FHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER W Af 'LACE 7 TO LIVI SSJ Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park BetTyear NO. 44 12 Pages WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) $1.75 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Coontk ajfWJMMD BDsonniiDciraift Pfe (Up 4,8 ivic Leaders To Discuss Post War Plans Ci r. V eting Tonight Hazelwood To y f oiliiuauun Erie Clubs, and Chamber Commerce Directors Wsors of Meeting. 2oo civic ana" business Lr will "11 ' I lUIllgllli in Hie ,;ffoo( school dining room lor jjrt community-wide public ssior, of post war planning for section. b supper meeting will begin at ' . i i ---l nr El OCIH'K, wiin vvUicinau y. rts, of Charlotte, recognized authority on post war plan ar th main speaker of the sir- n; sponsors of the meeting he Rotary, Lions and Boosters an, I t'ne ilirectors of the Irber of Commerce. R". Killian, president of the Club, will be master of cere s. Rev. J. Clay Madison will the invocation, and Rev. M. iliamson will lead the singing. speaker will be presented by ;es E. Ray, Jr., president of Rotary Club, and a director of arolina Motor Club, of which Rolier:? is president. Prcvost, representing the ers Club, will announce ten- post war plans for this corn s' to adopt as a goal. feature of the meeting will be by tnt high school orchestra ly Charles Isley, and several tions by the Lions quartette. meeting will be confined to membership of the sponsoring tattations, together with a few led piests. The P.T.A. of the will serve the meal. Tonight's Speaker iff ' f x vr '""HE? - County Given Quota Of $714,000 For 6th War Loan Campaign IV,. Tenney Will end State Recreation nmittee Meeting W. Tenney, director of rec ti of the Community Coun ts to attend thr fall meeting i;. North Carolina Recreational puttee, which is scheduled to d m Charlotte on Mondav and y of next week. fe program will be devoted to atinnal proMems. Among the kf? at the two-dav meetinc Govi nun- Broughton, Dr. ! Erwn;, superintendent of ft instruciion; Dr. Ellen Wins- nea f the state welfare de- PiMt; and Bruce Rt.horM era nr (safety Commission, "les Briirhill. nf fl,c D, Division of the Federal Se- p Agency, is also to speak to I'uup. COLEMAN W. ROBERTS, of Charlotte, will address civic and business leaders at a supper meet ing tonight on important post war plans for this community. t-nded State Public h Meet In Raleigh Uary Michal, assistant heal pW of the District Henlrfc rrn. P-ent of which Haywood coun- Mrs. J. Rufus McCrack- apervisor of nurses in the dis- "fs. Johnnv Pliddphnclr IdW V technician, and Mrs. How- ffyson, Havwnnri Dnnnfn m,R altn nurse. sn lo , i. : , - -f-v-., mob ween III CT, Whero iq i j- , ii.. f wrolma Puhlin n.olti, a vuiwi BJ Housewives Use 226,697 Pounds Of Extra Sugar The local rationing office has just finished a "sweet job" in that the issuance of special canning sugar certificates has been completed. The special certificates ex pired October 31st, and during the time the order was in ef fect, 7,910 applications were granted for a total of 226,697 pounds of sugar. Haywood housewives signed statements asking for the near ly quarter million pounds of extra canning sugar to supple ment the sugar coupons in the rationing books. Taylor F. Sutton Reported Seriously Wounded On Oct. 21 Taylor F. Sutton, technician fifth grade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Sutton of Waynesville, was ser iously wounded in Germany on Oc tober 21, according to information received from the War Department by his parents this week. Young Sutton entered the service in May, 1942 and was inducted at Camp Croft. From Croft he was sent to Fort Knox, Ky., and from there to Indian Town Gap, Pa. Later he was sent to California where he trained on desert maneu vers, and from there to Camp Pick ens, Va., and overseas. He has been out of the States since September, 1943 and was sta tioned first in England. He was with the invasion forces in France and was latei in Germany. To Sell Bakery t i h. Atkins Gives ome To Junaluskal R. B. PEARCE announced yes terday that he had formed a part nership and purchased the Quality Bakery in Ashoville. He