulation as received here this week, sets out that no extra sugar for canning can be granted unless applications are made either May firBt or second, and on the special form prepared by OPA. Any member of a family can make application for all the family, provided War Ration Book No. Four for each person accompanies the application. The registrars will Temove stamp No. 37 out of War Book No. Four. If the stamp has for any reason been removed, no extra sugar will be given. The No. 37 stamp is required before the certificate will be valid. Baptist Women Of County Will Meet On 27th The annual W. M. U. meeting of the Haywood Baptist Association will be held Friday, April 27th, at the Clyde Baptist church, starting promptly at ten o'clock. Among those appearing on the program, will include Miss Ola Lea, of Greensboro, a returned mission ary from China, and Miss Mary Currin, of Raleigh, state executive secretary of the Baptist W. M. U. Due to the outstanding program, all presidents of the Haywood W. M. U. units, members of the ehurch organizations, and counselors of young people, are urged to attend. The meeting will be an all-day event, with each person carrying lunch, while coffee and milk will be provided by the Clyde church. Stolen Car Is Found With Dry Gasoline Tank A 1941 Chevrolet sedan was stolen from the garage of L. M. JCillian about 11 o'clock Tuesday night. The car was found about an hour later in Grimball Park. with the radio going full blast No damage was done to the ear other than the gas tank had been drained.

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