(One Day Nearer Victory)' THUBSDAY, MARCH 8, J - ' . . . S p Page 10 THE WAYNESVILLE. MOUNTAINEER. ,1 ' M if ' f'' I i ill' TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate Beaverdam Township W. U. Haney. el u '" ' l! Trull. Mrs. Amanda .lolnm-n to Tnni John'on. W. Junes, el ir. in T. Jones. Jennie Rogers rapp- ''' v" !" Marian flirkard' Sam C. S.nindci . i I u i.i l V. Bramlell. el uv T. W. Henderson, el n i.i l.-i'-v-son Henderson, el u. Grace W. Ilinlon. :u t in -. ""n sioner for World V, .ir .l.iin: Loan Fund ol North C.sn. M. V. P.ramleM. ! n I. 11. l'owell. i I us ' ' ' I 1 I ' Powell, rl u In Dulrh M v. . d . et u x. J. D. Henderson. H u In 1 I d. L. Wyall. el us. Samanlha lin n's vein- In Jennie lingers Capp-. el us The Town ol Canton In "i . II. Jones. M. K. Odoar. el n In ll.ii Wright, et vir. T. I). Stevenson, el u: In Mali son O. Messer. el lis. Lane Allen, el nx lo Hubert I, Parks, rl uv. Charles II. Branson, el u lo Mary Wells Freeman. Maty Willis Freeman, el ir. 1" t'liarles II. Branson, el u. It. L. Waldroop. el ux In Sam to (MS 'flu".' Wit SO A MAJOR MARRIES A SERGEANT V r. .. -a 1 a : 4 ' ) . . A i ll Pfc. Lyman R, Emory, Wounded, Returns Home Ry Plane f Pfc Lyman F. Kmory, of Way nesville, U.F.I). No. 'A. lias recently arrived at Mitchell Field, N. Y., Iiavinfi been In 'mv.lil I" Hie States by an army linsilal transport Ih Belgium plane Irom Kn.e.laml. I'lc. Kmory i Franklin hieh I he service ir a has hospital ; ALTHOUGH THIS SERGEANT may be the head of the family at home, there ! kis no dnuht as to who ranks higher in the armed services. WAC Maj. Uuth Spivak f Chicago and tnt'incer bgt. irving uersnon, u. o. rmy, aio shown cutliiu' the' wedding cake after their wedding in Washington. She is the WAC executive officer of the 20th Air Force. (International) ('. Snialiicr.. et UN. Flo(l iJnl-nll. i I ux lo H. J. Unison, el us. . Sam Knliin .oii. el u lo Uaisy I'.iickuer. M. K. O'dear. el ux lo C II. ( )'lear. I ux I, 'alpll Wh.llal.er. el ux. In Isil ;;ene M . i .11 i . - .is. ( is il Tint nsii) II. A O .liiirne. el ux to A. Iv llK'llln. ( lilr luHllsllip Is 1 1 1 III .1 I .nil l.nC III ('. W, 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ( . el ll. ('. If. 1 'i.mir.. l ux lo Sluder I'lll'llil'll e ( i.llii.lll . . lion- 'fill in e. Inc.. In Or. A. ( " I oV, ir . el ll. ( r.ihtl et I iiui-.liii Osiai I.. South, el al lo Mar '.arel li'sliop. I ,r.l I in I- I .ut nsliip T Trail, el us In I'latlilie l'.ell Hani . Tl as II. Wells, el UX to .1. I'.url lleiider am. lv Hill Township C F. Huiiis-. el ux to II. P. ( 'am plicl ! . el II . I allie I 'i i i . I . i ! I cdei K I; L'rillil. et ux. Johnallian Creek Township Junior Henley lo Arthur Cow ard. Henry Allison to Arthur Con-ard. rifieon Township Leah Slamey and L. II. Slamey. et al lo Sallie Grillin. Addie Cook Moore, el vir, to Mrs. Mary Cook Justice Foster. Wnynesville Township Joe Fmersoii Itose, et ux to II. L. Liner, et ux. J. M. Palmer, et ux to Claude Rogers, el ux. L. V. Shepard and Boyd Shepard to Mrs. Kulh Svvaiu;er. J. C. Wyalt, el ux to Willard Kussell, et ux. Joseph II. Sisk, et ux lo Alton Adam Ward. li. V. Welch to Howard Clark. George Ilendri.w el ux to Leasie M. Garrett. W. II. Iv Lancaster, et ux to Lucille L. Hardin. Ora and John A. Melton and A. T. Ward, Tins., to Ray ford Cul lens, et ux. H. L. Lee, F.x., and Com., lo Dan Farley. Pearl Wilkev and W. 'll. VV'ilkev lo Uewey Carver and wife, Grace i r;radiiale of the liiuil and was in ivceuilicr, 1942, and has been overseas since July, 1!)44. He moved into Fiance three weeks later laiidiue, in Normandy on u;!usl l:i. with his unit, a inechaiiieil caalr division, al- taelied to the Sixth Army. Pfc. Kmory was part of a re eiinnai: ..niee iiiail and saw lil'lil iii!', al Hi est and ai niinil Nancy and Mel. The lieicest liijlilim: was near ixanry anil lie and lus squad had many narrow escapes. He v as aui.ied al the speed 4 to?- r i m.v i'.i. .'