PAGE TWO (Second Section) The Mountaineer Published By THE WAYNES VI LLE PRINTING CO. "Main Street Pliore ia7 Waynesville, North Carolina .-, The County Seat of Haywood County AN. CURTIS RUSS Kditor .WHS. 'HILDA WAY GWYN Associate Kditor W. -Curtis Russ and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers : PUBLISH KD EVERY THURSDAY , SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year, In Haywood County Six Months, In Haywood County One Year, Outside Haywood Counly Six Months, Outside Haywood County All Subscriptions Payable In Advance $2 00 1.2.") 2..r(J 1 ..10 Klitrnxt at Hi r jiimt i.iriir al Wnt imvillr. N ('.. iih NmhiuI C1ihh MjiI Mitt", ii' .r.. ..l.-.l uiiilw l In- Ail "t VI.,, il, i, 1TJ, .Sunilier , lull. Obituary miilies, n-w.lut ..I i i . t .1 1 . 1 .,( tl r. m.-l It iiules ol -,,m tai,),iii-,i' ', j M. til. uill In 'Iwnyi'-I lui .it II, i i'i on- -"l Ml '''I NATIONAL DITOfilAI ASSOCIATION Nonh Carolina vl. innj&r THURSDAY, A I KM 'ST Mi. 19 IT. (One Day Neurer Victory) Agricultural Fields Haywood County farmers were i'ortmmte in having this county selected for the meet ing of the hurley tobacco growers and livestock men which was held here last night. Tobacco and livestock are last beeominj.'. the two major crops of, the farms in this section anil with the discussions for this part of the state held here the Haywood farmers did not have far to travel for the valuable information that was given last night by the two specialists front Washing ton, I). C. Likewise are the dairymen lucky in hav ing this section chosen in which to hold one of the 15 Mastitis schools in the state since this special field of dairying is growing by leaps and bounds vith increased milk production. Heal Estate Activity in real estate sales has not been so keen here since the memorable days of the 1j20's whn it reached its peak to that date as it has been during the past few months. However there is a difference in 1945 in the sales as compared to those of the earlier date there is more money and the purchases are being paid tor in cash. In view of the expansion of old business firms and .the development of new industries in this area, the boom in real estate, if it could be termed that, would appear to be more a result ot''hat we actually have de veloped here rather than a bid for more business. ' The sales are not the gamble they were back in the twenties when a few dollars were put down and the rest recorded on paper. We trust that the sales are rather indicative of a still greater development for the post war days than an inflation. Prospects From present indications it looks as if this community will have a large modern hotel. This has been needed for many years and has been agitated by various groups, but the current plans gie more promise than any in the past, of realization. ' We have been waiting for many years, one might say for some outsider to discover US and come here and build us a hotel. Now we are starting it right here at home, and we feel that the movement will bring satisfactory results and will represent a fine community piece of cooperation. . Now is the time to get things started, for when travel starts in the steady stream that is being generally anticipated we must Have accommodations for those who will come this way. . The organization for con struction of a modern hotel plant complete now, will mean thfct when materials are available the building can start at once. We understand that for the past two weeks it has been hard for visitors in town to find rooms. If conditions are such at present, what will they be when peace has brought things back to normal. As we have often -commented before, if we fail to have the accommodations here, visitors will seek other places, for we know they are coming to Western North Carolina, and it is up to us whether or not this area is in cluded in their itinerary. With the proposed developments in the Bark area. realized, new roads, new cars, and plenty of gas, which the near future will hold, it is imperative now for this section to get ready in a big way on the planning for rooming and feeding our visitors. Government Spending June war expenditures by the Federal Gov ernment totaled .ti7.XK5,)00,000, or liHl mil lion dollars less than was spent in May. Total expenditures for the war since July 1, 1!M0, have amounted to $290,385,000,000. It is so far beyond our comprehension and imagination that wy merely blink our eyes and gasp for realization of the magnitude of the amount. THE WAfNEMVILLK MOUNTAINEER ONE m'OF A JOB TT2 (One Da