Lbsday, Page 9 NOVEMBER 30, 1944 (One Day Nearer Victory) THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Want Ads LrZ-mO Model A 'Ford & A11 Goodyear tires line to-ply heavy dut 16-600- fcSOwner, Albert Abel's P" " Ant. NOV. JM-dU aToNCE skilled and skilled workers. Also truck gjand farm help Houses Shed- See Jerry Liner, at 4ke Junaluska. nIdedy couple to milk j feed cattle. House provided. Liner, Lake Junaluska WANTED Dogwood log. aod ap ple trees for shuttle blocks. Gov ernment requires more blocks to weave uniform cloth and para chute material For prices and specifications see Virion Elliott, at Dogwood mill, DeOwood Road Nov. 16-23-30. WANTED A 5-room unfurnished, heated apartment. Phone S30-J tf house. See RL, Liner, Lake Junaluska. W - JTTVradio service Radios bought, sold, traded and Caired. Upstairs over Park Theatre, fasn pam iw um IT8" t... oo -in rw 7.11 Radios. " lT'eas rationing book and P.1 , .i. n Miles Rn, fiRl title jatu kj- - " f Valvule. n. u- fcwPair of plastic-rim glasses V11 r .J : t,,n. i in brown case. ftcu ! to owner. Mrs. Jimmy Wil liams, court house. MOV, au BR SALE Screened in baby bed. Folding type, in b""" -uiuh... jjrs (judger nippa, uun Ihska, N. C Nov. 30 fcST STRAYED OR STOLEN Three white-lacea cows weign- hHtwpen 800 and 900 pounds Two are deep red and the other not so red. Any one know ing of them please let me know .,) i nav for trouble. C. P. jowen, Route 2, Waynesville, N. c Nov. 30 E. J. LILIUS JEWELER lift Suggestions Diamonds Pearls Lockets - Chains Dresser Sets Bags - Bracelets Rings - Bands Identification Bracelets E. J. LILIUS JEWELER Fa!r' Stmt Waynesville FOUND An umbrella. Owner can nave same by identifying and paying for this advertisement Elizabeth Noland, Hazelwood. Nov. 30 FOR SALE Call 2111. Pigs, 8 week old. tf FOR SALE Bicycle, good used Ranger. Two new tires. Write box 646 or call 532-J. Nv. 30 FOR SALE Sellers Kitchen Cabi net. In good condition, $25.00. See Mrs. Full Crawford at The Octagon, Lake Junaluska, N. C Nov. 30 Dec. 7 FOR SALE Nice Stayman Wine saps, Red and Golden Delicious apples. Phone us your Christmas orders. We deliver in Waynes ville and Hazelwood. Z. L. Massey Phone 468-M. N:i0-D7-14-21 FOR SALE Kiphart Tavern, long established, Bryson City, N. C, Next to Post Office, Main street Seats 60 at one time, all neces sary equipme nt. Have beer licen see. Also own boarding house and can't look after both, too long hours. Write or see Mrs. H. D. Sneed, Bryson City, N. C. Nov 30 Dec 7 Cpl. Eugene Lewis Here On Furlough CpL Eugene Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis of Maggie, who is stationed at Fort Bragg, is home for a 30-day furlough. Cpl. Lewis entered the service on Sept. 11, 1942 and was inducted at Camp Croft and from there was seut to Fort Jackson. Since being transferred from Fort Jackson Cpl. Lewis has re ceived training at Fort McClellan, Ala., Leesburg, Va., Atlantic City, and from the latter to his present post. Cpl. Lewis is attached to the Engineering Corps and prior to entering the service wag employed in road construction. FOR SALE-Flve good rich acres. 4-room house, plenty wood and water on good road close to the Rubber Plant. Priced to sell. H. B. Milner, phone 9164. N30 FOR SALE New 4-room house, excellent can house, water and lights, large lots. A bargain at $1,160. H. B. Milner, phone 9164. Nov. 30 FOR SALE Good 4 room house, garage and out buildings, water and lights, $2,650. One big acre rich gTound. H. B. Milner, Phone 9164. Nov. 30 WORKERS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN FOR TOP PRIORITY WAR WORK IN THIS LOCALITY THESE OPENINGS ARE IN PERMANENT PEACE TIME INDUSTRIES WORK NEAR HOME AND LIVE AT HOME AMONG THE BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA APPLY TO YOUR NEAREST U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICE FOR SALE One studio couch, nearly new. One second hand heating stove. Aiken Gift Shop. Nov. 30 Farms For Sale Cattle, grain and tobacco farms. Large estates for sale. Free catalog. OLD BELT REALTY CO. Chase City, Virginia Methodist District Organizes For Five Year Crusade The attention of the Methodist churches in the Waynesville Dis trict is being focused on "The Cru sade for Christ," which was initiat ed by the General Conference at its quadrennial meeting in Kansas City, in May of tuL: ar. according to Rev. Walter West, district sup erintendent. The "Crusade for Christ" is the organized response of 8,000,000 Methodists to assume their part in meeting the tragic conditions and vast staggering needs created by the second World War. The cru sade will reach more than fifty