will sell his bakery here, and take charge of the Asheville firm on January 2nd. Pearce Purchases Quality Bakery In Asheville R. B. Pearce, owner of Pearce's Bakery here, yesterday formed a partnership with K. G. Patterson of Asheville, and purchased the Quality Bakery in Asheville. The new owners will take charge Janu ary 2nd. Mr. Pearce said he will sell the bakery here, as well as his home, since he will devote his entire at tention to the Asheville business. He and Mrs. Pearce recently bought a home in Asheville. The Quality Bakery is the lar gest retail bakery in the south, occupying four floors. The business was purchased from P. K. Wilde, who has owned and operated the business for 22 years. Thirty people are employed by the firm. Mr. Pearce will have as his asso ciate, K. G. Patterson of Asheville, until recently southeastern techni cal research man in the bakery division for Swift and Company. Mr. and Mrs. Pearce came here from Canton in June, 1942 and opened their bakery. The firm has moved into larger quarters on two occasions and is considered as one of the most modern in the state. The bakery has maintained a 100 per cent sanitary rating since it opened. Mr. Pearce has been an active Lion, and both he and Mrs. Pearce are members of the First Baptist Church. VV. Roy Francis Named County Chairman To Di rect Drive Starling On November 20th, The Haywood War Finance Com mittee named W. Roy Francis as county chairman for the sixth war loan drive and C. N. Alien of Haz elwood, and Morris Brooks of Can ton, as co-chairmen, as initial plans were completed for selling $714,000 in war bonds in the coun ty between November 20th and De cember 16th. As has been the custom in the five previous drives, the Canton area assumed half the county quota and this end of the county the other half. J. E. Massie, permenanl chair man, announced at the meeting here Monday night that $401,000 of the quota was to be in E bonds. All bonds purchased during No vember and December count on the county quota, it was pointed out. "Haywood has never failed to make a war loan quota, and we must maintain our perfect record during the sixth," Mr. Massie told the committee. General plans were discussed for currying jiu. campaign into tha rural areas, since the industrial plants are on the 10 per cent pay roll deduction plan already. Workers will be set up in every district of the county and each township will be given a quota to raise this time. The records will be kipt and published as to the standing of each township. Those attending the meeting Monday niirht and working out de tails included from this end of the county, Mr. Massie, Mr. Francis, Mr. Allen, Mrs. Bonner Ray, Miss Mary Margaret Smith, R. L. Pre vost, Ralph Prevost, J. H. Woody, Heinz Rollman, Charlie Ray, How- aid Clapp and W. Curtis Russ. Also W. P. Whitcsides of Bethel. Those from the Canton area were: Norman Freel, Wade Hill, Sam Robinson, I. H. Powell, Mor ris Brooks, A. B. Robinson, Harley E. Wright, Fred Campbell and Mrs. Tom Reeves. Again, The Nation's Choice V VV VVVV V V v V v V .vf v s 1 v; x - vV yV''' v v V- V:v fat?: V1 ? x Sk nil :V ?s vVv H VVo irj, r vvt''"f- v--".v f j ! -- - 'llflllM falMllltVlllMf li If ill il III liMM r I PRESIDENT FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT was re-elects by a huge majority Tuesday when more than fifty million voters Mr. Roosevelt has well over 400 still filtering in from all over the Radio Shop Opens Over Park Theatre Announcement is being made this week of the opening of the Lindsay Radio Service over the Park Theatre. The firm will be operated by Hugh W. Lindsay and Howard T. Jones, both ex perienced radio men. The firm also has a place in Canton. last theii ballot in the election, electoral votes, with lute returns nation. Local Citizens Will Stay On Job On Armistice Day Saturday, Armistice Day, 1944. in this community promises to be a quiet uneventful day. The oc casion will not bo observed as a holiday, but business is scheduled to "carry on as usual." In keeping with the fighting front where there will be no let up the civilian world here will stay in the job, it was learned from a survey of the business