1 Q ; THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1945 (One Day Nearer Victory) WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Mrs. Keith Cooper Given Party By Two Hostesses Mrs. Hurst Burgin and her daughter, Mrs. Douglas Worsham, were hostesses of a linen shower last Friday evening in compliment to Mrs. Keith Cooper, the former Miss Jennie Greer, at their home on the Dellwood Road. They were assisted in receiving by Miss Jose phine Plott. Games and contests featured the entertainment of the evening. The guest list included: Mrs. Fred Campbell, Mrs. Arthur Lcd better, Mrs. Bill Chambers, Mrs. Lucile Medford, Mrs. Claude Al len, Mrs. Emmett Green, Mrs. Zatk Massey, Mrs. W. H. Owens, Mrs. E. A. Greer, Mrs. Louis Green, Mrs. Dave Russell, Mrs. Hugh Massic, Mrs. E. A. Greer, Mrs. Dewey Hyatt. Miss Edna Summi-now, Miss Gladys Phillips, Miss Ruth Sum- merrow, Miss Dorothy Kichoson, Miss Sarah Jane Stone, Miss Jane Ferguson, Miss Lillian ilurgin, Miss Edith Summcrrow, and Miss Margaret Burgin. Announcing of LUCILE HAVILAND SHOP Affiliated with John Carroll HOURS 10 A. M.-12 2-5 P. M. Evening By Appointment The Bellevue Church Street Phone 2 .".")-, I Mrs. Noble Garrett To Head Eastern Star Chapter Here Mrs. Noble Garrett was elected worthy matron oi the Waynesvillc Chapter of the Eastern Star at the annual election of officer which was held on Friday evening in the assembly rooms of the chapter in the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Gar rett succeeds Mrs. Henry Francis. who has so ably served for the past Near. Phillip York was re-elected worthy patron. Other, officers circled on Friday night to serve with Mrs Garrett included: asso ciate worthy mat run, Mrs. J. Col vin Brown; associate patron, It. M. Fit1; .secretary, Mrs. Olive Boone Green; treasurer. Mrs. Maude Jones; conductress. Mrs. Maude York: associate conductress, Mrs. Kate Farmer. During the evening high praise was p.aid Mrs. Henry Francis for the outstanding work accomplished i b the chapter during her term of ollice. Following the business session the chapter members were invited to the home of Mrs. Garrets for a soical hour. MRS. GISAlll. nU'ROVING Dresses From Lucile Haviland Shop Modeled At Tea Given At Oak Park DEATHS MRS. STELLA WHIDDEN N. Funeral services were held on i Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Shady Grove Methodist church. Dellwood road, for Mrs. Stella Norton Whidden, 77, who died at the home of her son-in-law and pastor of the Rev. VV. M. of Lake Junaluska, of Burial was in the church .Mrs. L.miwooiI Grahl who has been conliiied to her home by illness fur lour weeks, is slowly improving. If s Plow Time Now In Haywood And It's Important For You To liac The Right Shoe Shoes Such As You Will Find AT RAY'S .rw.s&t. .'IW' .fTnny Air T I It's unfair to our feet to attempt p I o w i n g aiid spring farm work in worn-out shoes. Y o u wouldn't u s c li o rscs in r o u g h ground unless they were properly shod. And it's just as important for you. Our Recommendation The 8 Inch Doot -THE 8 INCH BOOT WE HAVE THREE W AYS- 1 A composition sole ClJ boot WasO 2 An all leather boot an exceptionally P" tfP!" good buy at Jm3r0 3 A laced-to-t he-toe boot like C Crt that illustrated Oa3 The 8" boot is called 'the plow shoe" because it's so popular for that purpose It keeps the dirt out and supports your ankle. Seeing Is Believing Take A Look At Ray's And if you want the regular shoe, we can show a varied assortment of ' types and qualities. We can show you .shoes as illustrated here in a wide variety of quali