Nearer Victory) THURSDAY. ACf;i-.iiTl On Second Thought . . . V The strange sense of unreality that came with the announcement last week of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, has passed. At that time it seemed as if the "funny" papers had opened up, and that all of its weird fantasies had suddenly come to life. Today, after sober reflection, we know that "Flash" Cordon and Superman are right back in the "funnies" where they be long, and most of us are back again in this world, facing the same old realities that we have collie to know so well. No on' in his right mind can deny the importance of the atom bomb. No one can doubt the achievement of thoe American a.nd Hritish scientists who have succeeded in harnessing atomic energy. Nor is there any doubt as to the enormous' prospect that has been opened up to future peacetime generations as a result of their work. m Jim . Voice OF THE People The Everyday Counsel Bv REV. HERBERT SI'Al r.U, n What was your reaction to the announcement of the ttmUc bomb? Lt. Tom Hill "I was surprised at the way it had been kept a secret. I think it could be the Kiealest preserving force, if prop erly controlled. I also believe that j God tlount te laws of man il will help cement the United iNa lions Charter." Kobert W. Livingston ' 1 hardly know how to explain my reactions. We are getting back to the princi ples of life, lt must not get in the hands of our enemy for if it did we would be completely destroyed. ' C. R. Roberts "I can hardly put in words. The thing 1 fear is that if it is not controlled it may be hard on all of us." A Bit Misleading It is strange the ideas one country gets about another. We do not doubt but that as a nation we will change our ideas very much about the people of Europe and the Pacific area when the men come back and give their impressions. While this is true there is no doubt that the people of the countries in Europe and out in the Pacific and other parts of the world nU'ected by World War II will have changes to make in their former estimates about America. As proof of this we read with interest that a Dutch listener to Voice of America, OWI's short wave station had the following com ment to make: "Now that we know better than we did before tile war that there are others in the I'niled States besides money makers, movie stars and advertisers and that at the real core of the U. S. A. are organizers, technicians and soldiers of a high quality." Such statements as the foregoing reveal that there is an opportunity for another of those cooperative, intra-industry enter prises, which business -is learning to use. We would likt now that our foreign neigh bors are so much closer for them to have a better understanding of us. It may pay in big dividends, but perhaps this greater understanding will come about naturally in time as .-pace is more and more eliminated by swifter means of transportation. We are at least indebted to the CI for giving Europeans and other foreigners a new picture of us. HERE and THERE HILDA WAY GWYnC After Before The above pictures of T-Sgt. Grady Vinson Howell, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs G. V. Howell, of Jonathan Creek. They are Before and After The lirst before Sgt. Howell had been captured by the Ger mansand bad experienced only the American way of life. The other After when he was a prisoner of war after he had been living on the limited menu of a German-held POW and had endured the days ol anxiety and suspense that a prisoner of war finds his lot. Vocabulary of Conflict Overseas dispatches report that an objec- j tion by the Hays Office in Hollywood to the; words "hell" and "damn" may postpone in- i definitely the showing in the United States; of a war film which opened last week in ' London theatres. This Anglo-American-di-j rec ted documentation of the Normandy inva-j sion and battles in France and Germany was j for a time held up by British censors who ; found fault with the expletive "bloody", a : word highly offensive to the ears of manner lv Britt ins, whether in war or peace. The censors finally passed the film on the basis : that it was an honest picturization of the i war and the men who fought it. One can but wonder at the Hays ban and agree with what doubtless must have been; British judgment that no true recording of! front-line life can be made without the use! and sound of explosive words whose power of emphasis and tinge of dirt fit them to a vocabulary of mud and battle. For the emo tions that war releases are not those which are expressed calmly in