firms and offices of the court house made yesterday. Mrs. Andy Wyatt is spending several days in Wilmington with her husband, who holds a position there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rotha ar rived during the first of the week for a visit here with Mrs. John N. Shoolbred. New A-13 Gas Coupons Good For 4 Gallons Each The new A-13 gasoline coupons are valid this morning for four gallons each, the rationing board announced yesterday. The coupons are good until December 21st. All A coupons have been good for three gallons each until today The board pointed out however, that motorists were not getting more gasoline on their total A cou pons, but just fewer coupons. . Through yesterday 980 new A books had been issued by the local rationing office. Application can be made by mail or in person to the office, and coupons will be mailed. Total Vote More Than 10,600 Here In Haywood County All Five Ammendments Pass In State; Election Here Was Unusually Quiet Haywood county voters gave President Roosevelt a total of 7, 776 votes against 2,917 cast for Mr. Dewey in the election on Tuesday, making a vote of two and one half to one and a majority of 4,859 in favor of the winning candidate, according to an unofficial canvass made by The Mountaineer of the vote from each of the 22 precincts in the county. The vote was one of the largest ever polled in the county and was around 4,000 more than the ma jority of the political leaders of the county had predicted. The most optimistic had stated that a 10,000 vote would be possible, but none prophesied over that figure, Haywood's record breaking vote is in keeping with the national 50 million vote that gave President Roosevelt more than 400 electoral votes with returns incomplete. Haywood kept pace with the state majority, with all state Demo cratic candidates leading with big majorities over their Republican opponents. An analysis of the votes cast in Haywood county would indicate that there were more Republicans who voted r President Roosevelt for a f out . term than for Mr. Dewey fot a first term, despite numerous predictions to the- con trary. The vote in the state also reflected the trend in the national poll, with the President's over whelming majority. All five constitutional amend ments were given a large vote, going over with a big majority, t'rtkjcie Interest In the outcJ than Had been anticipated by -leaders prior to the election. Mis. H. C. Ferguson left Tues day for Washington, D. C, where ihe will visit her daughter, Miss Blanche Ferguson, and her grand daughter, Miss Doris Grahl. Unofficial Returns For Haywood County f Jop James Atkins, One founders of Junaluska fmbIy and Outstanding ooat Minister, Hon. By Gift. LfVa,RhodM Atkins, widow James Atkins, of the J. rurch ha donated to CmS8ka Assembly, snm !mb ly of the Methodigt iunarkeaand furai8h5n F.,.W?Tceme,lt of the gift is r t 1, executive Cal rthe .Sonthetern Jur Ca rci1 and 8ret7 of tee, Assemly' board of resiHo... Fi), ' a 8Paons colon- " B0Ie OVerlnnH. V 1-1.. k,wby. Bishop ;tftT. iore ia death- recent meeting and plans were made for the transfer of the prop erty to the assembly. "More than any other one man," said Dr. Quillian in announcing the donation, "Bishop Atkins had the vision for the assembly, and he largely selected the location. It is fitting that his home overlooking the lake, should now be set apart not only as a memorial but as a place of service to the assembly. Friends of Junaluska everywhere will join in expressing thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Atkins for this beautiful home." The late Bishop Atkins died in 1923 while presiding over a ses sion of the Little Rock Conference. He is buried in Greenhill here. He was an outstanding preacher in the Southsrn Methodist Episcopal Church for over a half century. He served for a number of years in the foreign field, having been sta tioned in China at one- time. Sixteen Boys Become Eighteen During October Sixteen boys became eighteen years of age during the month of October in the Waynesville area of the county and are now subject to call under the selective service system. In the group were. Jam s Robert Hamilton, Lake