4 i 1 ' The Waynesville mountaineer Published In The County Seat Of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park ran you spare that tney wear . , ?; pRST YEAR N a it ..... . W.-UNLSVJLLK, N. ('., THURSDAY. AI'RII. 19. 1915 (One Day Nearer Victory) $2.00 in Aihaiue in Haywood and Jackson Counties nnnn bvuDU . Oil lavey Tree Expert Company Buys Large Tracts 1 Headed By facr Governor Davey of Ohio borate Plans Being tic To Develop 11,- Acres In Three lets. u,c invested i" "'is 1 to keep our tioiu- uiaiu-iit I v. said Marun i.. i f-n.;.. oiinird this week that Uic IXpnt ( ompany, ot president, had pur- ;hf ptnpcl I V HI HIS ' 1 C pavc.v . in tins county III Jackson. Ipipirty ((insists oi arouna Hies including the SocO iraer mi which tlir Davey atcil. I lie Rlanchard jacksnn and Haywood ana iiklcv holdings ot b.DUU Jackson county. the company is operat- bvsnuit at Black Hock in cuunty, six miles from . turning out between id 20,000 hoard feet a at care is being exorcised utluiK it was pointed out iiior Davey, who was ae- (1 to Waynesville by one sedates in t he business. (niipany plans to cut on in moderation over a iod of years and in time considerable reforesting. interested in conservation, ley stated that great care c taken in conservation of !S. itally the company plans lop recreationa lfaeilities lop recreational facilities Davey. vc seen many beautiful but I know of few spots equal Western North Caro tins immediate section. I it has great possibilities," iiiicmled in discussing the plans of the company here. fiavey served in Congress I one-half terms from his in Oliiu. prior to becom- lenior. He also served as pf his home town of Kent. 'e terms, and was envernnr for two terms. favey lirst came to this sec- mid ten years ago to visit net. who first owned the and made the initial im- fits on the Soco Gap acrc- I'liiiK the present home and "struct inn on the property. C Davey, also of the the Davey Tree Export y. who lormerly owned the nas bought property at and is developing a larne enter there. Wm. C. Davis fitly Wounded prmany rral William C. Davis, son nd Mrs. J. Y. Davis, of Kh l) No. 1, has been funded in action in Ger- froidinu to a n,ncr, I IS n.-ironli. ''is entered the service ary. 1 943 nA ...... ... - iti-eivea nis 31 Los Angeles, Calif., and a(f,! .Tex. He was station m f.nglatid after h-ino frspas. He ha a ee. R,,i """"i "'"u laier in led In Action f; , . ' ' . Jv - " - son CECIL n rrt.... "est R. Robin snn J.a Til uea in action in the onUucd paM 3) Haywood Pays Tribute To Franklin D. Roosevelt - 11 W.: few Jf'Wr' I if: f ' Li i !' rr' S ' . , 'I The ofTieials of The First National Bank had thi s floral tribute on display Friday and Saiiuii.iy in the bank lobby out of respect and memory of the late President Kooscvelt. Similar designs weir used in several of the churches here Sunday, and at th c memorial services held in bis memory on Salurda.v afternoon. Photo by Slieriill s Studio. Other pict ures and articles about Mr. Roosevelt on pages six. seven, eight and ten. Sgt. F. Williams Reported Missing In Germany Sgt. Frank It. William:.. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs Frank S. Wil liams, of Lake .hinalusk.i, has been reported missing in action ovii Germany since March 17. accord ing to information received by liis mother from the War Department. Sgt. Williams, a graduate id the Canton high school, was employed by the Goodyear Aircraft Corp Akron, Ohio at the time he volun teered iu the service. He was in ducted at Camp Croft in May. 1943 and from there was sent to Keesler Field. Miss. From Keesler be was sent In the University of West Virginia and then to Nashville. Tcnn. From the latter he was sent to Mont gomery, Ala., and then to Denver. (Continued on page 3) Haywood Joins U. S. In Mourning Death Franklin Roosevelt PIcR.C.Bradshaw Slightly Wounded In Germany Private First Class Robert Ci.'h: Bradshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw, of Clyde, H.F.H. No 1, has been reported slightly wounded in Germany on March 30, according to a messace Horn the War Department. Pfc. Bradshaw entered the ser vice in July, 1944 and was inducted at Fort Bragg. He was sent to Camp Blanding, Fla., for