4Y. MAY 24, 1945 We. Day Nearer Victory) THE .WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ta?e S; ReDOftS v Last Club L Of Year .. :u Woman's Club Way" " f the eur- I6 ..,, ,,h Mrs. James ak "''im. presiding. Lan. P"-" hv the h. various of- nJ ,, telling "1 . wrk "J ,. Hmun. chairman tho ropor.ec that oyer , ..iit in e otn- " ,. ,h department Uu:' SI... was given r ' ,.f .hanks for the P u , uidortaken worK mi. L,..,n mt'tll Llian annoum-ed lhat the r"' . , MMKl Inr the '" h,. siatod that the L'gnuip Had worked on i Mrs ( has. E. . p Williamson. Mrs. V ''. . TW., Kirkpaint-K. ". '. ir I W Killian. 13IUI mg vott. of thanks was )r Kllliail Kll I"'' ain..i- k during Hie year as prcs j,d Mrs. I'. H Marlcy for ,jco in providing a meeting linnor in the reading coll ide hitili school were pre- )V Mrs .1 C ISrown. ana ivc ilwir winning number r: I lei I y Met lure, A Half Hour on the Heath" p Underwood. "An Kn- niih ;in Interviewer." orncli.'i Nixson. ehairman nrcii'iiled Ida Lou Gib- Lo vocal niinihers. serving accompanist. .nnnh Powell, of Friendly F'cnl. wli" was a member tub for 1.) years, express- Isure a i being with the a2ain liber of guests were pres- )io Hireling. A social hour with the following hos- lerwiu.': Dr. lai? Micliai, ih .lolK and Mrs. Trov mm i you suffer i MONTHLY 4 vniifi TPiiointi ilUUd ICIIdlUII 1 Hi wmI, tired feelings? Bona) periodic disturbances Swel nervous, tired, restless lim try tats great medicine I. Plntham'3 Vegetable Com frelleve such symptoms.Token l-H helps bulla up resistance ucb distress. Also a grand It iodic Follow label directions. .(Pimkhamb com?ound Their Matriage Announced x5 4 N 5 i 4 "N. 1 SKAMAN AND MRS. JACK B. NOLAND. whose marriage took place in Clayton. Ga., on 'January 27. Mrs. Noland was th former Miss Belly Klla Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Silas Nichols of Wayncsville. And mony other Household Intects Here' answer to you r p roblem at wlist to use to kill bugs in Mil, hrm, n dangerini? children, Pts, food or yourself! Get w, non-poisonous DIL-K1I. JiwJer. Sorlnkle as directed. n wulk thronirh it-rrawl y-die! Buy 1111,-KH, today. Cut-Rale Drug Store fnds-kopp fhem. Music Club To Hold Annual Open Meeting The open meeting of the Way nesville Music Club will be held on Friday evening. May 25, at the Presbyterian church. Sol Cohen, music director of the Springdale school and his students will present the program. Mr. Cohen, violinist, will also present several numbers. Tliis is an annual affair always anticipated hy the friends of the Music Club, as each member is allowed, to invite two guests. Miss Nancy Killian. president, will preside, and serving as hos tesses will be a special committee appointed lor the meeting. Haywood Chapter UDC To Hold Last Meet On Fridav, June 1st The Haywood Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy will bold the last meeting of the year on Friday afternoon, I June 1. with .Mrs. F. (.'.. Hippetoe and Mrs. Sam Queen as associate hostesses at the home of the for mer on Woolsey Heights. Miss Itobina Mill will have the paper of the afternoon, her sub ject being "Jefferson Davis", and she will outlined the highlights in the life of Ibis Confederate lead- Miss Dorothy (ireer. who is at tending Western Carolina Teach ers College, spent the week-end in llazelwood with her parents. Mi. and Mrs. Iv A (ireer. BaaaHa i bbiiiii mini u mutysUMMiiwini i a mMn SPECIAL CO IF IF EE Betty Ella Nichols Is Married To lack Noland, S 1-c Mr. and Mrs. Silas Nichols, of Waynesville. have announced the marriage of their daughter, M - . Hetty Klla Nichols, to Jack 1! No land, seaman second class. I s Navy, son of Mr and Mrs l!ni Noland. of Clyde The marriage took place m Clayton. C.a . on January 27. where the couple were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noland and Mr .and Mrs Clarence llarroll The bride wore a winter tan sun with brown accessories and her corsage was of gardenias The bride was a student at the Way nesville Township high school at the time of her marriage The bridegroom entered the ser vice in November. 