.".V. ' and ciiiiituil back home. "We were we knew." he eood. Y hen of Hoslon f II) 1 1 1 even the seiiousl;, asked lo hi' lit led i look (Ida ii on an - a cily where I he liehls can be turned on. And we ail cheered." of I he plane li i back home before said, "and il looked we saw the lights Ui 1 1 - windows wounded boys p so l hey could American city IM. Paul (Jreen Serving Wiih ilh Ariny (irMi In I'rance Pvt. Paul Green, soli of Mrs. Kubei I Green and Hie laU' Mr. Green of I lael v. dud. is serving villi the veteran aul iaircralt artil lery battalion ol l.t. Gen. Jacob L. Divers' Sixth Army uroup which has lowered its cuns and is u i i 1 1 1 direct uruund support to front line iiil'anltv in the French Alps. Since convert ini! into a field artillery battalion. Ihoiisauds of shells from it;; snow-packed gun emplacements have screamed across the vast inouiilain wastes in to German posit inns along the Franco-Kalian border. The out tit's real claim lo fame was in its ability to down hostile aircralls. t Anio, il formed a nucleus of the antiaircraft deel uses of the beachhead. Ucpeatedly sub jected to intense and sustained air bombardments and artillery lire, il engaged Hie enemy in 'A'A'.i separate lighls and has been of ficially credited uilh 4!t aircraft destroyed. 2'.', probables and Uiree damaged. Noil 1 1 Al'rie-i g;ie Hie battalion ample opportunity to sharpen up its aim before the bal- Carver. Town of Waynesvi C. Shcehaii. (iuince V C. Norris. I .aw rence M. C. VV'vall to Mrs. V. I'oleal. el ux to T. Ilunusirner, el al to md wile. Pearl Wvatt. PVT. MKLVIN UNDKIiWOOD, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Under wood, of Waynesville, has arrived in Belgium, according to informa tion received by his parents. He entered the service on July 12, 1944. and was inducted at Camp Croft and from there was sent to Fort McCTellan for his basic training-After a ten-day furlough al home after his basic training he was sent lo Fort George Meade, Md., and I hen overseas. At the lime he entered the service he was em ployed by the Unagusta Manufac turing Company. r.&w ::T 1 1 1 ill 3 vl 1- t .1 ail ,rv y- mm NOW is the Time to Buy Your PLANTING NEEDS Limited Supplies This Year 17 renii izers ORDER NOW! 'G and Red Steer Wood's QUALITY SEEDS On Hand ONION SETS $1 gallon HEADQUARTERS FOR SPRING PLANTING Get Your Orders In Now To Underwood ddIv Co. Fines Creek MRS. D. N. RATIIBONi: (Col rcspoiiilcntl Raymond M. Green is home on a ISO-day furlough, after seeing naval action on several occasions. Seaman Green is wilh his wife and daughter, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Green. lie has been awarded a star and has three bars for being in action. He is a gunner, and due lo his ability to shoot accurate has acquired the nickname of "Happy Trigger." Seaman Green has been on ac tive duly in the Pacific for 14 months. He will report back to the coast after his furlough. He has two brothers in the service, llobei I Green, has been in the navy eighl years, and I.bner Green is wilb the army in Italy. Paul Haynes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Haynes, of Woodslown, N. J., arrived recently to visit his aunt, Mrs. Mallie Woody, al her home on Turkey Creek. Mrs. W. P. Rathbone is home alter spending two weeks wilh her daughter. Mrs. C. W. Ledford, at her home in Cantoin. Mr. and Mrs. .1. I). Rathbone, of Clyde, and (heir son. Seaman l-c Paul Rathbone, who has just re turned from overseas' duly, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Rathbone al their home on Fines Creek. Kdd-.West recently spent a week in New-port News, Va., where he went to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Justice, of Newport News, Va., have returned lo their home after visiting friends anif relatives here. He of Italy. Defending porls of Casablanca and Algiers, il account ed for many of the German planes I hat ventured over. NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Barney Woody vs. Laura Woody The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County, N. C, to obtain a divorce absolute on the ground of two years separation; and that the de fendant will further take notice that she is required to appear within thirty days from the 2Gth day of March, 1945, before the Clerk of the Superior Court in the Court House in Waynesville, N. C. and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the