ties. And you will be surpris ed at the excellence of the values which we arc showing. -Shoes From Peters Ball Band Endicott- Ray's Shoe Department daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Owen, on Jonathan Creek, at 6' p. m. Wednesday. Rev. I. M. Dennis church, assisted by Bobbins fieiated. cemi I cry. Mrs. Whidden. a native of Ala bama, was the widow of the late Kev. E. K. Whidden and had been making her home with her (laugh ter for several years. Serving' as pallbearers were: Glenn Boyd, Floss Boyd, .lames Teague. K. W. Howell, I.ee Howell, and N W. Carver. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. Stella N. Morrison, of Mobile, Ala., and .Mrs. Larry Owen; one son, F. W. Whidden, of Dellwood; nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The Garrett funeral Home was in charge of (he arrangements. MACK RAYMOND MULL Last rites were conducted at the Allen's Creek Baptist church Sun day afternoon at 2 o'clock for Mack Haymond Mull, 47, Haywood county farmer, who died at his home in the Allen's Creek section on Friday. Kev. C. L. Allen offi cited. Burial was in the Kocky Branch cemetery. Pallbearers were: George I'lem mons, Harry l!abb. Paul Mull Julius Singleton. Jim Pleinmons, , and Robert Gaddis. Surviving are his widow. Mrs, j I.orella Wa(! Mull; the following j daughters. Mrs. Ci u y Hunter. , Misses Bessie and Beryle Mull, all ! of Waynesvillc; Mrs. Ed Moody, j of Lake Junaluska, and Mrs. Jack Swanger, of Canton, H.K.J). No. 2; j one brother. Burton Mull, of Aslie j ville; live sisters, Mrs. Hugh Itabb, j Mrs. Claude Iihinchart. of Way I nesville, Mrs. Joe Singleton, of Canton, K.F.D., No. 2, and Mrs, Hubert Head, u' Ilazelwood and ci .;ht grandchildren, j Gariett funeral Home was in ; charge of the arrangements. 0. ('. McLEAN Funeral services were hehl ui Monday afternoon at 2::i() o'clock at the Hazel wood Presbyterian church for Oscar Claude McLean. (13. of Toptuu. who died at the Haywood County Hospital Thurs day night following a brief illness. Mr. McLean had been visiting rel atives here at the time he was taken ill. He was a native of Buncombe county. Kev. S. H. Crockett, pastor of the church, and the Kev. Mr. ,I,r don, pastor of the Toplon Baptist church, officiated. Burial was in Green Hill cemetery. Pallbcares were brothers-in-law and nephews: F. E. Kuvken dall. Hobert Jones, Claude Wright, Carl Jones. Krastus Duvall. O. J, Klontz, and Capl. Fred Jones. Nieces were in charge of the flowers. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Georgia Ann Nelson McLean loplon: three sons, li. A. McLean of Hazolworid s.sioi mi,, it.,i "il,. 111! Ill illl of California, S-Sgt. O. Kyle Mc Lean, with the army in the Phill pines; seven daughters. Mrs T Davis and Mrs. James Kuvkendall of Hazel wood, Mrs. Frank Ful Kliam. of Ashoville, Mrs. Hoy Brown, ,of Canton, Mrs. Glenn i. nappcil. ol Browntown. Va 1 Laga McLean of the WACS, and Miss Edith McLean, of Toplon; nice nroi tiers, Kd McLean Vsliovillc. O. S. McLean, of Mills Hiver. and B. A. McLean nf T,m. omi; uiree sisters, Mrs. Cole and' Mrs. Fred Jones vuie. and Mrs Tom ivoi r ..... , , i i , ,i Richmond. Va., and ten grandchil (hen. "."en runerai Home was charge of the arrangements. A showing of models from the Lucile Haviland Shop, located at Bellevue, Church street, was given at Oak Park on Friday afternoon. The shop is aflliated with John Carroll's of Asheville with Mrs. Bradley Haviland in charge. A variety of .smart Spring dresses, including street clothes, sport models, afternoon frocks and dinner gowns were -modeled. The models