1 i4-4 . and was given his boot training at Ham bridge, Md. From Hainbridge be was assigned to Norfolk. Va At the time he entered the service be was employed by the Newport News Shipbuilding ami Dry Dock Company ivirs. Allan c. jviri.ean has gone to Florida for a month's visit with friends at various points She went by Chapel Hill, where she visited her niece, Miss Ann t )s borne, and then to Haleigb, where she was joined by Miss Horn u lla Love, who accompanied her lo Florida Frank Ferguson, who holds a position in Wilmington, spent the week-end in town with bis mother. Don Hyatt. Jr . of Wilmington, spent the week-end lu re wilh Ins grandparents. Mr and Mrs W A llyall. on the I'ai.vu u lload Mr. and Mrs. ):. A Creer hail as Iheir guests over the week end Mrs II F Davis, of Andrews, and Mrs John Wiklr, ol Asheville. Mrs Vera Douglas ho spent Hie past Week as the guest ol Mis. ! Hoy Campbell, lias relumed to her ' home in (jiiiney. Fla ( '. C Medfnrd. who is employed in the shipyard at Newport News. Va . recently spent a week v,ii his family al Lake Jiiiialuska m Jack Hamey. of the t S 'ay. spent several days with lus parents Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ifamey. of Lake Junaluska He lias seen sei'e,. m the Pacific BIRTH ANNOI'Nrl'MI'M Mr. and Mrs Arville Praifklin. of Cove Creek, announce the birth of a son at their home on May lln! Dry Oyen Opn oven door for tew minutes sftpr baking is dnnp and hp.it birred off, to dry nven llinrouphiv. OIL-CLOTH BELK-HUDSON CO. COME MD GET IT ON SALE FRIDAY MORNING ; Dorothy W. Milner Becomes Bride Of iPfc. J. F. Kahr Announcement has boon made t of the marriage of Miss Dorothy I Winona Milner, daughter of Mr." and Mrs. 11. B. Milner! of Way-1 nesville, to Private' Flast Class Joseph Francis Kahr, of Chicago. ' III., in a double ring ceremony which look place in Asheville at the home of J. D. Dermid. .ho officiated on Thursday, May 10! h al 7:ix) o'clock in the evening. The bride wore a suit of yellow and brown wilh matching ueces- i ! sories and her corsage was m ; ' mixed rosebuds. Miss Lois Gross. ; of Forest City, was maid of honor and she also wore a yellow soil with brown accessories. The bridegroom had as his best , 1 man. Private First Class Arthur Cole. ; Following' the marriage a wed- ' ding supper was held at the Sky Club in Asheville for those al i tending the ceremony. The bridal I table was centered with a (wo ('cr wedding cake wilh a Hower j arrangement and candles. The guests for the wedding ! supper included: Pfc. and Mrs. ' I Arthur Cole, Miss Lois Gross. : ' PfV. Hay Knulh, Ben Sofley, Miss ' Frances Dermid and Miss Huih : I .Michael j The bride ol (ended the Waynes I villo Township high school. Vir j ginia Interniont College and Wan-; ' ion's Business College. She now holds a position Wilh the General Accounting office In Asheville. Pfc. Kahr. son of Mr. and Mrs , Frank Kahr, of Chicago, is a graduate of St. Augustine Grade School in Chicago, lie enlered tle i army in HM and since then has. been overseas and participated in action on Aiuio beachhead. Ho was returned to the States and is now stationed with the M. P. ! Del., of the Redistribution Station; in Asheville. ' For the present the couple will make their home in Asheville. ; Mrs. F. A. (ireer recently visil ed her son. Clyde P. Greer. AHM third class, who is completing an-! other course of education training! at the naval base in Jacksonville. 1 Fla. Mrs Med ford Clark, Mr and Mrs. John W. Lewis, of Wilming ton. Del., are visiting Mr. and Mrs Itufus Smathers, parents of j Mrs Lewis. t Mr. and Mrs.' Hubert While audi Iwo children, Hugh and Mary, of I Pollersville, N. .)., have' arrived and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Itippetoe. Mrs. White is the i former Miss Rosemary Itippetoe, 1 daughter of Mr and Mrs. Rippe- I toe She and her children will remain for the duration, bill Mr While will return to New Jersey ; on Sunday and will enter- Un armed forces on May 21! t I Mr. and Mrs S. A. Yoiunan. of! lilton. are spending a lew days in town They plan to re turn the first of July and spend sometime in this section Marriage Licenses Caught 'Werewolf - V A' us UfW.i.. J Miss Dorothy Smathers Becomes Bride Of Pvt. M?dford Clark Mr. and Mrs. Itufus Smathers, of Waynesville, have announced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Dorothy Smathers, (o Private Mffird Clark, son of Mrs. Al bert Clark and the late