olain. tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint This the 24th day of February 1945. GERTRUDE P. CLARK, Asst, Clerk of Superior Court Haywood County, N. C. No. 1415 Mar. 1-8-15-22 For You To Feel Well 24 boura every day, 7 days every Week, never itoppin. the kidneys filter waste matter from the blood. K more people were aware of how the "tcldaeya must conatantly remove sur plus fluid, excess acids and other waste matter that cannot stay In the blood without injury to health; there would be - better understanding of wAy the whole system is upset when kidneys tail to function properly. Burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warns that 'something is wroag. You may suffer nagging back ache, headaches, diszfness, rheumatic pains, getting up at nights, swelling. Why not try Doan'B PMil You win be using a medicine recommended the country over. Dona's stimulate the func tion of the kidneys and help them to flush out poisonous wsste from the tinsd. They contain nothing harmful. Oa Dosw's today. Use with confideaoa. a au drac stares. Cpl. Billy B. Medford Serving Overseas Cpl. Billy B. Medford, son of Mr. and Mrs. hoy Medford, of Iron Duff (Waynesville, R.K.U. No. 2 is attached to the 424th regiment of the Gold.-. i Lion Division, which rendered such gallant service in ed northward from the cemer 01 j Der, ana nas served cotsaJ ,h c;rt-,nee Elfel. a rocky wooded; with the 424th recSS ll. l'1Ak T-ti..;...' . . .. Vl xuuiu uivisioil Ol ine 1 range 10 miles long and two miles wide astride the Siegfried line. By daybreak of ibe 17th the Germans bad thrown two divisions into this part ol the front. The Grmans occupied St. Vith .. ii ... on Detimber 21, after ; ..... .... u., iw. njlh FvhauKf- a slltt Iisnl uy ,, the Ardennes during the great , (,,( am sorely depleted, the 106th German offensive. On December ! pulled back to reorganize on De 27 he was given bis third auiiiiuni- eember 'A.i. The next day the tion truck, the two others being j Germans were halted. destroyed each time, but he es-! Cpl. Medium ciu- icn i. caped. t vice in Marcn, 19W. and was in- The memorable attack started in' ducted at Camp Jackson and from the "foggy dawn of December Hi there sent to maneuvers in Ten with a tremendous artillery bar-' nessee. then lo Camp Atterbury. rage" against their lines that curv-1 He has been overseas since Octo- Leraon Juice Recipe Rheumatic Pain Qyk? II you suffer iiora rh.!-.S tit or Mdiitu pa,,,. u 3 inexnentive home "I tit asiru:. Oct 3 u,rt ... Compound today. Mil u h of wawr. add the jUke lt Plemant Qd ' at all. You necj crii " spoonfuls two , timrs 4 . ' Sir 48.n, If the paioj do ',' and if you do not iLt Jlt"' will com you nott..ng i0 , old by your diuj8,-t uuiJ lull money baik puii., --"" " ic u.l tttuwJ Smith's Cut-Rale Drutsjl Meeting Of Board of Equalization And R eview The Haywood County Board Of Commissioners la WILL SIT AS A Board of Equalization AND RLMKW BEGINNING Monday, March 19, 1945 The Haywood County Board of Commission ers will sit as a Board of Equalization and Re view beginning Monday, March 19th, at the com missioner's office in the Court House in the town of Waynesville, for the purpose of examining and reviewing the tax list of each township for the current year and shall hear any and all taxpayers who own or control taxable property assessed for taxation in the county, in respect to the valu ation of all property in the county and correct any errors appearing on the abstracts, and for the transaction of any other business which may come before the board in compliance with the Machinery Act of 1937. This is the only time in which the commissioners have the authority to change valuation of real estate. Complaints from the various townships will be heard as follows: Monday, March 19 Ivy Hill, Jonathan Creek, White Oak, Cataloochee Townships. Tuesday, March 20 Fines Creek, Crabtree, Iron Duff Townships. Wednesday, March 21 Pigeon, EastFork, Cecil Townships: Thursday, March 22 Waynesville Township. Friday, March 23 Beaverdam and Clyde Town ships. GEO. A. BROWN; JR: Chairman Haywood County Board of Phone 371 DAVID UNDERWOOD commissioners . .

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