came down the stairs and made their exit at the side door in the living room after showing the gowns in the living looms and dining room where the guests were seated. Those modeling the dresses in cluded, Mrs. June Smalhers, Mrs, Ralph Prcvost, Mrs. James Kil patrick, Mrs. William T. Hannah, Mrs. J. B. Seeman, of New York, Miss Anne Osborne, Miss Jackie Sue Messer. and Miss Patsy (Iwyn. and her guest Miss Anne Strand', of Baltimore, Mil. Miss Hester Ann Withers directed the entrance of the models. The dresses for each model had been rki.:;en with care, each wear ing their particular type of clothes. The showing was climaxed in the entrance of Mrs. Seeman in a handsome wedding gown of heavy satin and lace, with her attendants, Miss Patsy Gwyn and Miss Anne StraufJ' in rose tall'ela in boulfant models. The wedding march was played by Miss Nancy Killian. Following the modeling lea was served Iroin the dining room. The lea table over which Mrs. W. F. Swift and Mrs. Kufus Siler pre sided, was covered with a lace cloth and centered with a crystal bowl of yellow (lowers flanked with yellow tapers. Tea, coffee and cakes were served. The rooms throughout were ar ranged in quantities of Spring (lowers, willi yellow predominating. Mrs. Haviland was assisted in re ceiving those attending the show by Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn. ' The Lucile Haviland Shop w hich opened on Monday of this week will have hours from 10 a. in. to 12 and from 2 to 5 p. m. daily and in the evenings by appoint ments. Mrs. Harry Fhehn, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Blackwell, has returned to her home in Bristol, Tenii. CARD OF THANKS We wishto extend our apprecia tion to our friends and neighbors for their thoughtful kindness to us (luring the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. K. K. Whidden. We also wish to thank theni for the beautiful llowcrs. Mrs. L. M. Owen and Family. S. W. Whidden and Family M FIRST SIGN Of A Want Ads USE 666 TABLETS. SALVE. N05E DROPS You Will Find AT RAY'S Homer , of Asho- M'NAVANT 'Continued from page 1) land, and later in combat in Bel gium and was also in the attack on the Siegfried line. Lt. Dunavant entered the service in 1940 as a volunteer, and he had been a member of the National Guard for eight years. He had been overseas since August, 1943. Prior to entering the service he was employed by the A. C. Law rence Leather Company. He was a charter member of St. John s Catholic church, where memorial services were held in his honor, with a solemn requiem High Mass sung with Father A. F. Rohrbacher officiating, assisted by others, including an army chap lain. Surviving are his wife, the for mer Miss Katherine Shelton, a daughter, Linda Catherine, age 2; hts mother, one sister, Mrs. Wm' Orr, of Blytheville, Ark., and one brother, Leonard Dunavant, of Dellwood. T 1 of JJl !rC .f I in m Hnaiv"', s Miss Vera Hosaflook, who teaches in Charlotte, returned Tuesday to her work, after spending several days here with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Hosaflook. , 'AV "0' . V 1 cx xvv-S .cS 1 ARTISTIC Piano Tuning, Voicing and Repairing. Paul Shepherd, Bethel High School, Vaynesville, N. C. 14t DAVIS-SMITH (Jewelers Since 1865). Expert Watch Repair. Op posite Masonic Temple. No. 8 Church Street. FOR SALE Baby Rabbits and Geese. Call Roilman, 2111. tf WANTED elderly couple to milk and feed cattle. House provided. See Jerry Liner, Lake Junaluska WILL PAY CEILING for fat hogs weighing from 200 up, on foot. Grace Lumber Mills, 114 Main Street. , Feb. 15-22 