his basic training and then to Fort George Meade, Md., and overseas. Pfc. Bradshaw has served with the armed forces in France. Bel gium and Germany. He is attach ed to the 9th Army. At the time he entered the ser vice he was employed by the Cham pion Paper and Fibre Company at their Houston, Tex. plant. Quick Wind-Up Of Membership Drive For C. of C. Starts Directors of the Chamber of Commerce ill sessions last nii: lit made plans for a "quirk wind up" of the membership diir. in order that ballots can be mailrri and the election held tin May lirst. I All prospective members of (be nisaiiiation werr rerenlly inrtiled application blanks. The response was gratilyinu lor the fust few days, acrordiiiK to Miss S. A. Jones, sen rial v. hut siorr I hen (lie returns have sbmrd considerably. only those who have IMS memberships will be rlinible to vole for the new board of directors. Pic. H. H. Medford Wounded Second Time In Germany Pfc. Hiliiary H. Medford. son ,,l Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Med ford .of Clyde, has been reported I seriously wounded in Germany on March 15, according to a message from the War Department, n is the second time that Pfc. Medford has been wounded, the lirst time on January 25. Pfc. Medford has been awarded (Continued on page 3) Business Suspends, Memorial Services Are Held Saturday For Late President. Citizens of Haywood county and this rumtiin m I y joined the nation aiirl the countries of the world last week-end in mourning the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which occurred at Warm Springs, Ga.. at 4:.'i.) p. m. Thursday. Immediately after the first an nouncement came over the radio of Hie tragic news, which shocked and stunned the world, the local telephone office was rushed to the limit for a three hour pet iod as person after person called friends and family to pass on the sad news. On every hand was beard the statement, "I can't take it in Ik was needed to much. We were all dcpendiiii; on President Roose velt to guide us back to peace." In all walks of life and among all age groups the passing of the great chief and executive who gave his life to help restore the world to sanity and lasting peace was mourned. Expressions of sorrow were heard from all groups, as they spoke of the greatest loss the peace loving people of the world had suffered since the war was started. ' The flags over the post office and court house grounds were lowered to half mast. Flags were placed in front of business houses and residences. Immediately plans were made (Continued on pasc C) 42 Motor Vehicles Checked In Initial Six Weeks Drive Forty-two motor vehicles were checked on Sunday afternoon dur ing a two hour period in the Pig eon area on Highway No. 27ti, ac cording lo Cpl E. V. Jones and Patrolman O H. Roberts, of the state highway patrol. The cheek was marie under the urogram which will continue for six weeks spon sored by police, highway and other othicals in a nation-wide effort to avoid accidents. Sixteen brakes were found to need attention, two were pronounc ed had and the owners of the cars weie ordered to appear iu magis trate's court ami 24 passed the test, according to the officers. Plans are to cover every high way in the county during some period of the ensuing six weeks, with plans to check not less than foily vehicles t a time, it has been annoiupif hy the officers mak ing Hie cheek up Due lo the rains on Monriny and Tuesday no checking wns made. Pfc. Ellis M. Pope Missing Now Is Reported Killed Private First ( lass Ellis M. Pope, who was previously leporteri miss ing in action in Germany, has been officially reported killed in Ger many on March IP. according to a message from (he War Department Pfc Pope volunteered In the serviee on April 7, 1042, and took his basic training nf Fort F.ustis, Va. He served for sometime in Panama and was attached lo the j Coast Guard artillery for 27 I months, ' He vn returned to the States and reassigned fo the Infantry and bad been iu Hie European theatre since November, 1944. He served first in France and later in Ger many. Pfc. Pope is survived by bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. W C. Pope, of Canton, R.F.I). No I; his wife, Mrs