countries in all parts of the world. The crusade has a five fold ob jective as follows: The Crusade for a New World; The Crusade for Rehabilitation and Extension of Mission Fields; The Crusade of Evangelism; The Crusade of Stew arrtshirc and The Crusade for In creased Church School enrollment and attendance. The raising of $26,000,000 for the reconstruction of shattered mis sions overseas is to have the right of way in 1945. This phase of the crusade has already begun. Con ference district councils have been set up and are at work. The Waynesville district has been nrirnnized at a district meeting and the executive meeting of the coun cil met later in Sylva and complet ed the organization. 1 nose wno will work in the group are as fol lows: District director, Rev. Walter B. West; co-district director, Rev. J. Clay Madison. Organizations in the subdistrict are: Cherokee, Graham and Clay counties, Rev. Ralph H. Taylor, director, and Wade Reese, lay di rector for Murphy, Murphy Ct., Hiawassee, Ilayesville, Shooting Creek, Andrews and KObbinsvme charges. Macon county, Hev. W. Jack Huneycutt, director, and Prof Guy Houck, lay director for Franklin, Franklin Ct., Macon and Highland Wilson Rathbone, S 2c, Returns To Sea Duty WiUnn Rathbone. seaman second class, has returned to sea duty after sDendine a leave here with his wife and children. Seaman Rathbone entered the service on February 24 of this year and took his boot training at Great Lakes Naval Training Center. From Great Lakes he was sent to Shoemaker, Calif., and from there to San Francisco and from the latter assigned to sea duty. charges. , Jackson ami Swain counties, wun Rev. Robert G. Tuttle, director, and Prof. W. E. Bird, lay director for Sylva, Webster, Whittier, Cherokee, Bryson City and Cullowhee charges. Haywood county, with Rev. Ed gar P. Billups, director, and Prof. Homer Henry, lay director for Can ton, Central, Canton First, Clyde, Crabtree, Dellwood, Fines Creek, Jonathan, Hazelwood, Junaluska, Morning Star, Pigeon Valley, Rock Wood and Waynesville charges. Committees appointed include: Literature, Rev. Miles Mclean, A auhriiatrirt directors: publicity,' Harley lE. Wright, chair man: special gifts, Hugh Massie, . . . . v. i it L chairman, W. Norman rreei, narry Bishop, J. S. Conley and Mrs. E. L. McKee; public meetings and speak ers, Prof. W. E. Bird. Church councils will also be formed of the pastor, charge lay leader and other church officials. A BELK-HUDSON BLANKET SPECIAL Part Wool Solid Colors Or Beautiful Stripes "i lost 52 Lbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" Milt. C D. WELLS, TT. WORTH Ai rictuTMi Htn y Vou way lose pountts and have u more Blender, trai-elul nsurc- No miclH. No diua. No laaativra. bat meat, potaloca. fiavy. butter The eapeiience o Mrs. We la may or may oot be different than voiira, bill why not try the Ayda I'lanf Ua at thsss results. In clinical tea la conducted by medical doctors more than ! persons lost 14 to I) pouatla arsrags In a few weeks Willi the AY OS Vitamin Candy Hedtlt In Plaa. with ki tat. Plan mm don't enl aul any meals, etarchas. potatoes, sssalaar butter. yei simply cut them stoara. It's simple and ennter when rae enjoy delicious Orltsmla lorU- aed) AVin oeiareencn aaeei. a - lutrly harmless, v eiars ewf -Ayds I only 11M. II not deltshted with I .11 loNEY BACK wit the -sty list ham. Ffcaa Smith's Cut-Rat Drug Store JtJ. Double Size $1.98 Single Size Lovely Indian BLANKETS Single Siae Ideal Christmas Gift SEE US FOH CHATHAM BLANKETS BELE1-IHUDSON CO. "Home of Better Values" SEE US FOR GOODYEAR TERES TUBES BATTERIES GOOD GULF PRODUCTS Waynesville gulf service k & tire recapping co phone 486 Ed Sims The Union Has Many Lovely yjhU .' 1 ' forl 1. She'll Love A HANDBAG Is ft ft ' r. A gift she'a specially hoping for . . . super-smart. Find it here in leathers or fabrics, in a color and size that will thrill her immensely. A Holiday Charmer V a'V.'V V Jt r at W in. A? 1 Frilled White On Black Refreshing feminine for holiday parties . . . frilled white on our new, new suit dress. Marvelously flatter ing and versatile . . . the frills are detatchable. From our large selec tion of suits. 1 o 1 af 9 -S Twinkling little date hats that will add smartness and charm to your holiday out fits. Plenty of beau-catching, and they're BO-o-o-o-o-o feminine. Holiday Date Suits Coat stars that have everything. Color . . . style ... In tuxedos, dress coats, reefers, swaggers, all warm, wonderfully wearable for many winters. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AWAY PLAN THE UNION "Haywood Style Center" SEE MANY GIFT ITEMS IN OUH WINDOWS