Mar.1-7 FOR SALE six-room house. See Jrry Liner, Lake Junaluska. FOR SALE One mare and colt. Call 318. tf FOR SLIP COVERS, button holes, covered button buckles and belts, also hemstitching, see Mrs. T. L. Campbell at 11 Masonic Temple, phone 525-J. WANTED Good second hand let box, reasonable price. Mrs. W. H. Henry, Canton, N. C, Rt fc, Mar. 3? FOR SALE New four-room house just completed, about three acres of good ground. Outbuilding on Property. Located on good road, near Rubber plant. A bargain, priced to sell. For further in formation write P. O. Box 651, Waynesvillc Mar. 8-15 WANTED TO BU Y Second-hand baby play pen. car seat and stroller. Mrs. W. C. Smithson. P. O. Box 94 Mar. 8 FOR SALE One brood sow. Call Roilman. 2111. tf WANTED Experienced parts man, body man and mechanics. Splendid opportunity in these three openings. See Watkins Chevrolet Company. tf USED CARS WANTED We will pay ceiling price for good used cars. See Davis-Liner Motor Sales. WANTED AT ONCE skilled and semi-skilled workers. Also truck drivers and farm help. Houses furnished. See Jerry Liner, at Lake Junaluska. FOR SALE Electric milk cooler. Holds six to 10 gallon cans. See Creed Welch, Iron Duff Town ship. Mar. 8-15 SALESMEN WANTED; LOOK HERE! Wanted -Men and Wo men to start in business on our capital. Sell some 200 farm home Products in North Hay wood and West Buncombe Coun ties. Thousands our dealers now make quick sales, big profits. For particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCC. 245-192, Richmond, Va. Mar. 8 FOR SALE General Electric fiat ironer; good condition. Phone 232. ' " Mar. WANTED Saw work; cross cat saw welding any round saw work also band saw work. C. Pj Hunter, Waynesville Lumber Cq. Mar .8-15 -4- WANTED To rent farm around Canton or Pigeon Township. Honorable discharge from U. S. Army. " Dewey Rhinebeart, Ha zel wood, N. C. Mar. 8 DAVIS-SMITH, JEWELERS Ex pert Watch and Jewelry Rc' Also Engraving. Estimates, ly given. No. 8 Church1 Si Telephone 514. u. BELLE-MEADE Service Station Hazclwood. Gulf Gas, Oils and Grease, Accessories, Batteries Tires and Tubes, Fan Belts. Spark Plugs, General Tire and Tube Repair. II. B. Milne'r. Manager. Phone 9164. Mar 8 WANTED To buy small house. Write Box 691, Waynesville, N. C. Mar. 8 FOR SALE Good five-room house in Hazclwobd. Water, lights, garage, cow barn, rich garden. $2,000. H. B. Milner, Phone 9164. ' Mar. 8 FOR SALE Two new four-room houses, 3 1 i acres each. Plenty wood, close in, good read, bus service. Bargains at $2,750 each. H. B. Milner, Belle Meade. Mar. 8 The Season Ahead Definitely Is Goin To Be A . Sports Wear Season And You Will Find "Wanted" Types of Sportswear At Ray's At Prices Most Reasonable. - 7 v, - r -SPORT SHIRTS--SPORT COATS- -SPORT SI ,ACKS- And Ihc IhiiiK-s (hat du with them. -You Will Find Them- At Ray's And in as nice an assortment as you would lind lit a city store If you dont believe it " Come take a-took.- - - It's just as easy- and just as cheap- To be snappy looking- You Don't Have To Be Collegiate To Wear Sport Clothes There was an idea at one time- That sport clothes were only for the collegiate. But today sport clothing is as sensible for the average man as the overall is for farm work. You don't have to buy plaids unless you like them. For the conservative dresser . we have soft plain colors with which you can make up a Conservative ensemble. Springtime Is Just Around The Corner And it isn't too early for you to be looking about. RAY'S DEPARTMENT STORE r w H0g -J 0 1 mi V ft 'i n-ji s,

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