language of either desk or drawing room. War, as those who fight it best know, is a damnable business of death and destruction, which in too many of its aspects must rival the inferno of Dante or Milton's hell. From a Washington, a Grant and a Far ragut, from officers and men in all past wars and in today's stepped-up, mechanized meth ods of man destroying man, war has de manded and extorted words from which the Hays Office, in the fulfillment of its duties, might wish to protect sensitive ears of motion-picture audiences. But such words, one knows, will not be excised from the living and dying tongues of actors in war's fiery drama until a more powerful censorship than that of Hollywood removes the per formance from a world stage. New York' Herald Tribune. Yet the amazing thing today is that the lines brought by the privatum, of a prison camp are wiped out in his joy of freedom at home in America, for Sgt. Ilowell now looks like the lirst picture maybe a hit older. He is about the most cheerful prisoner of war we have talked to or rather he makes lighter of his months in a prison camp than any ex-prisoner we have interviewed. But be says "There are prison camps and prison camps, and some are better than other and some are worse." Sj't Ilowell entered the service. In August, 194H, one year after leaving North Carolina State College. Raleigh. lie was inducted ill Camp ('roll, and was sent overseas in November, 1944. He was stationed in England- and it was on his 24th mission over enemy territory that his plane a U-24 Liberator -was shot down over Germany. He was serving as an engineer of the crew and they had dropped their bombs and started back to their base in England when the Jerries shot at them. The pilot was killed out right and two others seriously wounded. Sgt. Howell with the others bailed out and as they landed the Germans were watching and waiting. "We ran about a mile, trying to make the woods, belore tliev caught us." he explained. "But I was prepared to live at least two weeks on concentrated chocolates emergency bars." "We did not make the woods, for the Germans overtook us and we were captured, lt is not a good feeling, hut there is nothing to be (tone about it at the time, but wait and hope for the best. We were joined bv 2f or 3d other prisoners and taken to Oldenburg where we spent the night, and the next day sent .to Frankt'ord. Other prisoners were added to our group as we .-made our way to Frankford and later to a camp near Vienna. We had a four days ride in box ears, crowded and hungry like all the other prisoners of war were lvandled. One thing I want to tell you is that the Blue Danube is not so blue, as you may have been told, it is just a dirty, river." he said with a smile anil some disappointment. 't 1 iien the arrival at the permanent camp near Vienna, which pioved to be a dirty, filthy hole with mora '-than 4.000 American prisoners and the fear continually that in the -bombing of Vienna the camp would be struck. There were 100 in Sgt. Howell's barracks and the food was the regulation POW chow, lt made us ashamed of ourseKes. when he told us that for breakfast; they had a cup of hot water when we here in America at that' time were ready to gripe if we had to do without! bacon and our pr butter. Then lor re-war portion of Time was orw&hing you had plentv r dinner a bowl s. .... oi. we mra' a cnapiain in our crew. He had served through the African campaign, so he knew what it was all about. He was a Catholic, but hold Protestant services -in bwr American section. We also, had three camp doctors Rev. frank Leatherwaod "1 think it is legitimate touse." Guy Massie "I was in favor of using it on the Japs, but i is a terrible thing to think about what it might do when the war is over." Miss S. A. Jones "It is abso lutely inconceivable to realize the horrors il will bring, and also the advantages to mankind, if harness ed. There is so much more to lt than its use for war. If developed it could do so much that many jobs would be eliminated and might oiler undreamed of employment problems." Felix Stovall "The question is too big for me to answer." Sain (ueen--"I think it is the greatest invention we have bad to date, anil that It will hasten and 'tccp peace." Dr. Sam Striugfield "My reac tion was that it would bring the war to iv speedy end." Rev. 1.. G. KlllotU-"I can hardly )tit into words. The thing I fear is that if it is not controlled it will be too hard on us all."" and we had good medical attention. "Considering everything the morale of the prisoners was pretty