Junaluska; Wayne Jesse Moore, Clyde, R.F.D. No. 1; Charles Burr Way, Waynesville; Joseph Charles Cunningham, Way nesville. R.F.D. No. 1; Theodore Vance Davis, Hazelwood; William Lee Howell, Waynesville, R.F.D, No. 2; Noah Putnam, Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 1. Norman Ben Price, Clyde, R.F.D. No. 1; William Patton Burgin, Waynesville, R.F.D. No. 2; Russell Spaldon Underwood, Waynesville; Lynuel Robert Phillips, Haislwood; William Troy Smith, Waynesville, R F.D. No. 1 ; Burnette Green, Clyde, R.F.D. No. 1; Clyde Thomas Roberts, Waynesville. R.F.D. No. 2; Thomas Eugene Moody, Hazelwood; Ernest Paul Warren, Waynesville. I'reiiml IE Si , ,1 &! W I U V I U CO ' V be c ; 2 Beaverdam No. 1 395 3eaverdam No. 2 345 Beaverdam No. 3 385 Beaverdam No. 4 379 Beaverdam No. 5 279 Beaverdam No. 6 491 Clyde 522 Crabtree 281 Cecil 46 Big Creek 19 Cataloochee 8 East Fork 142 Fines Creek 312 Hazelwood 351 Iron Duff 175 Ivy Hill , 312 Jonathan Creek 215 Lake Junaluska 206 Pigeon 415 N. Waynesville 1208 S. Waynesville 1237 White Oak 48 TOTALS 7776 a. ft: 242 144 175 218 213 210 270 44 96 32 2 160 44 65 4 123 '166 65 316 164 147 17 v C 348 343 383 309 320 504 521 288 46 23 6 128 301 351 175 329 207 233 414 1205 1208 43 240 135 153 195 199 180 264 36 95 24 2 152 42 51 4 112 156 41 311 132 132 16 O v ! "C 346 337 375 373 294 489 520 284 44 21 6 132 313 346 175 329 207 239 411 1205 1207 43 242 143 159 202 204 187 267 39 96 30 2 126 43 54 4 112 156 41 311 132 132 16 U E at c J IS e 2 N v C CO bo 0 & be c c c X Q 8 a V (V I! OS " 8- c ft! c . 3 g Is 3 Director Tenney Lists Schedule For This Week The following program has been announced for the coming week by h. W. Tenney, recreational director, with all events taking place at the Waynesville Armory: The Wellco Shoe employes both men and women will practice bas kitball each day from 12 to 12:80. On Monday and Wednesday even ing, the Dayton men will practice basketball. On Tuesday and Thurs day evenings the Dayton Girls practice basketball at 7 o'clock. The students from St. John's will practice basketball as follows: the boys on Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 11:15 and on Monday and Friday at 2:45; Tuesday and Thursday at 11:16. The girls will practice on Tuesday and Thursday at 2:45 and on Sat urday morning at 10:00 o'clock. The Girl Scouts will meet at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Senior Scouts will meet at 7 o'clock on Wednesday evening for their meeting and games. Thursday evening at 7 o'clock the Dayton Rubber Girls Club will meet for basketball practice. On Friday night the Teen-Age group will meet for dancing and games at 8 o'clock. On Thursday evening the Cut Sole Department dance team of the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company will meet for practice. , 346 338 369 375 289 484 517 285 42 24 8 127 301 349 175 329 207 232 408 1204 1207 43 247 139 153 205 197 192 268 39 99 28 2 152 45 51 4 112 156 43 313 133 138 16 314 327 368 449 233 461 499 287 44 22 6 121 295 339 241 136 163 209 189 188 266 35 95 26 2 160 46 51 4 189 225 411 1172 1219 41 148 41 309 136 129 17 309 321 359 442 239 456 487 278 43 23 10 121 304 340 170 316 189 228 415 1177 1223 41 273 153 178 218 186 206 287 38 96 28 0 160 44 52 4 112 148 46 311 158 135 17 2917 7685 2676 7696 2901 6452 2075 7186 2591 7487 2846 Pvt. Robert Rogers Reported Slightly Wounded In France Private Robert D. Rogers has been slightly wounded in action in France on October 23, according to a message received from the War Department by his wife, Mrs. Roxie M. Rogers, of Lake Junaluska. The telegram sent to Mrs. Rog ers read as follows: "Regret to in form you your husband, Pvt. Rob ert D. Rogers, was slightly wound ed in action 23, October, in France. You will be aavised as reports of condition are reported." Pvt. Rogers entered the service on January 18, 1944, and was in ducted at Camp Croft. From Croft he was sent to Camp Wheel er, and then to Fort George Meade, Md., and later to an embarkation port and overseas. At the time he entered the ser vice he was employed at the New port News Shipbuilding and Pry Dock Company. "v'-C If ' 1 . 'A W 5-S ' I 4 , ! i