Mary Pope, of Civile, 1 F.D. No 1; two sons, Mcl.aiu and Hoy Pope; one brother, W ('. Pope, who is serving, with the Infantry in Germany; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Cnnnard and Miss Kate Oclava and Miss Maedean Pope, all of Canton. Temporary Staff Named In CAP By Lt. Dan Watkins Temporary officers of the Civil Air Patrol have been announced by 1,1. Dan Watkins, commanding officer of the local CAP flight. In addition to Ft. Watkins the offi cers are: Herbert Buchanan, sec ond lieutenant, executive and op erations officer; Mrs Clara Rippe toe. second lieutenant, adjutant. Stanley Brading, second lieuten ant, flight lieutenant and meter ology instructor; John Reeves, flight lieutenant, communications officer and radio instructor; Chris tian Ecboff. warrant officer, supply officer; Herbert Braran, first ser geant. The posts of two warrant offirers and of several non-commissioned officers, including two line ser geants and four corporals are to be filled later. Some of these positions will be filled by cadet officers, and will be rotated so that all cadets who show themselves capable will have an opportunity to serve as an officer, Lt. Watkins stated. The attendance at the Monday meetings has been averaging 'Continued on page 3) 33rd President Of United States r V v 11 : .Vs, " "V , . :'. .'" ' . v, s - N Cn . s Iff JW?, ,V s. Vi K sr- sfs ' s-S. - , HARItY S. TRUMAN became the States last Thursday night, shortly at I Roosevelt in Warm Springs, Ga. Story on page six. J 9 ;;ird pre: men' of the United r the pavsuig ot Franklin I) of Mi . Truman's life appears fiifi 'I' resent Palmer To Re State On Important T VA Advisory ( roup Represents N. C. r&i 1 --S3:' Yr Local Lt ()u(..taii(lint Ap,ricillnrc Assemhlv. loi- Did Work For In decent i i.i I'l'M r.t I Mil f he nt I GEENN C PALMER, has been named to represent North Caro lina on an advisory committee of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Legion To Sponsor Junior Baseball Team In League The local post of the American Legion will sponsor a Junior base ball team this year, as part of the national set-up of the Legion. Plans arc underway to start practice immediately, and all boys born on and after January I, 1928, are eligible to try out for a place on the team. Those interested should contact E. W. Tenny at the Armory immediately. There are several other com munities in this area that are organizing Legion teams, and al ready they are seeking playing dates with the proposed local team. The Legion is giving a dance Friday night at the Armory to raise money for equipment for the team. Hazelwood Starts Initial Work On Clean-Up Drive wood rep and civic named to on a spe- Tennessee uid Giant liis aceept vvhieh came haub, ol Hie .i I ini'iil liner lo solve, i Know of no allev counties pailiculai Job u c I at ai In take ii liom I'l .1 1 1 The town of Hazelwood is mak ing an initial clean-up this wek. prior to the two-week period when the entire community will band to gether for a genuine clean-up. paint-up driv. Clyde Fisher, mayor, and the boaid of aldermen, pointed out the need for getting rubbish and tiash removed at once. "The more we get done now, the better job we can do in the final Wind-up ol the campaign," they pointed out. The officials also cited the or dinance about hog pens, which points out that "it thall be unlawful lor any person to keep any hogs within 100 feet of any residence, place of business, manufacturing plant, or 75 of any street." MISS WILLIAMS IMPROVING Miss Annette Williams is improv ing at her home following an op eration for the removal of her ton sils at the Haywood County Hos pital Saturday. Glenn ( ' I 'aim. i sentalivr. d.ni n leader, ha ; pi I I represent N'm I Ii ( ai eial eoioniitli" of Valley Autluaii' -, t , Collri;rs. Mr Tallin eri the appointment from lir I ( ), r state extension d p,, In ask log Mr ' Mr Schauh " rnlo one iii our lilliin better soiled In llil than yon The romuii! t r v 1 1 1 eat ly dale m I. m.ji ;j' its dot ie :. tla- till, i Sehaub pnintrd nut Mr. Pahnc i '., committee did prite fo t In i r his activitii . i Inline. lb I'h all legislation culture and i two sri;1ni getting ad. lit,, through fm 'I. Mr Palmr i getting I.i.n id I of TV . to 'I ho Ha-. od the peaki i The voi l; dune I,. Mi . Palmer in the held i, a; i u n ilui e is furth er testified in b i la numerous letter. s (,f ;.piu i i ,t n,n he has re ceived 'in,,' i' Hinr Imiue. Every agi teull in al di. -1,1011 and agenev i ecopni'erl the rsd"i - hip be show ed ill gel I iiii j , . i . 