good. 1 always figured that I had a half chance to get out, but I did not try to escape, because I knew they would shoot me. I tried to content myself and make the most of the situation. Last sum mer I even got a wonderful sun tan and I know that the sunshine wa; good for me," he commented. "My first letter came in October, 1944, some five months after I was put in a camp. I then receiv ed mail regularly until February and after that things were hap pening pretty fast in Europe, as you may recall. After April 8, they started us marching out of camp to get away from the advanc ing Russians who were heading to ward Vienna. We often worried about being killed by our own troops as the city was bombed so much. On the march we slept part of the time in the open, and had very little food. Then the dramatic end came with our lib eration by the Third Army. The German colonel decided that he might as well surrender, for his days were numbered. I wish tha't you could have seen us when an American Captain took over and notified us that we were no longer prisoners of war. It was funny to watch the faces of our guards as the tables were turned and we started disarming them and taking away their supplies." A nice round figure is very helpful the bank. in ! of soup made from potato peel ings, rough grass and weeds and at night another cup of hot water. Then sometimes for dinner the soup would he changed to potatoes. The Sergeant recalls with a wry smile Christmas Day in camp. While we were eating a regular Christmas dinner here in America ' in 1944 the POVV's were given I three small potatoes for their cele bration, but the American boy is hard to outwit, and the POW s had saved their Red Cross parcels for weeks before Christmas and staged a celebration of thj.'ir own with honest to goodness cake. As in all POW camps they were supposed to get a Red Cross parcel once a week, but after a time transporta tion problems began to hold ship ments up. Some Russian prison ers were a few feet away from our barracks and at night, against orders, of course, we would pitch things to them and had a lively bit of trading. An American cig arette could buy anything in Eu rope. 'But we were luckier than most ramps for we had a library of be tween 7,000 and 8.000 volumes, but the lights went off promptly at 9:00 o'clock, so you had to do your reading in the day time, but you certainly had plenty of time. You see the non-commissioned of ficers are nut required to work, so Sgt. Howell arrived in the States in June and was sent to Fort Mc Pherson and when his furlough is up here will go to Miami for re assignment. He is entitled to wear the Good Conduct medal; Euro pean theatre ribbon and one battle star. Arrowhead and Air Medal with three clusters. He takes his months in a German prison camn as part of the penalty of war,- and does not like to dwell on the hor rors of a POW. He is looking to the future to picking up life where it- was interrupted and building a new one with greater appreciation for his country for which he fought and suffered. THE OLfrHQME TOWN By STANLEY j WHERE s 1 THE.MULE H" -me one r r J BACK AC FOl-s - "CP CrV BDG.e WWO GOT, You may think you can beat your conscience, but you cant! Silly people still fool themselve; with the idea that then- conduct is their personal business. Tiny think -they can ignore the lav.s ol mil get away with it. Their number is increasing. There are thise who say that Wf you can club your conscience into insensibility, that bv c o n I i nuaih disregarding i t t .. ., f won't bear it. II anyone living can Drove that them v cert a i n 1 y Ger many's war lead ers ought to be able to do so. plunging wa-. I:" co(1 l)r Ol II;,. iWccn slant ! "I an, A -l1itfS, j . A f t e the world into the holocaust of war, committing thousands ol in nocent victims to torture, sadism brutality and death, they certain ly ought to be burdened to it. But what is the evidence1' The headlines read, "Captured German Leaders Cracking Up As They Await Trial For War Crimes." Long ago Shakespeare wrote. "Conscience doth make cowards of us all." Nazidom's supposed "iron men" are "breaking morally and physically." Swashbuckling Hermann Cod ing who directed the London blitz, and the ruthless and unprovoked bombing of Rotterdam, is in ab ject fear of death. He recently had a heart attack as a result of a thunderstorm. A vial of poison ; -" ' I 'lit il,!' 1 inor.-i!!- i, ' v-'t. in II ill: 1 ' , , l i Mo, ni,, , i ,' ;, ' Slrt-i, l , i; , .' ' ; '""V -r. " 1 " Sl""' : -I ed ami , . ,', '" ,, , " I low, ,i i ',' ' ;'" " '" i s., , , r,r: I'',-, i aSM'.laiil ;. ,. , " he p. i-.. i. , " j';-"1"1 "':'. .'