Mr. Clark, of Waynesville, R.F.D. No. I. The marriage look plaee in Clayton, da., on Saturday, April 21, In the presence of a small group of friends. The bride is a graduate of the Waynesville high school in (he class of 1944 and al the time of her marriage was employed by the Dayton Rubber Company. The bridegroom entered the ser vice in November, l42, and has spent the past 23 months in (he South Pacific theStre. At present he is stationed in a convalescent hospital at Camp Ituiner. : t Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller, of lxington. Ky.. who have been visiting relatives, have returned lo their home. While here they were the guests of Mr. Miller's sisters. Miss Robina Miller and Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick FRAMED BY THE "V" in what might be a V-for-Victory fenre that pens him in, somewhere In Germany, is one ot the dejected 'werewolves" thnt were howled about ns Ger many's last-ditch defenders until our armies changed their minds, ltiitlsh ph. do. vf iili-n.nfioiia)) Eyes Examined Glutses F.tttd CONSULT '-Li DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST 125 Main Street Wells Bldg. AND OeE 0U START T0MXN6 At To the People of this Comrpunity 1). n,,.i,il.. . 11. n Four' He thinks i home folks, eve murderous lire o Kid in Upper lboui yen. Ins n under the enemy ma chine Lim ners. The I: i d c a m o ho in e the other day to r e c e i e a decora t ion. y be r e ca lied say ing this sim-nli- ni-iivpr m22SlSJ ,n !i;';,r lake care ol Mom and Dad and my brolher and sister and all the folks at home. Thanks for Die food and water we have in this shell bole. Take care of my buddies. Take care of me. Amen." In Ibis case fbe kid's name was Private Ken Miller of (irrensbiirg. veleran of Lvo .lima. Private Miller won't mii.d if you substitute the name ol your boy for bis as the hoy who prayed in a loxhole for Hie home folks. The link between IVxhole and honu1 is never broken miles;; you break it here your self. Y"ir fighting sons Iook lo you in the Till War Loan to dem onstrate thai you ni'p helping them in one of Die most direct way.- open to von, the acquisition of the most H'ar Bonds you have ever bought in any War Loan. tbk LDram &?e t&pz Woo, on farm Teephone expansion Thomas A. ville. to Hazel Jolly, of Waynes Hannah, of Canton Furniture Polish For rpmnving llial dull, fngpy ap pearanertlh.it furnilure may aeipiirp and lo conceal fine cracks or eherlts in Ihe finish, use a simple lionie tnado furnilure pnlhJi of two parts boiled linseed oil and one part lur ppnline. II is suggpsled lhat the mix ture he applied with a sofl cloth. Rub the exee.-s polish nIV with a dry rlolh noil keep robbing wilh the grain of the worn) until Ihe -urfnee is entirely diy and wiU not show a finger mark. The numlier of Soullierii Hell oiei nt-l form telephone in Dixie wns inerenaeil liv more limn four lime from 1 ).tr lo 1912 J vheri Ivar inlerrii)leil ur nirnl lel ilioiie evpansion piOftruiii. i! '1 Sinee 1912, aal iimoiintn of eiiiiiniiiiiiciilion eiuimenl have lieen ami pre Hlill l)einn iniimifactureil for Nliiiinenl lo our light , ing men, and we runnol reHiime our fnrni telephone expansion iinlil nfler mnnpower unil malerial iiuin heroine nvnilulile. In ihe nienntiine, we tire furthering our efforts lo provide in creased and improved poxl-witr farm telephone (service through wtfr Waearch work ami experience gained in new melluulo of conslriictioii. IrnilHiuiNMion ami ne, ile eliiinienl- in the ml of coinniiinietition. Soullierii Bell's powl-wai rural ilevelopnienl progruni pnit of the riell SytitemV one hundred million dollar program lo extend and improve farm telephone service of ihe future. And every reasonahle and pruclicahle sleji U heing taken to advance thin program as rapidly iih n-hil.le. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company INCORCORATI II ALWAYS THE BEST IN Me ats The Best The Market Afford JUMliUSKil SUPER GRADE A E3MKET FRED WRIftHT, Leasee pO'JJL 1,1 'AjLJr i! A io Doz. mm DHESSES srMs -i io c Values 97c While They Last BELK-HUDSON COMPANY 'Home of Seller Values" E VOO iAVN A CMOST. Olil NO.SOMr "fp 1 mi Ml ll'nVl 1 ill,, Lf For AppotntBil1 Tele-phot 248S -ill Canton, N. C 1 t. a it ! - hi , i i i i . !!-;t V h Si !?, I r is t .-t r