'i i r . Ihiouiihfor (he b 1 1 1 na Id of the prog I ams, His lead' i hip has luinigbt more than the uppniulbient on the lm porttnil 'I X A c oiiuiiiticc. however, as be is a tin tee ol f.ieater Uni versity vi n. th ( aradina, a direc tor of the r.oiih ( .Molina Dairy Foundation, and only recently rip rc;enti'd North Carolina in a sen atorial tobacco pi i re hearing in Washington. He served as cbjiinn.m of a committee thai .sponsored legisla tion tor tle clurly and control of mastitis, a dreaded animal disease. W. Kerr Scott, commissioner of agriculture, wrote, "I am grateful for the increased agricultural pro gram, and I want to thank you (Continued on page 3) v oi ul merit to I his i oiii,. a , a sui l.epl alueast of ie H I cut legis h a.linj: role in aiuilu In agri ' i i i lie ;,url I edited with .ippenpi iations n ion service, in ,! runiental in n t loil. chairman (he ssrnililv. I 'lor picsented First Time Crop Of Haywood Has Exceeded Million More Farmers To Plant Burley For 1945 Crop, According To Local AAA Officials. The burley tobacco crop in 1944 in Haywood county brought in a million dollars, the first time such a sum has been realized from this crop, according to R. C. Francis, chairman of the Haywood county AAA committee Mr. Francis stated that 2.143,079 pounds of burley tobacco was pro duced on 1.380 9 acres and sold for $1.079.003 60. The average price per pound for the entire crop was $50 Xi per hundred weight. I'he average yield per acre was 1.552 pounds. The average income per acre for the entire county was $871.38 per acre. The 1944 crop was quite an in crease over the 1943 crop, accord ing to Mr Francis In 1943 there were 1.030 1 acres of tobacco which produced l.46fi.(!)9 pounds This crop brought an average of about $73334050 The average yield 50 cents per pound and sold for per acre for 1943 was 1,424 pounds per acre and the average income per acre was $711 92 Present indications point to around a 12 per cent increase in the acreage of tobacco plant in 1045 over that of last year, it was learned from Mr. Francis In 1943 there were 1.007 tobacco growers in Haywood county while last year the number had increas ed to 1,374 The farm plans for the coming year would indicate at least a 12 per cent increase in growers, according to Mr. Francis Crabtree Future Farmers To Have Father-Son Banquet The Future Farmers of America Chapter of the Crabtree high school will be hosts on Friday eve ning at the school cafeteria at 8:00 o'clock of the annual Father and Son banquet. A number of guests from Waynesville have been invit ed to attend Mrs. Agnes Kirkpatrick. head of the home economics department of the school, will be in charge of the dinner. Killed In Action J Tsw f a. :s-kw:; . PRIVATE MARION GREEN. U. S. Army Paratrooper, son of Mrs. M. C. Green and the late Mi. Green, of Waynesville, who was reported killed in action over Ger many on March 24th. Pvt. Green was first reported missing in ac tion, but the war department later announced that he was killed. Pvt. Green entered the service in January, 1943 and after induc tion at Camp Croft was sent to Fort Jackson and later to Camp Young. Calif. From the latter he was sent to tb University of Call- (Continued on page 3) Pvt. Glen H. Scruggs Returns After 36 Months In Pacific jr-f." - - ' PvfVjen fl.eiuggs. son of Lee SpruggJ of jfidI.'Tvand..husband of Mrs Frances Scruggs, of HazeU wooli is currently stationed ;d the redistribution station at Camp But ner, where he will spend two weeks before reporting to bis new a signment In the States Pvt. Scruggs has recently return ed to the United States after hav ing served 3 months in the Southwest Pacific theatre of opera tions, as a machine gunner. 'He holds the Asiatic Pacific ribbon with one star. Good Conduct med al, and the Pre-Peai 1 Harbor ribbon. t- ) I .1 V

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