.. - I I.1. "l Slll'llll 'l ;V"""'"- Wit hill i . . , , 1 ',''l I.,-,,'"!'' iniilf'e i : : ,,,,, possibi- i, , .',7,..; J:: ali e ii'ii . ., ''''' '"-I -7 ll'IISIM- li, i ,,, . , 1 1 il,.-, I,;""; lean,,-,! I,c . , Whal IM..K," ,: ,1,,,, '' '" ' - (1,1! IS pea, ' i 1 1 1 i 1 - ' !, '"'I ' I" -- ..' ,(. :',,,:, Sp.iie l, ,(.,. ; ,., , in w!,l, - ,,., 1!ls t ;i 1,11 " i ta eh.P". '1,1:, ';. , YOU'RE TELLING By WILLIAM RtTT Central Pi ess Wiii-r THE U. S. ARMY'S "This Is the Army" show has earned $10,000,000 profit for the serv ice's relief fund. That other show the one Uncle Sam is putting on in the air above Japan is an even bigger knockout. ! ! ! Canned sandwiches are a post war promise. However, the pic nic ant. no doubt, will develop the ability to bore through tin. how a f. I! port. ,11 libi two v. ' , 'letj-stetln '. infill :j vaca'.ion. Tlut sfi:.,n, "Food W trapon," nn(:v Hue It relative who ow:n i M certainly consols the sir J i i i A reader wants to know fact that President Trunin best piano player offlOM Biq Three shouldn't mart the conference's key n 'il 'a a k 'Bh a ak aj A VflntUnbera DilDellinq GOP I Schwellenbach Avoidil Opposition fo U.'n." Charter' Over Proposed lobar Special to Central Press WASHINGTON Diplomatic: observers credit Senator Ai .Vandenberg (R) Mich., with dissipating much of the poter.M. publican opposition to the United Nations ( barter. When the late President Roosevelt asked Vand.-nberg to I delegate to San Francisco, many felt that the Umf executive put over another masterful political coup ' The Michigan Republican's activity in charting' the L' S o ......... . . .. ii ... i l r ni , Denea mis. wun lormer i.nv nu" i - i Minnesota Republican. VamknUrg showed the nation's international r,,! l:,uiJ k bi-partisan basis. .When Vandenberg returned tu VVashitigtoij reitfTAteri fnreefiillv his suutiuit "f trie m Some thought his speech ou-ishaJowd tt peal made by Senator Thomj CVnnally Texas., foreitrn relations committee chain Observers also noted that Van.IrtiUrgsplH fore the Detroit Economic i !ub a'u s'.im as a determined, ardent sui r','r"'r of A&' particlnation in post-war i:itrtnjRs! u The twn sneerhes not onlV stated unequal Vandenberg's reasons for a,l!i, n-nu '.Vii pated opposition argunifi ts an I Kno-lt down. Senator Vandenbarg LABOR SECRETARY LEWIS SCHWEI-IXNMACH a M clear of the controversy provoked by the pe ; ' " ' Industrial Labor Relations act, introduced by -n.-iturs JP IP) uir,n . Un a r,. ,r ni,,n on.l i',d Hituhi"1' Thp rnhlnot mpmlwr envo Via la ryrtt pvetl t'-'lH' t' rt'lk' Until h .Amntata MArffnnio,inn f hla I Ip, , t . 1 Sen Ijslpr Hill ,ni Ala r,thr mpmher of t!.' Ciffii J that sponsored the resolution urging U S I' !rl'' '''tlu"alj cooperation for peace, was requested by his tlir. - ci!!rat'J In sponsoring the labor legislation but refuse ! , Hill received strong support" from labor m his c' Sen. James Fulbrlght (D), Ark., also was a-i - ! u P--- 1 on me oor Din out aeennea. a storm oi : ; hs arisen in labor ranks. MANY HIGH-RANKING DESK-BOUND iFFirERs n th not f.-r re, ;-j!ir ft ! ,r,..;'-y Department and at Pacific flet headquarters are biting their nails about tow to get to s - ends. There were plenty of disappointments an.e list when 29 admirals were shifted recently Few civilians understand how important it i officers to get commands afloat. It might be '.! ' low and high rank after the war. because s ' preference to those with sea records. That's tough on the men who are consul--' planning posts ashore. There are several such Fleet Adms. Chester W. Nimitz and Ernest J Kin? jj One such admiral who finally got a break-nJ uf Mj( d vice Anm. jonn Towers, the Navy's no. i aim ',u j nlfi l.llt SU'-ll"111 -viw jmuo in wasningiun unu ine Era."'- it-rsia- ocwniu run i ibsk iorce rrom vice-ftuiu. y Because of the unprecedented wartime expa."-su there will be plenty of postwar competition for t I1 c' Beet and other activities are cut down to peacetime r.eo- THE DUKE OF WINDSOR, former king of England lor American-made pipes inH ASKed if he has other smokers' troubles aooui ting good English pipes during the war. the c! ike I launched into a discussion of American pipes, label- tog some of them excellent. He particularly like aome made in mun ihnn in kti vnrk Citv. v. u Reminded that several well-known English fii:s VLvA luroea oy his endorsement of American piF65 na conceded: jThat might be right!".

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